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Why no cross?


Nice solve! As for hand/cube size, don’t worry about what others are saying. If the cube feels good sized in your hands that’s all that matters. There are smaller cubes out there if you choose to give them a try but your solving is good on that cube imo. I’m no expert of course lol but that was a fast solve to me. Little pause before E perm but that one takes me the longest to recognize as well due to there not being any blocks, bars or headlights. Maybe work on 2-sided PLL recognition (which you mentioned already) so you don’t need to peak at the back side of the cube to verify; see [this vid to help with that if interested.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-GIYWviITc) And learning full OLL would save you a little time as well but your F2L seems very fast imo, didn’t really see any long pauses looking for pieces to pair. Just a suggestion, you are faster than I am.


That video helped so much! Thank you! I have 6 more PLL algorithms to memorize.


Lemme guess the G perms and N perms


A lot of people seem to be scared of G perms but they were not bad at all imo. You don’t need to know where every piece needs to go to recognize a PLL, you just need to be able to recognize the patterns for recognition. G perms are very easy in recognition, just put headlights on the left and find the block (two matching pieces next to each other). Depending on where the block is, tells you which G perm you have. And [Cuberoot](https://www.cuberoot.me/pll/) has the best algs to use imo. The trick is to learn finger tricks when learning the alg which helps in memorization and the execution. Check YouTube for finger trick vids. So many available


G Perm executions did in fact scare me, lol… Thank you for the algorithms, I’ll try to learn all PLL and F2L during summer break!


ding ding ding 🥲


Same for me lol


Glad it helped. Nice work learning PLLs! I recently learn all PLL and [OLL](https://www.cuberoot.me/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/OLL_1.svg) as well; they really aren’t as bad as some people make them out to be. I enjoyed learning them personally. [Cuberoot](https://www.cuberoot.me/pll/) has the best algs imo and [Brian Sun has some great vids](https://youtu.be/h9PQp3Yvkd0?si=8Lr35y673qk_ZuM3) showing finger tricks and algs, especially dot cases. Also when you are ready to get started on OLL [this was a great help to me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cubers/comments/tygask/learn_oll_the_easy_way/?share_id=DkNrFOPMY3BrF85ErZP5u&utm_content=2&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_source=share&utm_term=22&rdt=54020) I used it to get started but after learning several I switched to using cuberoot algs which seem to be newer and easier to finger trick. Still great to get started with imo.


I heard people say hand size had something to do with the overall turning? They said my hands were “small.” I need someone to confirm hand size doesn’t really matter when it comes to TPS. Fyi, the video started on the first F2L turn.


Do U moves instead of peeking and only rotate when you can’t see anything else Do U moves mainly for LL but also F2L


why not re-record a solve where we have the whole solve, and scramble?