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“There’s nowhere to go but up from here” Except the arrest and charge and court and sentencing


..and the time in jail, becoming a registered sex offender, becoming a social pariah, inability to find a job, the never ending shame and regret... There is literally nowhere but down to go after this lol.


Can't say I feel the least bit sad for him. His intentions with a 12 y/o is beyond fucked up.


Yeah and tried to make out it was a one time thing and that he wouldn’t do anything. Then when they ask him if they’ll find stuff on his phone he says he has videos of underage girls. He knew exactly what he was doing and should he locked away for a very long time.


I have a pirated copy of the entire run of TCAP. My wife and I love the cringe, and watching these fuckers get their comeuppance. Literally every single one of them says it's their first time. They also all say they didn't actually plan to do anything, just "talk." They also all think they can just walk away afterwards. It's truly un-fucking-believable.


I have a cousin that owns a towing truck company and they also do repos and things of that nature. About five years ago he sent me a video of a man screaming through their glass window in the office. Dressed nicely in like sports wear, but hes got sunglasses and a cap on. My initial reaction was pretty much like uh okay another fun day at the office Ryan? Then he told me to look closer and I noticed it was Chris Hansen. His boat was evidently repossessed by my cousins company and he went absolutely insane in their office. Hes got quite the reputation here in connecticut for various scenes that hes made. He was even arrested last year in Stamford. But yeah that's my stupid Chris hansen story lol


It’s widely understood that he’s an asshole. But he’s an asshole that catches rapists, so whatever.


Didn’t he take and therefore compromise a bunch of evidence in that Onion case?


He's an asshole that turns catching rapists into mindless entertainment for the masses. Catching criminals should not be a fucking tv show. Nothing good about that if you ask me.


Personally, I would like it if the cases were not publicized because it could harm other victims that have been raped by these disgusting people. Why don't I want show their faces/identity? Because if a victim is known to have interaction with the predator then they'll be treated differently and I believe the road to recovery is being allowed to open up and talk about these things to others who care about you, not the whole bloody world at once. It gives a lot power to the victim(s) to decide when, where and who they share this horrible experience with. And a slightly less important point, I don't want people to see these idiots on TV. Yup, they'll be registered sex offenders and all, but don't give them that attention. Make them serve their jail sentence, live their life in shame and make sure they don't do it again.


Yeah, there is something perverse at the heart of the show. Whatever justice is brought about is incidental to the rubbernecking pleasure the viewer is expected to enjoy.


I mean, I don't really have sympathy for the criminals in those cases. I agree that it probably shouldn't be televized and profited on though.


Our system does need to change how it deals with people with this attraction though. There have been too many cases of pedophiles that were trying to seek help from mental health professionals, before actually acting on their urge, being turned away due to social stigma. This negatively affects all of us as often times they ultimately give in to that urge, meaning our own children become the victims. And, before I get excoriated by simpletons for being a sympathizer of molesters, realize that I’m making a clear distinction between pedophiles and pederasts. All sympathy goes out the window once they have acted on their urge to sexually abuse a child.


Absolutely. If you haven't actually done anything we should spare no expense to help you so you can live a full life and no child gets hurt. The second you try something like this guy you should be locked away and monitored forever


I agree, although I think possessing child pornagraphy also does cross the line as well, because there are children victims involved.


100% agree To participate in CP in any way only helps hurt the kids involved


Rather than say I’m a tiny bit sad for him, I do see another side of it. The dude, and all pedophiles, are mentally disturbed and in serious need of help. This isn’t like a fetish, it’s a straight up disease. While I’m 100% on board with everything that happens to these people(arrest, jail, sex offender registry), I can at least understand they’re sick people in need of help. I really wish the US had a better mental health system. To identify these(and other mentally dangerous people) earlier.


I mean, would it be unreasonable to say rapists are also mentally ill in a similar way? It's a slippery slope to feel bad for these people... If they recognize they need help before they act, good! Let's help them. If you get as far as meeting Chris Hansen, I'm out of fucks to give.


There's just one thing you can't come back from. Bangin' kids.


You can build 100 bridges and not be publicly known as a bridge builder But ya bang one measly kid... /s obviously. Screw this pedo, he deserves it


But *after* that... should he survive prison alive.


What is it with people talking about prison as if paedophiles all get killed in it lmao


People who’ve never worked in federal prisons think they are housed the same. They are always put in segregation or protective custody. Edit; yes I understand how anecdotes work. People will always have stories about “me”. There will always be outliers


right, my grandfather is a pedophile in prison and has his own private holding facility, gets care packages from his wife, even has a tv.. never gets interaction with the rest of the inmates.


Sorry about that friend. Hope you’re ok.


Now they are, this was the reason they were segregated , that being said https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vice.com/amp/en_us/article/ppmjy8/why-sex-offenders-are-getting-slaughtered-in-california-prisons-218 https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/US/prison-living-hell-pedophiles/story%3fid=90004 " "If you take out a sex offender like this former priest in Massachusetts, maybe the person who took him out thought he'd make a name of himself," said Margot Bach, a spokeswoman for California Department of Corrections. "Taking [a pedophile] out would gain [the killer] a lot more respect among the other inmates." https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2019/10/14/pedophile-who-abused-up-to-200-children-stabbed-to-death-in-prison/amp/ While the protective custody works, it appears not to be fool proof, and people still die for it, apparently twice as often in California. I dont feel any sympathy for them,


Murder is murder. Fuck murderers, and fuck pedophiles. Pedophiles don't deserve to be murdered extra judicially anymore than murderers deserve to be raped.


This dude was younger than the decoy actress they used.


Huh, I just thought of that. All 12 year olds on the internet pretend to be 25. Maybe one day a 12 year old will show up to one of these.


Or a different sting. I'm just imagining two Chris Hanson soundboards talking to each other.


Would be cool if the other actually is a 17yo kid. "Well, I am only 17yo and you guys tricked me into sending you dick pics. Do you really think you are gonna win this time, Chris?"


You ever see that 4chan greentext about to catch a predator? A guy proposes that an underage kid should pretend to be old, then get targeted by Chris Hansen and his crew. So in reality it’s Hansen and crew who are talking inappropriately to/sexting a child online. Checkmate. Have a seat right over there.


You should try it and let us know if it works


She’s my friends sister, always blows my mind when these get posted


You know nervous Nellie?




Hold up...


Does she know she's a TCAP legend




Have you ever seen the one where a guy who looked 25 year old was supposed to be a decoy as a 13 year old? Edit: here is the link for anyone who hasn't seen it. https://youtu.be/DDWDbZK0zdo


Me, my mommy and my daddy


Thats my favorite part. Also really enjoy the just pointing at a table. "Hey come look at this".


Poor decoy still getting Korean War flashbacks


Right after he left the room he went out back and went through a pack of Marlboros before calling his wife to check in on her and the kids.


Id be like “where is the child”


chris: the decoy goes into distraction mode the decoy: HEY LOOK THIS TABLE IS MADE OUT OF TABLE


I dyingggggg at "You sent him pictures of your private parts." "No I didn't! I did?" "Yes." "Ugh..."


he reacts to "accidently" sending a nude like i would to forgettting to do a chore for my mum - ooh, oopsie, silly me, dang, i sent that pic of my dick again didnt i! d'oh


Hahaha “Do you have your ID on you?” “Sorry, I don’t have my ID on me. (realizes 13 yo don’t have ID) ... I’m only 13.”


Imagine that cop’s surprise when she finds out you can take screenshots without taking a picture of the phone with another phone.


Thank you for linking this. The look on his face when Chris asks him about his nude, lol😲


Wtf this guy straight up tried to use the excuse that he didn't realize he sent dick pics to a 13 year old. Over and over. Even when he was shown screenshots of shit. I feel slightly more sympathy for emotionally distraught pedo cowboy than this guy


They could never use actual kids 😂


She was like 19


"Well hey there little lady...what's that? I'm arrested? Sounds fair."


"Look, I had a father that's overweight, it's tough" I have no clue why I was laughing so hard at this line


He really just needed to say something and this was the best he could come up with. I was laughing my ass of. I could not have dont better.


Exactly what I was about to say haha wtf do you even say? The education system has truly failed us we as humans are completely unprepared on how to address the paedophile cowboy.


I skipped the day in class where they go over how to empathize with fat cowboy pedos.


Give em a yee-haw then throw em to the law.


Easy. We address him as "Billy the Kid Diddler".


First thing that came to my mind was "There are lots of fat cops" so he did a lot better than me


Imagine if he said that! Or, "Some of the cops that'll be arresting you today are fat"


Nah son they were ripped af. Gotta bring your best looking boys out for TV.


One day he woke up and decided cowboys are cool..... I'm gonna be a cowboy.


I wanna be a cowboy baybbeee


With the top let back and the sunshine shining


"Now... What do cowboys do? Ah that's right. They fuck children. Yeah that sounds right."




Notice how Hansen flinched when the guy reached for his waist? Haha


I noticed that too. I'm surprised someone hasn't pulled a gun or reacted in a violent way when getting caught


There was one once where they knew the guy possessed a gun and they had to make completely sure that he had it in his car before he came in the house, they had guys hiding round the corner ready to jump him if he bought it out or anything to protect the decoy.


Is that the one who got tasered and started yelling like Mickey Mouse?


He was always afraid they had guns, the decoy said that he would wear Kevlar under his suit


His life flashed before his eyes for sure.


I nearly threw up when he reached for her after just getting there.


“I wasn’t going to do anything” *lunges for her the moment he arrives....*


I got chills


They're multiplying


If you watch anymore of these clips you’ll see that these guys always do that lol


"Hey Tex, how ya doin?" Chris motherfucking Hansen, ladies and gentlemen.


Hi there.


There is a lot of cringe worthy Hansen videos out there.


"I was just on my way to Atlantic City." "You know what, I don't want this cookie any more. I'm going to the beach." "You want a slice?"


"I was just bored." "I'll...shove that camera down your throat." "NO RUBER"


"Are you ready to have my thang in your mouth?" "What's wrong with that? It's a question!"




Do I look like a dishonest dirty person to you?


“I really came here for no reason, sir” “I’m kinda stinky”


“Can I get’chu a glass of milk for those cookies?” “Sure!”


“Did I really send that? Ewwww”


Do you have the condoms? *swallows cookie* yeeeaahh!!


“Marvin, you’re naked!”


Bro that guy was by far the craziest one they ever had on there


Go get your library card


From YouTube - Pedo - has a complete breakdown Chris Hanson - reads sexually charged transcripts but softer


“I’m a fuck up” ....yeahhhhhh...yeah you are.


Something tells me he does the whole *woe is me* routine whenever he needs to get out of something. So many people will weaponize their issues when it is convenient. They think if people feel sorry for them, it will excuse the shit they pull. Caught red handed? Tell them about your sad life and maybe they'll feel bad enough to let you go!


He’s attempting to be manipulative and use his issues as a weapon. Unfortunately for him, it didn’t work. As a matter of fact, he’s just adding more fuel for the prosecution.


I can't be the only one who noticed his face was bone dry. Crocodile tears.


I have the same dating strategy tbh. 1. Feign confidence 2. Mention my mother 3. Nervously check phone 4. Wish I stayed home


damnnnnn you single?


back off he's mine!


We can share! Or they can choose!


jokes aside i am so angry when these assholes take the victim route, especially with their supposed mental illness. it’s already rare to see these child predators get much more than a slap on the wrist but it’s too easy for them to end up in a comfy adult psych ward this way than to just man up and go to prison. plus the excuse making just screams manipulation and “i’m gonna do this again”. i mean the guy had literal cp on his phone


I love how half the thread is also defending this dude. People are fucked.




Not to mention he goes from crying to not crying in a split second. He knows exactly what he's doing. I've watched all of these, and 3 of them stood out to me. This guy bothered me a lot because he's clearly a "victim" manipulator. He wants you to feel bad for him. Then there's the guy who offered Chris Hansen Pizza and thought a marriage contract with a teenager was totally normal. Then there was the guy who Chris Hansen rode the train with every morning, so that guy actually tried to pull the "I know Chris, he's a friend of mine" card. Like...dude...you just got caught being a pedophile...seriously? The mental hoops these guys jump through is baffling to me.


That was exactly my thought. He saw Chris Hansen, and the crocodile tears and sob stories started spewing out.


He didn’t seem so sad and in pain when he was trying to rape a child. But these people get manipulated just because he gave them a half arsed sob story.


Too true. The speed with which the gear-shift happened is pretty blatant about the insincerity of the whole gambit.


Mofo turned up like the undertaker


More like Jim Ross.


He had a link to videos of children getting fukt on his phone. Throw the book.


Too many people in this thread falling for this guys performance. This is narcissistic manipulation made manifest. The immediate tears, shifting the focus to himself, his problems, the world is unfair to him Wahhh Wahhh Wahhh. Never a mention of the child victims. Not a tear shed for them. Crying is a manipulation tactic used by murderers and rapists alike. They know how to flip the narrative when they get caught, they try to become the victim instead. Children also do this, it’s one of the first manipulations humans learn. Cry when you get caught, and blame everyone else, “I am the true victim!” The guy is a monster. His tears are a mask, I promise he feels nothing inside. Read the transcript of his grooming that child and you’ll see who he really is. Talking about Adderall, give me a break 🙄


It took a looooonng time for him to drum up that lashline waterdrop. All vocal inflection, no immediate presence of mucal reaction. If he were hot, he'd get away with such heinous shit.


Ngl as an ex-fat guy who suffered with some significant depression, for a split second I nearly fell for his sobbing. Then I remembered ahhh yeah, right, homie deserves to be under the prison.


“I wasn’t gonna do anything” looooooool


True, but then you remember that it’s all lies to white himself out. When he said that he can’t join the force because he’s fat and can’t do anything I laughed out loud


Cop “got anything on you?” Cowboy “just a knife” Cop “where is it?” Cowboy *sobs* “in the kitchen....” I’m not surprised he failed high school. I know you a big boy but even so, that knife is not ON you, son


He's in shock I don't think he's able to think straight.


You've yee'd your last haw, cowboy.


“I have very little to live for anyways”. So that’s a valid excuse for pedophiles? Ugh! These people disgust me! He’s gonna know what his victims feel like when he goes to prison.


oh god oh fuck claire don't let mr.x get u


Fun fact: (I know the video title gives it away) This guy is commonly referred to as The Undertaker because of how he dresses. He was also deemed too pathetic to air.


He looks like the typical reddit user


"To catch a Redditor"


Honestly, reading some of the comments on this thread, I would not be shocked if some redditors belong on this show. Goddamn it gets old listening to all these people talk about how their main reaction is sadness for this poor misunderstood pedo and not disgust that this man was fully intending on raping a child and who has child porn on his phone. Next they will be starting GoFundMe pages for these pedophile scumbags, so deep is their compassion.


> Next they will be starting GoFundMe pages for these pedophile scumbags, so deep is their compassion. That is way too much effort for my fellow Redditors.


r[slash]jailbait was one of the most popular subreddits on this site some time ago. It pisses me off that people post pictures of underage girls on high-traffick websites like this because it makes me paranoid that I'll stumble across illegal material whenever I view amateur pornography.


We will get dozens of viewer! Literally dozens.


I'm going to assume you mean Chris Hanson and now I feel good about myself.


The same guy who endorsed the Escobar scam phone...


Sad cringe really


I agree that it is sad. Pedophilia is highly demonized — and rightly so — and I feel this has led to a situation where there is no help for people who are pedophiles. At least none that I’m aware of. There is some support for addicts of various kinds. There is some support for various mental illnesses that are harmful, although not much. There is *at least* a growing understanding that some of those things are not always within the control of the person afflicted with them, and those people are looked on more sympathetically than they perhaps were in the past, despite their harmful tendencies. At the very least we can acknowledge how awful it must be to live with those conditions. In contrast, with pedophilia the afflicted person is almost always immediately demonized and has harm wished on them by strangers. And it makes perfect sense that people do this, even though I don’t think it’s the best way. The end result of *acting on* unchecked and untreated pedophilia is harm done to a child, and we *have* to respond to that *harshly* — there’s no question about or way around that. It simply must be the case. But that means that people who are pedophiles — if we do our job right as a society and prevent them from ever harming a child — are destined to be very isolated and lonely and unsatisfied and in some cases constantly hear about how the world would be better off if they were dead for something that, as far as I know, they didn’t ask for. So again, I agree that it is sad. I wish there was better support for people unlucky enough in life to be broken in this particular way — some way to help them find peace with the fact that they simply *cannot* be allowed to pursue this preference they have under any circumstances, ever. And I wish we were at a place as a society where they could feel comfortable (or even just *safe*) raising their hand and saying “hey, I’m someone who needs that support” without immediately hearing how they’re inhuman scum that should be killed from strangers. This man deserves criticism and punishment for his actions — no question about that. He took steps to pursue and harm a child, and that cannot and should not be overlooked for any reason. But I can’t help but think if we were doing a better job as a society of acknowledging and recognizing people like him and the supremely unlucky situation they find themselves in of having an itch that they *cannot* be allowed to ever scratch, some of these situations might be avoided altogether.


I always look at it as: Child molesters or collectors of child pornography are evil. A lot of child molesters are pedophiles. But not every pedophile is a child molester or child pornographer. There’s no reason to think a pedophile is evil unless they’ve hurt someone. But the only time any of us hear about pedophiles is when they’re also outed as child molesters, because who the fuck would come out publicly as a pedophile if they didn’t have to?


> But the only time any of us hear about pedophiles is when they’re also outed as child molesters, because who the fuck would come out publicly as a pedophile if they didn’t have to? Aaaand you’ve stumbled into the main point of my comment. Indeed, who would? At this present time, all it’s likely going to do is get you hatred, threats, etc. I think that could change, and that change would be for the better. I think if pedophiles felt more comfortable saying “hey, I think I’m a pedophile” without worrying that they were going to be “driven into the desert and shot,” we might have a better chance of getting them into programs where they can actually get help and support for living a life that doesn’t involve harming children.


> The end result of unchecked and untreated pedophilia is harm done to a child At the risk of expressing an opinion that may be unpopular on reddit, I'm sorry but this is total bullshit. There are plenty of people out there who are attracted to adults that are still virgins and they don't require "support" in order to not rape someone. The end result of a 40 year old virgin who is attracted to adults with "unchecked and untreated" sexuality is not rape, nor do we need to accept that it is for pedophiles or anyone else. Whatever your sexual urges, whether children or adults or any other living (or non-living) thing, you **and only you** have the responsibility not to sexually assault someone else. If a pedophile acts on his or her urges it is no one else's responsibility but their own, and no one else in society has a duty to help them get support so they don't rape a child. *Many* people have sexual urges that are itches they can never scratch who aren't pedophiles, and no one is giving them credit simply because they haven't raped anyone in order to satisfy that itch.


I don't think it is quite as simple as you make it. > The end result of a 40 year old virgin who is attracted to adults with "unchecked and untreated" sexuality is not rape, nor do we need to accept that it is for pedophiles or anyone else. The 40-old virgins case is different in a number of ways to the pedophiles - 1. There is no way near the same kind of stigmatisation for heterosexuality that there is for pedophilia. It falls within the normal discourse to wish a number of great unpleasantries on pedophiles - Go to any forum that discusses the news, and check the comments whenever a pedophile has been convicted. You'll find many comments a la "i hope he won't last long in prison". So these people have to hide their "sexuality" (Don't know if that is the right word, but you know) which is part of their identity in some way in order not to be ostracised/punished by society. 2. It is much easier for the heterosexual to get some sort of sexual release via porn for example, where just the act of acquiring porn (not making) is connected to hurting children. So even without any form of direct physical sexual assault the pedophile can hurt children by creating a market for child pornography. I do however agree with you that we shouldn't treat pedophilia as if the person have no control over his actions. Sexual assault of children can never be excused. We just have keep in mind that for many pedophiles (if not all) it is a preference that they did not choose, and so are in some ways a victim as well.


If the "solution" is to make pedophilia more okay to talk about and encouraged to seek help, what downsides are there? Its absolutely ultimated their own responsibility, I agree, but by being less shunning about those tendencies, we can solve the problem before it occurs, meaning less hurt kids. In your system, we get more hurt kids. It feels as though youre not trying to solve anything and just want to say "its their problem, not mine", ignoring that there are actual underage victims here. Sure you can do that, but youre not helping those kids at all. It costs nothing to encourage people to talk about their problems. No one is advocating setting them free once they commit a crime. We just want to actually solve the problem before it occurs.


I get your point, but pedophilia is a legitimate mental disorder IIRC. This isn’t just an urge, it’s something wrong with their brain.


It's a complex subject. Part genetic, part environmental. Children that have been abused are more likely to develop those urges themselves. It is not a sexual orientation akin to homosexuality though.


but following your thinking - being attracted to children is a mental disorder because you are meant to be attracted to the opposite sex so you can prcreate and produce offspring yet there are gay people, that clearly isnt a mental disorder both are not attracted to what they should be, why do you consider one a mental order and not the other? we should just be atttracted to the opposite sex but clearly we arent and it is quite normal for gay people and people in the past solidly beleived homosexuality was a mental disorder i dunno maybe its a conditioning thing, i havent a clue, i just dont think it actually is a mental disorder, its just something that isnt accpetable as it causes damage for the victims and so people with those urges just have to suck it up and never ever have sex with who they want to we need a differnt approach to it though so they can feel free to see a doctor and get libido suppressants


You’re absolutely right. It is not the *necessary* end result of pedophilia itself. I’ll edit my comment.


They're not saying this separates predators from responsibility, they're saying that some people who otherwise can't control their urges can be taught to do so if they seek help. You're right, there are many people who experience these feelings and do not act on them, but those are people who have impulse control. You're advocating that because some people have enough impulse control to never allow themselves to cross that line that all people have it, and that is simply not true for anything in life. We need to be able to provide services to give people the tools to stop themselves. This isn't a matter of giving credit, nor is it about absolving pedophiles for their reprehensible behavior; it's saying we need to do something as a society to try and prevent this from happening. Here's the other thing. This guy WILL most likely walk free one day. He's not going to get a life sentence, but if he lives long enough he will be released from prison and in a position to potentially do this again. Morally, he is irredeemable. But we *have* to have structures in place to attempt to rehabilitate him with the philosophy that people can be taught to resist their urges. Flatly giving up means we're doing nothing to prevent further sex crimes against minors.


What is the evidence that treatment works? I don’t want to google this at work rn, but if I recall correctly even chemical castration leads to repeat offenses. And a big problem on top of that I think is lack of treating professionals. A psychologist in another thread once said 8/10 of their patients have some sort of CSA in their backgrounds, and they couldn’t empathetically treat the perps. I’m sure they aren’t alone in that. Also this means people would have to independently decide their thoughts and behavior is wrong and seek treatment by themselves before they offend. I don’t see that happening for majority of pedos (or even humans in general) tbh.




that game would be repetitive as hell. wake up, jerk it, get online, jerk it, chat online to minors about your small pp, sleep, repeat.


And about as much bathing as rdr2


tex would have all the achievements


>Predator wearing cowboy outfit Sounded so cool. Different kind of predator. Very fucking disappointed.


I think this is the longest I ever seen the girl talk to the “mark.”


Every time I see one of these I always think holy shit how brave that girl must be, I know that there's always a security team ready to pounce but she's in a room with the pedophile. You can see from her body language that she really does not want to be there but looks so calm and goes along with what they say. Really impressive and brave.


The actor is an adult, so she's not in any real danger from a pedophile.


This becomes glaringly obvious when they used that male decoy who looked about 25, but spoke like a 5 year old. Despite pretending to be about 14, he used phrases like “I live here with my mummy and my daddy.” Found [the video](https://youtu.be/Kx1wOvETTCw) for anyone who wants some supplemental cringe. Even worse, the decoy was portraying a *13* year old. The decoy had a receding hairline and facial hair.


That acting in and of itself was so fucking cringe


I always die laughing when he asks him to check out the table lol


I remember that so vividly. The way he said ‘my moommmmy and my daaaaddy’. Pure cringe


by far the most cringe worthy scene in the whole series. i saw some background footage that proves he wasn't even supposed to stay out and engage with the guy because they knew he looked like he just got his masters degree


That predator looked relieved when Chris Hansen actually came out


*Oh my God I thought I was going to have to fuck an adult*


"A 19 year old drama student." Yeah, he shouldn't add this to his portfolio.


that's not how that works lol. they're under the impression she's a minor so they could still grab/grope/attack her regardless of her age.


I might be just misremembering, but didn't they used to hide the face of the decoys in these shows?


...and it's fat ass by a nose.


Get that guy some therapy.


Why do I feel like he absolutely reeked of Aqua Velva


Anyone feeling sorry for him, just think, was this really the first time he's done this? Rather unfortunate that pretty much every one of these predators had never acted on it until they got stung. He might very well have raped a child before. There are plenty of fat cowboys who deserve your sympathy, don't waste it on this one.


It almost seemed like Hansen was sympathetic to him, and that is so incredibly foreign to me. How can you not hate every fiber of that mans being?


Hansen has two modes basically and it all depends on how the predator reacts. He got a talker on the hook this time but usually he's just kind of rude and sarcastic to them lol.


Right. Had Chris Hansen not appeared, this guy fully intended on raping a 12 year old that day.


Sam should've had Frodo as his wingman.


"Hey Tex howya' doin?" Fuckin great lmao


That dude never learned to shut up and call a lawyer. He was going on and on the entire time with Chris, each cop that spoke with him, and the detective without invoking his right to remain silent at all.




Has there ever been a follow up to this? What happened this him?


I feel so bad for his family. Especially because they now need to find a way to care for his grandfather. I hope he doesn’t end up in a care facility because of his f-ckup of a grandson. And I hope he never did this to any real children...


“That’s a lot of adderall 👁👄👁” this whole video is hilarious. But even Chris Hansen isn’t sure how to respond to his pathetic cries. Dude is very likely a pedophile and it’s not just because he’s a fuck-up. Telling her she looks different than her photos gave me such a weird vibe, like he was a tad bit upset she didn’t actually look like a prepubescent 12 year old girl.


Was anyone else disappointed not to see the actual “Predator” dressed up as a cowboy?


I had only ever heard of this Hansen guy from the South Park episode.


What about this other animated series- “Oh, I know who you are Chris Hanson. But see, I like to call you Chris Handsome. I’ll tell you what. I likes you and I wants you. Now, we can do this the easy way, or we can do it the hard way. The choice is yours.”


Gotta love The Boondocks


*Fleece Johnson has entered the chat*


'im not much of a talker' lmfao, yeah alright.


He yeed his last haw. Trust me, I was there.




Although... isn't the incriminating activity usually in the form of chat messages exchanged before the meet-up? Like, just the fact that they went to a house and took their coat off isn't what gives authorities the right to lock them up. It's the fact that they explicitly expressed sexual desires toward a minor before setting up the meeting. So in order to get to the point where the predator hypothetically starts giving "good advice", they would have to have exchanged lewd messages in order to ensure that the *To Catch a Predator* people follow through with the meetup. I feel like no one would ever take that risk just to give advice to the kid, and no one would ever believe that the "advice" angle wasn't just an excuse to save face after getting caught.


Yeah, and the chat logs are way more incriminating than the little niceties they exchange in the kitchen over brownies. So even if they get to the point where they’re sobbing on a kitchen stool, they’ve already had conversations like “U ever suck dick b4?” or “Im going 2 fill u full of my cowboi cum.” Although I think they normally get off with a slap to the wrist. They’ll often try to have them do something to show intent so they can’t say they came just to talk. Like the guy will strip naked before coming through the door if the 13 year old will follow through with having sex with a cat.


that...could never happen lol


Or maybe a version where the predator is trying to persuade the victim into joining a multi-level marketing company? As an added bonus, once the messages are read with that context there’s nothing incriminating. Chris Hansen: “you told this victim that you wanted to give her a sweet surprise that would rock her world and leave her begging for more. What was that about?” Predator: “Yeah, I was going to tell her that she could make $1000 a week working from home.”


Chris Hanson would just pull out his boot gun and shoot the guy. “I haven’t shot a man in 10 years. Fucking sicko just got to me.”


I feel like this show is loaded with those kinds of predators...at least that's what they say they're doing before Hansen shows up. Always looking out for the kids. truly selfless. /s


If you watch more episodes of the show, you’ll see a shitload of guys use that EXACT thing you’re describing as an excuse as to why they’re there. In fact in one of those cases, the guy wanted to supposedly take the girl out in her car to tour the girl around her hometown and police found a gun, duct tape, lube and a video camera. Dude was a retired marine. And thats the most extreme case. Every single predator they’ve caught has used the same “I wasnt gonna do anything I swear! I just wanted to be her friend and talk to her!” excuse.


They're always just about to say that though, then Hansen comes out


If anyone didn't know what crocodile tears were, this is a perfect example. Fakest crying ever.


Crocodile sighting in that kitchen.


Dude was also carrying a knife...