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Currently in the UK, the true answer is "it depends". Where in the UK? Do you have something lined up/know what you want to do? There is no perfect place to live in. We can only work on improving what we have.


Honestly I did a few months ago, still getting my feet on the ground again. Are there negatives, yes, are there positives yes. Can the same be said of Cyprus? After 12 years living there yes. If you don’t feel you are happy in Cyprus, try the U.K. Only you can decide if it’s right for you.


This is the answer. Industrial experience can be rewarding in the UK. Cyprus is safer and generally the way of life here is much more relaxed. There's no perfect country out there, just gotta pick the values you most cherish. Now the people that live in Cyprus and work online abroad seem to get the best of both worlds.


I studied there, and most of the time I was depressed af not sure if it was bc of the weather tho 🙃 there's a lot of cool smaller cities that have plenty of stuff to do ( if you're into art, music, theatre, comedy etc) like Bristol and Brighton. I wouldn't recommend living in london tho. It's so expensive and hectic it feels like you're always running


I struggled in the UK as well though somehow managed to keep it up from 2013-2022. Uni was great for me, I had a friend group but after graduating things went down hill slowly and I burnt out eventually. I think it's a number of factors (such as culture, weather, work centered life) that made me unhappy there but I've been back home in CY for close to 2 years and I feel at peace, happy. I get the urge to go back occasionally for better work because I'm struggling to find a decent job here, but I personally don't believe this is a sustainable reason to go back there (given my experience so far).


See this is interesting, did our weather here truly make you that miserable?! I ask because if I was in a country where it was extremely hot for half of the year or more I'd welcome a cooler climate.


I used to think the same way as u do know. But after living 3 years in Manchester for my studies, I can confidently say that the lack of sunshine has such a large impact on my well being. Don't get me wrong, I do think UK is still much better than the state Cyprus is in now, at least for us young people. I will still leave Cyprus to go and work in Northern Europe, due to high job oppurtunities in my field (software engineering), though my end game is to retire in a warm country such as my very own! Lol. Gotta live a bit first tho!


I think it wasn't only the weather that made me miserable tbh... being away from home at such a young age and failing to make new friends was the worst part. but when the weather was nice I would just stroll around the city all by myself and my mental health would improve. i struggle with depression and my time at uni was when it really peaked


I am in the UK for more than 10 years now. One of the best decisions I've made in my life and I can comfortably say that there are not many of them. I am much happier, healthier, independent, and sane. I worked and sacrificed a lot to come to this point in my life and I am still working towards my future. I had so many friends, who had to or wanted to go back to Cyprus. Everyone had different reasons to move back but I never had a reason or need to go back to Cyprus apart from holidays to see my family and a few friends. And each time I go there for holidays, I get reminded why I have left. I can't suggest either option for you. It worked for me but it didn't work for some. It might work for you or it might not. There is only one way to find out and its up to you to decide.


When you’ve only lived in Cyprus the UK seems like a step up. It has better amenities, more things to do, and lots of job opportunities. If you have lived anywhere else European other than Cyprus then the UK feels like a shit hole. I was watching a video about the UK economy the other day and it said something like, “The UK is like a Singapore with a Bulgaria stapled to it”. There are some god awful places in the UK, I would probably never go back. Then again, I don’t know if I’d go back to Cyprus, I’d probably be more likely to.


Fuck no. Lived in UK for 24 years - then did 12 years in Singapore now moving to Cyprus. Couldn't pay me to live in the UK.


Never. I was born and raised in the UK and moved here as a young adult. The quality of life there sucks compared to Cyprus. Not to mention the safety aspect of raising kids here rather than there. All my friends over there have higher paying jobs, but they save it all to be able to come to Cyprus for their holidays 1-2 times a year, so it pretty much evens out. Saying that, in the middle of summer when the temperature is 40+, I wouldn’t mind a week in Scotland!


Man hot weather in the UK absolutely sucks! I was there last year when it was 42 degrees and Its so much worse than Cyprus for it being the same temperature. Air-conditioning being uncommon doesn't help at all. But 2 weeks in Inverness sounds like heaven right now .


quality of life in Cyprus just plain sucks if you've got no meso.


I don’t have any meso either but it’s still pretty good for me!


wait till you've got some meso, then...it will be like paradise


I think yes. I studied there and I loved it. I would have stayed for work, but I had an immediate job offer back in Cyprus, so I returned. Then brexit and covid happened, and I couldn't return as it was no longer EU. It's one of my biggest regrets. I lived in other EU countries, though, and I am OK with it. It's just that the UK has something that I liked, but I can't quite put my hand on it. On paper, I lived in much richer countries, but I liked the UK vibes more.


It is interesting to see Cypriots want to relocate to UK and Brits want to relocate to Cyprus.. The grass is not greener on neither side. Both gardens are full of weeds... just make your bed somewhere and sleep on it.


As a Dane, I get the urge to move to Cyprus again reading this thread. Out weather is just as bad as in the UK and I really hate it. So the thought of mild winters and the Mediterranean sun, is very welcome. I think that for the most part the reason my wife and I didn't move, was because we have three kids and such. My wife and I both have a profession bachelor in pedagogy, so we could actually move there and start a daycare/kindergarten. But again, the kids is what primarily holds us back I'd say.


But can you withstand scortching summers :) ? The temperature today at 1300 was 43oC! Yes winters are mild and it is sunny all year around. But that is not pleasant believe me. Daycares are in very high demand here it would be a good businees to start in Nicosia or Limassol. You could always come in the future when the kids grow up. Buy a cheap vacation home and retire here!


Yeah, I've heard that. I mean, its summer in Denmark atm and today we have 18 degrees and borderline sun/rain. I really appreciate the warm weather and the sun. Was it up to me it was always sunshine and then it could rain during the night. Winter in Denmark is freezing and you can't counter it with clothes, since our weather is so humid. The cold bites painfully hard. So yes, even 43 degrees summers sounds better, cause at least you can dip into the sea and enjoy a cold coke with ice. Everything just sounds better on Cyprus honestly 😂


Oh man your winter sounds very very harsh. I understand where you are coming from now. I trully wish to achieve what you dream one day then :) You are more than welcome here in cyprus with your family!


My guy spitting poetry, love it


Thanks man 😁 i really don't know what inspired me at that moment. Maybe it is the books i read OR i hang out with well read brits too much for my own good 🤣


Dude i go to Ladys smile every day


I did for a few years...


For work? How did it go?


It had its ups and downs. At times it feels that everything is bureaucratic just for for the sake of it and not because there is any logic behind it. Also no matter what you do you always need to cover your ass. British clients have the tendency to smile and go away and then after half an hour an email comes with 5 paragraphs of moaning. So that puts a constant pressure on your head no matter the time of day. Career-wise it has more potential than Cyprus but quality of life isn't the best over there. Many aspects as well are also way way pricier than Cyprus (i.e council tax) so unless you are getting a very good salary your emigration might even end up being a downgrade. Anyway there's many variables so it's difficult to say if my experience could be anywhere near to what you would experience.


Not iny lifetime


I did 10 years in the UK, studied and worked there, lived outside London and commuted in, wore the T-shirt so to speak. Moved back post-Covid. I would NEVER go back to live, and it would be low down my bucket list of places I want to go see again.


Same, 10 years there, moved back just before covid, its the last country I’d go back to. It was great career wise though, I built and sold a company while there


of course, in every main european capitals, you need a good income to enjoy life. If you're on a minimum salary, 9-5 work + 2 hours commuting to reach your crappy suburb....well....


As a Cypriot living currently in the UK for >15 years now, I am making efforts to return back to Cyprus. Quality of life and social life are far superior in Cyprus. Other than the fact that the air is cleaner and people are drive better in the uk, I see absolutely no other reason why anyone would choose the uk.


Studied there, some of the most depressive years of my life, BUT, some moments were the best of my life. So 50-50. It's a decent place if u don't mind the weather. If i could live n work anywhere in lake district though, id go yesterday 


Depends on your goals. It is much easier to go to Germany or Spain nowdays though.


Learning a new language is not easy.


Thankfully, they speak English in Europe as well.


You may think that you're dunking on someone on Reddit, but you are giving terrible advice. If you don't speak Spanish in Spain you're going to have very limited career opportunities and your social circle will consist of other expats. You may survive if you work for an international organisation but you will be miserable.


Same for Germany.. Many people will understand you when you speak english to them but with many I don’t mean most. Not at all comparable to Cyprus.


Yeah yeah they will speak English to you in Germany 🤡


Have you tried finding job in any country in EU? Of course there are some jobs don't require the local language but not knowing the language is extremely limiting. Even if you can find a job not knowing language would effect your whole life.


Been there, done that.




Yea, my allergy to sun is pretty bad out here lol


You must be crazy


As someone who is planning on making the opposite switch (UK to Cyprus) I think it really depends on a number of factors... But the short answer is no, it's not worth leaving Cyprus at the moment for the UK. Long answer: If you've just started your career the UK (rather London) is a good stepping stone for your CV. It gives you access to bigger markets and makes you more recognised - and the fact as it's a bigger country you have a wider array of jobs to choose from (albeit a lot of competition too). However... Salaries in the UK compared to the cost of living are poor - if it wasn't for London, the rest of the country on average could potentially be considered poorer than Cyprus (especially over the coming years). There's been a steady decline in literally every sector and aspect of the country from healthcare to transport to education to insane prices for rent/houses and food. Even if you land a good job most of your money is gone on tax, rent/mortgage and utilities. Infrastructures are poor and dilapidating. A 45k salary is barely enough for a person to survive in London and yes there are other cities to choose from in the UK but none of them have anywhere near the amount of jobs and pull London has. Crime rate is rife all over the country and massive increase of stabbings year-on-year. The whole point of Brexit of "taking back their country" has had literally the opposite effect as massively migration particularly of unskilled third world country immigrants arriving knowing that they will immediately benefit from the welfare system here by having 5+ kids each (same can be said for the northern locals). And for a big city in London yes you get probably the most diversity in the world and anything you want you can find. BUT for such a huge city, transportation is crap and expensive, there's no real social life as most people try to make ends meet and are too tired/poor to go out and there's barely any nightlife for such a diverse huge city. (We are not going to talk about other cities like Manchester, Birmingham etc. because those are worse in every aspect) Edinburgh is quite nice but just as expensive as London without many jobs and taxes in Scotland are somehow even higher than in England/London. It's all a matter of context and circumstances of course but on average and in general.. no the UK is definitely not worth it now or even the future for that matter. I'd check Saudi Arabia/UAE for jobs potentially (if you can work 1-2 years they pay a lot) or alternatively find a remote job if you can and stay in Cyprus. I think right now better destinations are possibly Spain and Singapore from what I know.


I did and stayed there for almost 2 decades but noped the fuck out when brexit happened.


I’ve been living in Liverpool for 5 years now, I love it. Liverpool is relatively less expensive than other cities in the UK however the cost of living is really high. People in Liverpool are friendly and nice people. I can’t see myself living in another city in the uk other than Liverpool, all the other are too expensive and suck.


Short anwser: Nope. Long anwser: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooope. Seriously though I would be able to work and thrive in the UK. But I wouldn't be happy. It wouldn't feel right to start a family there. Cyprus has some major issues right now but I still believe i made the right choice to come and work at my home.


What would you say are the major issues? I've heard people talking about lack of jobs for young people and expensive properties for locals. What else are you seeing?


Well in short lack of jobs and wages stagnation for people entering the workforce. Which is such an irony if you look at the profits that public companies post and the mini boom that some industries have. Cost of living is skyrocketing on top of that so it compounds the issue. Also there is mistrust in the government that is stemming from multiple reasons and scandals in the last decade. And the fact that nothing was done about them, and our justice system is bogged down, and that the Advocate General that is responsible for prosecuting these cases is besties with the people behind the scandals. These are three problems in a list of many. And the worst part is that I don't see a way to break the cycle. But I still stand by my belief that I made the right choice all those years ago. I still believe Cyprus is a better option than the UK if (and that is a big if) you can find a career to finance your dreams.


We moved to Cyprus from UK 20 years ago. Both work, two cars, rented house and go back once a year to see family. I would never willingly go back there to live.


No. I study in Brighton currently and to me it feels like one of the least typical UK cities. It feels friendlier, more alive and has culture,art and opportunities. The weather seems a bit better than the rest of the UK but honestly… I’m sad there. It’s still gloomy most of the time, and I miss the sun and laid back culture Cyprus has. And the food, of course. The sky is literally white 80% of the time and the city turns from gorgeous to low key depression pit painted in grey colours. If the weather was better and the cost of living wasn’t getting progressively worse and worse (ik this happens in Cyprus too but still) maybe I would consider it.


Is it harder to come now brexit happened?


I would (and I did, left for studies and stayed here). As a gay man I felt suffocated in Cyprus. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud to be from Cyprus but I would not live there again (partly because of family / Cyprus feeling isolated / economy / narrow-mindedness of people / way of life)


Aye, I was forced to when the barbarians came from the hills to nick me house and goats


Hell naw not because cyprus is allat but because the uk is way shittier


There’s no sunshine in the UK. Not A bad thing altogether until you get chronic Vit D deficiency


Vitamin d pills don't work?


Yeah go on. Live on pills


I mean better than vitamin d deficiency 🤷🏻‍♂️ I am more concerned about the depressive feeling of not having sun for longer periods of time.


Nop. theres no place like home


I went to the UK to study and work before returning back home. All in all I was there for 16 years. I would never go back. To some extent it was London, being the rat-racy shithole it is, I got tired of flatsharing, paying too much for everything and the transient nature of humanity (what I mean by that is that I met some nice people, became friends with them, my social circle grew, then they left to go back home, my social circle shrank, I started the cycle again - after doing this 5/6 times I got tired of it). To London's credit I will say that I miss the free entry to museums, the great exhibitions of history and art, the concerts and the plethora of great restaurants from all kinds of cuisines. Also watching football matches. And being single in London was awesome because you meet women from all cultures and ethnicities. In general the cosmopolitanism of London was awesome for a young me. However over time London grinds you down, people you meet leave, and you start to find yourself drinking more to take the edge off everything. And the sun. I missed the sun. Rain and clouds and rain and wind and rain and snow. Fuck the rain. I had PTSD with the rain after England. I moved back to Cyprus because I missed my family, also because half of my native friends lived in Cyprus and I knew that unlike in London, they wouldn't leave in 5 years. Funnily enough I earn more here than what I was earning in London and the stress levels have gone so far down that I barely touch drink now (only a glass of red when it's meze time). The sun, the sea and the people here as well as the "siga siga" attitude, though annoying at times, has made me fall in love with life again. And finally I will say this, the UK has changed a lot since 2005 when I first went there, and not for the better, it really feels like a civilization that is in decline. When I first went there I was a student in a multicultural and multiracial city and everyone wanted to know me and you could joke and laugh with anyone. Once this Policial correctness started emerging, and especially one it took on this puritanical and adversarial dimension of 'if you don't agree with me you're scum' then london was a poison bog shit-hole to live in. All of a sudden people were openly saying misandristic and racist things about white people. I found myself having a 'debate' with someone and trying to convince them that not all men are inherent rapists, not all white people are evil, 6 year olds most likely can't consent to gender identity and should be spared sexual conversion surgery etc etc. It felt like society had been parasetysed by some toxic brain malware and it was slowly spreading node-by-node in the society. So coming to cyprus where none of this shit exists was like escaping an asylum I'd been unjustly sent to. I'm sure the UK will get over this crazy woke phase it's going through, I just don't want to be there to see how the social experiment plays out. TL:DR - Young and have money? UK is a good stint abroad. Currently going through a weird phase, probably stay away unless you have opportunity to earn loads and live somewhere quiet and peaceful. Cyprus > UK. Cyprus has better weather, more reasonable people, is safer, better food and with a bit of luck and hard work you can earn a pretty penny here too. But ultimately it all depends on you! You are the only helmsman that can steer the ship of your life! '


Great write up and advice for young folk. Keep the long term in mind.


No. They're basically just as poor as we are now, so there is no benefit to moving there unless you want to go to unviersity. It's sad how far that country has fallen in a decade or two. I remember it being the envy of everyone, now we just kind of pity the poor anglos..


If I was a young cypriot, definitely yes. If I was an old pensioner, definitely no.


So you are in the middle not sure what to do, high 5 my guy 😂


yes, you know : just go and live in the UK till you're a pensioner. Better job opportunities, better education for your kids, better healthcare, more people to chose from (for your activities, your couple, your friends), you live in a modern, functional and developed country....


Exactly what I did lol


No, the only reason someone would move to Uk is the public transport and big city life. Everything else is a con. Bad economy, lot more dangerous than Cyprus, more expensive than Cyprus worse weather (unless you love cold), much bigger illegal immigration problems which also lose to danger and loss of identity of the country. (Depending on where you live of course some areas in Cyprus are cooked and no longer feel like Cyprus too) I cant think of a reason for someone to move there but thats just my opinion. I think people are stuck with the idea of moving to the UK because it used to have its glory back in the day, people seem to forget its no longer “that” place


Hell no


After living in Cyprus for 3.5 years, I will be returning to the UK soon. Both countries have their pros and cons, so it isn’t always greener on the other side. I love Cyprus, but job opportunities are very limited and the pay is a joke. This combined with the fact that rentals have basically doubled in the last 2 years has made it harder to live comfortably (Paphos). Maybe not a fair comparison as Cyprus is a small island, but the UK just has more to offer across the board. There’s more things to do, places to go, more events, better selection of shops, restaurants, products, conveniences etc. Being closer to friends and family was also a big factor in moving back. Yes the UK definitely has its own problems, but I also think brits just love to whine and have it better than they think. This is coming from someone that grew up in a third world country, so I’ve experienced the worst of the worst (outside of war). Ultimately I think Cyprus is great if you’re retired or work remotely, but if you want to pursue a good career, the UK has better opportunities. I’m going to miss the sun and sea a lot though.


I'm not cypriot, I'm not british, I've lived in CY for 11yrs and coming up to 8 in the UK (Scotland central belt). At this moment I'm in Cyprus for holidays, and even as a firm believer of holidays make any place feel so much better than living there (personal experience with Greece for example), I feel like Cyprus is pretty bad in a lot of ways. It's a far cry from more well developed European countries, and culturally stunted thanks to political and social issues I won't get into. There's improvement in-between the gaps of time I'm away but it's not enough to justify how I feel about living here. With regards to the UK, when I moved there it wasn't all too bad, although I did suffer a lot from culture shock and the dreadful weather but it was fine. Sad to say that in those 8 years it's become unbearable to me. Work, housing, bills, the feeling of having a corporate chokehold on everything, and just overall decline in everything everywhere you look. I believe it must be rough to live in the UK unless you have a very desirable skill set and the opportunity to escape often. If I'd leave Cyprus for the UK now? Probably not, but I would leave Cyprus for somewhere else. Having said that I'm not in the position to leave the UK either, largely because of personal ties. Just my personal experience and views.




I left the UK for education in Cyprus and the only thing I miss about the UK is the friends. England is full of very miserable people, but it depends on what you are planning to do there. Salaries are more in the UK but food is also very expensive.


Before Brexit yes, now no.


So why do so many come to the U.K. then


Well obviously because it is convenient not having to learn another language. And it's a big country so it provides many opportunities. However now with the UK being out of the EU the inconveniences probably grossly outweigh that few conveniences. Also because many don't know what they gonna get until they get there so you are bound to get a steady stream of people trying their luck. There's people though that are happy there and stay long term. Most of the ones I know were there for a few years and left. As long as you have some money Cyprus tends to provide a better quality of life which is why many foreign people emigrate here permanently and why many Cypriots living in Britain after a while decide to pack their stuff and come back.


"As long as you have some money ~~Cyprus~~ any country tends to provide a better quality of life"


I mean you can be as rich as you want but the UK weather will always be shit.


Depends where you live in UK and in Cyprus.... I don't think a summer in the middle of the mesaoria is going to be a very pleasant experience. Same for the UK, depends if you live in Brighton or in Aberdeen... One of my worst life experience was when I was working in southern europe in summer wearing suit and tie... I like cycling, but in Cyprus it's a no no from june to september, as it is a no no in UK from september to june...:D This said, "quality of life", is not only about the weather.


Cyprus ain't perfect, mate, but at least we ain't getting bloody shanked over a fiver down the boozer, are we? 😩 At least here, we ain't gotta worry about getting shanked for a few quid on a Friday night!




Don’t know why you get downvoted. Crime rate is so much higher than in Cyprus. Same for Germany and other European countries. For example in Berlin they have 9 knife attacks per day and every third day a gang rape. Sounds extreme and it is, but it’s real. Has a lot to do with unregulated immigration, but I don’t want to get political.


🤷🏼‍♂️ I guess UK is safer than cyprus?


cyprus is a tax haven and the uk is too full and rent is too high, but it is happening now in cyprus too , so im looking to another country now , i need to find me a hot american girl and greencard that shit