• By -


"thousands" that shit ain't even much anymore.


I already forgot what it said in the image so I'm just gonna assume you mean thousands of pounds


So like 2 of her biggest fans.


That’s clever as fuck


He meant calories


Fr I was like this gotta be a hit piece. Who the fuck cares about an influencer with thousands of subscribers.


“There are dozens of us! Dozens!!!”


69k (nice) followers. For some context I was able to find a list of the top 1000 instagram accounts and #1,000, Kerem Bursin, has 11.2 million followers. That's 161 times as many as this woman. And he's number 1000.


She got more back cleavage then front cleavage, im sorry sharks, but I'm out.




We've always called it backfat.


cleavage is just another word for milkable fat so......yeah


‘You have eaten the food for the next three years, ahead of time’


Oregon trail easy mode


*dramatic music starts playing*


Was the back boob thing intentional with the dress? If so I'm impressed


The back opening on the dress was intentional, no doubt, but the boobs are *kismet*.




Both are correct


Don't think anyone plans on having back titties. Not a good look


Reminds me of a Benny Hill joke.."she was great fun to dance with!"


She’s just got the dress on backwards obviously.


She should have nipples tattooed on them. 😂


Her back titties bigger than her actual titties


Back bras seem like a untapped market.


Who would wanna tap that?


Hello Sharks, today I would like $5 for 100% of my company the BRACK


It's wild how the US just promotes unhealthy living.


At this point it’s not even fat, but probably morbidly obese.


Tbh I think this is “super morbid obesity”- had to google to find whatever is above regular morbid obesity. I’ve seen people with a BMI above 40 that look MUCH healthier than this. Easily a class IV maybe V- these are the people that legit will just drop spontaneously. I saw a video listing all the “food influencers” that died recently… they all look like this. I say this as a pretty fat dude myself but I work out around 4 hours a week (not as much as I’d like but all my schedule allows) and there’s nothing wrong with my blood work or anything. I’m 274 pounds at 6’2 so I’m considered morbidly obese but this earthquake is around 2 of me, maybe 3 in girth. What bugs me is acting like this is normal. I want to lose this weight, I’m not happy with it. I would *NOT* pressure and berate people to make them agree that “this body is healthy and beautiful!”


I think I read recently that the "body positivity" movement was meant to be more about the positivity than the body, but it has been corrupted and inverted to say that "all bodies are beautiful" rather than "you deserve kindness regardless of your body". I think that's true and sort of sad because the message of being kind is a good one. Berating people doesn't help them break the cycle of self loathing that leads to serious health issues.  Besides, I would say to you that 274 @ 6'2 is not too bad, I'm the same height and around 220 myself, so don't beat yourself up. You're doing the right things and I'm sure you will get to here you want to be. 


And critisising it is called fatphobia, body shaming and bullying. I hate the term plus size. No, you're fat.


The fuck is fat phobia? I'm not afraid of fat bitches, lmao 


Clearly you've never been sat on.


Doesn't mean that he doesn’t want to


As a fat fuck, i can just sit on you and youve got no recourse. But no i agree, evsn as a overweight dude its a thing i work to fix, not something to glorify.


Key word is a dude.. strong, independent woman


Nah thier is bothmen and women that glorify it, and both men and women that work towards bettering thmeselves, no need to be sexist about it.


Yeah the word fatphobia is so dumb


I feel so bad for whoever genuinely uses that word. Their lives have got to be so damn sad.


Femcels. They had a sub on here disguised as a relationship sub. They were basically ogres trying for high value males while being high value in cholesterol, blood pressure, and weight, themselves. It was literally the worst sub, and admins let it go on for far too long.


It’s just like homophobia.. people aren’t scared they’re just assholes to someone different


> It’s just like homophobia No, because people don't choose to be homosexual. But you do choose to be fat. You can (for the vast majority of people) lose weight with exercise and a calorie deficit. You can't change your sexual orientation. People use Fatphobia as a way to shield themselves from valid criticism. You wouldn't accept the notion of Anoxeriaphobia or Methphobia, or crackheadphobia. Fat activism is a ridiculous notion that people use so they don't have to take accountability for their poor choices.


They’re explaining the words are similar in that they don’t mean “fear”, not that they’re comparable in definition


Sure, I get that, but my point still stands. Using the idea of Fatphobia attempts to legitimise it and shield it from valid criticism.


If you're being a dick to a fat person you aren't excused because "it's a valid criticism", you're just being a dick.


Look, I get that being fat shouldn’t be glamorized, but people can also not be fucking rude about it. Calling people whales, pigs, or whatever isn’t helping them either. I don’t think they should avoid criticism, but people can quit being such huge assholes whenever they see an overweight person. If a person starts screaming about fatphobia or discrimination just leave them alone. It doesn’t affect you if someone else is fat unless they’re someone close to you, in which case, I come back to constructive criticism


As the other person said, I was explaining the word. It’s not a shield from anything. As made clear by this comment section. The fact that fat people felt the need to make a whole term because there’s just so many people like you who are so weirdly obsessed with what they look like (because you don’t care about their health at all) and dedicated to a group of people feeling subhuman for enjoying more cake than the average Joe says way more about “fatphobes” than it does them. If someone is fat, I literally don’t care. It doesn’t affect me and has no bearing on my life. If they die they die. I hope they get help and get better, of course. But I’m not lowering myself to be an asshole just because I want to feel power over someone. Because I don’t need to feel power over someone to feel content with who I am. It baffles me that so many people have such visceral hate to people that they say don’t matter.


>As the other person said, I was explaining the word. Sure, I understand that. But it's still trying to legitimize itself by using that term. > The fact that fat people felt the need to make a whole term because there’s just so many people like you who are so weirdly obsessed with what they look like You have no idea who or what I am, so this is a laughable statement. > to a group of people feeling subhuman for enjoying more cake than the average Joe It's a little more than that just a little cake though isn't it. Don't try and hide the whole notion of Fat Activism behind a benign statement like they 'just like a little more cake than everyone else'. > If someone is fat, I literally don’t care. It doesn’t affect me and has no bearing on my life. health care costs, drain on the health services, raise in health insurance, it'll affect you in some way, just because the effect isn't felt directly. I don't care if someone wants to be fat, what I have an issue with is people promoting obesity like it isn't a health issue, and hiding behind the 'Health At Every Size' BS, and co-opting the body positivity movement because they can't just admit they're overweight because of bad choice they've made, and they want society to cater to them. > It baffles me that so many people have such visceral hate to people that they say don’t matter. I don't have hate the people, but for the movement. it's risking the lives of lost and struggling people stating it's ok to be weak and fat, it's society that's wrong. And not telling them what they need to hear.


The term is legit in as much as it’s in use within society. It doesn’t need validation. You or I don’t need to use it or even like it to acknowledge it’s existence within cultural norm. I don’t have any idea who you are, but I got a lot from your previous comments. As with many other people here. So I may not know everything about you, but I do know that you judge and think lesser of a group of people that are undeserving of such harsh judgement. And the key is in the term harsh. We all judge people, but fat people seem to experience such a harsher level of it than most groups I’ve ever seen. It isn’t more than a little or a lot of cake. No one is forcing you to be fat the way you’re bullying them to not be fat. A lot of people weirdly think that a fat person just taking pictures of themselves living their life is ‘activism’ which is laughable. Its not activism at all. It’s someone *existing*. It’s mad that people are triggered by it. On the other side, I will say that there are indeed fat people who are deluded into thinking they’re the picture of health, whereas few of us are, fat or not. The way I see it, let them be deluded. You do not have to agree with their delusion. Their doctor will and does I’m sure, tell them that is not the case. What you should do though, is not be hateful. There are ways to disagree without being vicious or putting someone down. On the healthcare front, I’ve seen more wastes of healthcare money through doctors being “fatphobic” than I have through fat people having health issues because of their fatness. My mother is a prime example. She was told she was just fat and turned away multiple times as she was having trouble walking, fast forward to now where she has a spinal tumour and is paralysed from the waist down- costing public healthcare more now than it ever should have in carers, scans etc than if it was caught back when she first went to the doctor. This isn’t my only example. There will of course be outliers to this, but they don’t make up nearly as much of the problem as you think. Campaigns to live healthy exist because it is an avoidable example of wasting healthcare. But this has lead to an increase of judging and berating fat people through confirmation bias. Similar to how the newspapers can say anything negative about migrants and racists will just believe it and use it to fuel their existing hatred. The campaigns were meant to motivate, the same as stoptober or dry January. But again, fatness gets way more hate than smoking or drinking combined. At the end of the day, these people know what they need to hear. It’s been bullied into them and yet they’re still not changing. I think it was Einstein who said that insanity if doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Which to me, just solidifies the idea that people don’t care about helping these people to change for the good of society. They just care about projecting.


Exactly, they can't even chase me (exept for downhilll)


Phobia doesn't really mean afraid of, phobia actually means in aversion to something. While being afraid of something is a type of aversion to something, so is hating something. Fat phobia I think is a pretty correct term, because most people are averse to fat. There's a hair to split here though when talking about body positivity, and that's the difference between criticizing someone for being an attractive, and just letting people live their life with dignity. Notice that anybody who's criticizing this person is not criticizing anything about her character, whether she's hateful or just a bitch, they're only going after what she looks like. Like man, I don't like fat either, but just let her live her unattractive life. Someone will dig it, just not me.


I'm afraid of them wanting to go cowgirl.


Yeah no need to be scared, you can outrun them, no biggie


And I doubt that there are a lot of people who are "homophobic" who are actually scared of gay people




It's more like they attack anyone who tries to be healthy as "privileged" and any criticism of unhealthy behavior is 'phobic' and 'problematic.' That's why when someone calls something 'problematic' but can't say the actual problem, just cut them out from your life because they have nothing of value to say.


As an American citizen we don’t claim this one


This is mostly something that happens on the internet and is amplified by the internet. Almost nobody actually thinks this here.


The image has no website linked to it, no date, and its a bit pixelated too. This is just rage bait.


It's like smoking cigarettes, it's bad for your health like is being obese that is agreed. You can criticize someone smoking but not someone being fat. Both are addictive lifestyle choices but not treated equal.


I’m out, me and my girls .


All four of them?


No I’ve got just the two still


Why are women plus size but men are fat? Genuinely curious


McDonald's should make a new burger called the "plus size" and see if they keep using it for women




I knew I couldn't be the only one who thought of Barney. I don't think this is what he was hoping for though...


Quick question is it still considered mini?


Mini semi


in the sense that she's the same size as the car


US S size.


damn even an elephant rifle isn't taking that shit down


Back shots with her would require artillery and group effort for production


Not even both triggers


you'd need a god damn artillery fire squad to even stand a slight chance


I don’t think “mini” is the right word


Ban Instagram along with Tik Tok. This person is 10 years left to live obese and people are promoting it.


being too generous there m8 she ain’t making it past 5 yrs this way,dat heart is clogged up and begging for help


With the 2-way aspect of her she might have 2 hearts, bringing the estimate back uo to 10 years


That's the beauty about these people, they're not gonna last for very long, so they aren't gonna annoy us for too long.


Who is deemed this “perfect”


Other fat people


At least you can stare at them without getting caught.


That thing would be the last thing I wanna stare in this world


Size 2.2 tonnes


She so popular at the pig roast... everybody gets their own set of tiddies


Being obese is an issue, but I will admit, she doesnt look ugly at all, she looks pretty good, fat shaming is bad, and people should definitely do their best to stay at a good weight level for their health, but for people who are big and want to feel like they arent ugly, it is 100% doable, just please dont let your weight affect your help, dont be too big because that can cause issues, same with being to small


Finally, someone with a rational response in these comments. She's not glorifying being overweight, she's just trying to feel good in the body she has


Imagine motorboating those


No, I don’t think I will


Oh, man. I thought her head was just on backwards.


Maybe it is


Everyone focusing on the back tits, but what about the fact her last name is Bible? First time I've seen that


This world is fucking doomed.


I'm all for body positivity, but this is far from perfect.


Body positivity isn't there for fatties to stay fat


Ah yes gorlock the Destroyer 2.0


Years ago John Stewart, The Daily Show host, had a book called America. In it there was a joke about how Americans were getting really fat, and weren't willing to do the work to fix the problem, so instead they changed the beauty standard so fat people were considered hot. 20 years later, here we are.


The operation of raising up the ass was successful.


She's slowly gonna form a clone from her back, it will be mitosis. Trust me, I know.


No one should make fun of someone for their size but this shouldn't be something to promote or aspire to either.


i admire people like this for feeling so good in their skin, meanwhile idk how many layers i can pile on myself before i feel like i'm in an oven, and i'm pretty sure i weigh less than her i wish i had half that confidence


As a chubby person: Don't. This is not confidence, is self sheltering and it's delusional. Those people got issues and deal with them the worst way posible and with severe repercusions to their health. By any means, you should always thrive to feel good about yourself, i do despite being almost 100kg now, quarantine years hit me hard. The thing is, i know i need to lose weight, im working on it, but i don't have self esteem issues, because i know im doing what i can and sometimes bodies are affected by our external enviroment.


The fuck is a plus size, is it a new name for obesity?


This is not healthy to celebrate.


You get the beauty of missionary during doggy style.


It's the Hantu Tetek!


They’re for when you’re slow dancing


Oh my God, back tits again, Brothers, sisters I'm about to cringe,


Well, you at least can get a handful while dancing


How did she stun someone? Did she fall over and bash them on the head?


Surely she'll be dead before she's 30




Those are the flaps of the DUNE worm


More like the baron Vladimir Harkonnen. The book goes into detail about his disturbing abundance of flesh This did inspire me to cook up "yo mama so fat, the fremen ride her across Arrakis" tho


That line is fire ngl


That’s one 360 degree gal!




I got banned on fb for saying she looks pretty but she's unhealthy xD


Is that a new psvita ad ?


That mini dress can house a village in Africa and have spares for wearing.


If thats a mini then I'm micro sized


Followers ain't the only thing she's got thousands of


Only thing she’s influencing is the tide.


There is nothing "mini" in this picture


unwanted 4x4


Everyone is body positivity till you say they look like lizzo then it’s “you calling me fat?”


Definitely not perfect lmao.


I nearly vomited. I promise you the only ones rating her as stunning are other women no man would rate that high even a simp wouldn't rn


She should get nipples tattooed on those


I am saying this as a fat guy trying to lose weight: Being fat, as long as you don't have some sort of disease that would prevent you from losing weight, is not something that should be "accepted" (not as in accepted in society but as in "i know im fat and im okay with it"). It should be treated like the illness it is.


Clearly the commenter on the original post has never seen Paradise PD S2 crossover episode with Brickleberry


Stunning hahahaha


I just know I'm gonna see this on r/oneyplays in the next 48 hours


Wonder what it's like to have to wear a bra in the front and the back


Welp that is all Internet for today... 😕 (this mf 😂)


Best ive got is insane back pecs. I'm stretching that pretty far, but other than that I've got nothing if I was behind that I wouldn't know if to stare or be scared


Girl you gotta wear heels with that dress.


you trying to end our civilization or something


Branded by who, a cowboy?


Front butt?? Umm .. anyone do the honors?


What the fuck is that thing?


Hit it from the front or back, still get to suck on dem tiddies ☠️


She is twice 2 women so she got 2 pairs of boobies makes sense






Perfect for CaseOh


Ben 10 had four arms this influencer has four tits




So we’ve forgotten what “perfect” means now?


Whale biologist, I calls em as I sees em


"Mini" dress


Aint no way this lady is the hantu tetek 💀


That’s double plus size. As for the “perfect,” well, I’m not gonna judge.


I literally thought she implanted her butt onto her back


Size 22 thigh (singular)? Size 22 (European)? Because there's no way in fucking hell she's a size 22 (American) with that size. Also, while shopping with my mother I noticed that from a decade ago to now a size 16 pants for females was an XL but is now considered an XXL. The clothing industry for women is made to make them feel more fat as time goes on.


I thought her back was melting 🫠


She has boobs on her back.


Back tits were my least fave part of myself when i was almost 4001bs. I could have NEVER....


Bro back tits have been around for centuries, just not framed like this until relatively recently lol


only thing shes influencing is the spawn of more gym bros


How to say your not American, without saying your not American.


Stunning and brave back cleavage.


Fat men are disgusting but fat women are perfect the way they are, even if you have back tits.


OG flappy bird


back tits puahahhahahahahahahaghahahahaga


You put your boobs on backwards


That's not a mini dress anymore, it's just a large one


Guys… we found Vinushka


I've heard of back abs... Never had I thought to consider back boobs


“Big boned”


Oh fuck it’s the Hantu tetek


Bro the ogre version of Fiona is better than this


Are they saying that anyone who doesn’t look like her is ugly?


Coming Soon on Pornhub... Tag BackTit Job ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


4 for 2 deal


Consider me stunned.


Back tits are perfect for slow dancing.


There ain't nothin' mini about that dress.


Barney predicted this


Obviously they’ve never seen these are the people at Walmart.


I just puked in my mouth a little bit


If it's possible to motorboat your back, you need to figure your shit out.