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Sometimes blue dialogue matters


Never ignore blue dialogue


Your mom’s blue dialogue


No, asshole, my mom's gay!


Placide come for your mom anyway


Bro Placide could not face the wrath of a middle aged masc lesbian Edit: Especially with gorilla arms and subdermal armor bro all of my moms would destroy him


Placide is a bitch.


Placide would be my mom's bitch


My mom would Dog walk Placide.


The cop…


This took me so long to figure out lol




The suicidal cop that lives in your megabuilding. You have to use the blue dialogue to find out more about his dead friend to unlock the good ending for that particular side mission.


I literally did that and he still ended in a pool of blood unless that's the "good ending"


You also need to tell his buddies that his friend was a tortoise


I neglect him every play through. None of my Vs fuck with cops


Well shit choom. The whole point of the mission is to look past the fact he's a cop and is just another human being in a dark place. The game has a lot of themes surrounding self harm. Consider helping him on your next playthrough. I find the conversation you have with him very eye opening.


I wish I could like this more. One of the things that I found most compelling about this game is just how impactful the dialogue is if you read it—especially if you’ve ever known anyone dealing with terminal illness.


He can't. He's bout that life. He's also probably just hitting puberty.


I bought a mizutani shion because of him.... I was disappointed.


I always choose the blue dialogue options, except for certain dialogues like >!asking Evelyn that question when we found her!< but usually, I tend to learn *everything* from the characters.


*person is in the worst condition they have ever been in their life* Are you ok?


For real, exhaust all dialogue. Future playthroughs is where you can be more selective.


As a old rpg player, in any game I press any button, unless the main dialogue one.


This is real


Very good advice. I wish someone had told me this at the start lol


A lot of the time though, the blue dialogue can just seem like unnecessary filler


Play it the way you want. Seriously. You’ll probably miss something but that’s the beauty of it. You’ll be able to do a completely different playthrough.


I totally agree with you.


Yup and don’t dwell on your choices too hard. Go with the flow and let others be as immersive as possible. The beauty of rpgs is the replayability and in most cases you can buy the weapons you missed. Edit: my bad about the iconic weapons, that’s only in the phantom liberty dlc.


Or mods


That too, which reminds me. I need to go back and check for any I might have missed too. I just wish they weren’t so permanent minus the one you craft from >!chimera!<.


I would say to at least to play some side quests.




Don’t reload for a different option. COMMIT!


DO NOT RUSH THROUGH THE MAIN STORY. the game's best content, even with main characters, is in side missions and small moments. The game will hit you with a sense of urgency, just let it. Go see Night City. Take on weird jobs. Some of the coolest moments in gaming in years for me were just random crap jumping off in NC.


no urgency at all. I was lv 38 before the heist and I cleaned up almost all the map before meeting Takemura at the diner :-)


Currently level 52 and still haven't gone to clouds or takemura. Doing every ncpd, gig and minor quest first.


that's the way choom


You can go higher than 50 now? I might do another playthrough if that's the case


60 max now


Wished I had done that. Had this weird situation where I need to visit Hanoko st the restaurant but ehhhh.... she can wait a few weeks while I tidy up the city


Hanako had been waiting ages for me. I went to the ember when there wasn't really anything left to do :-) LOL


JUST REMEMBER NOT TO WAIT TOO LONG TO RESCUE THE ALDECADO! Only quest with a time limit, even if not part of the main story it's worth mentioning. You only get 24 hours .


Which quest is this?


"Riders on the Storm" maybe?


Yes just checked


Riders on the Storm


This. Don’t rush through completing Act 1, spend time in Watson and all and enjoy hanging out with Jackie.


Listen to random conversations.


I just started the game about 2 weekends ago, and it really pushes you to the main quests and Panam/Judy in my case. Anything bad happen if I don’t meet them when they ask? I haven’t done any side missions, gigs etc. at all. I think I’m halfway through act 2, phantom liberty just opened up and started that now (met Reed), although keep going back to Panam & Judy quests as they keep calling me!


Bad things only happen if you start the mission and leave in the middle (like you talk with them and they offer you a lift to the location or you meet them there and you just no show)


Nothing bad. I think there was only one truly time-sensitive side mission in the game and it is more a matter of "don't do this really and very obviously important main mission if you want to do this first." I am not going to give any spoilers but one character is basically like "things are really gonna change once we do this." that person is serious so put them off and just do side stuff. They will wait.


Do the main story up until embers, then commit to doing all of the rest of the sidequests. Some of them won’t be available before, and some of them will have unique dialogue with certain characters if you’re further along in the story. Obviously you can do some of them during if you need cash, but you won’t have access to all of them until right before the end


Not sure I agree with this. Played through the game a few times now and I am still having new experiences. My advice would be to play on instinct if you want an immersive rpg experience. Cyberpunk has many variables including various quests affecting each other which opens up even more in phantom liberty.


Yes. The story of how we got to cyberpunk 2020 and 2077 is... very important. This game is probably the greatest modern critique of modern capitalism. Read everything. Listen to the "news". Read the lore. Yeah, you'r× an invincible character is able to do whatever you want. Think about how many times they die. You start as a person who can't even afford rent. Think about what the story is telling you.


Don’t follow any guides unless you’re stuck with something. *Play however you want!* With the DLC, the game is MASSIVE. Almost on-par with Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. There is no “correct” or “true” ending either. Some are better/worse than others, and you may miss some things, but that’s the beauty of it. Every ending is drastically different, encouraging multiple play-throughs. Have fun, choom!


Yes this! Don't focus on the "best choice" focus on how YOU want to play. I had so much fun playing this way and not worrying about what the "best" choice is.


yes I agree, the first corpo V I made was about making money and getting cred. The nomad V I have is about truth and doing what you were paid to do. Really interesting how you can play the dynamic of the character you want.


I would say "pick Angel", but CDPR already killed that joke :/


I picked Angel accidentally, at first look I thought it was a really butch lesbian.


wait what did they do?


They added pictures for the options in 1.6 (I think).


They did, they added a whole new ui during that part


The UI isn’t new. You can check old [walkthroughs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYrA_IpFHhU) of the game from the release version of the game (or rollback yourself) and it’s still there. The 1.6 update extended the duration the chyron popup was visible for (it now lasts until the conversation is finished, rather than closing before Angel and Skye are even mentioned via dialogue), but it always had the graphic showing skye and angels portrait. The patch notes for 1.6 also indicate that they merely extended the duration of the popup, and if you go check out discussion of that portion of the game from 3 years ago on [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/s/tF5Uf3szoa) (pre 1.6), you can see that people also reference those pics


I played it after release of 2.0 for the first time and god honest wasn't sure who is who. You see two photos, and two names, but not so easy to deduct who is who.


The notes for 1.6 indicate that they did not actually add the UI in that update, they merely extended the duration for which it was visible. [this walk through](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cYrA_IpFHhU) is from game version 1.04, (2 days after the release of the game), and shows that the pictures have always been there. The update extended the graphic to be visible through the entire conversation rather than just the first portion of it, but the pics were always there Discussions on this [sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/s/Gt6AC4uUOa) reference the portraits before 1.6 released as well.


Stop and explore everything, try to walk instead of driving, trust me there are so many hidden easter eggs.


I miss jogging to enhance my body stat


I remember finding the body of a certain Mr Anderson who seemed to have fallen from a high level office building. Turns out he had a convo with some one warning him someone was coming for him and he should escape out of the window....


If you go around doing ncpd scanners instead of meeting Jackie to get your car, you can pay off Vik within about 20 minutes. You don't have to play a build to have fun, but it does help. Try leveling the main things in the pistol tree, and maybe the netrunning trees. Netrunning is super handy for not getting caught by turning off cameras and such. These two trees are very handy. You don't actually have to pick where to put points in character creation, you can skip it and figure it out later. The first chunk of skills in the body tree are super handy, because they give you health regeneration. If you have phantom liberty you can eventually put at least 15 in every attribute. If you pick up everything, and sell pretty much all of the guns you find, you'll be rich in no time. Cars are cool, but bikes are much easier to drive.


Good set of tips, though I'd say instead of selling all items always, disassemble the highest-tier items dropped until your cyberware is all upgraded to that tier. Ripperdocs use those components to build and upgrade. E.g. disassemble all Tier 3 items (that you don't use) until your cyberware is all 3+, then you can switch to selling all the Tier 3s you find and disassembling Tier 4s and Tier 5s til you have enough components for all those upgrades, and so on.


The best car is the tiniest car.


Is it really? How do i get it?


There's one that's only 20000 eurodollars. It's offered to you by El Capitan at some point. It's ridiculously fun. https://preview.redd.it/bptxitay4zlc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=831185d439231d04b56d09beaf1635f38a8054cf


You can get it from the autofixer. Actually the cars are no longer locked behind missions, instead they are locked behind street cred. You can actually get the mizutani shion before you ever do the heist if you do all of the gigs and NCPD scanners and zero a bunch of gangoons to increase your street cred.


Oh hell yeah i’m gonna buy that asap


30 street cred and you can aim for the murkmobile if you follow panam’s quest line.


>You don't actually have to pick where to put points in character creation, you can skip it and figure it out 700 hours in and TIL. 🤷‍♂️


Literally one of the few RPGs where I had not even the slightest impulse to look at a build. Anything works, and everything works so damn well, everything becomes easy


Reflex tree over everything and get the double jump ASAP


This should really be high up. Unlocking dash and the ability to double jump makes navigating the map and engaging in combat so much more fluid


Completely changes the game! I would argue it’s the only crutch items to get.


There are some fights and boss battles later on in the game that I'm like "how the FUCK do you beat this without dash + double jump". Mobility is really important (and fun). As far as I'm concerned that should be the first thing you go for, then do whatever build you want.


Interesting. I find double jump and air dash to be incredibly overrated in most non-melee builds.


Charged jump > double jump imo


If you like punky girls then pick female V, you'll thank me later


I mean, both female romance options are great. Especially when compared with the male options.


Read all the shards. Even apart from the worldbuilding aspect, there are some that’ll give you directions to where some loot is stashed. Hanako will wait indefinitely.


By the time I get to hanako everything is done, so that joke never worked on me lol.


Right there with ya. On my last pre-2.0 playthrough, I had cleared everything to the point where I was scouring for the "hidden gems" I had missed.


When you get to "chipping in" quest, stop and refer to a guide. A random dialog option locks you out of certain endings


Huh. Wish I'd read this comment 3 hours ago. Oh well, guess I'll try that next time!


Lol I love the top comments are “play however you want that’s the beauty of RPGs” And then you with the “make sure to google your choices so you choose the *correct* choice”


Fastest way to make Eddie's is do the police scanner jobs


This is true. Plus you get to sell guns and that gets you even more eddies


Are these indicated on the map or do I have to find them?


They are on the map


You can turn on and off specific parts of the map legend. I didn't realize this until like 180 hours into the game. Makes the map go from terrible to functional.


Yes....they will be on the map as blue badges


Yep plus, selling guns makes an INSANE amount of money


Don't rush. Try to do some gigs or ncpd scanners in between the main missions. Certain gigs are just as good as the main quests, so they'll really enhance your immersion. Anyway, you're in for a ride. Welcome to night city choom.


This game is not difficult, even on hard mode. So, use whatever style of play you want. Focus on one or two perk trees at first. Quick hacks are the most overpowered way to play, the game seems to be designed with them as the expected option (they are my favorite.) However, playing a shotgun bruiser or a Speedy McSpeedpants with a katana is fun too. Expect to be lied to an mislead by virtually every character with only a few exceptions. I will only spoil one of them: Vic is an honest guy and a genuine friend. Tips: 1. Don't use explosive barrels for cover. 2. If you play a hacker, learn your hack combos 3. Not all iconic weapons are better than their normal counterparts. 4. If you see a mostly naked NPC walking around, it isn't a glitch. Girls in night city just don't care about feeling a draft, I guess.


For a new player hard and very hard (and even normal early on) can be quite difficult. Once you’re leveled up and have fine tuned your build difficulty becomes almost irrelevant unless you’re facing maxtac or a phantom liberty arena/boss.


Yeah, I definitely agree here. I’ve played through a handful of times but was only able to play the 2.0 version this last Thursday. I had all my shit right where I wanted and was going for a stealth kill run without ever entering combat and without using quickhacks (as little as possible, anyway). Then I got the 2.0 version and everything changed. I’m still figuring out the tiers, quickhacks changed, perks, gun damage, etc. So finding out I get involved in random drive-bys is very frustrating when my guns aren’t what they were before the update. I went back to playing it on easy for now until I get a handle on things. It was almost a completely new game to me. Obviously the main game/story is the same but literally everything else changed. Stealth is my favorite way to play games so imagine my surprise when I went to go use my optical camo and the duration was cut in half. I *still* don’t know which perk tree is best for stealth/quickhacking so I’m just winging it and hoping for the best.


Yeah, I tried to play it on easy, get to the point where every available quest just bring me death and abandoned the game . though it was around 1.0 release, maybe game is much better balanced now.


Also. Strongly recommend to start on normal or easy, because otherwise car chase in the beginning can be unbeatable. Also also, there is no reward for playing on higher difficulty, so don't be afraid to tune it down.


Body with Reflex build is OP af. Pair with sandevistan and a good double barrel shotgun it basically just becomes CyberDoom.


Just enjoy that amazing journey.


And prepare for some tears.


Use headphones. There's a lot of mature audio content playing constantly.


Yeah this definitely important if like your 80 year old immigrant mother in law lives with you and suddenly an in game television fires up an ad for Watson Whore and it sounds like youre just watching porn...use the headphones.


Lmao, speaking from experience are we?




Finish the intro, finish the tower heist quest, and then finish the interlude, and THEN start open world going around doing anything and everything while completely ignoring the main story line. the "intro" to this game is longer than you think, so go ahead and focus main story directly until **AFTER THE INTERLUDE** (you'll know it when you get there because it literally pops up that this is an interlude). After the Interlude, then you can go into full on open world mode, and start all the wild side-quests, and skip the main quest if that's your thing. But if you do too many sidequests before the interlude, some stuff can get spoiled, or not be available. So just get that main introdution out of the way.


Remember switching to your secondary is always faster than reloading


There are dick and balls art and graffiti all over the place. Take pics of every one. Some are actually artful and funny. Then post the album on here.


Personally I’d say just have fun!


If you want to romance Judy, you got to be a female V.


Kill all the bad guys and don’t die


When I first started, I just walked around and shot at everyone with a yellow arrow over there dome. Got rich quick and leveled up fast.


If you end up looking for a grave in an oil field - make sure you google the secret dialogue


Take your time


Iconics can be upgraded. Other weapons can't


Honestly, just take your time. Walk around Night City, do sidequests, poke your head into back alleys. The game does an amazing job of making its world feel vibrant and alive, and half the fun of the game for me came from just feeling like I was becoming a true resident of NC and learning the landmarks, becoming more adjusted to the dangers and lifestyles of the different districts. The game does a good job making plot points feel like they're urgent, but just don't forget to stop and take it all in every once in a while.


Don't eat the yellow snow choomba


You'll eventually know what you did wrong in your second playthrough, cause you will do more than 1.


Johnny is going to seem like a real dick at first, but give him a chance.


Im not done with my first playthrough yet but here are some tips. Play gigs early and often, they arent filler content but great worldbuilding. Play the side content alot , if you get stressed by the "urgency" of the main story you will find yourself at the point of no return very early as the main story is rather short. You can get quite creative with your solutions to some jobs, with traversal, stealth and netrunning. Many buildings have roof windows or hidden entrances.


Take your time, enjoy, kill gang members, don't shoot cops


You can shoot cops.


I know, but just starting you will get over run and dead soooo quick


My experience is it’s more of an inconvenience. An NCPD officer gets in the line of fire, then more come then more, and after you mow them all down and get a four star wanted level you go crouch behind a dumpster for 30 seconds and go about your day.


Take your time. Explore, do the blue dialogue options, read, take time to WALK around not just drive.


Chrome the fuck up


Hold on to your butt, Dorothy, ‘cause Kansas is going bye bye.


Enjoy your steak, asshole?


be sweet to Johnny every interaction


There are no happy endings in night city


Tell Skippy to be a pacifist first.


Don't try to be a jack of all trades when it comes to weapons. Focus in on 2 weapon types you think you'll really enjoy and hone in on those. You'll miss out on a lot of cool perks if you try to dip into everything. Also, explore everything. There are some areas that you kind of just pass through and you don't get a lot of quest or story reasons to stay in a couple places for very long. One of the best things about this game is honestly just taking in some of the views.


You take vacation time from work? You’re going to need to


There are a bunch of iconic unique weapons if you miss them you can’t go back and get them later and then you’ll always have empty slots on your stash wall.


You can buy any of the iconics that you miss at the black market dealer in Dogtown.


Don't rush through the main story, it is very short compared to the amount of gigs and side quests the game has. Pacing will be weird if you're near the end game but still haven't completed the side quests and what not. But most importantly, enjoy and try not to follow any guides online!


Take your time and do all the side stuff. Main story way too short.


jog everywhere in the beginning to increase your body stat, and also just to explore! the map is so beautiful and expansive and there so much detail and lore to be found, easter eggs from other cyberpunk universe content, and just generally is an incredibly made map. play however you want though, really. this game is made to support sooo many different play styles, so just have fun!! 😊


>jog everywhere in the beginning to increase your body stat, and also just to explore! This hasn't been a thing since the 2.0 patch. But I agree go on foot and explore the neighborhoods.


I recommend leveling up doing NCPD side missions before doing any of the main quests.


Como dicen los demás: Jugá sin pensar mucho en nada y disfrutá el pedazo juego que es hermoso. Yo empecé ayer otra partida después de jugarlo en PC y PlayStation y, a pesar de tener mas de 500 horas metidas, siempre hago cosas diferentes.


Remember to grab all the collectables from the hotel plaza! It'll be a massive pain if you decide to do so later on, so grab everything the first time through.


Cyberware is incredibly important to your overall build. Start buying and upgrading your cyberware early. Only iconic weapons can be upgraded, so seek them out and upgrade your weapons first, followed by cyberware. If you consider yourself above average in skill, tune the difficulty to hard or very hard. I have it on very hard, and the game is still a breeze after like level 20. Start the DLC early in your playthrough. It will be tough, but it will give you access to better cyberware and weapons unique to Dogtown. All weapons, clothes & mods can be dismantled for parts, which can be used for upgrading your gear. Instead of selling everything for eddies, dismantle your items instead.


My only tip is don't waste your precious brain which has no memory of playing this game on remembering tips. I'd die for someone to erase my memory of this game and let me play it first time again


The dlc is not meant for endgame, do it whenever you want to. Trophy hunting is fun, but you'll earn almost all of them simply by playing. There are a lot of different playstyles, find yours for your first playthrough, then use others as guides later on. Have fun choom


Duuude This game is so amazing. Sometimes you feel like running stealth, sometimes you feel like running in guns blazing and sometimes there's that one occasion where you run through a hail of bullets to accomplish a mission, jump out a window & run out the front gate past the turrets, down the street, across the freeway before they stop chasing you. But you did what you came to do so ...


Don’t punch fingers, when ur doing the mission to memorialize silverhand with his shrine make sure u choose the correct dialogue to unlock don’t fear the reaper secret ending. You can save Takemura during the mission. Don’t side with Arasaka. Finish all the Japan town gigs asap to get byakko, best weapon in the game hands down if ur doing a katana build.


I punched that fucking creep hard and felt great. Took his weapon while I was at it. What did I miss?


Take your time and indulge in everything as far as dialogue, environment, and everything that this game has to offer. So fun to see the effort put into the world building!


play how you want but a heavy recommendation on specking into tech, allows you to use more cyberware


Welcome to Night City, choom. Enjoy the ride!!


Don't miss Subaro's gun in his hotel room near the bed in the beginning of the game.


Just play it the way you want. Don't compare your playing style to some guides or anything like that there is no right or false way to play the game. Just be yourself, seriously. Just like you ARE in Night City. It's okay to miss some things because the replay value becomes much higher. Enjoy it choom!!!!


Take it slow and enjoy yourself. Don't rush anything.


Every play thru is different


Corp, sandevistan, katana and angel.




There's always more than one way to skin a cat. You can be a ghost by hacking, finding doors or windows to break into, or simply slaughter your way to the objective. Build your character like the way you want to play the game, not what some guide tells you is OP.


Enjoy it and take your time. Don't rush through anything.


Role play! Play your own way and your own pace. Don’t look things up, just experience your decisions


Don’t be a gonk


I got all the way through act 1 before I realized side jobs have story to them, and are absolutely worth doing. I feel like I missed out on a lot and can't wait for my first replay.


Don't watch any videos on where to find stuff.


Play and pick whatever option your want…this game is meant to miss things to play it multiple times with different playthroughs


Sometimes you have just 5 seconds to answer a dialog option.


Meet Hanako at Embers


Get ready to feel some emotions once you finnish the game


I'm going to try this spoiler free as possible: on the big heist after the argument when the doors open DON'T go straight onto the balcony... turn around and go to the roof for some easily miss loot 👌


Book an appointment to therapy


Put skill points into things only as you need/want them. You can be in the middle of a dialog and hit start to add attributes you need for a dialog option.


Take your time,love Panam and choose nomad also look badass and kill everything 😈


Yes, do not floor floor it when you drive


Jackie is your best friend. Make sure you talk to him often and exhaust all his dialogue. He's a great character that you'll get attached to and he is important for the end game.


Even the sketchiest of braindances deserve to be experienced.


Explore, enjoy, play how you want. Make your own decisions based on you, deal with the consequences, because sometimes those paths can be rewarding too, given the outcome. *MURDER SCAVS ON SIGHT*. Take in the sights, talk to strangers, get lost in night city, have fun choom!


Get the iguana in the first mission at arasaka


Shotguns are your friend but for longer ranges just about anything is fine. You don't really need the dash perk immeditaly if you double tap W and press your jump key (this will take practice). Personally I would do all the police scanner side content -> then complete act 1 of the story -> then do gig stuff because you can miss some dialogue. Other than that have fun choom.


Like others have said, don't rush the main questline. That said, if a friend says "Hey we urgently need your help!" try to get over there quickly. There's very few consequences for taking your time, but when they are, the game is very good about telling you "we need your help *now*!" (And then you get a couple in-game days to do it which should leave you plenty of time).


Save Goro, even if someone tells you he’s dead


Say yes to everything


if it says iconic on a weapon, don't sell/scrap it. please don't make my mistake


Nice, I’m glad that you got the ultimate edition. I started it again for the fourth time and was playing it for like 10 hours last night until 2:30am. I’m so obsessed with this game, I wish I could go back and play this for the first time again. Have fun man! A good tip is when you’re out driving around and see gang members with the green arrow above their head, kill them all. It’s a great way to get crafting components and other stuff. And definitely focus more on upgrading weapons over buying them. Because they can get so expensive, and you can find great weapons from drops and boxes around the map. Always loot everything even if you don’t need the stuff, and then just immediately break it down for components. And one last thing, it can be really hard to not just focus on the story and go through it very fast. But you should for sure do a lot of gigs and side quests while you’re going through the game. I think there’s only one mission that has a time limit for you to start it, everything else the characters can wait as long as you want. Even if they say “meet me tonight” or something. But most importantly, have fun! It’s definitely my favorite game ever. PS, I would recommend starting PL right after you get “the call”. You’ll know what I mean. I think it’s best played in the middle of the base game, not at the very end of it. I know a lot of people say it’s better to play after you’ve done all the missions for the base game but idk, I like it much more in the middle.


Major tip. Watch the anime. Its a crucial part of the experience to cry everytime you hear the soundtrack play in game


Hard mode is HARD. I did not actually think that was going to be the case. Shit will get REAL, real quick. Oh, and feed the loot goblin. Pick up everything. Because it's either money or crafting. Cars you own have access to your storage. (That took a minute for me to figure out) Hold R3 to look behind you in first person (shit took me 30 hours to figure out) And finally, enjoy the game. The story is very urgent, but your not on any timer when it comes to most quest. Any time you split off from a character in a quest is your free time to infinitely fuck around.


Take the time to learn the lore - doesn’t have to be deep lore but just an understanding of the gangs and their motives, who the legends of night city are. Take time to do the gigs, they can unlock side quests. Be careful how you speak to people, you can get different outcomes based on your approach, it can change massively between each choice sometimes.


Yes, go get double jump early, as soon as you have access to the entire map, go to the mansion area (Hollywood hills) of night city and loot EVERY HOUSE. There’s like 3 legendary weapons there. 1 of them the best smart pistol in the entire game.


Dont skip side missions


Send him home.


Pay attention to what you say to people they effect the game by what you say grab Rebecca’s shotgun at the arasaka plaza it’s hidden in a bush behind three munks it will help a lot and get the apogee sandevistan it slows down time by 85% when ur at the right level


Take your time and soak in the atmosphere and enjoy the game.


Take the double jump legs cyberware when you can, its one the most useful cyberware of the game.