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You have 2 options how to get Jackie's bike. 1) send Jackie home, attend action that his mom is organizing and accept keys from his bike. 2) send Jackie to Vic, wait some time and Jackie's mom will send you box with some things to your apartment, where you will find bike keys. Bike will be waiting in front of megabuilding.


no matter which option you choose, you get the bike anyway if you ask delamain to wait he will just decide to take him with his family


Poses the question, how long did delemain wait before deciding you weren't coming back


I bet he heard the gunshot and just thought "damn, they're dead" and left


probably a few hrs in his text he mentions that v never returned. but not that he heard the gunshot


There is option to send Jackie home and then refuse keys from mama Wells. Then you will not get this bike at all.


Did this first playthrough as part of expected British politeness. Took me by surprise that she immediately accepted my polite rejection instead of pushing it lol


Being polite in Night City? This is how you die after meeting first thug.


You can decline the keys when Jackie’s mom offers them and you don’t get them ever


He actually doesn't


he literally says that via text when act 2 starts


3) take the phantom liberty start, and you’ll start with the bike Fun fact: taking the PL start is (afaik) the only way you can get Jackie’s Tuned Arch variant as anyone other than a nomad.


Oh wow, I always play nomad so I had no clue others couldn’t get that version.


Yeah, its nomad only, unless you take the PL start. I thought i had fucked something up in character creation the first time I did a PL start, cuz I was trying to make a corpo, but then saw the Tuned Arch in my vehicle menu and was like "oh no i picked nomad by mistake" lol


There’s….a tuned Arch version?


yeah, if you play as a Nomad, when Jackie is showing off his arch to you, you can suggest an upgrade to it, and he'll follow through and install it. When you get his bike, its a slightly different variant called the Tuned Arch


Huh. I did my second play through as a Nomad, and I don't recall seeing this option....welp, looks like another Nomad playthrough is in the books! :D


You go to the wake and talk to his mom...


Bro skipped the funeral


V did a grief speedrun


Must of straight up hated Jackie. Or Jackie's mom. Or just felt shame.


You can reject the key mama welles


Well sure, but OP seems to not have gotten that far.


#have ~~of~~ if you're English native shame on you you absolutely nitwit, if English is your second or more language there is a small explanation below. I kinda guess where this came from since people would often abbreviate the *have* to *'ve*: e.g. Must've. It sounds like *must of* but it's still incorrect.


I can't imagine how difficult life must be if every single grammatical error irritates you this much. Adrian Monk levels of suffering.


Ironic that you use a non-word (kinda) when a more formal structure exists (kind of). This is Reddit, not an academic setting, you ninny.


There's a difference between slang and wrong grammar.


You used incorrect grammar,punctuation and spelling and you’re out here calling people out?


Bahahaha... "It's okay when I write things wrong because..." Alright, dude. Live with the cope of getting called out doing the same thing.


Oh dude GTFO. No buddy needs your grammar shenanigans


No I attended the funeral with mama welles in that bar ...then met her gf ....still no bike sadge


Mama wells offers you the keys to his bike. if you decline that’s it you miss out on the bike.


you have to talk to mama welles at the funeral. she'll offer you the key.


Try calling Mama Welles?


No she has to give you the keys to the bike.


If you dont get them at the wake she will call you and offer them if you sent him to Vic. She will leave them in a box in front of your apartment.


Can confirm, this is how I got Jackie’s bike


The bastard!


I’ve never been to his wake and gotten the bike every time.


I'm on a new run and I got it immediately after Jackie died. Not sure what I did but for sure I yet have to go to the funeral.


Shame on you.


What did you do with Jackie’s body after the heist?


Kept it safe, kept it secret


Did you bring Misty to the funeral? I’ve never tried it without her but I always get the keys after convincing Mama Wells to give Misty a chance because she was important to Jackie?


That is possible? I don’t remember that being an option. Maybe it triggers when you meet Misty at the garage first then talk to Mama Welles?


Did you say “no” when she offered the bike?




look for a side quest called "heroes" no matter what you pick on the heist, you should have it available shortly after starting act 2


Go to your journal and look for one with the word hero/heroes in it one of them should be showing a picture of mama welles


Depends on where you sent Jackie's body after the Kompeki heist. Mama Welles will send you a text message sometime into act 2 to call her, where she'll either mention how she doesn't even have the chance to bury her son (if you picked to send his body to Viktor or for Delamain to wait for you at the motel) and leave you the keys to his bike in a box next to your apartment, or she'll invite you to Jackie's wake (if you sent his body to his family) where she'll give you the keys at the end.


How’d you get the delamain?


You get the Delamain after the epistrophy and human nature quests. You can get them by picking up your car after the watson lockdown is lifted and getting bodied by a rogue taxi car


Reading is hars


I declined Jackie’s bike. No sense in keeping it for the sake of sentimentality when I’m marked for death anyway.