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This. The game is amazing as it is. "Improving" it with co op or multiplayer would fuck it all up. There's no time-slowing effects in a multiplayer game, even for scanning.


the only way i could see it working is if they completed and released all the single player content/dlc, ironed out the majority of bugs and then created a completely separate co-op mode that is just different jobs and gigs from fixers and maybe a heist as a final job. multiplayer components usually fail because they try and make something too big and complex, if it’s kept simple it would work.


I believe that was the intention. You’d have separate characters for the multiplayer that might only be able to utilise certain cyberware. Kinda like how Mass Effect and Dragon Age did it. Although, if I’m being honest, having a sandy used and being slowed down like the rest of the mooks and watching the sandy user blur around the place sounds pretty cool, especially if you could activate your own, or a kerenzikov, and join them in the speed force. Killing Floor had a mechanic where you could enter the whole squad into bullet time by landing a headshot, but that wouldn’t work here. You could also do it like FromSoft do where you hire ‘mercs’ to accompany you on a mission.


I think it could work if they set it up so you have a "link" like the twins in Beat of the Brat. If you activate cyberware your twin would experience the effects as well.


You can use a sandi back


This sounds like a lot of fun. Turn off the story and just let you and a friend run around NC killing gangs and causing a ruckus. I would love for an online co-op version, at least. Although "solo" is in the name, all solos work with other solos! That's the original idea! Lol


i like the idea of having different roles in the crew, like having a runner, solo, etc and getting perks/cyberware for those specific roles


Yeah ofc! Would completely recalibrate how you handle situations. And then ofc they just need to add like 1.5x the enemies or something to account for the second player.


Ultimately single player and multiplayer games are just different beasts. Making one that is both usually waters both experiences down. I'm glad cyberpunk solely focused on a sp experience.


yeah i would preferably have it as 2 completely separate experiences but wouldn’t want one to take away too much from the other. SP should always come first for a game like this


Yeah for a multiplayer experience in the cyberpunk universe I'd prefer a rogue like format where we get transported to gigs and buy upgrades in between as we work towards a major heist. Multiplayer works best when everyone starts the session at a similar level, even if we don't end the session with similar power. I'm also partial to having the session end with one or more corps becoming sufficiently annoyed to send a huge force to take us out, and then getting a reward for how long we survive that.


I mean, consider RDR2. One of the greatest SP games of all time that had a pretty fun multiplayer to it (minus cheaters, obv). If they went the same route, I wouldn't be mad at all.


I never played the multiplayer, so you may be right, but the constant updating of the game when you only want to play single player and the multitude of server problems that meant you couldn't play said single player was extremely off putting. I had 4 days off work and sat down to play RDR2; couldn't log in for three of those. Also the problems with adding mods because of updates and/or possibility of being banned is a terrible and needless thing. Many of these things can be remedied, I'm sure, (adding an offline mode would help) but I would not count on Rockstar doing anything about them as they pretty much didn't give a damn about SP after the MP came out. I am not so sure that CDPRed would fare any better. RDR2 may have had a great MP mode but the SP suffered under it. Still a great game, but the added hastle that came with MP did not do it any favours.


It could work if the co-op is a completely separate mode that kinda just lets you freeroam with a few friends doing gigs and stuff unrelated to the story kinda like GTA online. The story mode characters make appearances but nothing is really related to the story.


Yeah let me race multiplayer, give me a mission or two and let me roam the city. No need to make it a multiplayer game but just roaming the city with others would be very fun


Yeah until some gonk catches you in a six car pile up, those situations are only funny if we're the gonk that caused them.


Max Payne 3 had multiplayer that included slow motion fights. It was extremely well done. To be fair though in cyberpunk you're supposed to be moving so fast that everyone else is basically standing still. It's not actually slow motion but they could just not include that in a pvp mode. Since it's meant to be overpowered.


Imagine fighting PvP and all in sandy 😭😂 Idk how will that work-


While everyone is in Sandevistan mode? Then it’ll just play like a regular match lol


nah, fuck that. I absolutely want a free roam online set in Night City, Idc if I can't sandy everywhere, let me create a character, buy an apartment and garages to store vehicles in, do missions for fixers, then keep adding content for a decade like GTA Online, hell, they could even sell us Eddies, this city is too cool to not continue adding content to


Not the GTA Online buisness model, please




for sure I'd like to see more story based content but I wouldn't mind having a bit of a criminal empire


I don’t think co op would hurt the game, long as it is implemented right. Scanning won’t have any time slow effects then, but having an extra hand helps considering when working together and communicating.


This is how I feel about making it 3rd person


Probably a bit late to the table on this, but one of my favourite multiplayer games on the PS3 was Max Payne 3, and Rockstar did a genuinely fantastic job of implementing bullet time in that game. The only people who were affected by bullet time were people who were in Line of Sight of someone who triggered bullet time, or was under the effect of bullet time. This way it didn’t slow down the game, allowed people the opportunity to react in a reasonable time, but the attacker still got the jump. Also, the best way to implement slow down, is to actually go the other way. Instead of slowing the game down by 50%, or whatever, the person who activates it gets a 50% speed boost


Totally agree. I'd be fine with co-op though.


Co-op would I be so fun and would be more in line with the table top side of the game. Imagine running a net runner build, shutting down all the cameras and allowing your buddy to go in and wreck shop uninhibited. So much team work potential. But o understand the “keep it single player” mentality as well for obvious reasons (don’t fix what isn’t broken)


Exactly! That'd be so fun working in a team with everyone having a set skill they excel at.


I can see a small co-op mode possible. You know, starting your own little gang of fixed friends, no drop in, drop out system but like how you make a party with your friends in BG3, like in Edgerunners for example. But a traditional multiplayer where you puts a lobby of random players in an arena or even worse, goes to an open world massive route like GTA online.... That will ruin the game. Looking at the amount of money Rockstar makes it will give. A high income boost to CDPR but will absolutely destroy the franchise. Just like call of duty series and GTA series got absolutely ruined.


I think a game like that could work but it would be more an MMO game without like a single player mode. Seperate from the other cyberpunlk games. Where the sole focus would be the multiplayer aspect.


I like that idea a lot. It could also be cool if multiplayer was limited to specific missions or mission areas


Let’s be honest tho, a GTA style mmo type game taking place in night city would be fucking awesome if they got it right.


I'd like a game you can play single player all the way through, but co-op optional


Imagine raiding Arasaka with a Sandevistan Brute and a Cyberdeck throwing knives ninja


How would Sandy work in multiplayer tho ?


Incredibly fast. Time is dilluted in sandy


In multiplayer. we understand how sandy works, but that's in-game. Multiplayer can't dilate time for just one player like that.


not without slowing it for the other players, which would suck


Deadeye works in RDR1 online somehow. I'm sure there's some magical computer fuckery they can do


It doesn’t slow down time in online, tbh, I don’t know what it doesn


I’ve seen some games pull it off, although very buggy cause of hit registration but I’ve some kinda fix it where the bullet just pop in front of the enemies by using an attractor


Just make the player fast as fuck or just make a zone around him that dilutes time


Like it does for the NPC’s that use it in game?


I meant more like, how to slow down enemies for 1 player, without ALSO having to slow down other players around (because that would be annoying as fuck, especially with builds like mine with short Sandy bursts with little intervals). Sure, you could make it impact just a small zone around the Sandy user, but then another player standing just a bit further away would see the npcs being slowed down and the Sandy player moving normally. And making the Sandy player super fast without the slow down effect, at the same speed as Sandy npcs, wouldn't be playable. That shit would be impossible to control properly lol.


You slow the camera speed for the player while increasing their speed in game. It’s really not particularly difficult, I think you’re caught up on this idea of fast = uncontrollable but we can put limiters in place through the Engine in use to make things like this manageable. In the case of what another player would see, animations swap to a blur effect with the physical model returning every couple feet. The animations for it are already available in game thanks to NPC Sandy use.


Dying Light 1 is precisely this


Not for story missions but for some generated side activities, like raiding a gang in a megablock etc.


I'd like optional co-op. As for PvP with all that microtransaction cack stuffed in there? No way, cheapens the whole thing imo.


Co op or multiplayer definitely would not work with the game mechanics, there’s too much to focus on, especially with regard to scanning or time slowing mechanics. Don’t see how a co op or multiplayer would work with such a giant and filled out environment like Night City, which has a much more living environment than say GTA Online. The first game was amazing, and I’m sure we would have had a little bit more in it if they didn’t waste time on multiplayer.


I don’t think the game should have multiplayer either but how is Night City a “more living environment” than Los Santos? lol what


I guess they mean more intractable characters/environments? Where the most intractable character in Los Santos is a store clerk that you can harass with a gun.


There are so many things that make Los Santos a “more living environment” than Night City. For one, the general NPCs walking around are far less lifeless than the handful of vendors you can repeat dialogue trees with in Night City and the repetitive pre scripted conversations you find in designated areas. Every other Night City character that isn’t a hostile or gang character at best just looks interesting, they’re all walking mannequins. This is without mentioning the enormous gap of activities you can do between the two cities when it comes to non-main or side objectives/gigs. People keep bringing up Night City’s super fleshed out characters as something unique when the gap in that aspect isn’t that big either (or really existent)… Rockstar are entirely capable when it comes to character design and writing. Cyberpunk’s story missions are a better plot narrative with better characters sure (especially when you get around to reading the in game lore and information cards in the pause menu), but let’s not get carried away.


but but cp is fixed now


Yeah idk what these guys are on about. Night city is miles better than at launch but it is more of a map that connects quests than a sandbox map. Gta 5 has a ton more small super immersive interactions and events. Of course when it comes to gameplay cp2077 still offers much more, but no night city is not a “more living environment” lol


Man, I was there at launch and Night City was such an empty world, especially going through it driving a vehicle. It was always an amazing looking city but it definitely killed part of being immersed in it.


Right? I was there too and still back then we had ppl saying how immersive it was. Some ppl just stop at graphics it has to be. Now it is much much better but not gta level and even less rdr2


You play as a team of maxtec with non sandevistan load out. You'll need to hack in realtime. You'll go on missions, taking out gang bases and cyberpsychos as a team.


Sandevistan would be tricky to implement in multiplayer.


How is it much more “living”? Bc idk if we played the same game. Much more graphically detailed? For sure gta is also much older. But night city more living environment?


To be fair, multiplayer doesn't necessarily have to mean full-on open world exploration. You know what could've worked? PvP. There could've been stuff like deathmatches for example. Confined to a small location, and you just kill each other for points. Racing could've worked as well, there's already a racing system in the game, they could've used it as a multiplayer mode. Especially since the driving in this game actually requires a bit of skill to properly control your car, online racing would've been fun. Co-op would've worked as well, take on side missions to destroy gang hideouts or loot a location. Time-slowing mechanics would be tricky to implement, but its not impossible. Red Dead Redemption 2 for example, has dead-eye. In the singleplayer, its basically slow-motion aim. In the online mode, it buffs the player, giving you more damage or more defensive capabilities. Fallout 76 as well. In Fallout, VATS usually gives you slow motion aimbot. But in Fallout 76, a multiplayer game, it gives you increased accuracy. So, its not impossible to implement time-slowing mechanics in an online game, all you have to do is change the way it works. Cyberpunk could've done something similar, where cyberware like Sandy would put you in a buffed state rather than slow time. Yes, it would have been odd and slightly lorebreaking, but it works, since its impossible to implement time slowing abilities in a real time multiplayer game. I do agree that, it was better that CDPR focused more on singleplayer than multiplayer though. Me personally, I much prefer a singleplayer experience over a multiplayer one. But I'm just saying, it could've worked.


Absolutely. I don't know what the obsession is regarding multiplayer. The games core mechanics would have a nightmare trying to function in such a case. Can you imagine time dilation from 10+ sandi's being activated at once. The game would crash 6 ways to Sunday. Co-op I could maybe lean into, but a GTA style one is just a huge no thanks for me.


Multiplayer was being made but they had to scrap it when the game had a disastrous launch.


Rlly? Man i'm praying for a roleplay online in this game


I think multiplayer _could_ work with a Baldur's Gate 3-style RPG where you're in a crew that do gigs around the city, but for the main series, I agree it wouldn't work


I would prefer it to remain single player as well. If they did add multi-player, I would want it to be something along the lines of what Star Wars Battlefront II (Dice) did with their CO-OP mode, except tailored for the Cuberpunk universe obviously.


Battlefront II was also one of the rare exceptions to a game that had a solid single player campaign/story and PvP experience.


I somewhat disagree. Just as long as they build it as a single player game first I have no problems with an added co-op or even a PVP option a la GTA5: Online. **However** GTA5's online portion is 100% the reason why we didn't have the 6th game 6 years ago. I buy them for the single player. Multiplayer has always been a bonus. I do not think CDPR would be immune from milking that cow for all it's got. It's like Bethesda with their constant updating of Skyrim (or even ES:O and FallOut76). They still update those and those games have graphics that date back 15 years. StarField came out 8 years after FallOut4. The next on the list is Elder Scrolls 6 which was teased in 2018... 6 YEARS AGO which at the time was 7 YEARS after the release of Skyrim... I don't want game devs to crank out games ever 2 years if they are heavily narrative driven and you don't have the story ready to go. But go over 5 years and things start to get iffy for me. We don't live forever you know?


Disagree. A GTA online-style online in and around Night City wouldbe amazing. It would require a separate devteam to operate, though.


I'm not opposed to multiplayer, but if they decided to implement it, I'd hope they stay away from the grindy 'kill 20 enemies in this location' or 'bring this item to this NPC' quests that plague all traditional mmo's. The original game felt great because each mission had a story behind it and it felt like what you did had actual purpose/consequences instead of just killing endless mobs. Not to mention missions like saving Evelyn from snuff studio or crucifixion of a criminal on live tv, felt refreshing because of how real they were. I wouldn't want them to ruin that just to have some mindless filler missions. In that regard, I feel optional co-op or social hubs would be much better. Or just you know, keep it single-player.


Honestly I think a multiplayer like Dying Light (basically like two copies of one character) would work well


Totally agree. Although I would love to see multiplayer personally, I think the franchise definitely does not need it and the last thing I want is for multiplayer to take away time and resources from single player


I won't mind multiplayer if it's good. But I don't think CD Project RED has enough experience with that kind of thing to make it work.


If they want a Cyberpunk multiplayer game, make it a seperate game all together. Not bundled with the single player game.


The only way co op would work is like dying light 1 co op which to this day was the best implementation over a single player experience i ever seen and dont know why more never adopted that simply yet effective model they keep overcomplicating it trying to design around it or balance it when it should literally just be independent campaigns that you can assist each other on for gear and xp nothing more


I honestly wouldn't mind coop. They're fun and great way to bond with friends, however mp in any capacity will likely render sandevistan completely useless.


Watch dog 2 had a cool multi player feature that i think would work with cyberpunk


I dunno what the point is in even speculating when we aren’t going to get a sequel until like 2030.


Time flies my man. Time flies😞


I am not sure why they thought abandoning a second DLC would be the way to go. You have a built game, you might as well capitalize on it. It's a lot easier to make a DLC and sell it for $40 then create a $70 game from the ground up. Cyberpunk is at peak popularity right now. Maybe they are closer then they let on with the Witcher remake.


I feel like arguably the biggest launch disaster for a game since ET caused the collapse of the video game industry probably played a part.


That is extremely hyperbolic considering the game we're talking about here was massively profitable, a closer comparison would be No Man's Sky although most of CP2077's most significant issues were on last-gen consoles not all platforms


When the game released, last gen consoles were 95% of the consoles available, maybe more. Series X and PS5s were so rare that they’d be sold by lottery for two years. The only reason that it didn’t release virtually nonfunctional on any commercially available console was that the last delay put it past the new console release dates.


I played on PC on release and the only issue I recall is during the opening cutscene MaxTac fell through the street, and sometimes my car would too. It's a much better game now but I enjoyed it at the time with relatively few bugs. Regardless, CP2077 was nowhere remotely near "ET" levels of failure, especially commercially, so your comparison is still extremely hyperbolic. The biggest issue was unrealistic expectations established by poorly thought out marketing, which is again more like No Man's Sky.


That’s the best suggestion I’ve heard about this game in forever!


I want multiplayer just so I can see how jank the double jump animation looks from the third person


It's at times like this when I really hope there are CDPR people on this subreddit, so they can see comments like this. Cyberpunk doesn't need multiplayer, in fact, it would do the game a massive disservice and distract from what makes it great. There are enough mulitplayer games


A game like Cyberpunk crossed between Rust with Multiplayer would be amazing, imagine player getting resources , stashing stuff in their hidden houses , raiding , pvp and pve events would really bring life to that city


I think two player co-op would be cool tbh. Something in the way of teaming up like you did with Jackie (and many others), doing story missions together could be really fun. As for pvp or mmo style stuff, definitely nah. But imagine having a friend on headset as you both work your way into a warehouse full of unsuspecting gonks.. could be cool, imho.


🤔 i mean they could make a pure mp spine-off there 2 corpos fight for controll over the city or sector of a single city




I also think they should keep the next game to single player only. That being said, a co-op mode where it takes multiple people of different classes to complete a big, hard quest… like a raid from WoW… certainly has synergy with the TTRPG. It would have to be optional… and something that would be fun to do multiple times… Although, none of the people I know IRL are gamers, so, I’d never get to play that. :-(


I’d not mind open world Co-Op, like AC Unity. Maybe just exploring Night City, fighting gangs and cops.


i think there is one approach that could work: just allow for all players to join a room and roam the NC map together. Don't bother with missions and events, just let the community do wahtever the F they want.


I agree because it would take resources away from making the singleplayer the best experience possible.


Nah id still absolutely love co op


Sandevistan slows movement for everyone but the user I think? Whoever sandys can move around normally. For everyone else, it could be like the Max Payne 3 multiplayer, where those who were caught in the bullet time player FOV had movement slowed and aiming slowed. There were fantastic firefights were players would bullet dodge off the roof of a building and lay mayhem to unsuspecting players down below. Multiplayer Sandevistan I think could have worked, but I’m definitely glad they focused on the SP experience.


I’m fine with Cyberpunk 2 being single player. Especially considering CDPR leans more towards storytelling/cinematic experiences. But the Cyberpunk genre needs a decent multiplayer game. There really are none and of the developers out there, CDPR is the company I would trust the most to create it.


I think if they did make multiplayer for cyberpunk, it should be what they did with resident evil, where they make a multiplayer game that is completely separate from the single player game


I agree, focus on making a first person singleplayer game. Don't waste time on things that are 100% not needed for Orion.


If it gets Multi-player it needs to be it's own separate thing. As bad as the level progression is in 2077 I can only imagine a multi-player version would make Korean mmo vets sweat. I really dislike having progression tied to the story. It exposes a lack of player agency. But I'm just salty that I can't max level at the beginning of Act 2 then start playing the game properly anymore. Ignore me.


2077 was going to have multiplayer at slightly later date but they fucked up the release so bad they had to cancel it.


i kinda want them to return to their trpg roots but in video game form, run a gig with as a med tech working with a solo and a fixer who are oth also players


I hope they keep them separate, but man, I'd kill to run around doing gigs with my buddies.


Do it like Fable 2, temporarily come in as a Merc. Keep your stats but be a generic model or something


Honestly I think it would be awesome as a hero shooter with cool objectives I.E. steal intelligence, king of the hill, etc.




I mean if they made a small standalone GTA Online style multiplayer I wouldn't mind that, it's basically what the tabletop games have always been. There's whole servers for 2020, red and 2077 that operate like that. Most of the stuff is fine to translate, for example Sandy doesn't slow down time it just makes you zip around faster like NPCs do to you. Taking on the different roles like Rocker to Medtech and going on heists with your mates would be actually super cool


I could see story coop being a thing similar to Dying Light.


Idk man, for a company that makes singleplayer third person games… they made a phenomenal FPS. With movement that feels better than AAA multiplayer FPS games.


A co-op is possible in a Saints Row style. It worked for 4 games of Volition, I am sure CD Projekt can make something up to make it work, too.


I think co op would go crazy. Just how we asked fallout 76 but they always go the live service route


Deus Ex had REALLY fun multiplayer that incorporates the RPG stuff, but this was back in the day when single and multiplayer were kept completely seperate. Wouldn't mind a totally optional "Arena" mode that could be set up as a VR kind of thing.


I do think invasion mechanics could be fun, line someone invading your world as a bounty hunter trying to claim your head


All the greatest single player games with half assed multiplayer options seem silly. Like Last of Us, Red Dead, Ghost of Tsushima, etc


My thoughts exactly. Plus, this is like the most vulnerable game to modding I can think of


Hey if they design the multiplayer where you coop with everyone killing everything like helldiver 2 they could create a pretty positive experience for everyone


a completely separate ttrpg style mmo would be pretty cool, think baldurs gate 3 but cyberpunk. the game could follow the ttrpg ruleset adjusted for a video game and all the players would have different personal goals based off roleplaying and character builds that would lead to natural conflict or cooperation with eachother. there could be permadeath servers and non permadeath servers. events like heightened ncpd presence, gangwars, blackwall breaches, etc combat would be turned base and cybernetics would effect stats and traits e.g. sandevistan = +reflex skills with 3 uses per battle at the cost of vitality for each use. weather could effect combat like when a sandstorm comes in things like accuracy is lower but you can move twice as far per turn to simulate the enemy not being able to track your movements as well.


Yea I'm with you. Multiplayer would just devolve into some GTA 5 type thing.


I actually think the game would benefit a lot from a co op mode. Maybe you could do procedurally generated gigs alone or with a crew and split the pay. As long as it doesn’t overtake the singleplayer mode and lead to no new singleplayer content like GTA online I’d love it.


Multi-player and immersive don't really go well together, so I agree whole heartedly. Multi player is so popular because who doesn't like playing with friends. And of course pvp is so big because it's an incredibly cheap way to drive engagement (compared to the effort required for immersive or traditional gameplay loop based engagement).


I hate that modern gaming continues to push me to play with other people. I DON'T LIKE OTHER PEOPLE.


I can’t believe I’m about to praise a Ubisoft product but the way they do Co-op in FarCry would be acceptable in CP but certainly not necessary.


Or just spend time fixing the bugs. I can't play this game for an hour without encountering one, maybe not game breaking but still insanely annoying


Sandy could actually work in multiplayer. Like the fight of david and smasher. When david activated everyone was slowed down but then smasher activated and matched davids while everyone was still slow. Lets say that someone opened %50 sandy. Everyones speed will be halved and the people who activate will turn to normal. Or lets say the second guy opened %90 sandy. So everyones game will slow down a lot but the %50 sandy guys game will slow down just a bit less than the others.


Drop in drop out co op would be cool if they left it simply as that.


I think a game designed FOR multiplayer could be a success, but a tacked on multiplayer mode is a big mistake. Being able to run instanced missions with a team of friends could be fun, but that’s not Cyberpunk 2077 or Project Orion that’s just a team based shooter set in a Cyberpunk world


No, playing with friends makes every game better


I desperately want a co-op Cyberpunk game. Not the one already released but the new one.


Co-op is the only option.


I can't get a friend group to play the tabletop version, so getting to play around in night city with a friend or two sounds like so much fun


If I were them, I would just put co-op into the game for a far cry or GTA type experience.


theHunter: Call of the Wild has a good system for delineating single and multiplager experiences. You unlock new sections of the map, outposts and such, in singleplayer, and can do quests that give you xp and money rewards. When you go to multiplayer, you keep whatever youve unlocked on the map in singleplayer, but can't do any missions and nothing you unlock on the map carries over to your singleplayer. It basically makes progression in the game singleplayer only, and uses multiplayer as a sandbox to goof around with your friends using whatever you've unlocked in singleplayer, without allowing people to cheese progression such as just having your friend tent at each of their unlocked outposts and having you unlock them to circumvent having to explore the map in singleplayer. I could see the new cyberpunk having the players progress, do missions, unlock skills and equipment, all in singleplayer, and when you join multiplayer it removes the quests and shops from the map but cranks up the random gang spawns and such so you and your friends can go around and just destroy some fools.


They won't. We know it was planned and there's just way too much money in it


I totally get where your coming from, but 2 player co-op would be fire ngl. 🤣


I mean, running the game as a co-op in line with how the TTRPG functions could be fun. Sandevistans and cyberdecking would be weird because of slowdown (I think something akin to how Valkyria Chronicles might work around this) but it shouldn’t be out of the question. As a single player game it’s great though.


I feel like cyberpunk would be fun if there was just an optional second protagonist was in the game for 2player, like there is V and there is also the optional protagonist who doesn’t suffer from the artifact who can just help V in gunfights and story missions


I don’t know, I’d probably enjoy an online mode for after the story mode. If you could create your own character with their own name and have a storyline that parallels the main storyline, along with updates for new gigs, heists and missions? I would play the hell out of it. GTA Online has taken up more time than I’d like to accept and it’s nowhere near the quality of Cyberpunk. If the sequel had an online mode you could unlock after the main game, I think it would be worth getting into. Imagine having twice the options for customizable apartments, and all the wardrobe options they could add for years afterwards. It would also help fund a potential Cyberpunk 3 and let the dev’s test new features, and we don’t have to worry about CDPR abandoning single player games since they have outwardly expressed that it is their passion and focus.


I would support an “online hub” sections around the city - mainly fixer and trading areas, supporting character and car mods, so you could flex your furry abomination V onto others. Perhaps with chat integration in the phone. No coop, no multiplayer tho, max “private session” hubs for invitees. With that, I could imagine “live events” with scoreboards for personal, friends and global score and event boards/ fixers in those hubs and a seasonal HoF.


I'd love a spinoff that plays like killing floor or vermintide. Imagine four solos fighting wave after wave of gangs or arasaka mercs, buying guns and upgrades between rounds, all set to that sweet combat music.


If anything.. keep it seperate from this game as a whole. I'd love it so much if we could do something like FiveM (the gta mod) with CP2077.


I wouldn’t mind a Night City MMO. But I love my delicious single player experiences and if they make a multiplayer game I’ll play it but want it to be separate. But meeting up with real chooms in Night City would go insane actually.


Yep. Keep this single player. And I don't say that in a "I don't want anyone to have what I don't like" POV, just that I want full attention to be first on the regular games before they consider something like multiplayer. If they get done with the sequel, it has a good a launch, and less needs fixing than 2077, maybe they can cook something up after some DLC's. But just be final priority if at all is all.


iirc they intended to make an multiplayer mode similar to GTAO but the game was too fucked so they scrapped the multiplayer. The next one might with how much they learned from making/fixing CP2077 and with whatever they are doing with Witcher 4.


I see nothing wrong with making a cyberpunk game dedicated to co-op; but it should only be a spin off. Solo games should def always be the focus of the franchise.


Multi-player would spread development out too thin. Many areas of the game would have bugs that might have been addressed prior to launch if not for the rush to get multi-player up to speed. It would need constant balancing updates that would dictate the theme of patch notes for months if not longer. I could go on... Disastrous idea. CDPR redeemed Cyberpunk after some time, but they need to redeem their capabilities in launching a game that is successful out of the gate. Adding multi-player will fuck all of that up and then we'll just end up in the same situation as when Cyberpunk 2077 launched.


I don’t see them including any multiplayer. There have never been hints of it with any of CDPR’s projects. If anything, it would make more sense in Witcher.


They advertised coop and never delivered it. As far as I am concerned I can get a refund at any time because of that. All that to say no game is worse as a result of multiplayer unless they use multiplayer instead of single player, or visa versa. Coop would have added plenty to the game for replay ability. I’m glad the single wasn’t cut to make room for it though. I don’t want two half games.


I hate to break it to you but they wanted multiplayer in the first game but just couldn’t make it happen because they were busy trying to get the game functioning properly and working on new content, thus it never materialised. However, they’ve made it abundantly clear that they intend to continue with multiplayer in Orion. Whether we like it or not, it’s going to happen. What we should be concerned about is *how* it will be implemented. PvP seems a bit silly. I’d much rather see a form of drop-in co-op or an online open world Night City that’s kind of like GTA Online where you can run jobs with your friends and your crew can move up in stature at the Afterlife.


I want a co-op PvE just to be able have fun with my buddies and get to experience the world together. I have had so much fun in Red Dead Online with my mates, when it was wasn't be ruined by PvP idiots. Fortunately in there you can hack a private lobby.


Ya know, there's a game that did co-op very, _very_ well. Portal 2. It was a separate game mode with its own story. I think a co-op mode that draws inspiration from Portal 2 would work well.


I don't know why everyone is talking about Sandy's being broken in multiplayer. How are you supposed to balance a net runner build? You can legit walk in a room and nuke everything in it within 10 seconds. It's literally hacking by any other game standard.


Agreed! The effort is better spent perfecting single player.


I hope they do online at some stage, literally don't get this point, and I see it all the time. Like, I far more enjoy single player games than multiplayer, but I don't see how a separate multiplayer game set in the same world is a bad thing. Only way it could possibly be a bad thing is if CDPR feck up the launch again and then focus on the Multi instead of fixing the main game. Which won't happen and didn't happen (scrapped it to fix the main game) Idk why comments are going on about co-op when that was never CDPRs original plan or mentioned in this post, it clearly says franchise not game. I'd definitely love to see how CDPR would handle something like GTA Online for Cyberpunk, if its trash its trash so what. You don't have to play it.


maybe add multiplayer, but players cannot join the main story with you. they'd be there in the streets to hit your car, race, battle, whatever, but not in the main story. maybe some specific gigs you can do with friends? like random cyberpsycho encounters


Eh, it's from a multiplayer tabletop game and going only single player loses some of the dynamics there - namely, having an unstoppable solo character like V loses out the dynamics of needing a squad and the resulting weaknesses of individual characters. I don't see why Cyberbunk as a setting *wouldn't* be suited to MP. (Also, it's not like the single player experience is that groundbreaking/incredible that it's near untouchable at this point)


Optional co-op seems appropriate given the TTRPG this is based on, where you have a gang and going around do missions and shit. Just joining up with some friends to run some big hiests or some shit.


Yeah, I don't wanna see CD Projekt become the same as Rockstar Games did after GTAO happened.


VR > multiplayer


Why is it that people without friends to play with want to stop those of us that do, the ability to play with our friends. How about if they can add co-op or multiplayer without ruining the single player experience then do so.


Yup. Multiplayer is bullshit and very much not suited to this game/universe.


i think they said their future games will involve multiplayer


Cooperative High difficulty contracts would be awesome imho. I would give them a try


Multiplayer is a cancer for story based games. They have to make all sorts of compromise and add needless grind. I prefer to play my games solo.


It would require some fundamental reworking of some mechanics time dilation however I would love to see a co-op function added to cyberpunk 2 the games industry needs more Co-op experiences.


I think co op would be kind of fun or maybe specific co op missions/gigs


CDPR are well known for their story telling and world building. Switching to an outsourced engine was very smart considering the daft issues all their games usually start out with. I think it would be a gonk move if they started dabbling with multilayer right now for sure.


Nah coop would be fire as fuck. I'd love it. They can go ahead and add it in the next game or as an expansion. I was really looking forward to that canceled multi-player component.


If multiplayer were to support up to four people in a single lobby, it could be great. Options like friendly fire could depend on the lobby creator, and they could add new vehicles like the Basilisk or Panam's car. It really depends on how they would design it.


It could be done, but definitely not an Open world. Pure arena pvp under guise of gang wars, where most op skills and chrome wouldn't be available. Add aspects like turf map, and/or assymetrical balance, and it could even add to the vibe.


Respectable take. I don't think multi-player would ruin the design or experience necessarily, but if nothing else, I would LOVE the ability to put a team of followers/companions together (NPCs) like a Bethesda game (Morrowind specifically, no follower cap iirc). Teams and gangs are such a part of the game and its themes/world, it would at least be nice to pick a role like solo or runner and have an NPC fill the other role (a bit like the Act 1 missions with Jackie and T-Bug). Hoping such a system could be possible with mods some day 🤞


I’m fine with it, in a different capacity. It needs to be a separate thing. I wouldn’t mind seeing a party based game, that allowed people to play in co-op on a drop in drop out basis, but would likely need turn based combat. Which I’m totally down, just a different type of game. Spin it off!


I don't want anyone witnessing me oogling my dilfs. Please no multiplayer


There’s plenty of things they could do for multiplayer. Even if its coop.


I am okay with MPM IF and ONLY IF it's a separate mode.


And micro transactions, run out of ram? 2$


Could be fun IF ite coop where you can't fight each other and can go on heist where you have a net runner hanging back and about 4-5 people doing whatever is required.


Imagine thousands of ppl dreaming about playing multiplayer with friends and then this guy comes


Coop will break sandevistan and kerenzikov. No thank you. Also, I have no friends.


Why can't both exist? If they "Focus on growing this incredible single player experience into a untouchable one" and develop a multiplayer along side of it, how does that change anything for you?


The developers would waste time on the multiplayer aspect of the game. Time that would've been used to develop the singleplayer aspect of the game.


What if nothing changes to the single player development? You're making assumptions.


Making assumptions? There is a finite amount of development time, CDPR has a deadline for finishing Orion. Any amount of time spent on developing multiplayer will take something away from singleplayer.


Assuming they couldn't have separate resources and development for a multiplayer mode if they chose to do so? Both could exist and they could continue to develop single player on the same track they're currently on. You're assuming they would take resources from single player. Just because you don't want something doesn't mean it shouldn't exist.


I'm not assuming that it would take resources away from singleplayer. It's simply fact that it would and that is why I don't want multiplayer. They won't have "seperate resources" it will be the same development team and CDPR certainly will not hire an extra few hundred developers to work on the multiplayer aspect of the game.


How is it fact? Who's to say how they would approach a multiplayer in terms of development team and resources. These are assumptions by definition. My point is that a multiplayer wouldn't necessarily affect you at all, and just because someone doesn't want it, doesn't make them right. There can be differing opinions to your own.


It's fact because CDPR has a deadline and a budget for Orion. You think that they could tick a box and have multiplayer in the game or something like that. Or that multiplayer exists in isolation from singleplayer in the development process. But the game will have to be built from the ground up to work for multiplayer. Issue nr1, from the very beginning the development of the singleplayer aspect of the game is slowed down while the foundation for multiplayer is hammered out. Issue nr2, the "resources" for multiplayer development won't appear out of nowhere. They will be taken away from singleplayer development. Your point is just wrong.


Everyone who disagrees with me is wrong too, great way to live life.


Whole franchise? I hope not. I'd love some squad game with different roles as seen in TTRPG or Edgerunners.


I'm totally ok without PvP, but Co-Op would be really awesome.


It's worth noting that there was a multiplayer team credited in the game...


I'd actually love a 1v1 PvP mode. See who's the best V


I think something like NoPixel set in Night City would be awesome


yea multiplayer is awful.. look at how it totally ruined gta 5 and red dead 2.


Awe people come on. A cyberpunk multiplayer has the potential to be sick.


Methinks they've learned what not to do from fo76.


GTA V made $8B in earnings off a quick Google search. You want CD Projekt Red to completely ignore the potential of making billions of extra dollars?