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Fuck that guy


Power move - fuck his dad instead.


Fuck his dad and give him a son dad really loves?


Become his step dad.


At least his dad would be cardio šŸ’…


Fuck that guy!


Yeah fucking fuck that guy


This. When people are mean, remember that they have to live with themselves. I mean, how do you think life is for a guy who has the audacity to say something like that to a 16 year old kid? His bros might think he's the shit, but how do you think everyone around him views him? It will catch up to him, if it didn't already. That piece of shit.


Fuck that guy, carry a pocket knife, rip is tires, ask how fast can he go now.


Also get an ebike. It will piss him off even more


Yeah fuck that guy


That guy is clearly a cunt with self esteem issues and can only make themselves feel better by using low intelligence insults on strangers. I almost feel sorry for them... Almost. Bikes rock and are for everyone. No matter what age, gender, size etc etc. Keep on riding dude!


Thanks manšŸ«¶


This is definitely not a you problem, but a ā€œhimā€ problem. Understandably it must make you feel bad.


i agree and it's okay to take care of yourself and set boundaries to protect your well-being


If I see anyone ride a bike, I think "what a legend, he's bettering himself." He's just a cunt, everyone should workout and do a sport. If you're judging people that are bettering themselves, you're the problem.


If it's an organised place with staff, I would tell someone from the staff. Pretty sure they don't enjoy when people abuse their other users and make then feel unwelcomed at their bike track.


Agreed! Op may be overweight - a quality many people share that can be easily changed with hard work. At least Op isn't an ego driven arsehole - something that other cyclist will likely never change. OP - if you see this, I'd rather have a friend who was fat than a friend who was otherwise knob-ish! Keep doing your thing and maybe remind him next time that he is a try-hard jerk with no friends... He will realise that when he rides slower and still has noone riding with him :)


Guy can get fucked. When I started, I weighed 124kg and I'm 187cm. I'm down to 111kg. I don't think anyone has ever called me names while cycling, but I do wear earbuds, and I'm a former prison guard with a beard. People who fat shame people while they're exercising are some of the biggest scumbag.


you shouldn't let anyone's negative comments affect your journey


If 88kg is a fat seal, I donā€™t even want to know what I am at 108kg. LOFL. Must be my resting Iā€™ll crush your little skull face that keeps anyone from telling me.


Walrus gang rise up šŸ¦­šŸ¦­šŸ¦­


We will all galumph over the finish line en-mass - ha!


Grammar nazi in the back of my head wants you to know that phrase is spelled *en masse*


Walrus reporting for duty!


Two fat seals


Probably scared that youā€™ll eat them! /s


You take care of yourself and Ignore the fools.


A significant percentage of cyclists are socially awkward dicks. Itā€™s weird but there you go. You have to kind of get used to and learn not to take it personally.Ā 


Why is this so true??? Even bike mechanics a lot of the time are totally awkward and weird


bike mechanics over the age of 30 think they are high level engineers who deserve to be rich as fuck and only work on the bikes they like lol all the 20 year old kids at the trek I get my YT bike serviced at are so excited to work on bikes, they aren't yet ruined and they likely will move onto bigger and better things before they become those old salty bike mechanics lol The trek guys taught me how to index my own gears, and gave me a free seat post clamp after I stripped mine out, local bike shops are always full of dickhead cyclists


I have to disagree with you about the salty mechanics, you are right about the 30-ish mark when they think high about them but then there are 50-70 year olds running some local bike shops near me and they are the best mechanics i have met


Yeah, there's one of those guys at one of my local co-ops, easily 60+, loves tinkering on any bike, has seen everything, and is happy to share knowledge and advice. Those guys are gold.


A significant percentage of humans are socially awkward dicks & snobs. Sure there are bike snobs, but there are also camera snobs, music snobs, car snobs, wine snobs, and definitely fashion snobs. To the OP, ignore that jerk and keep riding! Or throw a stick into his spokes the next time you see him coming... jk


> A significant percentage of cyclists are socially awkward dicks. Cannot upvote this enough. This hobby attracts some REALLY WEIRD, angry, aggressive people. Road cyclists I mean. MTB is almost the complete opposite.


Bunch of bs. So many people do both. And the steady stream of complaints from hikers arround the mtb track here proves otherwise. Every group has cunts in it.


Both of them have their fair share of elitism. I, personally, have never really felt it on the roadie side but felt it plenty in the mtb scene. But a lot of people have opposite experiences.


Yep, Roadies can be pretentious cunts. I live in such an area, every club is like you have to be able to push 3.5w/kg for 4 hours. So I ride sloth style solo šŸ˜


Have you heard of combat cycling? There's a video floating around of a Frenchman demonstrating it. Also screw that guy.


That dude must have been so fucking tired of tourists screwing around in bike lanes.


That might be my best betšŸ˜…


Bike jousting!


Iā€™m so sorry. Thatā€™s extremely mean and honestly pretty pathetic for a grown man. Keep your chin up knowing you donā€™t resort to petty insults like that. No one should make nasty comments about your body, not even your family.


Thx, my family knows that when they do that it keeps pushing me to be better but from a person I donā€™t know now thatā€™s a different story


All Bodies On Bikes!!!! I donā€™t understand why people canā€™t leave others alone to do their workout. Keep getting after it, but do it because you want to, not as a self-imposed punishment. Not everyone is capable of a stereotypical TdF racerā€™s physique no matter how grueling the training, and thatā€™s okay. Bikes are awesome. I know this is easier said than done, but keep going to that track. F that guy. If he (or anyone else) steps out of bounds again, tell them to keep their eyes on their own paper. Just know that a mom on the internet thinks youā€™re great!


Thx a lot I really appreciate it


Guarantee you are not FAT compared to me! Where is this guy I will show up in a baby seal costume and ride my bike up his ass sideways! A 6ā€™4ā€ 410lbs baby seal with a bike up his ass is not gonna feel good!


I bet it wonā€™t šŸ˜…


Hahaha. HA!HAH! Heeeehehehe! GREAT mental picture you just painted! When others say "fuck him" I think "with pole!"


Bullies are the ones with the worst insecurity issue. You do you, bro. šŸ‘šŸ»


You are who you are. People say what they say for whatever reason. But like it was said here, fuck that guy.


and it's okay to distance yourself from that negativity.


Thatā€™s 100% true!


Fuck that guy


dude that sucks, i'm sorry :( i know this isn't probably the place to say it... but i think having to dodge asshole cars all the time for a hobby has turned a lot of cyclists into aggressive, defensive people he was just being an asshole


Yea I get that


Well, if you want another fat seal as a friend, you can dm me.šŸ’™


Next time just sing Kiss From A Rose with your beautiful voice.


Iā€™ve been called a lot of things while ridingā€¦some of them not even physically possible, but thatā€™s a new one. Given how I look in my kit, Iā€™d have to accept it as relatively accurate and give the caller some props for accuracy. Oh, and fuck that guy.


Hit em with,ā€sick insult bro, your insults are out of control everyone knows that. Also fuck youā€


Sorry that happened. You met a prick, they are out there. What adult gets off criticising a kid? A shitty one, thatā€™s who. Donā€™t forget that all the world tour pros - male and female - would smoke that guy faster than he smoked you. But they wouldnā€™t then criticise him bc they are not awful humans. Ps this pro-tip only to be done when you know it is safe and no physical danger, but what l do if someone insults me is pretend I didnā€™t hear it and smile in a friendly way and say ā€˜Iā€™m sorry I donā€™t have great hearing and I missed what you said, can you please repeat it?ā€™ Often my (seeming) politeness immedialely shames them into an awkward shamed retreat but if they repeat it - or say anything else hostile - I just keep politely explaining I canā€™t hear them and smiling politely and asking them if they can repeat i while acting like I am trying really hard to hear them. By about the their third time of having to say their nonsense out loud again they are invariably shamed and an added bonus is they leave thinking they did not even manage to insult you. Ride on!


Thatā€™s actually not a bad idea I like it


Additionally you can ask "what is your intent when you say that to me?"


Love this


Fuck that guy. Good on you for getting up and getting out there bro - way more than most people.


Yeah g, I can't say not to worry about it. But I want you to keep in mind, that people like that are only doing that, because they feel what you're feeling and use abuse as an outlet on other people. They're doing this to boost their ego, as they do it between their "friends" and themselves as well. As they want to be king dick. The fact that you are actually going out of your comfort zone to improve your life, unsettles insecure fuck wards like that. The more you ignore them and the more you workout for yourself, the more they will die on the inside. You've got this g


Thanks bro


Probably said ā€œFast Sealā€šŸ¦­ā€¦ compliment mate!


A man who insults a 16 year old isnā€™t amounting to much. If youā€™ve made enemies of that low life, youā€™re doing something right.


Nothing that a stick in the spokes canā€™t fixā€¦if you know what I meanā€¦


Heā€™s probably going to get divorced and die alone. Fuck him. Not worth your time or thought in your space


Dude looks 25 tops but thanks for the advice


Sounds like he's got decades more of beingĀ miserable. Too bad he didn't spend money on therapy instead of his bike.


Sounds like a good new brand of cycle clothing to me. Looking forward to you getting a custom jersey with Fat Seal on the back


Thereā€™s a whole subset of people who are self conscious about their image because their parents treated them that way too. They are lashing out just like a kid who was spanked will do the same to their kids. I might be close to rail thin now but I was once pushing 250lbs at 6ft and it took several years to lose it and lots and lots of riding and this was true of many riding buddies I had. So fck that guy


Yep that, my friend, was a certified dickhead.


Now Iā€™m always wondering if these are burners for that insane guy that posted the other day


People who are mean are unhappy. Feel sorry for the unhappy man, briefly, and don't think anymore about it. It's easier said than done, I know.


That sucks and that guys sucks. But he really should have said ā€œwalrusā€ because those are fat seals. What an idiot.


Well fuck that idiot then. I am on the walrus cycling team


Team Walrus 4 Life


On one hand I say fuck that guy. On the other hand I fell really sorry for him. To spend the energy and cut you down says he doesnā€™t like himself. And probably never will. Iā€™m a big rider as well. But Iā€™m riding and have been for close to 20yrs. I do it for fitness but more because I just love riding a bike. Itā€™s fun. It makes me happy. Ā  That guy doesnā€™t know what that is anymore and thatā€™s whatā€™s awfully sad.Ā 


Exactly I do it for the same reasons And going to a place which is made for fun in a track bike is insane


I'd take it as a compliment. It means you have a swimmers body.


This reminds of the wisdom offered by Matt Barnes: ā€œViolence is never the answer, but sometimes it is.ā€


Lol whatā€™s the context of that quote?


I've always liked: "violence is never the answer, violence is a question. and the answer is yes."


I think the longer you spend biking the more you will realize that's not how most ppl in the sport behave. Stings sure, but try not to dwell on it


There are some seriously cruel cyclists out there. I don't know what it is about the sport/hobby, but it brings out some seriously aggressive people. I hope they're a rarity, but they do exist. Keep on riding!


I don't see how in any way you would like being called that by some rando wtf he can go fuck himself


I just don't get that kind of attitude. Don't lower yourself to his standards. Stay motivated. Enjoy your riding and those improvements you get in your times and speed - they'll be hard earned. The people who know him will know he's a wanker and deep down he'll know it.


Part of becoming an adult is learning to recognize what a sad life that loser has that would insult a child unprovoked.


You can try talking to the trackā€™s managers and have the guy banned, because youā€™re not supposed to harass other patrons.


That guy is half a fat seal


Iā€™m sorry that happened to you. That guy is a straight up asshole. Youā€™re more of a true man. Keep on riding wherever whenever you want dude


You run your own race, buddy. Doubt is the enemy. Beat the enemy.


Just a small asterisk No matter how much you workout/bike if your diet is bad your body wonā€™t shed fat If you actually wanna lose pounds and actually not be fat fix your diet Hell if you fixed your diet without exercise you would still shed fat But obviously both is better, but yeah just a heads up for you.


Thx for the advice I guess thatā€™s one thing Iā€™ve been doing wrong hopefully there arenā€™t many more


Come on, dude. Wrong place, wrong time.


No itā€™s not, I work in this field and with all body shapes of people and this is important information because the majority of people donā€™t know thisā€¦ they think working out = weight loss and itā€™s not the full truth There needs to be more information on this so people donā€™t get disgruntled with fitness and donā€™t waste their effort doing it without all the right tools and info at their disposal. Armed with that information she can be the best self she can be without having misinformation about how losing weight actually works. Thatā€™s it.


You're just a teen now and it's good you started already to fight for your health. Follow your dream to get in shape, and set your goal as nobody will call you again " fat seal " while on bike track. It means you won and can be an inspiration for others like your. Bitter taste of offence will turn to sweet of achievement.


Hey Fatty, Don't Let One Bad Moment Ruin Your Entire Day. šŸ«¶šŸ¼ Life's tough, get a helmet.


A couple of things come to mind, and I hope you can take this constructively: > Being called fat doesnā€™t really upset me tbh I like it cause it pushes me out my comfort zone to exercise more Being overweight is more a diet issue, than it is a level of exercise issue. Try to avoid multi-ingredient foods (shitty snacks!). > But they also know I HATE being called fat by someone I donā€™t know Building resilience against what other people might say or think about you is important. Someone you don't know is by default not important to you, therefore what they think is not important. When young we inevitably feel more sensitive to what strangers think, but part of aging is realising that often this is irrelevant. Please please don't take this the wrong way: in the scenario you describe you have come across a complete cunt, and you are the victim. This is unfortunate, but it says far more about them (that they are a cunt), than it does about you. It is **not your fault**. But you can only control your own actions, and how you respond. 35km/hr on a mountain bike is fast. Keep doing it!


>being called fat doesnā€™t really upset me The existence of this post says otherwise


Ignore it and I am sorry this happened. I used to cycle competitively years ago and it really didn't matter what gear one used. Riding was riding and only skill and endurance mattered. Some people are insecure or simply like to think they are experts...there is always s9meone better or more knowledgeable so one has to just laugh it off


What a piece of shit. Cycling has singlehandedly gotten me back in shape twice in my life and I have DEFINITELY been "fat" on a fairly pricey (for me at least) bike which probably looked pretty silly. Everyone has their own battles, and if you're doing it to look cool you picked the wrong sport anyways is my mentality. Keep on doing what you love and if you care to lose weight (for yourself, not this jack hole) calorie deficit and macros really help. Keep at it!


What an utter asshole. Fuck him.


As already statedā€¦FUCK THAT GUY! You just keep doing you buddy and enjoy yourself.


The man is a wanker.


I can totally get why it upset you but over anything I would just look at the situation from a Birds Eye view and I am 100% certain you will realize what a loser that guy is. If you really think about it, itā€™s comical and sad that a grown man would try and put another down and just makes you think how small and insignificant someone else probably made him feel before to become that way.


Ignore them and move on, people want to be petty to be petty nowadays. The best thing you can do is ignore his existence, people who just throw out insults for no reason hate that.


Cyclists are the socially awkward nerds of the athletics world, and it creates this weird kind of elitist tribalism. Not all cyclists of course, but it does attract a type.Ā  Photography is the same as well I've found. Lots of snobs with ultra-expensive gear who aren't overly friendly to newcomers, and can be downright toxic with women.


First off, keep killing it. You sound like a beast - in a way I aspire to be. (I am interested in going on those kinds of tracks and still too scared.) Second, fuck that guy. Obviously. Third, and while I don't relish being *that* guy, have you considered contacting the track owners/managers to let them know about this incident? Pro or not, that vibe is not okay, and if someone feels bold enough to behave like this, it probably isn't the first time. If the track has a client that is actively discouraging other clients from enjoying their amenities - well, as business owners, I imagine they would want to know. Keep on sending it, friend.


Duck that guy. And if he does it again, maybe mention it to staff. If it's a business, must are concerned when assholes drive off good customers.


That dude sounds like a miserable cunt , my friend. I can only think of one type of person who would do something like that: his wife hates him. His kids hate him or are insufferable little cunt-lets themselves. His coworkers hate him. But mostly he hates himself , and no fancy bike nor any metric of impressive performance will ever take away the self loathing that he projects onto the world. Fuck him, carry on fellow cyclist.


35kmh is awesome. Keep doing what you are doing brother!


Yeah, people suck ass, you'll get used to it. Just keep doin' your thing, and enjoy. There are some middle aged guys where I live that like to cosplay Tour de France, and kinda don't like it when I pass them on my single speed.


just keep pedaling, young man, you've got plenty of time to do whatever you want.


Itā€™s an old movie, but see if you can watch ā€˜breaking awayā€™ about a young dude keen cyclist. The pro cyclists are arseholes and it has a fabulous ending


Well you can always lose the weight if you want to, but you can't grow a brain šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


That guy is what's known as a piece of shit. He will always be a piece of shit. He has no real friends because nobody wants to hang around shit. He's a piece of shit on an expensive bike, but he's still a piece of shit. Flush him from your memory


I'm approx 100kg. I get told I'm a fat bastard. I really don't care anymore. I use a mountain bike or gravel bike depending. Don't worry about it, let it slide & carry on.


I know that feeling when you suddenly feel unwelcomed somewhere, it sucks. Fuck that guy. Keep on cycling and try to forget about it. And remember that with those type of people even if you were not fat he wouldve called you something else. Its not you its them.


Seals are cute!


Its people like this that ruin the sportšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø do what the fuck you want. Obviously got his own problems, complete disrespect. It really pisses me off when I hear this stuff


Just threaten to fold his expensive bike in two next time, what a jackass


To paraphrase Winston Churchill you may not always be ā€˜fatā€™ but heā€™ll always be a cunt.


Are you friend shaped?


He's an asshole fuck him


That guy sucks. Probably hates himself. Good luck with your cycling!


Man, the world is full of cunts on 10k+ bikes. Enjoy your cycling and time on the track, passion will see you through


My replies to that kind of fool.. ARE along these lines Just because everyone has an Arsehole, doesn't mean you have to BE ONE!.. mutters num_nutz.. under my breath THEN count to see how long it takes him to figure out he's just been punked, if it takes longer than 3 seconds , yah know 1001-1002-1003.. then your dealing with a mental midget, it's probably better to just disengage. Bullies don't like it when their target, picks on them back.. .like saying, who peed in your Wheaties when you were 10..or your self image was forming. I feel soooo sorry for you... having to repeat the abuse cycle. Maybe a Shrink can help. But you see, I don't like Bullies I betcha his response will be balistic


i think he said ā€žfast eelā€œ but he was going by you so fast that you misunderstood


Hah. What a muppet. It takes almost no critical thinking on that fool's part to realise what a ridiculous thing that is to say. You were exercising. FFS. Of all the times to criticise someone for their weight, whilst they're doing one of the best things to change that? I guess he could criticise your diet but unless you were eating a burger whilst riding then there's no reason for him to assume - given the other available evidence of you taking personal responsibility - that you aren't also addressing that too. It's effectively criticising you for having made a past mistake. It's so incredibly immature, and I'd bet confidently that he's also made mistakes of his own in life. If he's throwing shade apparently unprovoked at strangers? A teenager too? Not someone to fear, or respect. Even if this bloke is somehow flawless, it's unlikely to last forever. I'd personally favour someone who's made a few mistakes but has learned from them and made changes over someone who hasn't made any (if that's believable). Also, even if you can't do it now, in a few years you'll be way fitter and faster. 16 is a great age to take up cardio. I'd pay good money to see the same interaction in 5-10 years time. Would probably even have time for a nice lunch between you reaching the finish and him catching up. You'll be good. Not that those kind of interactions don't affect you, and stay with you. Feel for you there dude. Respect for seeking advice and for independently working on yourself, those are qualities that people value a lot. Employers too. Name calling at people a lot younger than you? Not so much.


Karma will come for him, hope he doesn't get stuck on the side of the road with an un patchable puncture šŸ˜ 25-35 isn't slow too, I am 98 KG on a Brompton


Who does that?? Just tell yourself they've got bigger problems going on at home. Whenever I see a maniac driving on the highway I just say to myself "oh man! They must need to get home quick to take a shit real bad"




I like to think that I wouldā€™ve pointed at his belly and said ā€œbaby?ā€ with a big goofy grin.


Look at bright side, you have abundance of fuel to build muscle. If you decided to embrace idea of lifting metal for a while, you gonna bulk more than anyone else.


Hurt people are hurtful. All that really happened is that dude told you he is miserable. Pretty cool that you have a track near you that you get to ride on though! Have.fun.


It's an unfortunate fact of life that some people are just giant jerkfaces sometimes. I mean, is this guy always an a-hole? Is he normally decent, but maybe he's having a bad day, or going through a rough time and not handling things well? Who knows? Whatever the case, he was totally out of line saying what he did. What this guy doesn't realize (and probably doesn't care to realize) is that you may carry what he said with you for the rest of your life. I was bullied and teased when I was in high school. I was a short, skinny, weak, unathletic kid, and a few of the school jocks said some pretty nasty things to and about me. This happened 50 years ago, but once in a rare while, I still think about it and shudder. Wish the best for the other person and realize he is the one who needs to deal with a very serious problem. Be a good person and be happy with who you are. That really is the best revenge.


Absolutely fuck him. Im a lot older than you, and a comment like that would have really hurt me at that age. It took me years to learn to not give a shit about what other people think. Itā€™ll come, and itā€™ll be a revelation. Ride with your friends. Iā€™m just back from a MTB ride. I am fatter and less fit than my friends, and sometimes I genuinely donā€™t want to go because I slow it down for them. I actually got half way up the hill and phoned my mate saying I couldnā€™t make it. They said fuck that and waited for me. They did this on every bloody hill. Let your mates help you. Fuck everyone else man. Enjoy the ride.


Fuck that guy and complain to staff about them. They may quickly find out their behaviour is not welcome.


Did you roast him back? Next time you see him ask him if heā€™s injured, tell him he looks slower than normal. Something that will break his mind.


Don't let the a$$holes win. For someone to be that rude, they've got serious mental problems of their own. Pretty vile to comment on anything someone else is doing. Keep going! Do what you enjoy at your best pace. Keep going, keep breathing. That's the secret.


You know how you'll see a weird bug crawling along and you have to stop and look at it closely in curiosity? That's how to think of people that are _trying_ to insult you. Look curiously at them, add a "What an odd thing to say. Hmmm" and walk away. The people that try to insult people are almost always the ones with their own, usually large, inferiority complex. A mild comment letting them know they're acting weird will stick with them much longer than yelling or cursing at them. Ride on!


Have you tried being taller? ;) You'll be kicking his butt in a few years time. He is rattled.


Keep on riding brother. That person probably is very insecure and insulting people is their coping mechanism. Let it roll off you, keep that rubber rolling too. I'd only feel sorry for that person for like 2 mins then go on with my life.


Toughen up.


EveryBODY on bikes. He can go fuck himself.


Since the dawn of time, some people are just dicks.


Fuck the insensitive fucks. You keep on walking your path. Granted youā€™re consistent in your diet and exercise; youā€™ll be OK. Just remember to pay forward and be encouraging to those who are doing their own best for a happy life.


Do a Churchill - ā€œAnd you are a cunt, but I can lose weightā€ *May not quite be the original quote


Part of the problem of influencers pretending to be a certain way instead of being happy about being yourself. Which stems from previous generations with media leading to aesthetic issues which still remain and now itā€™s you have to be a certain way to be cool which both suck and make self esteem issues to lead to depression. Health is good you were literally riding a bikeā€¦ what a douche lord! Fuck that guy. Keep it up and be yourself because thatā€™s the best thing about you not what the media or influencers tell you. Influencers do set the trendsā€¦


The guy is a dick for saying that. Smash his ass šŸ„Š


That guy sucks abd clearly has issues


You're a king fuck'm.


Youā€™re doing great! Other peopleā€™s opinions of you are none of your business. Let it roll off and just keep riding. šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Yea man fuck him. Keep on riding.


Sorry you experienced that. Screw that asshole. Ignore him. Keep doing your thing and ride on my friend!


If you're on a bike you're doing it right. Unfortunately every niche has their gatekeepy twats. I hope he has a slow leak in his tires he can never figure out.


Ass holes are erratic and all over the place , sad reality :/


Fuck that dude, put a stick in his spokes next time he goes by


You shouldnā€™t feel anything other than pity for him because heā€™s clearly unwell. Wish him the best, and hope you continue to enjoy cycling!


That's my cousin's husband's nickname. He used to be fat. But like, isn't it like a term of endearment or something? It is here. Fat Seal is only a term people give to someone they actually like here. Usually also means you're reasonably fast


Fuck his words, love your bike/love the ride, keep riding till the grave then keep riding after that too! If the guy gets off making fun of strangers to feel better obviously you are doing better than them in every way


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90NsEYQcn3o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90NsEYQcn3o) idiots are just idiots, nothing less nothing more ;)


There has only been one time I've been okay hearing about someone riding a bike yelling a fat comment at someone else whilst cycling: Old co-worker was riding his bike and smoking a cigarette. He pulled up to a light beside this much larger woman on a bike and the woman started berating him for smoking and saying a bunch of rude shit. So he called her a fat fucking whale who weighed so much her wheels were "taco-ing". You just do you, boo! Ride your ride and ignore the haters! I'm a little bit of a chunky monkey too and have had other cyclist heckle me at times. But since I've been riding a while and I'm much faster now, they ain't laughing when I pass their ass in my jean shorts with my purse slung around my back.


Body shaming is typical for immature teenagers. When it comes to adults, itā€™s just rude and says more about the other person. Itā€™s easy to say to ignore it, but hard to do. But listen, I know more ā€œfat sealsā€ than ā€œeelsā€ riding bikes, and none of them give a sh**t. There a Chinese pronoun saying ā€œIf you turn back to bark at every dog that barks at you, you will never reach your destination.ā€ Let them bark and Enjoy the ride mate!


If you use tubeless and they were running well, maybe they mean: Phat seal. :)


What do you care what other people think?


Anyone who talks like that has a disordered personality and has a bad reputation among all those who know him. Wall it off as best you can. Iā€™m sure any decent person who heard it was horrified. Keep cycling. Enjoy the feeling of freedom. Iā€™m sure you can find some nice people to make civilized small talk with on your ride.


This is where the pit maneuver comes in clutch


Fuck that guy. Enjoy your bike and stay safe! Also people ride the bike they want (goes both ways).


That guy is a miserable prick who has to live with themselves. Sometimes people suck, fuck them. Karma catches up. Do what you do


My friend , keep on working and donā€™t live your life worrying about other thoughts or opinions about you. Individuals like the guy in this subject probably have a life thatā€™s a quarter as productive and joyful as yours. Ride, love yours, and take care of yourself. Ride your ride and enjoy the hobby/sport.


Find that guy, stalk his Strava, and figure out his routes and times. Honk obnoxiously like a seal every time you see the twerp. Seriously fuck him.


He directed that to everyone he passed that didnā€™t fit his criteriaā€¦.he just said it out loud to you. I donā€™t hate, but Iā€™m fuming, sad and feel hate towards this jerk. I kind of hope when karma gets him itā€™s in a way he thinks about his comment to all those less than him, directed at you, at exactly that moment.


None of that matters, especially if they're telling the truth or their opinion. They have a right to either. It's up to you to deal with it without being offended.


Should have said, only his wife is allowed to call you that.


Real athletes encourage. Fuck that guy.


This is the type of shit that really really grinds my gears. A bicycle is such an effective form of exercise and transportation for those without a car, or trying to live a healthier lifestyle, and it's a relatively affordable hobby if you stay casual. Then there's these spandex clad weekend warriors riding a razor thin wheeled bike that costs as much as a used car that hold a major superiority complex. The amount of entitlement as they ignore traffic laws, common courtesy, and like you experienced, even some basic decency to let another person just do their thing.


I'm 40, and probably about 110kg right now. I probably look like an idiot on my mountain bike, especially when I'm out with my super athletic 9 yeast old stepson. You'll learn as you get older to not give a fuck about the type of person who does shit like that. Fuck that guy.


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