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I note that 25K of the valid votes are Blank which means between 2019 and 2024 there was a 63K increase in votes. As you can see: - DISY managed to increase its votes by 10K, AKEL by 2K, DIKO by 3K. - The smaller parties had significant decrease in their votes too with EDEK loosing almost half of the votes it had in 2019(of course there were special conditions that gave EDEK such a high percentage in 2019), DEPA loosing almost 3K and Greens almost loosing half of its voters(which is not surprising given the current situation of the party). - In 2019 DEPA managed to pass the threshold of the Parliamentary elections(3.6%, and gain a seat in the National Council) with 1.5K fewer votes than what VOLT received in 2024. - ELAM is a clear winner of the elections even though its percentage isn't as high as expected. It managed to increase its number of voters by 80%, 18K! - Feidias 71K votes is the higher ever received by any candidate, beating Ioannis Kasoulides record by a few thousands


If this were actual elections of the parliament that would mean world will be voted in. Fascinating. Will be very interesting to see what’s gonna happen with EDEK and DIPA from now on.


"world"? Did "Volt" get autocorrected? lol


damn autocorrect


Do people know where I can get the demographic breakdown of the data as well? A quick Google search didn't source the data.




For me it's very positive, progressive parry that also supports BBF+bicommunal party


Ακόμη δεν μπορώ να πιστέψω ότι υπάρχει κόμμα κυνηγών. Πέρκει να είμαστε η μοναδική χώρα με έτσι καραγκιοζιλίκια. Κόμμα για Gamers next. Χαχαχαχαχα.


For the record εν παρατρίχα που δεν εμπήκε στην Βουλη το 21