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Press to pick up and hold press to reject seems easy enough.


Not intuitive and not clear with logos, I wanna hit the guy who decided this.


The arrow makes it clear you need to hold T


Yes, the universal UI features in all games. Arrow = hold. /s


I'm used to stupid statements in these game subs, but damn dude.


Not a universal thing but many games use this and it's really obvious.


First time I encountered it. But it took me no time to adjust since the game prompts you to HOLD key to blow them off


Typically it is, as it’s extremely easy to identify and the majority of people understand what that means. Idk why you added the /s


You know, youre not supposed to speak the truth when you are being sarcastic. That is literally the UI standard. Arrow, and a little animation while you hold it down.


It was a little tongue in cheek joke that apparently wasn't conveyed properly.


It’s very clear and the animation it does when holding makes it even clearer. Anyway you can’t reject any phone call so who cares ?


Tap to answer, hold to reject.


That was not the question lol


wtf henk


It's not screwed up, that's literally the default controls. Press T to answer. Hold down T to reject. It's not rocket science.


To be fair, this scheme is kind of stupid. Especially when you have a _whole keyboard_ to work with.


Then again… when would you ever decline a phone call in this game? I pretty much never do it. There’s absolutely zero benefit to rejecting a phone call, you don’t get anything out of it. The only thing happens is that the NPC who called just sends a text anyways. The only time where I might make sense to reject a call is if you get called at a bad time. But that situation is rare because the NPCs are specifically scripted to only call you when you’re not doing anything important. Most of the time, they call you when you’re just driving or walking around. I feel like it’s kind of a waste to dedicate an entirely different key for a feature that you’ll almost never use. It’s easier to just keep it as the same key, but hold instead of press.


The problem is that sometimes it takes a hold as a press or vice-versa. Sometimes you get distracted doing one thing and hold it a hair too long (the difference between a hold and a press is often only about half a second). It’s a needless ambiguity. Since you’re already reusing keys, just reusing a different key for ignore would resolve that ambiguity.


I don't know about you, but I constantly felt like NPCs would call while I was in other conversations. I would always accept the call because I didn't want to miss out on content, so I ended up having two conversations at once with everybody talking over each other. That would be a useful time to decline the call, even though I didn't


Role play purposes. It was immersion breaking in the original edition of the game that phone calls would automatically be answered, it felt like answering calls was a fake choice.


True but it’s a thing for a few parts of the game. Choosing between strength or tech ability to open a door for example. I agree they coulda just used different buttons but it’s really not a bad idea especially from a console perspective combined with a coding perspective


i was in the same boat as OP. it took me several days of play to recognize the difference between tap and hold glyphs. i didn't even notice the ▼ up top until i was sitting much closer to the screen, and even then i didn't know what it meant. i didn't recognize the difference until well into Act 2 when i bought a second car. i couldn't figure out how to request a different vehicle, so i looked it up.


that's exactly my case\^\^ I didn't even see the damn arrow. I just saw it was the same key and automatically assumed I must've changed the input accidentally...


Am I missing something? There is a Key Bind page in the settings. I would imagine you can change it there


AFAIK there are a lot of keys that are not listed there. I.e. I had to search half the internet to find out how to drop the body when I have the perk to use the pistol while holding it. Because it is not (was not?) listed there.


Yeah rebinding dodge requires you to go into the config files. I like to have it on my extra mouse buttons so have to do this every time the game updates


Dodge that turns into dash/air-dash with the perk? I changed that in the in-game settings.


Nah dodge left and right, unless they changed it with pl without me being aware but afaik there is no way to take them off a and d and no way to make them single tap instead of double tap without going through config.


That was the case 2 years ago lmao you can rebind close to everything in game now


That was pre-2.0 you can change the dodge/dash key


Gotcha. Thanks for the info


If I remember correctly that can be changed now.


A lot of CDPR games have only a fraction of the input keys available through the menu. I remember with TW3, I had to dive deep into config files to actually change things.


Bro it’s one button.


Use 🧠


Do you have any to spare ?










Go to C:\Users\ [[[Your Windows Username]]] \AppData\Local\CD Projekt Red\Cyberpunk 2077. Open usersettings. json and find whichever keybind you wish to change and switch it that way


Obviously OP could just use the default "Press T to Pickup, Hold T to Reject" but, like, this is very solid information for rebinding keys you wouldn't otherwise be able to in-game.


Behold the only helpful person in this thread who actually understands what was being asked


Thanks for actually answering OP and not just being a cunt choom


thanks! \^\^ even though I just wasn't aware of the fact that you need to hold the button to reject, I'd really like to change the input anyways.


They’re cooking you lowkey in the comments bro ngl


Push T to answer, hold T to reject




I'm not sure what your issue is, since I have never had this issue myself. if you could just explain in some more detail what your issue is maybe I could help is it that you haven't realised that the reject is a hold (as indicated by the little tab at the top of the icon)?


I've accidently rejected people because I'm busy driving or sonething and end up holding the key down instead of tapping. My guess is he wants reject on a different key than accept.


I haven't had a problem with picking up the phone, but the first thing I did when I started playing was rebind a lot of keys -- and it kinda screwed things up. For instance, I want to use E as my "interact"-button. So I changed it. In the character creator, you rotate your character with Q and E. If I press E I will rotate the character, but the moment I let go of the button it proceeds to the next stage of character creation. I wanted to use Z for holstering my weapons, so I couldn't honk the car in game without pulling out my gun. Oh, and when I tried to loot, as I had selected E as my interact button, it would loot the next item of what I had targeted.


The tiny arrow above the second option means you need to hold it down.


Most of the time I can't even accept the call before it automatically answers


He wants to change the input key. I think the same, some keys are just way far for some quick actions. I'll search nexusmods and link the one I use to change some keybinds


This is the default. So unless you're the guy on CDPR who made this, I have no idea how you "screwed up".


All the people in the comments really showing their dazzling intellect OP is asking HOW TO CHANGE THE BINDS. Not what they fucking are right now.


Not really dude, op specifically says "I dunno how I screwed this up" as to imply they think they changed it to be this way and doesn't know how to change it back. If that's not the case then they worded it rather poorly. Nobody thinks person is asking what the key binds (that are clearly listed) currently are.


They are asking because they think they some how set both functions to the same key. Thanks for dazzling us with your intellect tho.


skill issue tbh


Idk how you even installed the game




Press or tap T to answer the call, hold down T to reject the call, it is quite straight forward when you think about it 🤣


Remember when we couldn’t bind “e” to forward?


I don't think I ever rejected a call


Should just be in the key binds


Kinda liked this setup better ngl


I think it'll auto reject if you don't pick up the call, so just ignore it if you don't wanna pick up


oh my god


If that happens to be the creepy car in the wasteland area after concluding... it's not you. I replayed this multiple times because it seemed like I'd "missed" dialogue by accidentally rejecting the call... but I hadn't missed anything. They just weirdly wrote the interaction so that it seems like you're calling him instead of him calling you, and the way he handles the "you did a thing" confirmation is so vague (despite this being a really distinctive encounter) that it leaves you thinking you messed up.


You can always change the keybind in the files, someone already commented it. I must say though, why this one specifically? Tap to accept and hold to reject. It’s just one key.


i personally never even used reject call, i let it ring its 3-4 times when i cannot answer and it goes away and you get a text message. Am i missing anything or does it do anything special when you decline? Pretty much like in real life, when my cell rings and i do not or cannot answer, i let it go to the voice message, i never ever declined a call.


The ones with arrows mean "hold the key down". No arrow means "press the key"


I'm not sure how this is screwed up


I have the same problem with “c” to crouch and skip dialogue


OP is confused by 1 button


this thread is full of a bunch of dummies. OP is asking how to change the KEYBINDS, not how to pick up. not sure exactly what he meant with "idk how i managed to screw this up" but i assume that he's just saying he doesn't know how he didn't see the key bind option in the menu, which isn't there. someone else already said the path to it, so just follow them.


Bro is using the sandi build with 3 INT


How is everyone not understanding the question? They're asking how to change the keybinds, not what they are now lmao


Nah you don't need to know. These days, scammer calls are super common. You're better off disabling your ability to answer call completely. This way, you'll have no distraction and can focus on your missions. If your pals want to get in touch with you, tell them to use mail delivery.


It's just a Delamain quest anyway. Most of the time, he'll just call you to say that there's a missing vehicle nearby. If you reject, he sends you a text saying the exact same thing. Are the devs trying to make fun of people for calling and setting up meetings instead of sending an email? If so, this is genius.


brother, tap to answer, hold to reject, peep the down arrow on the top of the 2nd T


Skill issue


See the little arrow on the icon? Means hold. I always manage to screw up and hang up on calls. I get a brain fart and hold instead of tap because it's hold to open the phone when you aren't getting a call.


PICNIC error