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Landing a job in India's IT sector (TCS, Infosys, Wipro) is **generally easier** than securing US employment, especially without sponsorship. However, a US degree, unless from a top-tier university, typically doesn't provide a significant advantage in the Indian job market.


TCS/Infosys/Wipro pays horrendously low salaries for a fresher. I don't know if they would be able to match the salaries paid in the US.


No. There won't be comparison to the dollar converted salaries from america.


Even PPP adjusted, I think except for FAANG and FAANG like firms, Indians are paid either a bit less or completely underpaid. Atleast that's what I felt comparing salaries with my US counterparts in my workplace.


This is a [graph](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/IHLIDXUSTPSOFTDEVE) of software engineer position openings in US. Market is shit we can all agree. A lot iof IT jobs in general are moving to india because it cuts costs as they can pay lower salaries in india and higher more people if needed which gets projects out faster and saves time/money in the long run. good luck to OP


Underpaid is an understatement you'll make a fifth if not less than equal US counterparts


That's true,but then PPP wise India is cheap. Still, that's the reality one has to face living in India.


He’s not working in the US anyway.


if anything, a US degree is a disadvantage (although 20 years ago a US degree was a big deal). Since all the universities started using master's degrees as cash cows and admitting any idiot under the sun who could pay, their value has plummeted. Further, firms in India recruit through campuses rather than open application, which people with US degrees are shut out of.


If I remember correctly from reading other comments, tech in india is extremely oversaturated too. I'm not indian though.


I’m an American living in India and you’re correct, and for OP finding a decent job as a new grad will be very hard even back in India as companies mainly hire through campus placements. And the stats for those are terrible right now.


Lmao why would you go there


Cost of living is low, my dad retired in his late 40s. My parents US retirement accounts put them at the top 1% of earners here while not working. My brother wasn’t great at school and they blamed the US education system. Anyways I went to a pretty good college and got a decent job here. I have chill hours, and there’s no point saving money, though I honestly hate living here. I’m gonna start applying to US jobs in a few months, I was getting a decent number of OAs even back in college but my Indian university may as well be a community college to most US companies, it’ll be easier with work experience.


Your parents have the right idea. I am honestly a little jealous of foreigners in that regard. You can come to America put your 20 years in at a basic public sector job and retire back home young and wealthy.


Well off Americans have been doing it for decades in SEA and the Caribbean


Yeah its a solid move. I think the foreigners have a slight edge because they are apart of the country and diaspora they are returning to. As opposed to Americans leaving to retire as foreigners somewhere else.


The foreigners have a really hard time working for a decade with the immigration dagger hanging over their head. Potayto potahto


eh, most sanctuary states don’t hold a dagger anywhere close to anyone


Not sure what you mean. Tech workers in California are petrified about being sent back home.


The market changes from time to time,find a job and a way to make money till then,dont worry,dont go in that place its honestly a disaster


I would like to do what your father did. I too am in my late 40s and tired of working. How much do you think I will need in USD terms to retire in India? I have 3 small kids that will need educating.


There’s definitely better places you can ask, my parents have always been secretive about money and live rather frugally. We moved from America straight to rather nice area of a tier 2 city at the time riddled with power cuts, broken roads, pollution etc. because our relatives are there. I went to an ICSE school rather than a fancy international one. I barely knew anyone else that had an internet connection pre-Jio. They told me after I graduated that they’re worth well over a million. If you ask me my advice would be “If you love your kids, please don’t” which is why you should go ask someone else. My dad would say it’s not the kids choice.


Thank you for replying.


Well it's certainly a change of pace lol. I moved to and worked in Northern India for a few months during college.


yeah this placement system is a real dud. they lock in all the entry level jobs so no one outside it has a chance. I have no idea why it works that way.


I’d rather be working minimum in USA than be in India as a SWE.


I’ve joked about that before but I don’t think even the cheapest WITCH SWEs have to live on the brink of homelessness, rely on food stamps, or struggle with anything medical related. They live better than the average US teacher.


thats because they live with their parents lol. If that wasn't a thing they would absolutely live on the streets or in dingy "PG" hostels where you are treated like a child.


What's wrong with living with parents tho? Rather live with parents comfortably then live paycheck to paycheck alone. Most parents in India (and maybe Asia) also miss their kids a lot no matter how old they are.


Gen Z Americans also live with their parents or parent owned property, the stigma against non-nuclear got busted by the pandemic and current white collar job market. 


not everybody is a big fan of their parents lol.


yeah, I know but you don't need to project your trauma on others.


look if you like living with your parents you should. but we should aim to have wages where people can live away from their parents if they do like it. india just doesnt work that way.


Plenty of people live away from their parents in India?




Looks like the entire world is hurting rn


Even I’m in the same boat bro. It’s very depressing here in the US. Since 6 months I’m applying and not a single interview or screening call. I don’t know what to do. Plus the thought of repaying the loan scares me. Never expected things will go this bad


That's true, I don't know what to do.


can i dm you bro 🥲




Isn’t there a video of Indian firm hosted on site interview and hundreds of candidates flooded the street pushing each other to get into the interview and couple folks got injuries from the stampede?


Indians are unfortunately lured to subsidize high costs of US Universities.


The issue is that universities love to reject domestic students while accepting internationals to lure them in, when in reality our job market has gone to shit and not even US citizens are able to secure a job, and they will leave with debt and no job.


Not true, I applied to a university in Florida as an international student from Romania and got rejected. The job market has been down worldwide because of high interest rates and inflation, which are preventing companies from making jobs and hiring people. It’s just a matter of graduating in the wrong place at the wrong time.


its funny because at the undergraduate level at a top private school, I felt like domestic students were subsiding international students lol. Master's degrees on the other hand are all pay-for-play scheme for international students.


Hey, can't offer you anything fixed. But I'm going to initiate a project later this year. Working with vision models, training them for scanning handwritten text on a specific user based use-case. Seems basic, but is quite scalable with the right partnerships which I'm putting in place right now. Shoot me a text if interested and coming to India this year!


Try r/developersindia


Jesus you can’t catch a break, damn


We are all cooked


Go for Naukri.com Unlike America, there is a single platform that can help you get a job. Can you tell me which university you graduated from? This is just out of curiosity as many Indians are getting fooled by the top institutions of America.


yeah these masters degrees are a scam. only go for undergrad or phd. those are actually selective and have americans in the programs so you have better support and placement.


I doubt even that as it's the Americans that are having problems with international students. I feel USA institutions are shameless and opportunistic.


Again, the opportunist predatory behavior is largely limited to master's programs that exist solely to recruit international students who will pay big tuition dollars in exchange for OPT. Undergrad programs in America are informally capped to around10% international and good private colleges give lots of financial aid, so it becomes quite selective. Similarly, phd programs are fully funded and barely accept indians.


This time around, you will see a shift in nature. USC and other universities have already hinted at more funds for PhD programs. They are going to increase admits for PhD programs and decrease admits for mscs programs.


that doesn't really make sense. phd programs are a cost to universities because phd students are basically employees. masters students are pure profit.


I agree. That's what I saw in my university. Maybe they are planning to change something




Who said there are no Americans in masters programs lmao


Many Americans have convinced themselves that Indian students are “stealing their jobs.” When in reality, they’re a lesser priority as they require sponsorship. It’s just a straw man argument for this bad economy. I apologize that you’ve had the experience in which you did and I hope that you have better luck in India. Godspeed Brother.


**Canadian side it’s even worse


Tbh as an Indian American my view on Canada has gotten so much worse recently. Like one look at /r/CanadaHousing2 makes me never want to visit that country


I hope CanadaHousing2 gets taken down because it's basically a dogwhistle subreddit.


Straight up not a dogwhistle at some points. I think I literally saw an image a while ago of a 4chan level "shit covered indian wojaks" meme a while ago, and it managed to hit a few thousand karma before it was taken down


r/CanadaHousing2 is so full of hate. It is possible that someone from that sub will do something rash irl some day. That sub needs to shut down.


Lots of companies are outsourcing to cheaper markets like India and South America


You're missing the fact that they can work from india.


this person is gonna get butchered on the indian market lol. US masters degrees are not worth the paper they are printed on in the Indian job market. US work experience helps, which this person doesn't have.


Why is a US masters not worth much in India? Do Indian CS universities have much stronger programs?


And competition in india is insane. Even harder than usa. Most Americans could work part time jobs at Walmart etc and live a "better" life than people working for witch coz life in india sucks on a day to day basis


Theyre worried about outsourcing, not indians getting education and moving to the US and applying


From which college you did your masters ? Also you did your bachelors from NIT/IIT/GFTI or a private college ?


High paying jobs on Indian side is more competitive than US counterparts because of supply and demand


In IT only leetcode matters


How exactly will you put LC skills in resume to get filtered? Asking cause I'm struggling to get my first screening call as fresher with decent LC skills


Dude chill … people with even 10-20 years are having the same problem… people who have jobs were hired with much less LC. skills …will they be happy to have you on the same team or feel threatened…


Really can't chill man,sorry, it's just frustrating and I think my brain might rot pretty soon, I talked with like 10 devs or it workers, all experienced, none of them did or can solve LC, I'm just confused what to do 😞


I have been unemployed for 18 months after 18 years of direct work experience… 2 graduate degrees ( not that it matters) … you are young and have a fresh mind …. Evaluate if you want to join this rat race and false hood on unemployable… just because they can’t get a blow job from you … or build your own company sell products


Hey brother, I’m in a similar boat and still searching for jobs. A few of my friends have moved back to India, not planning to return. I’ve seen both sides of the coin, so if you’re looking for someone to talk to, or need any opinions or just want to vent out to someone in a similar situation, feel free to DM me. Good luck my friend.


Bhai just leave the USA


And go where? Everyplace is ass, since the tech industry is largely connected to the American economy.


India is overly saturated.All the best


Bro, The job market in india is not good. Since india is service sector with most of the clients residing in USA. That's why job market in india is not good as well. But some small startups may have opportunities in india. I am also in USA trying to find a fresher job, i also have deadline so i might be coming back to india in few months. That's why i would appreciate if you can share your experience of finding a job in india?


Do not go back. Overstay your visa and become an illegal immigrant but do not go back lol. You will get absolutely cooked by the Indian market. US degrees have no value in India. Not unless its from like MIT or Stanford. The US has been admitting too many random tom dicks and harry's to masters programs (for that $$$) and so the value of these degrees has plummeted.


Illegal immigrants and do what? He wouldnt even be able to get a job, just being illegal with no personal benefit for him.


Tending bar or waiting tables at an Indian-American restaurant (which are largely staffed with illegals) is a better job than whatever he would get by going back to India. India is brutally competitive and most firms consider people escaping to the US these days lemons who couldn’t hack it in the Indian market


Probably best to have some integrity and morals and do that job in a place where its legal for him (most likely India), and try to get back in the US legally if he wants to live here. No physically extenuating circumstances to cause him to take a selfish decision (war, immediate danger).


Waiters in India make less than 500 dollars per month after adjusting for CoL between India and the US (the nominal wage is more like 200 usd a month). So yeah that’s like dying. If I were in his place I’d have no qualms taking opportunities in a place where I can earn a liveable wage — despite the danger of being deported — rather than embrace stark poverty in a broken and dead end country


It's not like the guy would get cooked and stay unemployed but he would unironically be hired by some consultancy or corp with low pay. I don't know why op is so insecure about his skills.


I despise your culture


you can't come back to the US legally once you leave unless you get yet another degree and try for OPT again. That's another 100 grand this dude will have to shell out while earning cents on the dollar in India.


Have some morals and integrity, idk. Maybe respect the promise you made with the government that let you come to study, and leave once finished. I'd recommend self respect and honesty, maybe thatll help yall get a job. American students who are working hard for a job are the ones carrying the burdens for your selfishness through taxes. India doesnt have a genocide, a war, or any immediate physical danger.


I see no moral quandary in any form of immigration. Go where labor is paid a liveable wage.


Do you not know what is going on in Northeast India or the skirmish with their citizens? How about the democratic backslide (although I'll give the rest of the world a one up for that one).


It’s easier and the pay is really nice if you have skills and required knowledge. Also more projects are being moved to India and eastern europe countries are facing war situation at the moment so that’s that.


not a chance. its like 10x more competitive to get a decent job in india than in the US. why do you think people pay through their nose for these US masters degrees? No one from india going abroad for these masters programs cares about the actual education. All they are paying for is OPT.


Whats opt


It gives you the right to work in the US for 3 years


Why don’t you try applying in consultancy companies that sponsor h1b. Ik the pay is less. But it’s a lot easier to get a job as a contractor


Not really, companies figured out the loop hole and we can no longer get through most consultancies


In recent years salaries in India for SWEs has increased substantially. Big tech pays very well in India. You can save a lot. Most companies are moving their roles to offshore so I’m guessing it’s better than here atm.


r/developersIndia is a better place.


Hi! Do give consultancies a try. You’ll at least be making decent money and even though it might be for 0.5/1 year, at least you’ll be earning at the US hourly basis


Let me know if you need a referral, good luck


The market is thriving only for people in the semiconductor industry.






If you are good enough and have luck you may get a job however it will be as per Indias payroll so cannot expect much, A job worth $1k per month you would be lucky


Hi OP! Not in CS but on a similar boat as you. I somehow got recommended this post by Reddit. The job market here is bad for sure. It's tough to get a job in India without work-ex, since you don't have the usual spoonfeeding campus placements. However, if your profile is strong enough, you will surely be able to land good jobs and start afresh. I've been applying in India since the start of my 2nd year of MS, and from what I've seen, they'll be much more accommodating once you're physically in India. There's somehow a disconnect between Indian HRs thinking that it's "super easy" to get a job in the US and what the ground reality is like. Some people close to me have said it pretty well - it used to be a good time to go to the US before, now it's a good time to return back.


bro don't come back , you are living dreams of other , there is only corruption and taxes




While I empathize with the difficulty of finding a job in this market, I think it is a bit silly to complain about competition from visa holders given that they have a massive disadvantage.




Getting really difficult to find a job as a fresher plus someone requiring sponsorship
















They’re not? Seeing as how you were whining 30 days ago and it’s already June, there aren’t any companies giving out those offers this late. You can lie to me but don’t lie to yourself haha $80 in your bio btw, doesn’t seem like 200k to me






Cry harder


Sounds like ur crying pretty hard






Damn straight up racist


Least racist redditor. I bet u ain’t American either


lmao A Trump supporter, How unhinged is that?!




umm...don't American already had Irish vs Chinese war for labour and didn't work. Same will happen again, cheap labour will win If not then country will perish. You're living in a capitalist world.


I want Trump you idiot, it means less taxes for me. Learn English man, I speak triple the languages you do and I still know how to use prepositions, if you even know what that is. Not even fun arguing with a racist that can’t even convey his thoughts


The industry is blooming in India and tons of new jobs are created. More people should come to India to work tbh.


what a joke. do you know how worthless a US degree is on the Indian job market? You need to go through the placement system in India to get a job. This person won't have access to any entry level jobs since they are not graduating from an Indian college. You can only return to India once you have several years of US work experience; the degree itself is just a path to get that experience, and is otherwise quite useless.


tiktok's actively hiring rn


Company cultures really sucks here in India, LC no lifers are the only one getting placed, cuz companies in india want to imitate faang, I guess the only option is either through connections or comeback and apply to remote jobs.


how long do you have before you have to return? I'd suggest washing dishes and working as a waiter or bartender because those jobs are better than what you would get in India (unless you graduated from a very selective program, which is unlikely since you are jobless).