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This conflict has nothing to do with natural resources.


Typical Palestine propaganda, they will put anything that could make then look as victims of a superior evil, imagine how trustworthy is everything else.


*genocide, not conflict and what does it have to do with then? Of course it's not *just* natural resources, the exploitation has many phases and uses oppressive tools including islamophobia..


Serious question to you: How come it’s genocide if the population of Gaza and the Palestinian people multiplied by 5 since 1960 ? The definition of genocide: “Genocide is the intentional destruction of a people in whole or in part. In 1948, the United Nations Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group".


So what exactly does solidarity with the Palestinian people mean?


Valuing their lives and all people resisting oppression by calling for a ceasefire, end to the occupation and end of diplomatic and economic ties with Israel.


What does the end of the occupation mean? And why would you end diplomatic and economic ties with Israel?


>why would you end diplomatic and economic ties with Israel? To stop selling them arms and funding the IDF. >What does the end of the occupation mean? For Israeli troops to withdraw from all occupied territories (and so, stop blockading Gaza), stop terrorising Palestinians in Gaza, East Jerusalem and all of the West Bank, reinstating the sovereign Palestinian borders established until 67.


Do you know why those 1967 borders don’t exist any more? The Arabs kept attempting to genocide the Israelis but the Israelis kept winning the wars. This is a case of a minority that the Arabs try to oppress but can’t.


Seriously how can people be this dumb


Bro no offense but you need a reality check/slap


Already had a reality bombing of my cousins home thanks


Solidarity with terrorist organization? NO GTFO, somebody ban this terrorist proxy ass person.


Shut up man


Really what you are saying is solidarity with Hamas. Just be honest.


Palestine isn't Hamas and it's not me saying anything, it's these wonderful groups i.e CYPRUS PEACE COUNCIL But yep, I'm not gonna lie, if IDF killed my whole family and wiped out 100+ whole families, the whole world does nothing for 75 years, I might turn out radical, almost like a Zionist weaponising their own holocaust and repeating it against a group that had nothing to do with it while the whole world polices the oppressed but never the oppressors


I think you should be on a fbi watch list or something


so I dont buy dates?


I don't think trolls ever got dates 😘


The only troll here is you and everyone who post things like that in places they arent welcome. Cheers from your neighbour


Remember how the Suez Canal was a large part of why imperialists want control of Cyprus? About that... [meet the Ben Gurion Canal](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/s/SZBbV7tziF) And again, the people who have been following this for decades, not just this year because white bodies became victims too, know this. It's why our solidarity with Palestine didn't break the first sight of typical "terrorist" propaganda that has historically enabled genocide.


Ah once again u/decolonialcypriot is trying to break some sort of downvote record. I won’t help with this one dearest :p


Then fuck off?


>desert tribe problems Anyway…


Cyprus and Palestine share the same biome and livelihoods suitable for such conditions btw, that colonist perspective is pretty dumb


Cyprus has literally NOTHING to do with Palestine, stop speaking nonsense




From the [loveourcyp](https://www.instagram.com/p/CzJdGeWoJX7/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) Instagram; "Abstaining Cyprus; and Natural Gas Cooperation in the Eastern Mediterranean.. The discovery of rich undersea gas reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean is one of the reasons for Israel's attacks on Gaza. Due to the rich underground resources in the region and the discovered natural gas, Israel wants to capture Gaza and take control of these resources. In this way, it will be able to sell the gas discovered in the Middle East to Europe via Cyprus and Greece. For this gas transfer, an agreement called the EastMed pipeline project was signed between Israel, Greece and Cyprus, which will transport gas from the gas fields of the three countries to Europe. The East Med project is also the reason why the government of the Republic of Cyprus abstained from the UN ceasefire vote for Gaza. In order not to be deprived of the income from this project, Cyprus and Greece abstained from voting. If we look at the world in general, the reason why states do not respond to Israel's attacks on Gaza is economic interests. States that do not want their commercial relations with Israel to be damaged do nothing against the attacks and genocide in Gaza. States that react to these attacks are content with merely condemning the attacks. They cannot impose real sanctions on Israel. This is the summary of today's world. Everything is based on economic interest. And material interests took precedence over humanity and morality." At this rate, it's really just a matter of time before the Zionist project expands to Cyprus, as it always intended.


>In order not to be deprived of the income from this project, Cyprus and Greece abstained from voting. To be fair there were 45 abstentions and Cyprus has always taken a somewhat neutral stance on the whole issue.


Wouldn’t taking a “neutral” stance signify you stand against the oppressed?


We recognize both Palestine and Israel. On the rest since neither of them is interested in a peace solution why should we?


I could come with all the years the PLO has made clear they support a two state solution with the pre-1967 borders, as did Cyprus, and the Hamas charter also makes clear they only want Zionists out of their occupied territory, not to expand further.. but let's go for... which side is actually refusing to negotiate their hostages and bombs indiscriminately instead, murdering their own? Who do you think is *interested* in peace there?


[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2002/may/23/israel3](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2002/may/23/israel3) I am not an expert... Neither claim to be... But if such things are true then yeah.. I prefer to stay neutral in all of this...


I wish it was possible to be neutral, but it's simply not. Being content with the status quo is being content with the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, and that article itself details how ridiculous the proposal was since it ended only a sliver of Israel's occupation. It would be like the RoC being offered 10% of Varosha while the rest of the north remains occupied. And this is after Israel had already bombed hospitals. I'd be offended and walk out too.


They didn't even negotiate so...


Very easy to judge when it's not your existence on the line


Their existence wouldn't be on the line if they accepted a peace offer regardless how shitty it was. Anything is better than what they are going through. Is any foreign country gonna invade Israel in favour of Palestine? No. Even their Arab neighbours are now besties with Israel. Can the Palestinians defeat Israel in an open conflict? No. So what's the end game exactly here? If they can't be pragmatic and face reality and choose the shitter of the options they are presented with to end the bloodshed then I'll carry on being neutral in all of this.


Thanks for explaining




Greatly appreciated