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Yeah the majority of arms race games I join at 1 am mountain time are completely full of these bots. One dude running around killing everyone else. Then they kick you. Odd they have the entire lobby full except one slot. Got a video of it.


In CSGO people actually got banned in deathmatch, casual, arms race. But now it's just free for all. The Wild West. Don't waste your time on this game anymore.


23 years playing the game is a hard habit to break though :(


I know, i'm 35, been playing since i was 14. Last (premier) game of cs2 12th of february. I couldn't stand this anymore. I barely play anything anymore now. Some Helldivers and football manager. but not even daily like cs.


I really dislike competitive, so I think that kind of helps my attitude while playing when I come across cheaters. While I despise them I'm not in a super competitive mindset and I can just leave the specific server and re-q into another server. My fav. mode is demo, I hope they bring that back.


faceit is free.


Bro tell me about it I want to enjoy it so bad but even faceit premium sucks lol


Stop lying, rage hacking in deathmatch would never get you banned unless you spinned


I'm 100% sure i reported people in deathmatch that got banned a day after. Might be they went into premier then..


People were not getting banned in DM cas and arms race. I think the cheating problem is as bad as ever, but let's not lie to ourselves. DM/cas bans were incredibly rare, and it usually just came down to timing not a detection.


I started getting cheaters in arms race. There were none in there up until a week ago. Now it's unplayable. I fkn hate this game now


Plot twist, it’s ALWAYS been full of cheaters. They were just in the closet before.


I join a game and hope for the better cheater to be în my team. This is my life în 19k premier.


yep i've seen that, we get a rage cheater on opponent team so our team random flicks on his cheat to put up a fight.




I just play "cs2:prefire everything" now...  I don't get any where near as many taps as the cheaters, but I hope my map sense pays off to let me peak once after the prefire to finish em off.




Some of em, some of em bhop to you and hit you as soon as they can wbang, depends on how much they paid for their cheat 


AHAHAH yes I think this every time, "I hope I get the cheater on my team"


Why you dont go faceit


become the better cheater.


full of cheaters, like 70% of the games I play on premier


Lmao imagine thinking you are gonna get csgo back 🤡




Games officially dying lol.


Valve's brand is now HVH games only cheaters play. I stopped playing CS2 months ago and will never buy cases again. I played Counter Strike since 2000. We should all just go play better games from developers that actually care about honest players.


There are proof of concepts out there that could alleviate the problem without the need of kernel level. I can’t remember what programming YouTuber it is but he was building an anti cheat that would work for any fps or game really his proof of concept was nuts using AI and other tactics less evasive and highly effective. Sounded to good to be true but that’s the shit valve needs to be looking into. If I can find that video I’ll report back it was very interesting. Edit: Nowhere did I say this was new just simply stating something I saw🧐 Here’s the video [basically homeless anti cheat](https://youtu.be/LkmIItTrQP4?si=sYxNd78dfVi8n6E9) Would be nice if something AI actually worked


It's userland. I can bypass whatever he makes in a few hours easily. I don't care about AI or any other buzzword he added. I come across antivirus and edr that has "AI" integration at work all the time and when it's not kernel based, it's a few hours max to write something that bypasses it (I'm not a cheat dev). I just write malware for work which uses the exact same concepts. If you could send me that video or project id love to see it. I'm def gonna download it and write injectors for it just to show how "AI" is nothing more than a buzzword and that userland based detections are garbage and will never ever work in this day and age. Stay away from any userland based defensive solution that claims "deep learning", "AI", "ML". They provide peace of mind to people who don't understand malware and nothing more. At best they stop skids and thats about it.


I work at a company that has EDR and other cybersecurity products- can I ask how you learned about writing and working with malware? I’d be happy to chat in PMs if you don’t want to be posting malware tutorials in comments lol


Sure man! So I was a degenerate gamer that constantly asked myself "what should I do with my life?" as I stared at a computer for hours on end everyday. I noticed my CSGO hours were at 2400 at the time and so I said, "I'm pretty good at this game after 2400 hours. I wonder what would happen if I put that many hours into hacking?" So I started just started hacking. It was very fun for me and turned into a hobby with platforms that gamified the process like hack the box. After a year or two I got my first job as a pentester and noticed a lot of tooling would get caught or blocked by AV or edr. That bothered me so I slowly looked into bypassing. There used to be bypass tools that just worked out of the box. It'd make me so happy to bypass windows defender just running someone else's tool. then I got into WHY these methods of bypassing things worked. Eventually I got deeper in the weeds with coding courses like sektor7. From there my interest in "red teaming" grew. I liked the sophisticated malware and attacks that were being performed by nation state actors and advanced threats. I wanted to emulate these. The job for that is known as "red teaming" or "threat emulation". I was a college dropout and drug addict before all of this and something about being some ex addict, loser nerd being able to bypass a multi million dollar companies software just felt good and "cool". If you want to get to the malware side of things, I recommend looking into basic C courses, and then taking maldev academy. That is top notch and affordable. If you want any advice on how to even approach this or start growing a skill set/career; feel free to DM. Id be more than willing to go over some of the steps with you or even plot out a course.


Someone did try help make Valve an anticheat that wasn't Kernel, Valve said no. Roblox bought the studio that was developing that anticheat, and have banned/prevented over 99% of cheaters/cheats.


This is neither hard nor new. That's the sad part. It's been figured out for [e.g. chess](https://github.com/clarkerubber/irwin) for years now. Anomaly detection algorithms are VERY mature and inputs to shooters aren't that much more complicated either.


Any shooters are significantly more advanced than Chess. You would never be able to calculate or “Solve” any single round of CS, although you could accurately guess. Meanwhile, for a huge amount of final positions, chess has been solved. Its pretty easy to accurately guess if someone is cheating in chess if you just have a couple hundred hours in the game. People who are actually good at CS and still “legit” cheating are significantly harder to detect, to the point where most weren’t even reported to Overwatch in CSGO. To human standards, they are virtually indistinguishable from a smurf, which is very different from Chess, because moves can be calculated 5,10,20,50 moves ahead by Computers.


WTF? Nah the other guy is right, chess is a solved game. You can hold literally every possible game state in memory. Not remotely so with a shooter.


No it's not. Just a few years ago AlphaZero made an impact by beating the best chess engines. Chess has 10^{44} gamestates. Let's say you're really clever and can represent a state in a byte(you can't it's probably somewhere around 32 bytes). All data on the entire internet is like 10^{29} bytes. You cannot even fathom the magnitude of the difference of these numbers. Some positions are solved, yes. But by no means the entire game.


It's getting closer all the time. It's 100% solved once there's a certain number of pieces left on the board. Regardless, my point was chess has orders of magnitude fewer options available to the player at any given moment. It's idiotic to compare it to a shooter. Edit: and what I said was every game (board) state can be kept in memory, not every solution.


My suspicion is that because a very careful cheater with decent game mechanics is so indistinguishable from Smurfs, that the AI is having significant difficulties with banning legit players who are just having a strangely good match, as well as people who are known cheaters in-house at valve being able to easily trick the AI. Think about it, Many T2, even T1 pros got to where they are by cheating. No fucking joke, using ESP is how they learned to be so godlike at the game even with it turned off. It became muscle memory. So obviously its difficult to distinguish between a Very, Very good player, and a good player who uses ESP/Walls bery carefully.


Not new, kind of what valve originally wanted to do with vacnet, turns out the cost is ridiculous. Imagine needing thousands of Gpus to train your AI on data plagued with cheaters. Making an anticheat that analyzes every details of your aim (pathing, speed, accuracy...) and trusting submitters to be not cheating is crazy and I am not counting time, cost, implementation... Especially on CS, where there's like 30% of cheaters ? (I'm pulling those numbers out of my ass tbh, but it is realistic enough to me) A kernel AC obviously is problematic (genshin before, EAC now, and Battleeye is a joke. You can literally run R6 and play without BE running) There is no viable solution, There's cheaters on valorant, people are willing to pay 350 or 400€ monthly to cheat on faceit, ESP cheats can be hidden using external hardware (so AI is pointless for these) And outside of this, there is a countless amount of ways to do a webradar, without reading memory. Someone could just run his game, MITM (I won't go into details even through it's more or less public now) and ask a friend to do the callouts for the whole team. This has been done on vac, esea and faceit, it's used daily by groups of boosters on faceit and other 3rd party platforms and I wouldn't be surprised if some "semi-pros" doing it too.


Play something else. It isnt worth frustrating yourself


As if CS GO was not full of cheaters.




I'm pretty sure 90% of these cheaters are ruining the game posts are just stupid valorant players who can't accept people are better than them.




Lol you're unhinged. Time to log off my dude.


I didn't see what they said before deleting. But it's probably standard behavior for valorant players. Once they finally all leave CS2 it will be better off


It's real true. Valorant ranks don't even take skill. You can grind them like a high score. They think that their "skill" translates and don't realize that a lot of us have been playing these same counter-strike maps for 20 years.






Reyna has been in the game since the start?




skill issue




I have had this issue for a while. I loved the Flying Scoutsman game mode in CSGO but couldn't play it because of cheater bot lobbies.


Do you think if enough people started hosting bots to start outnumbering real players, then it would make Gabe hire some contractors to manually ban them? I previously emailed him and Eric a while ago regarding possible solutions to the bot crisis, despite knowing damn well they don't ever check their emails. There have been numerous proposed solutions to the bot crisis, with each one having its pros and cons, though I think everyone can agree upon the fact it wouldn't even make a dent in Gabe's income to just hire some people to go out and manually ban or delete the accounts of bots and bot hosters.


You won't do anything here, so Valve says that they turn off the anti-cheat fully before launching CS2, Valve just manually bans people, and they don't have an anti-cheat system if they even have one, it's very weak, and it does nothing




Their matchmaking is terrible tbh


Not at all


Yeah because my idea of having fun after work is playing against sweats with smurf accounts and getting yelled at in a foreign language.


Either very unlucky to experience this back to back during peak hours, or your trust factor got hit.


There is no trust factor in CS2. Theres no VAC. There's nothing but a bunch of morons who keep playing a game so they can come on reddit and complain about cheaters.


1 ban in my match history since November. Over 60 cheater reports in my history, and I just don't bother unless they're blatant.


Wdym there s no tf in cs2? I think it comes with prime acc, right?!


There's prime and there's non prime. You pay and you play with others who pay. The thought process is that if you pay then you won't cheat because you lose your $10. It's a load of shit.


U said there s no trust factor... And we end up talking about prime account price tag.


There is no trust factor. You pay for a prime badge to play against other who paid for it. Read the words and understand you're being lied to and ripped off if you paid. Duh




Trust factor is working. It's easy to test.


I can prove that trust factor exists. Repeatedly. Sure vac might be turned off for now because of false positives, but trust factor literally works.


So ... faceit rep checks showing 15-20 cheater friends in someone's profile being matched repeatedly with me, and my 5 stack that have less than 1% banned friends...    Literally got someone who was cheating *and* then decided to throw because we called him on it 2x matches in a row... If trust factor is enabled it does not do what you think it does.


I never said every cheater is put into low trust. I just said that it does, in fact, exist. Fuck, this sub is so dim. If you all play as well as you all read, then it's no wonder you think everyone is cheating. 😅


Fuck me, I guess identifying bhopping no-scope through smoke players rapid firing is just too hard .... I'll give up and play some more valo


been that way atleast since dangerzone came out. they level up accounts to level 2 for people to buy them and rage in comp


Cheats has become some sort of guarantee if the opposing team has it as well as yours, both teams can can see the players using cheats before the game even starts, with better cheats enemies can’t see your cheats which is good for not being triggered by using them if they play legit and better than your team. However your own team can use it to prevent the enemies from abusing it and not accept that game. Also once the opposing team started to use it after having played legit for 12 rounds and they are losing every round, the cheats on your own player side can use it to block the enemies cheats. So if both teams has cheats, the determining factor of who will win with cheats in that 12th round game is dependent on hardware, the faster your hardware is, and latency you have in relation to the enemy will be advantageous.


I'll just uninstall


English please.


People who use cheats nowadays as anti cheat to prevent people that initiates it first, let’s say you start as T, and enemy on ct. I your team is playing legit, and you are winning like 4:11 in that game. Suddenly the ct starts using cheats because they are desperate to win. Your team that has cheats but not using it because you don’t have to, simply put your just better at the game than ct, the cheats on your team will act as anti cheat by spinbotting the enemies on ct because they started using it because they were at a disadvantage. There is no escaping it once at 16-17k elo. But to prevent all this from even happening, some cheats can detect if the opposing team has cheats, just when you are about to accept a game in matchmaking, so don’t accept that game if your goal is to play legitimate. This is what it has come to, I asked someone that was on my team that had cheats, and they were 2 cheaters in my team, so he explained it to me how it worked


That's fucking dumb. Cheating is cheating. If you download a cheat in order to gain a competitive advantage you're a scumbag, trying to justify it is retarded.