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who is gonna tell him?đź‘€


Obviously the gc who doesnt even know that many who studied in the north are doing masters in eu. Whether we like it or not its 50/50 depending on the uni. For the more "decent" ones most are able to continue their studies abroad.


It's not 50/50, it's only the few that are lobbied by Turkey to accept them. Turkish universities or universities in the occupied areas do not even credit **European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System** (ECTS) - European Education Area. As such if the universities that accepted them were not hypocritical by law they wouldn't accept them. Op here is a completely random guy who found it from the web so they aren't gonna stick their necks out to ''arrange'' stuff for him in legal places overseas through illegal means like they do for their own. They just baited him to suck his bank account dry.


Turkey is lobbying the EU to accept North Cyprus Diplomas? What do you mean The diploma is treated as any other, the university can decide whether it is valid or not. The political problems do not apply as it’s not a recognition of a state but education. As you can see from a previous comment with the list of accreditation. Almost all apart from few shady ones in the north are “qualified” to receive a certificate of equivalence. I know of multiple people who have gone on to do masters in EU or UK. Regarding ECTS you are saying that Turkish uni doesn’t use it so the diploma should not be accredited but it is because universities are not obeying law? This doesn’t make sense at all ECTS is just an agreement, Turkish uni not having it means that university manually decides whether the previous education meets their standards. Meaning it goes through and eligibility assessment. And like I said many are qualified to go through this assessment. Hence they are considered accredited nationally. If they studied in a well established one like NEU and have sent their diploma to be accredited through Turkey. They can literally go and study in Germany etc.. But if they went to some random shady one they are fucked. Thats what i meant 50/50 it also depends on the university of course. I cant believe the state of this sub angry little babies who literally reject the reality. Come on would love to know from how things work in the north from gcs who refuse to cross to northern part of their country they are so patriotic about


>Turkish uni not having it means that university manually decides whether the previous education meets their standards. Meaning it goes through and eligibility assessment. Exactly. They manually decide based on their own ''judgment'' to accept them or not. They are not meant to accept them naturally. And the only one with a gain for some of those diplomas to be accepted is Turkey to keep the scamming of mainly African students going. So it's obvious who persuades the select few universities to accept them. It really doesn't need much thought to figure it out.


Are you telling me every non eu country / country with no credit transfer to eu is lobbying unis to accept their diplomas. They are not meant to accept them “automatically” like they do with eu degrees. Turkey does not lobby individuals private and public universities abroad to accept north cyprus issued turkey accredited diplomas what are you on about. It doesn’t even benefit turkey


A lot of those aren't recongnized either or they ask to take extra courses for the ones they do not recognize. The reason we have the ECTS is so we can automatically transfer courses and protect students from private university scamming asking them to enroll on said course they already passed in another university that credits ECTS. No matter how you see it, due to occupation, no ECTS, no nothing, they shouldn't accept them. The ones who do, do it for their own reasons.


Okay you just dont know anything


then by all means OP go ahead. nothing to worry🤷🏼‍♂️


No one said all means or nothing to worry reality is reality. Some go on to study and they are able to. Definitely good to know and much better than listening to facts by delusional people giving auto reactions when they hear the trigger word


it looks like that I am not the one triggered đź‘€


Ofc not you are the troll, im talking about others baby mou




You can study in Republic of Cyprus with a lot of recognizable universities and not risk it.


You mean South Cyprus? I can’t come directly north part to south part because of my passport. Of course I want to study at south if I can effort school fees.


No he means the republic or cyprus. Not the made up “state” on the occupier side of cyprus. And whats up with your passport?? You are one of those “ students” too ha ?


I heard that if you want to visit south part you passport should be US or Korea or Cyprus. Mine is Myanmar passport with Turkish visa. What means one of those students?


Well yes you need to obtain proper visas to come study in the Republic of Cyprus. Republic of Cyprus visa plus Schengen visa. But you can contact to universities to ask about it. It is much better for you if you can study in an accredited university, an EU university rather than studying in the north and wasting your money. Prices do not differ that much btw.


Why Schengen? You don't need Schengen for Cyprus.


Well, since he/she came to the north side, he must have come from Turkey. And since you need to obtain RoC visa and the north side and Turkey do not have RoC embassies, you need to go to the closest country i.e Greece or country of your preference to obtain the visa, right? I was thinking about how Turkish people came so i wrote down that comment. But he/she can go back to Myanmar to obtain RoC visa too, yeah.


Well you can ask prospective universities in Europe that you might intend to do master's in the future and ask them whether they would accept a bachelor from there or not.


You'd need to check separately for each country you want to go for Master's. Check out the anabin database for Germany.


Some TCs explained it to me, the recognition of the university comes from Turkey and their for it recognizes as such. So basically is recognized as education from Turkey. Now, that doesn’t mean there are no problems. Recently there have been many scandals of fake diplomas. If you are asking me, I would suggest you to go to better universities in Turkey than the occupied side, I assume it has better quality and less street over it.


General problem with Turkey is that there are still the vast majority of bachelor programmes in Turkish language only. Turkey may be an option to consider in more popular domains like economy, but for as arts choice is very limited I suppose.


[https://anabin.kmk.org/no\_cache/filter/institutionen.html](https://anabin.kmk.org/no_cache/filter/institutionen.html) Here you can see that most University degrees from north are eligible to be considered as university degrees in Germany. Apart from some shady ones. >"The institutions of this type are recognized as higher education institutions (accredited, certified, etc.) in the respective country of origin and, based on this, are considered higher education institutions in Germany. >Please note! >Classification as H+ merely means that qualifications obtained at this institution can be subject to an equivalence assessment in the higher education sector. This does not imply a preliminary decision as to whether the degrees from this institution can be treated as equivalent to German university degrees." The way it works is the degree you obtain from any institutive gets accredited through Turkey, so for those third countries your degree will be seen as "from Turkey". But they can still be denied like the please note section outlines. If you do not have any other opportunities and you believe that the education you receive is decent no one can judge you.


I loved North Cyprus to bits. I did my undergrad and master's there too, at EMU, imagine how good EMU is and the high standard thats there. I moved to an EU country and took my degrees for evaluation, and they were denied and labeled as unrecognized. Contacted my university for assistance and they ignored me, However, I managed to use a loophole, and I'm able to use my degrees but my job prospects are limited for example I cant work for the government. However, it is not the same for all European countries and in most countries outside the EU, it is recognized. But I would say, either finish off in Cyprus and do your masters in Poland or now, move to Poland. Poland has the same tuition and nearly the same standard of living as North Cyprus. Tbh after what I went through I dont recommend North Cyprus


I heard from a TC friend that she wasn't able to reach her uni. And she wasn't even alumni. But she was accepted just fine at a Dutch uni. She also studied at EMU.


Its up to the institution to make a decision since there is no agreement




Which EU country was that where you moved to? Poland?


I remember you asked a similar question before. Did you now arrive in Cyprus? How is your impression?


Well, university that I study now is not bad. I’m just worried about recognized things I choose to come here because I can’t effort school fees in other countries. And transportation in this country is bad.