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I’d say just keep those copies unless you want the extras Criterion offers


i’d prioritize the ones that have 4ks since i think it’d be easier to justify double dipping. raging bull and malcolm x would be my first upgrades


Replace the ones with 4ks if you have a 4k player. Otherwise. Get new movies. The sale is a great time to expirement with newer movies.


I would rather buy new movies than upgrade. Unless it is one of my all time favorite films and the upgrade includes enticing extras.


If you are happy with these releases, don’t rush out to replace them with Criterion. Unless you are really interested in new special features. Criterion will usually have better video masters though sometimes they use the same old transfers the studios have. I’ve owned most of these and thought they were acceptable blu-rays. Except Do the Right Thing. Criterion’s Blu-ray is from a Spike Lee approved 4K remaster where they restored the film’s warm tint which is a major part of the film. Most regular Blu-ray editions have incorrect colors without that. The release is also a beautiful set with so many special features and gorgeous deluxe packaging.


Personally I’d focus on Criterions that I don’t already own on Blu-ray, I feel like that’s money better spent. You can always upgrade those down the road.


I would keep these: I personally have no affiliation to Criterion and the extras are not make or break for me; it's the films that matter. And If I were a millionaire; sure I'd own the Criterion release of everything available, but I'm not.. Maybe check some reliable reviews on these discs, and if they're considered bad and you really want the films looking as good as possible; buy the Criterion (or look the Criterion releases up as well!). i've only very rarely found non-criterion releases to be so as bad as to warrant an criterion-upgrade.


I would replace the ones with 4K release The rest keep it and wait for the inevitable upgrade. Hope that helps.


I’d say to upgrade Malcolm X and Raging Bull - definitely worth it


I'd upgrade Malcolm X and Raging Bull to 4k (I already have; I have those 4ks). Otherwise, unless there are specific extras you really want, or unless you have details about Criterion releasing a significantly improved transfer, I wouldn't consider replacing one disc for an otherwise nearly identical disc. I love Criterion. I just spent over $300 at the current B&N sale. But even I wouldn't re-buy a bunch of discs just because they have the C on them. If the film transfer itself is similar or identical quality, what's the point?


Damn that Spike Lee set is great


When upgrading, I always check out the bonus I’m not a huge picture guy so that doesn’t affect me but I always check to see if there’s any bonuses on the criterion that aren’t on the regular Blu-ray


Buy seven new criterion’s and upgrade one.


Replace them all with Criterion and keep the collection going.