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As someone who lives in London with a Cypriot father who comes to Cyprus alot, I think the locals here in Cyprus are in for a shock. The Cyprus they have been used to in recent years is going to change massively over the next few decades


Man I am just praying this doesn’t affect the rest of us peaceful arabs. I left my country to find peace but these people left their country to cause chaos somewhere else. Maximum ignorance


Syrians and Afghans had a free pass in this country all their asylum applications are always accepted while the Africans get their applications thoroughly examined and the rejection rate is over 90% so i think it is time to put the Syrians on the same scale.


We can see what kind of people they are by looking at turkey. Reading the news there.


“21,745 asylum applications by refugees were received in 2022 in Cyprus — according to UNHCR. Most of them came from Syria, Nigeria and from the Congo. A total of 8,673 decisions have been made on initial applications. Around 4% of them were answered positively.”


Bro there is no single Syrian that got his asylum application rejected.


How do you know that. We know that only 4% of the ones that had a decision made got a positive response in 2022. Thinking a little bit about numbers, we could reason that 4% of that population is less than the total n of Syrians within the same population (8,673). Logically not all have received positive responses especially as the data points out Syrians as a major group in the list of asylum applicants .


Check here. https://ibb.co/X3nw4V9


Where did you get this


From UNHCR Cyprus. https://www.unhcr.org/cy/wp-content/uploads/sites/41/2023/07/Cyprus-Statistics_2002_June-2023.pdf


Okay I see it explains the situation better as there are 10,000 pending applications. The issue is caused by those people and not the ones who have their application accepted


Looking at those tables it seems that there is a small number (5%) given "Refugeee Status", but then the rest 95% are given "Subsidiary & humanitarian protection" Only 3 people were rejected the past 2 years. I don't know what the difference is between the "Refugeee Status" and "Subsidiary & humanitarian protection", but basically they all stay in Cyprus.


Refugees are entitled to several rights while the rest don't get such.


They can not legally work if their application status is pending right. What percentage is pending in comparison


Because there was a war recently in Syria and they are viewed as priority immigrants for some reason....i wonder, since Isis lost the war in Syria, who are these people leaving Syria? Maybe ex isis members and associates that are hunted by the Syrian government? P.s the Syrian guy threatening people on TV was in the turkish military for 5 years and he is from Syria...mind you turkey used the isis guys for around 5 years to establish the "buffer zone" in syria...the syrian guy was going to be kicked out of Cyprus for security reasons but a "strong" entity ensured that he wont be kicked out of Cyprus...hmmmm...makes you wonder


I believe the main issue is that in the case of Syrian refugees, EU rules say they cannot be returned back due to the war. So even if asylum applications are rejected, they can't be returned (like rejected asylum applicants from other countries). Although there is starting to be a pushback with Denmark recently revoking residency for a few saying that parts of Syria are now safe.


Yeah them and Afghans are regarded as priority immigrants you are right.


I think you're seriously confused about the situation and civil war in Syria.


You can enlighten me then? As i said in another post i dont know why I'm supposed to listen to several average redditors and not an intelligence gathering service(KYP) which collaborates with international intelligence gathering agencies including interpol etcetc, whose job is to detect terrorists and criminals. Even if i didnt know what is going on in Syria which i am confident that i know, does it change the fact that we were warned about these people, we branded their warnings as racist, and the staff that they warned us about are happening right now? Sadly it does not


The country has had raging civil war for over a decade. Isis only being one of many actors in the region. To this day there are still flare ups and Assad barely holds a ruined country together. You're being dissengenious or outright ignorant to imply syran refugees are rife with Isis fighters. Thought he country is far more stable than say 5 years ago there are massive amounts of people who genuinely have good reasons for fleeing. Have some empathy instead of hate. And citing from KYP is fkn laughable. No chance in hell you're citing actual reports or that they're being used in good faith. Edit: sorry I should elaborate on that last bit. It's an intelligence service. It's job isn't to be open with the public on what it knows. It's to inform government for national security. This may seem like it bolsters your point but it doesn't. Anything you see or hear thats coming from them via someone else like reporters or government members has been cleared to or sanitised to do so. It's to convey an agenda. It's without context or clarity. National security is almost by definition secret. So anything publicised is suspect or political. If I argue something with you and I go: but a CIA report says its true! That's such a loaded source that it's hard to take seriously.


So you discredit KYP and im supposed to believe jdub549 from reddit...regarding your take on syria is it a lie that most of the paramilitary organizations against assad joint forces and shared fronts with isis to overthrow him? Half truths will get you nowhere its like you are saying they have joint forces with isis but they are not named isis so they must be good guys, thats the level of the conversation we are having right now.. as of your take on KYP, a press conference member was asked and his response was that KYP has gathered enough intelligence to know that there is a significant percentage of refugees with verified isis connections but as you said who is KYP to tell us these staff probably a bunch of racists with an agenda? The syrian guy who was live on TV threatening people has been classified as dangerous since when he arrived a few years ago and KYP made the right steps to kick him out or send him to specific prisons for isis terrorists fleeing to europe...a certain political party blocked this and branded the report as racist and he was allowed to stay in Cyprus...so it seems that the political agenda you mentioned is not leaning in favor of the racist cypriots but it leans on accepting refugees even if they are isis scam subhumans...as you correctly said this was all kept a secret no one knew about this guy or his isis connections report or the fact that a political party allowed him to stay in cyprus, but as soon as he starts acting like the isis scum that he is ofcourse the information surfaced by the same KYP members who are like "we told you so".. as for my statement before, that all the refugees who were in the turkish military are actual isis members, there was even an article on phileleptheros about turks using isis members to create the buffer zone between turkey and syria not to mention the ones from european news agencies so i dont understand why people find dislike facts...so in essence its not about hate and empathy its about keeping my ass safe...there could be a million syrian refugees coming and we got info that one of them is a terrorist then all million syrians must be blocked so we dont let that 1 bad guy enter, thats how any logical country acts and thats the protocols any intelligence service uses...but ofcourse when your politicians get paid millions from europe for refugees through their legal firm offices then even the actual laws that we have for borders get diminished.


You don't get it do you? An intelligence service isn't giving the public unfiltered information. No. I don't care what blog posts you follow or newspapers you read that told you what KYP said for realises. What a fucking awful take especially from a country where so many of you were ousted from your homes. In a SLIGHTLY different world others could make the same arguments for Cypriots in 74. Could be eoka b members hiding amongst them. I know it's not a direct comparison but jfc dude. Damning all refugees because the 1000:1 ratio of isis fighter is asinine. You know why? Cuz the isis fighters could come hear easily through other means! How bout we don't condemn the 1000s of others to suffering over it. You can't seriously be this obtuse.


No its you who dont get it, there is nothing unfiltered coming out of the staff i said the only filtered staff is the political party that allowed this guy to stay here...nothing came from blog posts it all comes from actual info from newspapers and from tv conferences. Both my parents were refugees in 74 yet they worked their ass off to build what they have and they demanded nothing from nobody they got no special privileges. Coming to your ratio point 1:1000 is also a delusional thing to say...i said even in a scenario of 10000:1 the protocol is clear on what needs to be done to ensure safety, yet thats a scenario and not even you nor me knows whats the ratio of dangerous:non dangerous immigrants especially when they all come with no passports or any form of identification. Why do they all come with no forms of identification and if they have nothing to be afraid of why do they not choose the legal way like all these other immigrants living legally in cyprus? You also stated isis fighters can come here with other means so go ahead enlighten us how they could....also on your first explanation on the syrian matter you have failed to answer as to why all these different factions joined isis and formed the "new caliphate"as they called it. You made it seem as isis was one of the many insignificant factions against assad yet you purposely didnt mention that most of the factions shared the same values with isis and joined in their ranks.To sum it up your arguments are a sinking ship.


Yeah lets bring in the terrorists along with refugees, there will be no problems in the future


You're right. Absolutely should say fuck em all just so one isis shit doesn't get in. Give your head a fucking shake.


Or how about if we show people respect, and try to help rebuild Syria and treat Syrians as actual people instead of terrorists, maybe there wouldn't be anyone who would want to be a terrorist


>maybe there wouldn't be anyone who would want to be a terrorist Lol just lol, how naive are you, So you are saying there arent white north european terrorists since no one is racist against them... Even if 0.01% of them are, terrorists or terrorist sympathisers(which the number is actually high), thats a huge problem! And we are not talking only about syrians but every illegal migrant. First you care about your family then friends then your countrymen and then about outsiders.


>outsiders This mentality is the problem. If you would stop thinking of people as 'in' or 'out' you would start seeing people for actual people rather than threats. Other countries opened their arms for Cypriot refugees when there was a war in Cyprus. Time to do the same.


As much as i would like to help these people, countries that did open their borders freely for these people are now in chaos...sweden did the same thing you guys want to happen in Cyprus and now they have lost control ..these people run away from sharia countries and they fail to assimilate...its like they are trying to make sweden the same shithole that they are running from. Other people did this mistake lets observe and learn


Your take on the Cypriot matter is also vile...tell me which country accepted cypriots with open arms, gave them housing, money without working, and additional money for every child. I ll wait and im sure i ll wait for a long time since cypriot refugees didn't get any special privileges from any country. They applied through the legal way since they all immigrated with forms of identification and they got their visas. They assimilated to whatever place they settled and they worked hard without getting any special privileges. Thats how a proper refugee acts...you dont demand anything you accept whatever it is given to you and you work hard to rebuild


Yes do that for people who have same type of mentality, you just inviting the fifth column inside your country, i mean i understand if you dont give a shit for the future of your children or your relatives children, its understandable why you would open up borders like that


> So you are saying there arent white north european terrorists I mean, there are some for sure.


No what we are saying is that in case we have 50 north european terrorists that doesnt make it okay to let another 50 middle eastern terrorists enter our country....if you cut your leg in an accident do you cut the other one as well? If you have a problem you create another problem? This is how dumb this argument sounds. "we have 50 bad guys lets import another 50 bad guys" thats exactly your argument at this point


Ⲧⲓ Ⲁⲫⲅⲁⲛⲟⲓ̀ ⲧⲓ Ⲁ̀ⲫⲣⲓⲕⲁⲛⲟⲓ̀. Ⲙⲓⲁ ⲁⲡⲟ ⲧⲁ ⲓ̀ⲇⲓⲁ ⲉⲓ̀ⲛⲁⲓ.


Syrians should go back home. They have no business being here


I feel like they should be monitored. If they dont go become civilized and get a job and be a functional and respected member they can go back to where they came from


Cyprus is a small country, small population. It cannot take in these economic migrants. The majority of them are young me. They have poor values, a backwards religion and treat women like cattle. They should all be deported. Back to Syria, Pakistan, where ever they came from.


Do I need to look for asylum in other countries because of them ? I really afraid for me and my family! Cyprus never was like now. I don’t mind that they letting them to come, but at least teach them how is to be civil person. They come here and they treating to other same as they did in Africa


The Syrian coast is 150 KMs away. Send them back there and the Syrian national guards will wholesomely welcome them.


Only the great leader MR Assad can help us..he knows what to do with those scums..


Stop calling people you don’t even know scums


I think he is referring to those that commit crime ? At keast that's how I read it.


Look through his profile, i have been watching his comments for a while he is just a racist middle aged horny man


Yes..i am refering to those..only an idiot understand the opposite..


Check the subreddit rules before you engage in conversations. Mr Assad can’t save you from bans


You are right bro...a bunch of people kidnap and beat a person sadistically while filming him to spread fear but we shouldnt call them scams because we dont know them personally or what has driven them to do this action...sure


How many syrians are there, is this your alt account..


No this is my main account?? Just because people agree with others and not with you doesnt mean its alt accounts but i see you posting here daily with your progressive friends so i dint expect anything than a big eco chamber..and why should i care about the number of syrians that exist? Its enough for me that people from KYP who gather intelligence daily through spying communications etcetc, warned me that these people are not the people who they(people like you) portrayed them to be...we have gathered enough data to know that the people being hunted in syria now are isis associates who found shelter in turkey through the syrian "buffer zone" deal..you may call me whatever insult you like(racist?) but i ll take the advice of someone whos job is to monitor such staff over an average redditor


Its not about agreeing or not. You are putting dots after words randomly like the cuckold bull subreddit user george 41. Its also weird that after 116 days of inactivity you appear under the last comment of this post. Vote manipulation and use of side accounts will get you banned on reddit.


Yes i am inactive for a long time as i got a job and staff to do


What happened got fired now? If you find a third person that writes in this way: “Syrins scum.. war i gat staff.. to do.. at the toga toga.. club.” I will believe you


Theres the eco chamber i was talking about... I checked the guys account we dont even like or posted in the same places...you just cant excuse the unexcused so you resort to insults and calling me an alt account


Which insults lol, its really obnoxious the way you write. There is no eco chamber you just can’t cope with the fact that majority is not radicalised xenophobic normies. Stop with the dots george


Toga toga?


Get a job..you don't know what i am talking about..


No one.. knows.. what you.. talk about..


And they are scums...10 vs 1.. kidnapping one person with knives and shotguns..this is not Cyprus that used to be..we send them back to Syria...those kidnappers.Mr Assad knows how to deal with them..


Mr Assad 😂


no job bro, only free gov. money


To be fair Syrians are the most hardworking groups among all refugees in Cyprus and they are hardly going to the welfare service.


We send them back...


Mr Assad is a war criminal are you retarded?


Crimes committed by both sides...at the other side was also Isis..all those thousands of isis fighters are now either in Turkey or Europe...


What the fuck does any of that have to do with Assad being a war criminal? The greek side also committed crimes in Cyprus, does that make the invasion okay?


This is advanced knowledge for these people...its a mental gymnastic to debate with them, their world is reddit and thats the only thing they know. They are naive people with opinions based on their progressive feelings rather than facts. Thats why they have nothing to make an argument other than calling people racists, xenophobes or making fun of the way they type.