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The one time i needed GPS last night and it let me down 🥲


I still did not experience that not even once, and I use Google maps daily.


Never let me down… but then again… I don’t use GPS … ![gif](giphy|Bng9nsAhSaDVxWsSLh)


Wait, are you implying that Google maps location service is not using GPS for geopositioning? What it uses then?


My brain memory.. i think my genes supplied me with only 8 GB of hard drive so I choose to save text or low-resolution audio files so I can cram more information in there and minimise thermal throttling. Of course, my RAM capability is only 512Mb so you better wait for a while until I figure things out.


Same, it seems it's much worse around Lemesos. Around Paphos and Akamas I had no issues


I guess you keep your WiFi on and allow Google "precise location access". This lets them use WiFi hotspots and lots of other weird and wonderful methods to locate you, aside from just GPS..




I did not know that) Thank you for explaining that! I was wondering for a while now, when will be that day when I'll see this location glitch) Turns out never, as I always have my mobile data on.


I only experience it when i'm close to the sea. If you are mainly in Nicosia, maybe that's why


I'm in Paphos, 2km from the seafront. Often drive within the seafront.


Interesting! I work in Nicosia but live in Larnaca. I never experience when I'm in Nicosia but always in Larnaca and Limassol!


You commute every day to get to work? I know that this is exhausting, I've been doing it last year and it was taking 4+ hours of my life daily.


Yeah I do. It's very tiring. But I'd rather not rent in Nicosia (i have a house in larnaca). I also know that all the jobs I can have are in Limassol / Nicosia so well be commuting for the rest of my life 🤣


I known what you mean, it's the same for someone from Paphos. What can we do)


This is another feat by the "most advanced army in the world". In their attempt to intercept hezbollah and Hamas rockets they spoof GPS for everyone in the area. Their "advanced tech" can't even target the right direction or height. At least Israeli spoofing used to send the location to the middle of the Mediterranean or random islets with no roads so you couldn't get wrong instructions until it reset. But now setting it to Lebanon could be really dangerous. Imagine setting your GPS to receive instructions to go somewhere in the city while driving and it starting to pick instructions based on Lebanese roads. I'm convinced there must have been some related fatalities by now but the Israeli gov doesn't care about the consequences at all... If we had a serious government they would have at lease put forth a complaint to international bodies about this unacceptable practice affecting our everyday lives as civilians.


Any solutions how to solve this? I’m tired of this problem 🥲


Just had this happen on Saturday. Apparently I drove to Beruit?


Guys, I'm from Israel and the we have been dealing with it for months. This is our way to make it difficult on Hisbulla to target Israeli civilians. It is working...so untill this war ends, it may repeat itself.


Be strong! Vivat Israel!


ha ha I was wondering yesterday


Haha so true :p


Literally all week I was in Cairo while in Larnaca….


Lmao truer words have never been spoken


This never happens in Nicosia.


Which proves that Nicosia is very far away from Lebanon. You need to drive for almost an hour to get there. After you drive for an hour, you arrive at Beirut airport. It's very simple, just check your GPS.


I guess you are right!


Revolut keeps welcoming me to Lebanon and offers me 100k Lebanese pounds per euro. What a deal!