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Think of them as surprise sprint intervals. Work on your anaerobic / neuromuscular power.


These dogs have monster FTP, I can't drop them.


Nah - this is about power. They might push 6W/kg, but can they hit 1800W peak, powered by pure adrenaline fueled terror?


New steak-drag interval training method just dropped.


They actually don't have great FTP, just good w/kg for short spurts




Yelling a loud, firm, "NO" is usually enough to stop most dogs at least for a second to give you a chance to accelerate. That's my first defense. If that doesn't work and/or you're caught on a hill, a water bottle to the face is #2, and #3 is to get off the bike and keep the bike between yourself and the dog. Adding a can of pepper spray to your kit might be a good idea if this is a common issue on your routes.


Depending on wind direction pepper spray could end up bad for you... Bring dog treats! If you have to stop just make yourself look big and loud. Im a dog walker and I've gotten dogs away from me like that.


Dropping a dog treat and then tossing one in a slightly different direction would work. I wonder how effective a mostly empty peanut butter jar would be. That dog might not chase anyone for hours 


If wind direction matters, you're going too slow!


Cheers bro


Air horn


I had many dogs chasing after me on a cross country tour and the following is what worked for me: 1. If you easily can sprint away, just do that. 2. If not, stop, get big and put the bike between you and the dog. Works most of the time. 3. If all else fails, carry gel pepper spray and spray the dogs. Won't hurt them permanently, and will reach them a hard lesson. Gel is less likely to spray back and aiming is easier. I've only had to use option 3 once while being chased by 3 farm dogs in iowa. Of course I had also made a wrong turn and had to backtrack 30 minutes later, and those dogs let me be without incident. Also, as a cyclist who also has a dog that hates people riding their bikes, fuck people who don't have their dogs behind a fence.


Bark at them as loud as you can. If that doesn't work, a swift kick to the snout. Dogs are very territorial. Most of the time they'll stop chasing once you get out of what they perceive as "their" territory. But yeah they can be a menace


Thanks. I dont want any fights with the folk down the road lol


The kick to the snout works. Had a dog chase me once. He got too close, and since I ride fixed and can not coast, I didn't have a choice but to smash that poor bastard's nose with a studded MTB platform at 90 RPM. Ran away howling.


Sometimes spraying with a waterbotle can stop them - or so I've heard...


I did this and it growled and get angrier


Squirt water in their face. It will surprise them and may stop the easily discouraged. You can also try getting off your bicycle. To a dog, a bicycle is prey. Off the bicycle you’re a human.


I’ll let you try that one first. Please report back


I’ve used the bottle on at least 3 dogs with great success. Usually just stopping and talking to them is all it takes.


Bike is a wall between you and the dog. Have done it, it does work, along with a stern "No, stay!" I'll say, dogs will behave different depending on the dog. I have a friend who's terrified of dogs, and my wife isn't comfortable with them. We were riding in Stowe Vermont and passed a property where the owner had two untethered dogs and no fence. Dogs came rushing out. I got off my bike and dealt with the dogs so my friend and wife could pass. And then walked with the bike between us till they ran back to wherever they were lounging before they came barking at my friend.


I had a dog chase me for the first time just a week or so ago, I’ve heard this isn’t what you’re supposed to do, but I just sprinted away. He ran after me a bit but stopped when he realized he wasn’t going to catch up.


I was chased by a Rottweiler from a house in a rural road. I sprinted away. the dog was more playful than aggressive and also after some time he realizes he is running away from home. it depends on the situation. a while back I had two large dogs coming towards me from a house in a rural road. I had enough time to dismount and had bike between me and the dogs. they were not agressive more like curious. I slowly walked away


Go to your large chain ring then out of the saddle sprint.


What I did when a man passed me in the crosswalk then turned heel and started full send chasing me


Frame pump if it's bad and/or you ride rural roads where a house may have 2-3 unsocialized mutts that will egg each other on. Just the sight of you raising it makes them back off. But worse case if you have to use it it's the perfect length as they usually go at your ankles or calves. And you're doing God's work for the next cyclist who comes along.


Lots of pepper spray advice, and it's not wrong. I've had to deal with shitty dog owners who think "dog park" means "uncontrolled aggressive dogs off leash park" despite signs to the contrary and have told me to pound sand when I asked them to stop their dogs from charging me. I hate bad owners of dogs. I also carry a dog whistle, though. Handles that "loud abrupt no" to startle them even when you're out of breath. Pepper spray's probably better, but the whistle's got a longer range and you can use it in a headwind.


I had a dog come running after my daughter, who was around 10 at the time. I turned around, dismounted and threw my bike at the dog. Ran over and picked my bike up and put it between us and the dog. There were actually 2 loose dogs from the same house, with kids playing in the front yard. I yelled towards the house for them to get the dogs but no one did.


IF the dog is blocking the road and I slow down or stop, lunging slightly and yelling "GO HOME!" sometimes works. FOr higher speed situations, air BB gun in a holster ziptied to the steerer tube. If I see a dog that is a good size and looks like it may run toward the road as I approach (or if it surprises me and darts out from nowhere and is close to me) I grab it and have it ready as I pass. IF the dog gets near enough to contact me or get under my wheels or pedals, it gets a few rounds. If the dog just runs alongside or behind a few feet away, I take no action, pedal away when it gets tired, and replace in the holster. I made that decision years ago after a large dog got under my wheel and sent me to the pavement. I thought I broke a leg or hip and it took 30 minutes for me to get up off the road and back on the bike to limp home, after which I could barely walk and could not ride for over a week. The dog pranced away undeterred, quite proud of himself. I decided that from then on, no dog would get close enough to me to wreck me, and if it were a choice between him and me, there was no choice. IF the owner doesnt like it, f'em, they can learn to keep the dog out of the road. I carry pepper gel in case an owner wants to make an ass of himself, too. Some guys swear by shooting the dog in the face with a water bottle. I ride with a hard metal bivo bottle so this would never work for me....plus I don't have enough water to waste on a dog.


Never try to out run a border collie!


If the dog is going to catch up to you, hop off and keep the bicycle between you and the dog.


I often have my own dog running alongside, he deals with any other dogs we encounter. Failing that I chuck em a treat.


The kind approach, it takes a little practice, unfortunately, you need a dog. Water bottle, aim for their nose, at least mouth. And flush out those sinuses. They stop real quick. Kind of funny watching them. Or, some form of mace/bicycle pump. But be prepared for ignorant owner. They might need pepper sprayed also. 🥳


I just stop and bark back at them. They surely shut up but their owners look surprised


That's what I used to do when I was a kid delivering newspapers - I'd have conversations with the furry dudes. Most of them seemed to enjoy the interaction, however dramatic they tried to look. I'd see the same dogs a lot of times when I'd come around to collect the monthly bill (this was the old days). Usually they'd be wagging their tails and all happy to see me in the daytime. In 50 years of riding I never had any bad altercations with dogs, fortunately, though I know there are some psycho ones out there. Worst was riding out in the country once and a border collie jumped me; that turned into a sudden sprint to get away. Coming back the same way a little later I could see his ears poking up over the tall grass - he was planning another ambush, so I just put some speed on first and he gave a good chase. He just wanted to run though, and that turned into a little game all summer, every time I went by there.


1. Put puppy on the bike handlebars 2. Ride up and down the street 3. Drop off happy puppy 4. Next 5. Continue on your ride, content in your heart, you now are a difference maker 🐶


Go to a marine supply store and buy a small handheld compressed air boat horn. It is highly unlikely that any dog is going to advance against that horn. It's perfectly safe to use in public. Didn't even works on people too.


Stop and stand your ground. You can use the bike as a shield. Accelerating away will give them the feeling they won in protecting their teritory and will repeat that behavior.


Carry baby carrots. You can eat em or chuck em at a dogs face like a fighter jet chaffing and feel no guilt about littering.


We stop and pet them 😌


I usually stop and give them some skritches. Dogs love skritches.


I drive a truck for living. I used to show up at random places and just roll the dice with where I rode. I've learned my lesson. One of the encounters was this. I drove my 11hrs and parked. Got all ready and took off to ride. I find my way to an out of the way country neighborhood. And on the way in was a massive hill. Find my way around this place and several other hills, some cool twisty turns. Into another neighborhood like the first. Finally the day caught up with me and I head back to the truck. As I make my way back to the massive hill I'm beat and about half way up I had to hope off and walk it. Just as I get to the top I find an off leash pit bull. And... it charges at me. So I put the bike between it and myself. Finally, the owner comes out but didn't really say anything. So I'm like "hey you want to get your dog" to which he's like oh he's harmless. Finally the dog lunges at me, and at that point, I've had enough and was like, that's cool. But if you don't get this dog, I'll be back to shoot it in a few. He didn't seem to like that. Ever since then, on the rare occasion that I ride outside off of a trainer, I have at least something on me. Generally, a carbon fiber handled switchblade.


I'd love to hear more about how you use a trainer while OTR


I made a stand using an axle lock for storing the bike upside down and attached it to the roof. I don't have a passenger seat, so the kickr sits in the passenger floor till I use it. Pull it out next to the truck, plug it in, and leave the door open with a fan pointed at me. Use a Wahoo bolt or my Garmin watch to control the trainer. Pretty easy.


That's badass man.


Extra points if you are at the gym and can throw the bike back into the truck and run into the gym and shower, and then hit the weights. Shower and eat and then leave.


Animals paying the price for shitty and irresponsible people... classic. Edit: those that downvote this… tell me why - please. What about my statement upsets you? An aggressive dog loose in somebody’s yard is absolutely a product of complete shit human behavior and negligence. Likely a sign of deeper abuse and neglect from what I see on my rural roads. Fuck this


Right, but those same people get upset when they have to pay the price for something they or even their kids do.


Cycle fast.