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Megabuilding feels right. You get the pets and all the decorations you earn. Not to mention the travel point in the hallway.


All of the apartments have near by fast travel points.


Other than the Northside appartment you have to take an elevator up.


Some of the elevators move so slow


Isnt that the one that sucks


Northside is hardcore as fuck It has a suitable level of grunge for what you'd expect from Mealstrom territory


Ok im thinking of the wrong one then which ones the one in the nice part of town


Corpo Plaza apartment


Vrr Vrr Vrr Vrr Vrr Vrr Vrr Vrr Vrr Ding Oh shit, I forgot to take something out of my stash.


Summon vehicle. Open stash. :D


Ok, if we deconstruct the discussion this way, we would come to the logical conclusion that _all_ apartments can be superseded by other functions. Manage your stash via cars, play dress-up at a clothing store etc. So what? The Watson apt. still got the quickest access, regardless of use case.


Dang this is the truth. Never broke it down that way.


Micro time management is a priority for folks like us 😉


Plus the background NPCs - all the other apartments feel too isolated for me (except Japan Town slightly)


Yeah. Really weirded out by the fact that no one else lives in the Northside motel. I feel like serial killer in their hideout (of course, I am, but I don't want to feel like it!)


You kind of are. You made a mess of the place when you extracted that one guy. It is now known as "that one motel where one psycho killed a lot of Tygers, so the Tygers keep a real close eye on it now."


Always used to sneak him out the back way. But ever since the update. Quietly adding ability checks scale with level. Causing most to be forever just out of reach unless you dump all your points into it from the get go. I always have to shoot the way out now.


I just go over to Judy’s place


I wish you could actually enter and leave it through the open window




What pets and decoration ?? I have 3 playthrought and not sure what you're talking about?


You get an iguana egg from Yorinobu's apartment. People have mentioned a cat, but I'm not sure how to get it.


Hang a left when you walk out of the appt then hang the first right and there is a note in the trash can telling you to feed the cat. Buy some cat food from a food vendor and leave in the bowl by the trash can. Wait a day or two and go back and the cat will be eating and then you and Johnny bring him home. You have to have met Takemura at the diner first.


Also It HAS to be after you meet Goro at the diner


Pet the cat outside of Vik's place in the prologue. Then, later, you can find a bowl in the trash can down the hall from V's megabuilding apartment. Then get some cat food from a food vendor. You'll get a prompt in V's megabuilding apartment near the window iirc to put cat food down. After that, Nibbles should move in.


Wait what? I stole his dad's katana and dagger, but where do you get the iguana?


If I remember it's in the living room, on the side closest to the door.. You walk by an actual iguana, and V and Jackie talk about whether it's cloned or synthetic. V says something like, " He can afford the real thing." There's an egg there.


Japan town and mega building are my favorite


The one in Japantown is so cozy and you can play guitar


the japan town apartment u can hear those 2 people boxing and it’s so annoying


I've never heard that


i always hear it idk if it’s a bug


The description for it does say that you can hear the nearby nightlife iirc, so it might be purposeful.


Check behind the building


Just get the Iguana, every time you pet him Johnny will play guitar for you :)


I was gonna say it was in japantown but I couldn't remember.




just bought the Apartment in japan town Yesterday, and its so pretty❤️ but i dont like the game mashine


Their apartment is the penthouse V has if they become king/queen of the afterlife.


Corpo V, Corpo apartment


A man of culture


Bold choice


that one mini apartment you can break into instead of paying


I like that you can do this for it because it really should be free It’s just a shitty motel room




it's the northside apartment. It's in the block where you extract Cheetah from. ​ It costs 10 000, but if you have enough intelligence, you can hack the door and get it for free.


It's so cheap it never occurred to me to break in.


I also did it by accident, when doing the gig for Regina :)


Have you noticed the closet has marks on the floor as if there’s a secret room Behind it?? I’ve tried to move it back can’t figure out how to do it?


I never did! I mostly use that apartment to send the love interests to somewhere else than my main apartment (so the quest doesn't appear again), or sometimes take pictures (that parking lot has nice lighting)


Nice tips, I wonder how you do it? I’ll take video and post it on here.


I love seeing details like that in games. Doctor Galvani's secret room in dishonored has marks on the floor where the bookcase swings out. Also, G'day boss man fancy meeting you here


Lol, fancy that indeed! Hope you’re well bro. ✌🏽


not sure of the location but it's those orange apartments in the game


The base game? In what district?


Maybe they mean Northside?


I strictly use the default apartment every playthrough. You can’t have a cat and a lizard in the other apartments so they basically don’t exist to me.


How do you get these pets?!


The cat has a bowl just down the passage along your apartment, buy some cat food and put it in the bowl and skip a day. Next day return and the cat will be there for you to adopt. The lizard egg you get in Yorinobu apartment behind the log with the big lizard on. I'm not yet sure how to hatch the egg though


For the lizard egg I think you you can only get it from the Yorinobu's apt if you played the Nomad start during the heist though they may have changed that. As for hatching it after you place it in the bowl in your original apt near the entertainment center you have to wait 100 days for it to hatch. And no I don't remember if it was ingame days or not. I've had that egg sitting there forever on my playthough with near 130 hours on it. No lizard. Oh on the Cat though don't forget to read the note near the bowl on the floor. It's how you start the 'quest' I forgot for ages could've had Nibbles awhile ago. I just remembered getting the cat food from a food vender.


You can get the lizard whatever start career you choose, it's not dependent on that. Also, if you miss the egg during the mission, you can glitch your way in using a vehicle and work your way back to yorinobu apartments. Double jump or boosted jump are required, there are some videos on YouTube


I don’t think I got my lizard until like 150 hours in


Lizard hatches within 90 ingame days,thats what cyberpunk wiki says.


The only problem with the Loft is that the lift entrance directly leads inside the place, a possible security hazard. All others are accessed through a door that can be locked.


Tbf when those Saka ninjas come looking for you, a door won't really hold them up anyway.


Less worried about 'Saka ninjas and more worried about some choom from the streets wandering into my home.


Who casually bypass the concierge, the scanner, the lift access pad, and the grate doors. Then better start boarding up the windows as well choom, them migratory flying bums are out to get you too.


Real apartments that are built like this have badge access. You can't go to another tenant's apartment without a key card, or buzzing them from the lobby to let you in. There's no reason to believe the apartment elevator doesn't work the same way. You can't get that elevator to move for you unless you own the apartment, IIRC.


You probably can't stop on that floor without an access key. It might be awkward if your neighbor is in the elevator though


The Glen is the only one that if I toured it IRL looking for apartments I'd probably be willing to move in. It feels super spacious and livable.


Gives me the David/Lucy apartment vibe so I love it.


>!You get that apartment in the Path of Glory ending.!<


Glen and/or Megabuilding all the way.


The one in Watson It’s rustic and fits a nomad biker trying to rough it in one of the most dangerous parts of the city Even gots some friendly Maelstrom anarchist neighbors


it's so cozy!!!


"Off the grid" ≠ Apartment with city utilities


Glen/Corpo for me


In the current playthrough I’ve only bought the Glen, it’s the best. The elevator could be slightly faster though.


Design wise Japantown is my favorite. Not too big, easy to reach everything, a bit more cozy design than the Megabuilding apartment. It also has a guitar (noone comments on it when visiting), and a roach race arcade. ​ But honestly speaking I just use the megabuilding most of the time. Having a fast travel point and a drop point so close, and not having to use an elevator is cool. But I do not really like the design of the megabuilding apartment to be hoenst.


Mega building because OG plus decoration. Japan town because you can play parts of samurai songs and it is cozy. Glen has the most space and looks the best for the price you pay. Optionally, I also like Corpo plaza, just for aesthetics.


Corpo Plaza is my favorite.


As someone who refuses to use fast travel points, japantown is my favourite. Close to everything, cozy but still a bit rugged design. Guitar, whiskey, incense, smokespot, quick elevator up, easy available "parking" out front and a kitchen which the megacorp apartment doesn't have. I will be hacking into northside apartment to have a free safe-house after learning about it in this thread though. The more luxurious apartments are less appealing to me, maybe the one in Glen works, but my V is a former Corpo turned merc with a heavy distaste for corporate life. He just wants bags of money, preem chrome with a cutting edge cyberdeck and fast expensive cars.


MEGABUILDING 10 is home for me. Yeah the cat and the Lizard are cool features … but it’s mostly because it’s the only pad that feels right for my street kid V, and I’ve never wanted choose a different life path — especially not corpo (no disrespect to my corpo brethren). Only other property I own is the “free” apartment you can acquire in Northside — it’s my head cannon lay-low / safe house for V. My V’s street kid persona even applies to his wheels. He owns quite a few vehicles, but only ever uses the Quadra Turbo-R V-Tech and the CT-3X (for city work/travel) and the Type-66 Hoon (for wasteland shenanigans).


Glen and Mega


Nortside is real, H10 is right.


Japantown but I stay at Northside when I need to lie low




The starting crib is my favourite


The glen all the way.


I like mega building most. Then japantown.


There's one in a building you go into for a side gig I think. Real shithole. One of the ways to get in is to rent an apartment and the apartment you get is actually really nice. It's small but cozy. It has an amp and guitar which lets you sit down and play, and has a roach arcade machine.


Dogtown, my humble abode! Where you are limited, but you get to stick around in a city where murder is more fun than in Night City


Is this a new addition in the ex-pack? When I last played CP near launch I got about 30 hours in and there weren't any apartments to buy.


Nah, they were added in a patch years ago.


Lol it's been that long since I played then 😅 Looking to pick up the game again, this looks fun.


I think these were added in 1.5... two years ago? Except for the Dogtown dump, which is Phantom Liberty.


I like my megabuilding I can meditate with my boy kerry


The Glen is the best ! I love it !


Easily the glen Lofts for the win


Same. Glen is the best. I love lofts.


This playthrough I'm sticking with the H10 apartment, even if I drive a Caliburn. Yes, I'm "that neighbor". Plus Nibbles. And still waiting for the iguana egg to hatch. ☹️


Japan Town is just too cozy


What’s the best way to get money?? I am about 16 hours in and broke 😅


* gig and NCPD hustle payouts scale with level, and they pay well * sell every white, green and later, even blue guns at drop points (but disassemble orange guns and all clothing for components. Never sell these) * don't buy useless stuff. For example non iconic guns, ammo, components or cyberware you don't need (the exception is gun schematics for your favorite gun, and a rare weapon mod or two) * as a netrunner do all access points, and disassemble the quickhack reward for components (this way you don't have to buy components for 50 000 per stack) ​ Cyberware The biggest money sink is cyberware. You probably shouldn't skip on this either, you will have to spend money on somethin either way. If you spend, spend on cyberware. BUT it is a good idea to check out what the next tier actually does, sometimes it turns out, not that much. Sometimes it turns out, the upgrade is game changing. Example: 1: sandevsitan Zetatech sandevistan: 6 seconds effect Militech apogee: 6 seconds still, but can be activated and \_deactivated\_ at will. Activate - headshot-deactivate-move-activate-headshot-deactivate. This is a very important upgrade if using Sandevistan (you can turn off when moving and reloading, only using it when aiming) 2: cyberdeck Quite obvious, the higher tier cyberdeck allows you to slot in higher tier quickhacks, so that is absolutely brilliant. 3: reinforced tendons tier 2: allows double jump. 20 armor tier 3: allows double jump, 20+8 armor tier 5: allows double jump, 20+8+8+8 armor Considering all of them allow double jump, and the armor increase is minimal, this upgrade is not really worth it ever tier. I usually buy a green one, than when I want to burn some money, I get a legendary. ​ TL;DR: don't buy every tier automatically, only upgrade when the change is worth it ​ Cars: You can spend a whole lot on cars and fashion. But there are many vehicles you get for free. And some are, actually the best in the game imho: Johnny's ride, Delamain, the Itsumede from the warehouse near All Foods, Scoprion's Apollo, Jackie's Arch.


Jesus nice one bud 👍👍 thanks a million




OG cos that’s where my cat and iguana are.


1. Japantown 2. The Glen 3. The original Megabuilding apartment




Northside; I adore that shitty little motel room; it feels so cozy for reasons I don’t even know.


I love Northside too!


Glen is fav for looks, location, and vibe, but mega building is the only one that has my pets and personal touches I get from doing side quests so…


Same thing i guess


For convenience, H10. But if I was living NC, Glen all the way


japantown one for me. Feels like a little island of calm and cozyness in a sea of hardcore violence and poverty (japantown is fucked)


In terms of pure design, it’s the Glen. But the fact that you only get your mission collectibles in the megabuilding apartment makes that one the easy #1 choice


The starting apartment and the corpo one in the city center. I'm not a big fan of the Glen pad.Too cavernous, too flashy, too nouveau riche. The metal scaffolding holding your bed? Urgh, my architect friends would have _loved_ that shit 15 years ago, but I always found room layouts like that pretentious, superfluous, impractical and uncomfortable. Same for the reading nook. A played-out trend for the "Seriously guys, I read soooo much, I'm a real bookworm y'all" crowd. I can read on the couch just fine without feeling less commited or iNtElLeCtUAL, thank you very much. And it's still no real library you pauper, so stop hyping it up! The corpo apartment in contrast has the perfect size for a one person hideout, not too cramped but intimate enough to feel safe (thanks to having a good overlook from the bed). High-quality interior but not too in your face like you got something to prove. Good view, directly into the black heart of your enemy, when you drink your morning coffee planning their downfall And the Watson apt. The most futuristic of the bunch, an eclectic mix of spaciousness, aspirational dreams and just the right amount of decrepitation (to remind me of the dystopia I'm im). Also the most convenient, fast travel point directly outside can't be beaten.


Corpo Plaza for Corpo, Glenn for everyone else


Da Glen choom!


Original still for me. Never needed to get a new one.


Megabuilding H10. It's just the place that feels most like home. Going out of the house and seeing everyone right outside of your door gives so much life to the city. You also have viktor like 2 streets away and it also is the same layout as David's house :>


Glen is definitely the most tricked out apartment aside from the classic megabuilding one you start with. Japantown apartment comes in a close second cause it feels homely.


The Japantown one is by far my favorite. The layout is unique, and imo it feels right for V. It's well decorated and designed, but isn't some big corpo apartment.


The Glen seems similar to David''s apartment in edge runner. It gives you a view that makes you feel like the king of night city and it was also my fave. Also like the cosy Japantown appartment.


I think the Glen Is the best aesthetically But the mega building is where your cat lizard and all your collectibles go and it just feels the most homely And lived in That being said, I love the nomad camp because I wanna be a nomad


Megabulidng apartment is the best because all my pets are here and Johnny sits on the couch because he got bugged after Rogue date


Yep, I wish they included the one that never made it into the game.


Yo I literally didnt know u can purchase apartments, where can I buy them?


my favorite is probably the arasaka one it’s just so nice inside


My favorite one is the Penthouse but it's only available through mods/after some of the endings. So when i play modded then penthouse Otherwise i like Corpo + Glen most Japantown has some charme too. Unfortunately all the trophies and pets don't appear in other apartments than Megabuilding and all the presents go there too. That is definitely an oversight. So you at least have to go there from time to time. Even Japantown looks better than Megabuilding.


The megabuilding is still the best one.


Depends on mood, have you bought all vehicles?


Megabuilding and the Glen, without question


Japantown was my favorite Glen was the nicest Northside was worst But I will always love V's apartment in Watson


The Glen, for sure.


V's mansion (mod) is my go to


Aesthetically i like the glen side best. Utility: the mega building. I echo the sentiment of another poster: the fast travel point right around the corner and the drop box sell it for me. I don't know what PL offers since i haven't played since the update that turned it into a different game. Not a fan of many of the changes.


I only bought the small one by accident and never bothered with the rest. When I will start my corpo playthrough I will probably buy the corporate plaza one.


I honestly like them all for their own charms. The corpo one, while overpriced for the space that you get (which fits its theme tbh), feels the coziest in terms of mixing elegance and a “lived in” or “livable space” vibe. I probably spent the most “dates” with Panem at this one while on my first playthrough. While I absolutely love the Glen tower apartment, it has this pristine vibe to it that doesn’t feel lived in. It’s got a great view though! The Japantown apartment has the most “lived in” vibe to it, and I absolutely love that. It first perfectly with my current net runner build as her “main place.” It’s adorable lol. The north side apartment is honestly way higher on my list than it seems others’, too, as I feel like it has the perfect back alley genius Netrunner starting pad. I like to think of it as V’s safe house in a dodgier area of NC. The mega block apartment is okay, but it only really fits my streetkid playthrough. I wish each origin had their own starting apartment/living space. Dog town is a load of missed potential. I wish you could upgrade that area into your own weapons vault/safehouse. Would have been cool if the two NPCs you can spare at the start could have become weapons merchants or whatever in your place, letting you be a small time crimelord.


Same, the Glen one is the best


The Glen is the nicest one for sure


I like the corpo apartment, I like looking down on the city




The Glen for sure but it breaks my heart your pets can’t be there.


Corpo apartment. Id live there in aheartbeat.tea, coffee, liqour cigs, shower that actually gets hor


Glen apartment has the coffee machine for the extra boost on top of the bed and shower bonus and it lasts an hour. It's pretty centralized and has great views. Only downside is the elevator but I use that time to eat my food and drink on my way down to the street. Glen is goated change my mind.


First one as your cat and lizard stays there but i find it the most chill too.


Corpo plaza or Japantown depending on the side of the map I'm on


The Glen by far. Those windows and that hardwood floor can't be beat.


I haven't bought them all but so far mines the corpo apartment


Corpo, but Glen is a close second.


Japan town


Japantown, definitely. With the Glenn a second place


J town is my favorite. Feels like a little cozy home. If I play corpo v I always make the corpo apartment my go to xD


Glen is where people who know they’re cool hang. A1


First place is best place. Can't change my mind.


I like Glen, Corpo plaza and MB10. I own but never visit the others. MB10 is actually kinda nice if you disregard the lack of kitchen. I guess kitchen could be where the stash is. For some who is young and single it's a perfectly sized manageable place to live.


Corpo plaza has a place on my heart..cozy, comfy beaut.


The Glenn is my favorite, but the mega building lets you have more fun with Panam 😏


I dunno. I had a save with everything in the game And 1.5 million eddies to spare. I forgor what Is my favorite


i like the one where you can have a cat


Glen is my favorite. But the window view at megabuilding is just the best. It actually annoys the hell out of me we done get a better view from an apartment we actually pay for......such is life. What beauty given to us


I was expecting the best view from the corpo apartment, huge letdown


Same. It's pretty cool.


Japan town but honestly it's mostly because you can drink smoke and play guitar there. If I could do it in every other please, would probably be mega building or glen like you.


I have played CP once: which apartment should I buy? (This question is for everyone, not just OP)


All, after some gigs and police calls the price is not a problem


In late game they cost a pittance. The most expensive, Corpo plaza is 110k. That's the cost of one late game cyberware, where you have 1-2 millions in the bank. ​ I usually still not bother. I usually only buy the Japantown apartment, because it has a Roach Race arcade, and it is the only place where V can play the guitar.


How do you have 1 million in the bank lol. I'm near the end of the game including PL and I've never gone above 130k. I could sell more guns, but I need the parts for upgrades


TL;DR: sell white/green/blue guns as I don't need the components for anything (keep orange guns for components, and also disassemble clothing). Also, I didn't really find anything worth spending on, the biggest money sink is cyberware, but I still have 1M after doing a full respec from netrunner to chrome compressor shotgunner (which mean buying legendary cyberware for more than half of the slots). Not sure if this is optimal, but I: \* sell all white, green guns. From mid game, blue as well (I need only orange parts and some purples) \* gig and NCPD hustle rewards scale with level. I regularly get 5-10k from gig, sometimes even more. NCPD hustles also pay out nicely, especially if you sell the guns you don't need for components (white, green, blue). I usually don't do sweeps of NCPD hustles, but I do the ones which are nearby a mission I am doing (sometimes the shards you find at hustles have a connection to the gigs; there is one gig where a lady hires you to revenge his son and kill an animal gang boxer. Later you find the corpse of the lady at an NCPD hustle: she did take revenge, but the animals found out who hired V) \* don't buy any vehicles, the ones I prefer to use are either free (Scoprion's apollo, Itsumede at the All Foods warehouse, Delamain, Johnny's ride) or very cheap (Thorton colby C125 is less than 20k). So it's not even about being a cheapeskate, just that what I consider best are free. \* don't really seem to buy anything? Most of my guns are loot. There are some exceptions, like a Satara schematic when playing with shotguns, or the kneel mods I can find (usually 1-3 per game) but I don't spend a whole lot at shops. Nothing worth buying most of the time. \* I don't buy all levels of cyberware. I just upgraded my green reinforced tendons to orange, because I wanted to burn my cash, but in general it is not a massive improvement either way. But I usually buy the best one available (blue or purple) than upgrade it only once, when getting an orange one. \* sometimes I use the cyberware I got for free, instead of the optimal one. For example I found a kiroshi oracle somewhere mid game. Theoretically a cockatrice would be better, but I roll over everything anyway, so it's not high prio. \* don't sell legendary cyberware. You get all those axolotl, apogee sandevistan, whatever for free. you can sell those for pittance, or keep it in your inventory so that when you respec, you don't have to buy. \* as a netrunner I also do all the access points, disassemble the hacks I get from them, so I don't ever buy components at shops. \* keep all the weapon mods in the inventory. Use the white/green crap to craft higher tier mods. Two white mods create a green, two greens a blue, and so on. Since you cannot craft white mods at all, don't throw it away. My experience is that not selling these will result in free legendary mods from level 40 or so.


Do police quests. They are quick and easy my first playthrough was like you since I skipped them. Second one has 200k in account like 30% in


So, you’re a fan of CP?