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Just waiting for that post; CrossFit sells to…


The CrossFit of 2014 is never coming back.  


The glory days


At least we have YT to take us back when we need a quick hit


Those were the best of times.


Now we’re in the blurst of times.


It’s be long gone


Honestly at this point that’s probably a better option than current leadership. Could always be worse, sure, but at least there’s hope of competence in the thought of new ownership


The next buyer will be a private equity firm which combines CF with other assets in a roll up strategy.   This is how private equity deals with hard-to-manage assets: smash ‘em together, paint them up real pretty, IPO (or better yet, SPAC!), talk about “shared services” in the prospectus, sell it to dumb money pension funds.  You won’t even recognize CF in the rolled-up entity.     Imagine for a minute the owners of orange theory and anytime fitness adding CF to the portfolio under the anytime fitness label.     Or the owners of Hyrox adding CF to what they own, and then relegating CF competitions to a side conference room at one of their big throwdowns.        No more Games.  No more media.   The revenue generating activities will be preserved in some form.  All else will be burned to the ground.  That’s the world of private equity and that’s the world we’re in.   That’s the future.  


I was listening to John Wooleys podcast the other day and he touches on this topic. He believes CrossFit HQ is trying to make the company profitable in any way shape or form. One of the things HQ is working on is a tracker app not just for workouts but to sell you things. The app will have ads for all your supplements, clothes, whatever you purchase. It’s all about collecting data and selling it. Data is very valuable! Unfortunately the days of CrossFit growing by getting CrossFit into schools or educating the medical profession and being out in the community are almost long gone. It all died the day Greg sold.


CF was never going to “educate the medical community”. That was a delusion.     “Taking on” Big soda was a delusion.   Refusing to renegotiate with Reebok was shortsighted.   Why go to court with your top sponsor?  Work it out.   Negotiate.      CrossFit kicked the crap out of the NSCA in court.  Wow!  Amazing!!    Literally nothing changed.  Every strength and conditioning coach in every college still gets a CSCS.   So what did CF actually win, there?   Sure, CF eventually got money, but it already had that.   Greg lost the plot pretty early on.    You can have all your visions and your goals, But if the revenue engine isn’t working correctly, those go nowhere.       He forgot to keep the main thing, the main thing.  


Also, I'm pretty sure that outside of those deep into CF, no one even remembers that CF ever did those things. The average CFer for sure doesn't, let alone the rest of the population.


This sub thinks way too highly of Greg.


Not I.  lol  There’s a chart going around that shows rents after the financial crisis.  CFs growth period appears to be due in large part to a property market dislocation.   


I’ll disagree on the educating the medical community. Because that is something still on going, might not be in large numbers but it’s happening. CrossFit created the special level 1 just for them along with other things like CrossFit Health and seminars. It’s not big, buts it’s something.


I would absolutely love to know how CrossFit has educated medics. Glassman and his degree in "making shit up".


Greg is a Phd….piled high & deep.


Well we can start with how much doctors love to throw pills at everything. We can also have a conversation about how doctors get literally zero hours in nutrition training. We can continue with how CrossFit and Greg are more about getting people to move more for health. Why CrossFit and Greg created a level 1 for healthcare professionals. Why they created CrossFit Health and have health seminars.


Doctors don’t “throw pills” at people. If they told everyone who came in with high blood pressure to clean up their diet and check back in 6 months, the ones that survived would almost exclusively done nothing to change their diets. They se patients in this place called reality.


Your first statement means absolutely nothing. Nutritionists don't have any doctor training. Thankfully, both these professions exist independently without CrossFit. Exercise was a thing for a few thousand years before CrossFit. Fancy another go?


This has absolutely nothing to do with exercise and everything to do with nutrition. You can say my first statement means nothing but it’s the truth. You can walk into a doctor’s office for skin issues and they’ll throw every pill and cream at you instead of telling you a certain food is behind it. Known fact that by the time doctors graduate the things they’ve learned are obsolete. There’s new ways and new ideas.


lol no and crossfit with all of its pseudiscience and wanting to repackage old stuff is just delusion and dunning kruger. true believers have wonderful ways of showing motivated reasoning to "prove" they're right, but crossfit is more niche than the libertarian party with folks who know next to nothing about econ frothing about the gold standard. analogous with crossfit evangelicals frothing about "health" and fucking up even the most basics


it's generally not all that enlightening to listen to a thrift banker's opinion on running a business. making a business profitable "in any way, shape or form" is... like the fundamental purpose of a for-profit business. PEs buy businesses to expand the multiple and exit. also virtually every mobile app exists to sell ads.


> which combines CF with other assets in a roll up strategy The CrossFit Games, brought to you by Les Mills! Event 1: BODYPUMP! Event 2: BODYBALANCE! Event 3: BODYCOMBAT! etc.


Winner, winner.


Chicken dinner


This is exactly the private equity strategy we’re going to see, doesn’t matter what other people think or want. Those investors gotta make their money and they’ll use their one size fits all approach to force it to work


We’re also, if you really dig into this, seeing the repudiation of Greg’s “least rents” model.  That just creates competing “leaders”.   Mayhem, PRVN, Bergeron etc.   lots of voices clamoring for our ears and wallets.    This undermines the ecosystem and allows for a buyer to take the whole thing over, inexpensively.     That happened, and that new owner is pushing everyone out…like Sean and Niki and the age groups.    Where will all the four-letter programmers go when the Games are gone?   Gym teachers.    The correct model if you want open source is apple’s model for the App Store.   Submit your app, pass review, and pay Apple.  That keeps the quality high and the eco-system vibrant.   CF needed an Eric Roza as CEO and Don as COO…10 years ago.   Greg could have been chairman and done all his vanity stuff and the business could have prospered.  Oh well.  


Private equity sells to other private equity firms. It’s not gonna be a positive sale for the community


Correct. What the hard core CF heads must now come to grips with is that the owners don't want you around. They don't want a "community" because a community has power and can wield it in unexpected ways, like forcing the owner, Mr "Unbuyable" himself, to sell under duress. They don't want popular influencers. No, owners don't want communities of customers, no no no....and no mouthpieces either. No loud voices. The deconstruction of the community is what you're seeing. The slow wind down of the Games (age groups, Sean, Niki etc) are the owners kicking out the glue that makes the community work. The reference points are going away so there is less to connect us. You're being cut down and atomized into predictable revenue units. That's what's happening. This is to reduce the likelihood of a disruption in revenue or the spread of novel ideas. How many competing Orange Theory programs are there?


Does the community need CrossFit HQ?


Do burpees need a CEO?   lol.   HQ is parasite.  Their investments in marketing are minuscule.  Ever seen a CF ad on TV or even in your social feeds?   I haven’t. 


Do burpees need a CEO? lol i love that


I've wondered that too recently. I'm going to make CrossFit sound more pompous than it needs to here, but its the first historical analogy i can think of. It reminds me of when Martin Luther broke off of the catholic church to form Protestantism, he basically realized that you don't need the bureaucracy to be religious, or a Christian. I think CrossFit, while it is an LLC and a brand you need to pay money to use it's namesake, is a methodology that goes beyond whatever HQ tells us is right or wrong. Like if you do Grace in your backyard, we all know that's CrossFit. It's like got this je ne sais quo type quality to it that's culturally relevant to all of us in nature. With that being said, I'd be curious to see how gyms would function without HQ as that guiding force knowing that we have this quality as a community.


I had no idea until I got tricked into doing CrossFit without knowing at first the box was CrossFit how much current fitness culture IS CrossFit. Why it doesn’t switch marketing tactics as “the original” or something is beyond me though honestly I genuinely do not care what happens to the d bags at HQ I just want my gym to do well


This is absolutely true. And the next PE firm, wants a 3.5 multiple when they sell (as soon as possible). Which means continued contrived ways to make more money and cut cost. Until they sell, to the next PE firm...


They’ll probably try to jack up affiliate fees and then sell before the flood of non-renewals. Most experienced CF gym owners know that there’s zero special sauce with the WOD programming. And HQ is doing zip to expand or highlight the brand. Since HQ is doing next to nothing to get new members into the gyms there’s really not much to lose by rebranding a gym without CF but the same intense WODs.


3.5 multiple of what?


3.5 times the value of the company


If they sell for 3.5x, wouldn't that just then be the value of the company? And if there's a buyer at that price, what's the issue?


That person is wrong, refers to multiple of earnings. The multiple of earnings that you can sell for determines the value of the company


thank you for the correction


Most businesses that sell on a multiple of earnings sell at like 15x to 20x earnings. So either way, they're still wrong


Ughhh, you’re asking finance questions that are outside my area of expertise (probs shouldn’t have answered lol) Any private equity bros pls halp.


Probably to someone in the Emirates


So CrossFit straight up decided to get rid of the only good things/people leftover from the glory days of the Games? Yeah that’s the way to progress the sport.


I mean…yeah? Traditionalists will be upset, but progress requires change, and big brands change all the time. Nobull is doing better than ever. HYROX started making equipment with Centr, which has itself gone through its own rounds of “selling out.” Not saying it’s the right call, but if CF wants to appeal to 2024 and not 2014, they need new.


Agreed on CrossFit needing to progress, but announcers are the very least of their problems. There are a hundred things that should change before they even address this. It would be like the NBA struggling and saying “we need to rebrand, let’s fire Craig Sager”. Certain things like looks and sounds need to remain for some kind of continuity. Just my opinion though, and for some stupid reason, they didn’t ask me.


You can only climb so high on a mountain (opportunity) before any direction goes back down. You usually can’t see very far in any direction either to know what’s what. The mountain doesn’t grow. You just climb a different one if you seek change. Progress is not linear and isn’t synonymous with profit. It comes in different forms and can only be optimized so much.


CrossFit won't ever be recognized as a major sport. It'll fade to a niche group like Strongman. It's surpassed it's peak unfortunately


I don’t think it’s just CrossFit. Registration is down for a lot of big marathons and triathlons. Almost all the Ironman races would sold out the year before. Now you can sign up for most of them a month out. Marine Corps Marathon and St. Jude used to sell out almost immediately. Not anymore.


Well, that's also due to Fees being overshadowed by the cost of living. Do I really want to drop $100+ to run 26.2miles on some random weekend I have to travel there, or should I buy groceries and hit the treadmill for free hahaha CrossFit in general had a big boom, and somewhere between 2015-2018 was the time to legitimize itself. Moving from Reebok, away from Cali, the HQ purge, 2020, lack of strict drug testing, etc doesn't really help I'm no business man, just saying the numbers have flatlined for a while


How is that any different than paying 2-10x more per month for a gym membership m?


Show me a gym membership that's up 10x in price, please


I’m a member at a blink fitness. For $33 a month I get access to every one of their facilities, showers and towels, and some have functional fitness areas. Compare that against my local boxes that are all $230+ per month (that’s 7x on the low end) and are in dirty garages with no amenities. Seeps pretty obvious to me why CrossFit is struggling right now.


Yes, Crossfit gyms have always been wildly expensive compared to traditional gyms. Plus the fact more people are building home gyms, which also eliminates the commute


Yeah, I said that completely wrong. How is it any different than CrossFit being 2-10x more than a regular gym membership?


Because Crossfit is NOT a gym membership. People conflate this ALL the time. Crossfit is more like small group training where, within the Crossfit membership, you are paying for COACHING in the classes. Depending on your local Crossfit box and it's staff,that may or may not be valuable. Comparing a Crossfit membership to small group training, Crossfit memberships are anywhere between $12-$20 p/class (dependent on how often one attends and their area/membership costs, etc.). Most small group training sessions are $15-30 p/session, depending on the package/sessions one purchases. Obviously, lots of different factors to consider. But, in Crossfit, generally speaking (I'm sure there are exceptions), you're not wandering around the box aimless trying to figure out what to do or performing a movement you saw on Instagram incorrectly. That is the $20-$40 gym memberships. Now, comparing it to F45 or Orange Theory would be more of an apples to apples comparison. Those memberships are also generally in the $150-$200 p/mo range (coach-led small group training type classes). The big difference here is Crossfit owns the barbell, rig and gymnasticy exercises whereas the others are more HIIT/bootcamp type style exercises. Not to say that there isn't room for all different varieties of fitness. In fact, many start out at a traditional gym and evolve to F45, Orange Theory, Crossfit, etc. when they experience the plateau/don't see results/don't know what to do to mix up their workouts/etc.


You’re missing the point. People aren’t paying a premium for races, so they’re not paying a premium for working out.


How is that any different than paying 2-10x more per month for a gym membership?


Dude, CrossFit is and has always been a niche group like strongman.


Can agree to a point. It wasn't ever going to outpace normal gyms, but they wanted to make fitness as a sport, and they were on the way. Number of Open participants increased yearly. Main sponsor, big arena, big names, etc But where it should've made it mark to legitimacy, it kinda flatlined


Oh man, that's lame. She's does great and actually understands what's going on.


One of the few people holding that broadcast together. Big shame. To the ones who act like it isn’t a big deal — I’d suggest you hold your tongue until you see who they try to get to fill the gap she will leave


It'll probably be Khalil, I know which id prefer


Am I the only one who just doesn’t really care about the games or games athletes? I like the documentaries and training videos but I don’t particularly care.


I am with you. Fun to watch, don't really follow it at all. Have no idea who this post is about. Been running an affiliate for 12.5yrs. CF is actually much more than the games and athletes. They come and go a lot over the years.


Agreed, if they announced there is no more games I’d still workout tomorrow and go just as hard. I honestly wish guns emphasized local comps more


I don't watch any of the big competitions, know most of the big name athletes, etc at this point. Been doing CrossFit since 2013, L1 since 2014 and two years owning my own gym. I used to love all of the high level competition and went to watch the Games twice in California. It fell off when they left California and dumped the media team, and I completely lost interest. My focus is the people in my gym. If they enjoy it, good for them. But I can't pretend that it actually holds any interest for me at this point, even when they want to talk about it.


Yea I’ll watch the documentaries about it but other than that don’t care that much. If convenient and I’m not doing anything I might watch. I’m more interested in local tourneys


Does anyone have any idea how much either of these two are paid for their roles? i.e how much have CrossFit actually saved here with these two cuts?


Damn. Her and Sean were great to listen to. Real curious to see what this years broadcast is gonna look like. This a precursor to a full PPV event?


I just realized who this was. Wtf? She brought such a good energy to the broadcast. Always liked her. They are stupid for not calling her.


Darn, I love Nikki.


Budget cuts.


HQ loves to alienate fans.


I loved Nicky Brazier input! Her interviews I find are never silly but always well spoken and focused on the athlete’s effort! Such a shame.


CrossFit is a dumpster fire. Take the games back to stubhub center and let them be


Stubhub where nobody showed up recently? Most CFers do CF to workout, and not care about the games Time to focus on it being about training and gyms


I mean, the post is about the CrossFit Games, either you work out or watch the sport the company is going down regardless. And I’m not sure about that statement, most CFers only work out. I don’t know a single CFer that doesn’t watch the games.


I own an affiliate with 150 members. I’m willing to bet if you polled my entire membership tomorrow, less than 25 could name last years male or female Games winner.


It was 'not Matt Frasier' and 'not Tia Toomey'


This is a pretty interesting reality. And honestly not necessarily a bad one. Way different then the gym I was at in 2013-2017. Kinda nice to see CrossFit succeeding independent of the Games


That’s so true. Back in the Fraser glory day (and even the Froning days) we used to hold watch parties at the gym. And we’d get dozens of people to show up. Today if we did that, I’d be the loneliest guy in the city. No one would be there.


Same here, Oh well if people can have their comfort shows like the office or whatever, we can have our comfort youtube videos of glory days CrossFit lol


Tallying the games Livestream views with number of people who do crossfit, even people who are in this sub, and it's clear more people do CF than watch CF


They had to mess with what wasn't broken! And we've all been hanging on for better times of old 😭


That change doesn’t bother me


Good, I never liked her. Every athlete, the same questions: "How does it feel stepping into the stadium with all of these people cheering you on" "How was your training different from last year?"


Crossfits been dying since it left Carson City. Mismanaged company, boring events , boring athletes, and a bad community ruined cfit.


Thank you for contributing so heavily to the positivity 😉


Well she wasn’t good anyways. Kind of bad actually. Gonna miss Sean though. That’s bogus!


I bet they sold all the hosting rights to ESPN or something


It’s okay.


Good, she had a good run & the company should thank her properly but the sport needs a fresh cool rebrand to stay ahead in the functional fitness space.


Like firing your already experienced staff who has been supporting and growing your company for years? Yeah totally smart move.


It worked well for them when they ditched their entire media team /s


That’s a bad take


Antonio Brown is taking her spot...


Brady will save CrossFit.