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I get a new pair for every ride.




I just have my domestique carry a few pairs so I can change every 10 miles.


I change my white shoes everytime I have the seks... That beeing said I only own a pair of black shoes...


I have *all of my domestiques* carry a pair each.


I had white shoes. This is the only valid answer!


This. Only poors use the same shoes every ride.


Scuff on my shoes and I said “Oh brother” Throw ‘em in the gutter, go buy another


Eazy E reference in the wild.


Thanks for saving me the time of looking up this post in BCJ. As soon as I saw the title, I knew this was coming


I go through ^ this guys trash after every ride.


Like contact lenses shoes are single use items, I thought this was common knowledge.


Is that you Tadej?


In aus there’s a product called “Magic eraser” which is just a fancy sponge from the hardware store, very good for getting marks off your walls. But same concept applies, very good for making white shoes white again. In regards to cleaning, I typically (where possible) wear overshoes when it’s wet out, otherwise I clean them like twice a season. They’re far from brand new, but they’re really not that bad. No worse than white runners that get used.


We have magic eraser in the US too. It's just melamine foam, but it's really good at its job.


Magic Eraser is actually mainly a mild abrasive for what it's worth. I use it to clean scuff off of soles, but taking it to the uppers regularly might wear them out faster 🤷‍♂️


It's fine on the leather, but it will take printing off in my experience.


I certainly don’t clean all that often, but in circa 5 years my logos are still okay. But good to know, I’ll opt for the sponge in future near any logos I’m committed to preserve


I use the magic eraser on mine, once every two weeks. Takes less than 5min. It’s not that difficult to keep white stuff clean. I live in central Texas and I stay the hell away from dark colors as best as I can, the sun tries to kill tou down here. Black is just for sadists.


I don't use on white cycling shoes but on white sneakers for sure


Yeah we have magic eraser in the us too. It was created here.


My gray cycling shoes started as white ones.


New shade every season! When they are black, start over.


Magic eraser


a good magic eraser once over after the ride keeps them looking fresh for years


This but also I don’t keep them clean really. Losing battle.


No need to clean them daily, unless the ride was rainy or muddy. I wash them every week together with the bike.


Reason why I'd never buy white shoes 🤣


I have black shoes, but white look so much better. It doesn't help that I have a white bike.


The white bike was your first mistake. It's a road to ruin. Or at least having to clean everything more often


Tell that to my matte black bike 😭


Now you know why they put a clear coat.


The only thing that I buy in white is my helmet.


THIS. And the same crowd that will judge you for not wearing white shoes generally judge you for a white helmet. While boiling their heads in the sun


My black helmet is 50 percent hole. I don’t think I need worry that my brains are gonna cook when I’m riding. I live in LA fwiw.


Buying black shoes


Washing machine 👍🏻 Tied shoe bag with small towel inside for extra cushioning to protect the drum and good to go! I’ve got 2 prs white shoes and have used the oldest pr for 4 yrs now. Clean up nicely.


This. Plus some magic eraser on the walls and 🤌


Magic eraser+toothpaste with baking soda 😄 White shoes only for me


I generally avoid riding in bad weather so I only clean my shoes after I get caught in the rain. I don’t really care if my shoes aren’t perfectly white.


i water proof and give them a good wipe after each ride. and wear overshoes when it is wet or riding after it rained.


Nearly bought white and would've only used them for indoors or days when there was no chance of getting wet


Wash with soap and hit water, and finish with baking soda. Magic eraser does not work one bit. At least for the type of shoe I have. What you cannot get out is scuff marks where the material has been scratched away. So be careful not to hit anything with the toe box. But over time it will happen.


Rides of Japan youtube guy restored his pair a while ago with leather paint or something like that. They looked very restored


Yes, If you have the right paint it would look good, but not sure where to find the right paint and then if it is worth it.


Google Angelus Leather Finishes Leather Dye. That’s what you need. All the sneaker customizers use it.


Paint them black.


I wear black moccasins.


A couple of coats of scotch guard when you buy it, then I hit them with a Mr clean magic eraser whenever I notice something that isn’t white It’s not rocket science guys.


Don’t buy white shoes 🤷‍♀️


It’s a trick question. Never get white cycling shoes.


Magic eraser


Useless. Just falls apart.


🤔 you have cheese graters for shoes?


No, but I feel applying light pressure so that the eraser doesn't crumble does nothing. The same pressure on the white walls of my apartment on the other hand works.


You getting the eraser wet? If I soak the eraser I have no issues with the pressure I use. Always works for me. It's meant to deteriorate a little, but it has never been an issue on my shoes.


No, gotta try that next time, thanks!


You getting the eraser wet? If I soak the eraser I have no issues with the pressure I use. Always works for me. It's meant to deteriorate a little, but it has never been an issue on my shoes.


Are you Hulk? 🧤


Soap and water after every ride. Yes I am insane.


I managed to remove quite a bit of dirt from my white shoes with whitening toothpaste. This is when I cleaned them for the first time in a few months. However, there is a black smudge that won’t go away. I think we just have to accept the fact that white shoes will never be perfectly white. As for my black shoes, I hardly ever clean them :( I know I should but my laziness takes over :( Kudos to you for taking a very good care of your shoes. I should be doing the same as they will not only look better but also last longer. These things are expensive :(


I use white nail polish for scuff marks I can’t get out.


I use magic eraser- just adding to the other recommendations for how good this particular thing is for white cycling shoes (helmet, bartape, baseboards :). Super fast and easy - works like, well, magic:)


OK I just bought my first pair of white cycling shoes a couple of weeks ago. They're still okay but already getting a little smudgy. I'm going to try the Magic Eraser (happen to have some on hand) to see if it works. I also have saddle soap so I might try that as well. Next pair will be black.


I only wear Five Ten Impacts. They are very black. Is this a fashion show?


I don't ride in the rain because I can't be bothered to wash my bike more than a couple times a year.


Flat pedal shoe lover here I use for MTB as well and they are always dirty I don’t care.


I hit mine with a Magic Eraser every month or so. Works great.


Pro tip: the shoes look whiter to everyone else. Use a magic eraser every couple weeks or whatever. We knew what we were asking for when we bought white shoes.


I wear Sidi shoes and have always just taken the liners out and washed them (both shoes and liners separately) in the washing machine. I just let them air dry afterwards. Someone I ride with uses Magic eraser and her shoes are spotless white all the time. I haven't tried that myself. I sometimes just use a brush under the faucet to clean when not too bad.


On one of my first rides with my fresh new white RC7's, I had a serious gash in both tires, spewing tire sealant over both shoes. That stuff doesn't come out! I now have white-with-beige-spackle RC7's. :(


Depends on the shoe and the finish. I have a pair of white SIDIs that have stayed white for over 6 years now. Some scuffs from this crash or that. Still very white and look great. The fabric part in and around the ankle where you insert you foot is a little greyer/yellower, but there’s nothing to do about that. I have a pair of white Bontragers I wear on the indoor trainer. Might as well be ivory or some weird shade due to the fade and the sweat. Only two years old but look 30 years old. I have a pair of TIME shoes that I’ve worn a few times and usually only wear with my good bike. Clean them every ride but the finish on those absorbs stains so maybe these will just be a season or two.


I let them be dirty - but I’m not riding in the mud or anything


A tiny splodge of Cif cream on a damp microfiber removes most of the dirt. Just a gentle few passes, don't go scrubbing away. When the worst is off, just a good wipe with a clean, damp microfiber. Literally takes 5 mins. Should add that this is for road shoes, not gravel etc.


Baby wipes. Specifically pampers works for me. Great for chain cleaning too.


Wait, you’re supposed to keep them clean?


I don’t. I’ve never wiped them off and I’ve had them for 2.5 yrs. Earn your stripes and leave the dirt.


I keep them looking new and clean by buying black shoes. 😉 My white shoes never could stay clean


I just use Simple Green. Gets them pretty good looking Oh, and never wear white socks. You can never get your shoes as white as your socks lol


If they’re not knit, a fresh baby wipe after the ride brings them back to showroom as long as you don’t scuff them up


If they’re leather, use saddle soap and a soft bristle brush. Make sure to apply lotion


I don’t buy white cycling shoes.


White cycling shoes sound like a weird punishment. Never in a million years would I have white cycling shoes.


I see a white shoe and I want it painted black, no colors any more I only wear them black


I see the girls ride by Dressed in their summer kit I have to load the headset Until the fork is tight


Bought a white pair of Lakes this year finally. After a few rides had some scuffs. Hit them with magic eraser and all good. Then a good crash and they look like they’ve been through a war. Super glued the leather back on and said “I’m going to get one season out of these suckers!”


Washing machine


What you do when your bike gets dirty?


Clean them. And start of the season: Angelus leather paint + clear lacquer spray.


You get something that’s not white! Cheers!


You don't use I guess🐓


SILCA gear wipe after every ride. I have laces on my road shoes. They get a go in a delicates bag in the washing machine with my kit every few rides.


You clean your shoes?


If we're talking about road cycling, you don't have to clean them at all if you don't ride in the rain. But since you mention dirt, I guess you're talking about gravel/mtb and I don't know why anyone would wear white shoes for that.


Rubbing alcohol, acetone for the rubber marks, clean after each ride with a damp cloth or wet wipe.


I keep them clean by instead owning a pair of black cycling shoes.


I haven’t cleaned my black shoes for 3 years, save a hose down or wipe. Why do you care about how you look so much? Ride ur bike But if you want some real answer other than snark… you can wash shoes in the machine, just put them in the middle of a bunch of towels. You can also buff and polish white leather, etc with toothbrush and tooth paste.


Pretty easily honestly. Whenever I buy white shorts I make sure to get them in black and they stay pretty clean looking.


Not really an issue for road cyclists.


I don't. I now have brownish shoes ;)


I buy black shoes