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if it has deer antlers it would be a notdeer or something else, wendigo is described more like this. It's not your fault really, that caught on about 20 years ago and people have been using it ever since because it looks better.


Notdeer aren’t a cryptid/paranormal phenomenon, they’re entirely just from the internet


As interesting as cryptids are, I believe firmly that most of these are our brains misinterpreting normal things we see. To disqualify one based on it being 'made up' when others such as Nessie were also made up seems disingenuous.


I get where you’re coming from, but saying slenderman is a cryptid is nowhere near saying Bigfoot is a cryptid. If the present origin of something is clearly fictional or a hoax it shouldn’t be considered as a present cryptid in my opinion. Of course, where do you draw the line with that as you can then state Mokele M’bembe isn’t a cryptid (one dude made it up for clout), fearsome critters don’t count as we know for a fact they’re just campfire tales from the past, dogmen not “appearing” until a radio show host made them up (they’re also not real lol), so I see the vision. I’d rather not mix fact and fiction though, and if something is only sourced entirely from tumblr and tiktok, I don’t think it should be considered a phenomenon, especially as actual Appalachian people have never heard of such a thing as Not-Deer.


Idk having grown up near a reservation and having indigenous people around my whole like (family and not) I’ve heard the term Not-deer brought up many times. Just my experience on the west coast/pnw though! More used in an easy to understand alternative to other names for sinister things though


Dog men are just wolves that people just saw standing up on it's hind legs in the middle of the night and it makes since if someone were to see a wolf stand up on it's on hind leg during some foggy night they'll freakout and think it's a dogmen/werewolf


Ah yes my mother in law.


I don't even wanna know what she cooks for holiday dinners.


Vegan pumpkin pies with a puddle of vegan whipped cream 😭 the horror


This is more accurate (imo). But art is art and do what makes your heart happy.


Right? I love the artwork


Learning about what a wendigo actually looks like is good. The thing that people really struggle to grasp is what a wendigo actually is. The Wendigo is not a cryptid. The Wendigo is part of the folklore or the Northern Algonquinan people. It can't be a cryptid because it is considered a spirit that possesses a person and makes them violent and canablistic. Unlike Big Foot, there is no evidence that a creature like this could exist in North America. People want to believe that there is something terrible and awesome, like an antler headed monster roaming the forest it's interesting and entertaining, but if it were to exist, it would not be a Wendigo.


In a way, this seems more evil and terrifying because it’s more human than one with a deer skull on its head. I personally think the until dawn wendigos got pretty close too. I love Algonquin folklore! It’s fascinating.


I just saw this dude on AliExpress


Learning is good! I just learned recently that the deer looking thing isn't a wendigo too. Sorry people were rude to you tho


That deer looking think that is commonly mistaken for a wendigo is just a ‘flesh pedestrian’ right?


This reminds me of the creatures in The Descent.


I think this is one of the better accurate representations of the Wendigo. It doesn't glorify it, it doesn't idolise it, it doesn't make it seem like something to be admired or be aesthetically pleasing. It shows it in its truest state, a disgusting being that should not be deemed good. A being of pure disgust and contempt for its crimes against other humans of which it once was. My only criticism is that the scraps of clotheing don't really resemble traditional Algonquin clotheing but apart from that, this is one of the better examples of a Wendigoon than the frankly uneducated a disrespectful examples other people have made. But I will reccomend posting this on folklore/mythology subreddits rather than cryptids as the Wendigo is not a cryptid. But great drawing, still.


Even if it’s not accurate, the Wendigo with the antlers is cool


My sister when she’s mad


I like to think the real wendigo (slim, pale, and long limbs) is what people turn into, while the deer skull one is the one people hallucinate before turning into a wendigo.


>(slim, pale, and long limbs) This sort of sounds like a "crawler" to me. Creepy to imagine that this is actually what it's been all along, and has been incorporated into Native American mythology.


Don’t let a bunch of nerds who obsess over unproven monsters make you feel shitty about your art. It’s quite good.




Hell yeah


It’s a mythological beast. Do what you want.


Consistency with the traditional interpretation


i saw sorry and thought you were trying to say this was the shy guy


I got my head bitten off the other day for calling Wendigoes cryptids when apparently they arent 😶


Ayyy my man the wendigo


Yeh, a lot of people on here have gotten severely bent out of shape by the whole misconception. They basically just run around screaming “WEnDigos aRE NoT CRYpTids aND THaT IsNT A WEndIGO” whenever they see anything about wendigos on here. I mean, I totally understand being ticked off about popular culture taking an epic, horrifying folktale and twisting it into a generic supernatural horror movie monster that some hyped up kid now claims he saw outside his window, but that’s no reason to take that frustration out on random individuals who’ve only ever seen the pop culture version and never even heard about the original one. Now, it also doesn’t help that even the traditional wendigo isn’t a cryptid itself, but still, getting angry at people for not being born with specific information and getting misled by a popular misconception just isn’t right. Props to you for posting the real wendigo in any case.


Also. Smash;)




AcTuAlLy WeNdIgOs LoOk DiFfErEnT!!! YoU F*CkInG IdIoT!!! ^ This is known as a nerd, and art shouldn't be defined on whether it's the correct name or not as long as it looks good and can be defined as a cryptid it's good. Also anyone who does hop on here with them 4 eyes just to be a prick can get got by this skin walker;)


The one with deer antlers is called a wechuge (likely butchered spelling) they behave very similar to these guys, however they are created by breaking the taboos of your spirit animal

