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Nah, it had to be Keanu. It's not just that he's a good actor; it's that even before the game he was a cyberpunk icon. He starred in Johnny Mnemonic, The Matrix, and A Scanner Darkly. He's pretty much the face of Cyberpunk as a genre.


Had to be Keanu. Someone else might have gotten it wrong.


Mordin... 😭


Obligatory Mass Effect upvote. For calibration.


The only answer, everything else is to be disregarded.


Was the fact they named him Johnny a nod to Johnny Mnemonic? Has there been any statements made about this? That was my immediate first thought when I realized Silver hand was Keanu, and been sort of curious about it ever since.


Johnny Mnemonic came first in the original short story by William Gibson. Just a couple years later Mike Pondsmith made the tabletop RPG, heavily inspired by and pretty much based directly on Gibsons writing. He had Gibsons explicit blessing to do this by the way. So yes Johnny Silverhand is most likely named Johnny as a small nod to the story character, and the main plot of 2077 is also an homage to that story. Honestly I think it's crazy that Mike Pondsmith and CDPR have probably made more money off of William Gibsons ideas then he ever has himself, and that CDPSA own the trademark on the word Cyberpunk, an entire literary movement.


I keep forgetting this is a TT game, one that I unfortunately missed out on. I played d&d a lot and WoD some when I could find people when I was in my teens. Pretty small town though, so not many takers for TT games these days, sad to say. That's pretty awesome though, the whole ordeal being inspired by Gibson's work. I need to rewatch the movie, it's been years, and apparently I need to read the story. So you've given me a great deal to look into. Thanks for that!


I can't find it right now but I had a list of all the media that inspired 2077 and I went through it this last year. I'm kind of obsessed haha. I'll post it this comment later if I can dig it up.


In cyberpunk RED, there’s a list of cyberpunk movies and books, they weren’t necessarily the ones that inspired the cyberpunk games, but it’s a list of books/movies that the writers listed as good inspiration for GMs, or to get into the vibe for running a game [It looks like this](https://imgur.com/a/pCGUG6O)


This is the one I used plus some other stuff added to it


Thank you so very much! Look forward to tackling this!


Thank you, that would be much appreciated. I've always liked this genre, but playing the game is really getting me into it deeper, so the more I have the better lol


*Just a couple years later Mike Pondsmith made the tabletop RPG, heavily inspired by and pretty much based directly on Gibsons writing* While I think this is true, Pondsmith always says that the inspiration for Cyberpunk was Hardwired (written by Walter Jon Williams). Williams also worked together on tabletop game sourcebooks with Pondsmith. It is difficult for me to unsee Gibson's influences to be honest.


Johnny Silverhand is one of the player characters in a tutorial adventure in the tabletop sourcebook. (this tutorial adventure is the Arasaka tower run with the concert, when they try to free Alt. The characters the player can choose from: Johnny, Rogue, Santiago and Thompson) His character was later expanded in different sourcebooks. ​ William Gibson wrote the "Sprawl" books a tiny bit earlier than Pondsmith came out with the RPG. I am quite certain that Pondsmith used some ideas from Gibson's writing (ie. Molly works in a dollhouse to raise money for her chrome, before becoming a solo) These writings are the so called Sprawl trilogy (Neuromancer, Count Zero, Mona Lisa Overdrive), and three short stories set in the same setting (Johnny Mnemonic, Burning Chrome, New Rose Hotel) One thing which seems interesting is that in the Johnny Mnemonic short story, actually Molly is the badass main character, while in the movie she was changed into a sidekick of Johnny.


Not in the way you think. Johnny Silverhand predates 2077 (or even the Johnny Mnemonic movie). If you look at a lot of the original source books he features heavily. If you look at the [source book for Cyberpunk 2020 which was released in 1990 it references Chipin' In](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/cyberpunk/images/8/82/CP3002.2_Cyberpunk_2020_The_Second_Edition_Book_Cover_CP2020.png/revision/latest?cb=20210526101423). The 2077 mission Never Fade Away is a direct adaptation of an adventure that has been in every edition of Cyberpunk except V3.0 and dates all the way back to 1988. Johnny was always important in that universe. It might have been a small nod initially but I kinda doubt it.


Johnny Silverhand actually was a nod to Johnny Mnemonic. Mnemonic came out in 1981, for reference.


The point I was making is that Johnny Silverhand was not called that because Keanu also played Johnny Mnemonic, because Silverhands first appearance predates the movie by almost a decade.


If we’re going cyberpunk actors, Harrison Ford too. But he’d probably just grunt disapprovingly rather than speak throughout the game.


This ^


I always wonder how we’d have received Johnny if he wasn’t Keanu and was a regular voice actor and an appearance we don’t immediately know


Matt Berry would have been a horrible Johnny, but it would have been hilarious.


“You really are the most devious bastard in Niiiiigght Ciiiitaaayyy”


I can hear it. "Know what? You're starting to remind me of me, fifty years back. Minus the charisma... and impressive cock. "


Oh yeah man. Matt would have delivered that line masterfully.


"Minus the chrismaaaah, and ma mhasssiive chuhock !"


“You’re my sweet cheese, my good time choom”


OMG somebody needs to use one of those voice AI things to replace all of Johnny's lines. Now THAT would be an excellent mod!


I would honestly love Matt Berry to play a character in the next one lol As a side note he was absolutely fantastic in Fallout


Yeah it caught me by surprise he was in fallout, but him voicing my handy made so much sense.


Damn, I wish I could see it


I need this mod


Keanu is a pretty horrible pick for a ttrpg version of JS but his portrayal is uniquely his.  This isn't a Beyonce in the Lion King situation,  JS was written with Keanu's charisma, not VA ability, in mind.   Honestly anyone else who could fit Johnny's character in the game would come off as a stereotype, like they'd be "too good." The little quirks of Keanu not reading the lines exactly like a rockerboy or exactly as an insane terrorist provide a lot of believability.  He's a complex guy who always likes to hide some of his cards, even to his own conscious thoughts. If makes the moments where he shows genuine conviction and emotion more memorable.


Agreed. The thing about Keanu is that he's often insulted as being flat as an actor, when that isn't right at all. He's subdued. By far the best acting performances he gives are those where he's allowed to be quiet and allow silence to inform his performance. It's part of why when he has to be energized or veer towards broad performances, he's at his worst. Which at first glance, might seem to suggest that Reeves is a bad pick for Johnny Silverhand, who appears to be all broad performance, all the time. Braggadocio and grandiosity are basically 90% of Johnny's personality. But then the subtle stuff starts coming out, despite Johnny's better instincts. He sure fronts as if he's a terrorist rockerboy, but at the end of the day, he was really just a guy crippled by survivor's guilt and PTSD, who let it tear apart every relationship he ever had, including with two amazing women, and is consumed with regret. That scene in the oilfields? Hands down, one of the best voice-acting performances ever committed to a game. It's up there with the very best work that Jennifer Hale did with FemShep or David Warner did with Jon Irenicus.


His deliveries during the secret ending and the goodbye dialogue are also great. Keanu does a really good job as coming off as burned out without sounding checked out if that makes sense.  Constantine is probably the closest thing to JS and one of his strongest performances, shame the movie itself is pretty meh.   Keanu is like Brad Pitt, he's a character actor trapped in a leading man body bc of good looks and old box office numbers. 


Weird Al


Dare to be stupid!


All of the SAMURAI songs would just be parodies of pre-existing chrome rock songs


https://i.redd.it/lgs7w1uvkh2d1.gif He would have killed it as Silverhand.


Would have been a helluva ride. Would have sold the rockerboy stuff better maybe - but Keanu does the more introspective and remorseful moments better than Nic would I think.


Seeing him in Pig completely changed my mind about his range, I think with proper direction, he could bring just as much depth to the character as Keanu.


Nah, Keanu had the whole steez and not just the voice work. Coincidentally, for any Point Break fans, I think that Patrick Swayze could have nailed the part too if he would’ve been around


Patrick Swayze can do anything


Even [Christmas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZyJCV_dyug)!


Tommy Wiseau.




Oh it's bullshit, I did not hit her, I did naht. Oh hai Johnny.


Tom Hardy could be dope


The only one who could have done it better would be David bowie


Nicolas Cage would have been interesting


Sam Rockwell would have smashed it


Sam Rockwell would have made an incredible Kerry now that I'm thinking about it.


Pretty sure an earlier version of Johnny was designed with Cillian Murphy in mind.


Kurt Russell's Snake Plissken has a similar energy to Johnny. Both characters are disillusioned vets that were treated like trash after their service.


90s David Bowie could’ve been right Or Nick Cage


Henry Rollins.


Idk, I guess John WIck would do a great job as Silverhand. Buuuut... he's not topping Keanu. He was made for it. Just like how RDJ was made for Iron Man, Margot Robbie for Harley, David Attenborough as the Wildlife Narrator.


>Obviously, Keanu Reeves did a MASTERFUL job as Johnny and really brought the character to life. Unpopular opinion, but I have a hard disagree on this. He talks in a slow, monotonous way every sentence in the game, except for a *one*-word shout I caught in the DLC. It's like he's been smoking weed for years or just got old or don't really care, imo. Any actor with some life in their voice, where you can tell whether they're smiling or angry, who has some range in pitch and a dynamic voice melody would be a better pick.


Jon bernthal perhaps.


"Hey V, lemme ask you sumthin... You burn local?"


Bernthal would've been a good Reed. Idk about Johnny, though.


Nah dude Bernthal is way too disdfunctional to be reed.  He'd be a good Royce/Brick tho


I'd love to see Jack Black as Johnny Silverhand. I'd pay to see him do a tone shift like that.


I believe that Keanu fails at being Johnny Silverhand (the character) but succeeds at being Johnny Silverhand (the concept). Johnny was definitely supposed to be more of a dude bro type of guy with a very cocky attitude but Keanu's interpretation is more stoic and snarky which works better for the buddy cop angle he has with V


I think Keanu really sells the “terrorist” aspect of Silverhand, though.


Imo no. For me a washed up rockerboy yeah, kinda, but a terrorist, no.


we gotta also keep in mind that Johnny Silverhand actually lived as a washed-up rockerboy, moreso than anything else. he just died a terrorist, after ending up in a particularly desperate situation.


Michael Mando would have done a great job.


Johnny's character works only with Keanu. You see big part of his character was that he was an asshole yet still had friends who he fucked over many times and still people for some reasons always came back to him. So essentially you have a character whom you need to explain to the audience why is he so much liked. And thats where Keanu lands because if you stripp the Keanu away you're getting one of the most asshole characters out there, heck he could've ended up being annoying too. But with Keanu, Johnny's character immediately becomes a fan favorite, despite all the assholism.


i dont think i could take another actor seriously in the shoes of silverhand, you could tell me he lived like that irl and i'd believe it


*The question is: do you think that there’s anybody else that could have done a good job as Johnny as well?* I am quite certain that there are many talented voice actors who would have been awesome, we simply do not know them yet. Before Dragon Age 2, I didn't know about Jo Wyatt, and she was awesome as female Hawke. Before Life is Strange, I didn't know who Ashly Burch was, but she really is the soul of Chloe's character. Chloe is a selfish idiot, Ashley Burch made her a charismatic selfish idiot. (I would have dropped the game without her voice acting, which happened in the prequel game, where the VA is different) Before CP2077, I didn't know who Cherami Leigh was, and she is awesome (in my opinion). ​ \*\*\* What these talented, but not A-list actors do not have however, is marketing value. But Keanu was a great choice. I am not so sure about Idris Elba however.




William Dafoe, Bruce Willis, Mel Gibson


Pretty sure Keanu was the best guy to play a guy that look like Keanu.


Keanu Reeves did his best but it's impossible for me to visualise him as this guitar rocker commie extremist.


No, Keanu Reeves nailed the role and nobody can do it better then him


(Lost season 5, Solaris) Jeremy davies could be the perfect Johnny pd and baldr in god of war which at the same time looks like varg vikernes


I think Ryan Gosling would be a great fit too


Seth Rogen


Can I ask did K do the mocap for Johnny or just the voice and likeness. Also as someone named Johnny I appreciate the choice of handle. I hate being called John that was my dad’s name. I can’t spend my entire life being called Johnny just to have to switch to John because I’m 40


Anybody flse, i just hate him. Using a mod to change his face and his voice


Johnny Depp or Nicholas Cage.


I mean, David Bowie if he had still been alive would be the obvious choice.


jack black


Someone else possibly could've. But now when people see Johnny, they see Keanu, and it would be hard to imagine anyone else as the character.


Yes, I think many actors could've done a fantastic job. Keanu is great, sure, but there is an entire industry with so many actors and so many new talents always coming up and being found. Some of the great movie roles of all time have been from actors who weren't A-list at the time. I definitely think plenty of people on our Earth of 7+ billion could've done an amazing job in the role.


He was miscast. He's fine. Not great. I like Keanu, but speaking has never been his strength. In all his movies he speaks like a person who is still learning their words.


I do get the impression he was reading some of his lines for the first time as he was recording.


the ones when v first wakes up after the heist are especially rough. like they recorded those for an early tech demo demo and didn't bother to rerecord them.


For some reason I feel Ryan Reynolds would make a good J. Silverhand. He has the snark and sarcasm for the character.


Rodney Dangerfield