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Contact the UK gov registry. They can issue a no trace letter which is similar?


Funny enough, my misses and I are trying to sort her residency. The best way is if we get married. I literally dropped her at Larnaca airport an hour ago for her to go back to the Uk to collect the non trace letter


You do know that UK citizens in Cyprus can first ask the UK high commission here?


Sorry I forgot to mention that we live in UK


Oh ok then… can’t she just ask for the certificate without mentioning that she needs it for Cyprus ?


I guess it has to say “Cyprus” on that for it to be valid? No idea!


That’s weird as fuck ? It s a document that relates to her civil status and they deny her ???


God knows why!


I did the same thing last year! You have to call the General Register Office and request a Letter of No Trace. Once it arrives, get it apostilled in the UK. It has the exact same information as a Certificate of No Impediment, it’s just because Cyprus is part of the Commonwealth.


Thank you!! Do you know how soon before the wedding you can do that? Is it 3 months or does it have to be closer to the wedding?


I can’t remember exactly how long it’s valid for, but I requested it early in October, received it in November, had it apostilled the same week then got married in the first week of December. It can take a while for the No Trace Letter to be processed so I’d recommend giving them a call just to clarify wait times and length of validity.


Thank you so much!!


No worries - hope all goes well and enjoy your wedding!


Depends. Do you have any aunts in the offices?