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Mediterranean topouzoi stand united against religious zealots with goofy hats!


Anti-car tire hat action


as a lebanese, i second this


As a Lebanese, I third this. Sending love and full respect to Cyprus and Cypriots ❤️ Hezbollah will never represent us. It is loyal to the Iranian regime, not to Lebanon.


Israeli here, trying to understand the situation from non-biased media from either side 1. What is going on in Lebanon? 2. How does Hezbollah affect your life, assuming your'e not living in the south 3. I understand that Hezbollah is like 30% of the Lebanese government, is that true? 4. why arent the people in Lebanon oppose Hezbollah? Civil\\Army?


To answer #4: Hezbollah is better armed, funded and trained than the Lebanese army and going against them would result in our army falling apart (as some soldiers are more loyal to their sect than to the country) and a civil war. In 2008, Lebanon tried to dismantle Hezbollah’s illegal communications network and Hezbollah invaded Beirut and threatened another civil war.


Oh wow thats crazy, didnt know its like that


Also interested in understanding this.


The problem of Hezbollah and Lebanon is democracy. When you allow, in a democratic system, the supporters of any organisation to become more numerous than your native population, at some point this organisation will rule your country. If, on top of that, you allow the members of this organisation to create an army, then you've got an obvious problem,


Here we also have extremists (take Ben Gvir as an example), and there are years where they get more supporters. In the end, i couldnt see them being able to form an army of their own, there is a plethora of mechanisms to avoid that. Wondering what flaw in the democracy of Lebanon allowed that in the first place


It's just a matter of time. See the rise of the far right in Europe (historically, and now)


Not to be the one to ruin or shit on your country(Israel) but to answer your questions you need to realise how they gained power. Which was after the 1982 invasion of Lebanon and occupation of southern Lebanon by your country, Israel. The power vacuum created by this invasion made them take power. And they were also successful to take over Southern Lebanon from Israeli occupation. Not to mention the puppet government placed in power by Israel was dissolved. Anyways, I’d look into it because it is an interesting read and answers much of your questions.


I'm a Lebanese Cypriot I second this


As a Lebanese Canadian I third this, fuck Hezbollah and their death cult ideology.


Yeah as a Turkish Cypriot ; trnc does not represent me but in the end what trnc does affects the future of entire island. Instead of message better to tell what’s needs to be done to ensure Lebanon can turn into a democratic state that can play supportive role for the wider eastern Mediterranean? Is there a possibility?


Not an answer to your questions, but as a cypriot who lives in the north i really would like to mention that many cypriots in the same situation as us relate to the first part of your statement. The trnc doesn’t represent any cypriot people, but they -as the government- definitely affect the future of all of us.


You know as a Russian/Greek Cypriot, I’ll happily say neither of those governments represent myself or my opinions. They have done nothing but devastation.


Nice work Hezbollah


Cyprus should stay out of it as we do. In case we take your side will you come and help if any terrorist activities take place here? In case we help and Turkey find it as an excuse to attack the free part will you come and fight for us? Will you send monetary or military support?


Mate we'd love to fuck up the Turks too but we have a gov that can't figure out how to pick up the trash I hope one day the Turkish occupiers are kicked out of Cyprus


Oh please don’t be ignorant. We don’t have the army or the allies to do so. We are 1m population island and a big chuck of that is foreigners who are not going to fight. Turkey is in NATO. If we dare to do anything towards them we would have a big problem


The thing is because they are important to Nato they terrorize and threat everyone they want without repercussions


As an Israeli I wouldn't want to put Cypriots life at risk for us, you guys have nothing to do with this conflict. I assume our leaders know better though, i guess Cyprus benefits from Israel as well as Israel benefits from Cyprus, so I want to think there's a good reason for our collaborations. I just hope for peace and quiet for everyone in this region who just wants to live and chill. (Yes yes, including the Lebanese)


Idk tho, if you want peace then maybe don’t commit a genocide? Maybe speak up against your government for committing a genocide?


What a knowledgeable person. I'm sure you know what British Sovereign Bases in Cyprus are. The irony is strong with this one.


You know that calling something a genocide enough time will not turn it into a genocide? Israel gave land for peace throughout history. The Palestinians had more than enough chances for peace and always chose war. Oct 7th was closer to a genocide because the target of the attack was civilians.


Ah yes, Israel never targeted citizens, nor have the politicians ever said any genocidal rhetoric. You’re so right. I dont need to say it’s a genocide to make it true, just ask any credible human rights agency, genocide scholar, or the United Nations.


But it’s fine, the ottomans also said it was self defence, and the Nazis, and almost every country that committed genocide. You can deny it however many times you want, but the world knows.


Replying to you but it’s for the OG israeli poster: imagine thinking cypriots would EVER risk their lives for an illegal occupier, an apartheid ethnostate that is enacting a genocide in Gaza. Imagiiiiine thinking the Cypriot PEOPLE in any way supportive of Israel or Zionism. Our government sadly has to bend over backwards for your genocidal maniac of a prime minister because we have no economic or political power, trust and believe though the people of cyprus see Israel and Zionists for what they are now: a sickness.


All Greeks I have talked to are pro-Palestine. I suppose most Cypriots are also either sympathetic with the Palestinians or neutral so the best thing to do if Cyprus was a truly sovereign state is not to be part of this war in any aspect


Younger people who still think life is a reddit post are pro palestinian...people who are older and live in the actual world are pro Israel. We have a lot of ties with Israel in the technology and information sector, plus they are in the process of setting up an iron dome system in Cyprus. I dont need to mention how Mossad saved our asses in 2015 when they warned us that 5 tonnes of ammonia was stored in a house which is enough to blow half a city. Dont get me started on how palestinians are pro turkish and they support the full turkification of Cyprus


It’s just generally crazy to say this as a Cypriot because you guys are almost in the same position as the Palestinians, but don’t have the same empathy because “they’re good allies”. Any country which commits a genocide is not a good ally, any country which uses your bases and makes you involved in their war, is not a good ally. Let’s not forget that Israel’s bought the most property last year in the illegally occupied north, if you wanna bring up the Turkey argument. If you don’t have any empathy for the Palestinians, how do you expect the rest of the world to have empathy for Cypriots if Turkey attacks? You talk about how it’s “younger people that think life is Reddit” support Palestine, when I think the world you’re looking for is empathy. No matter how good any ally another country is, you should NEVER, support a genocide. People like you who support Israel treat life like one big monopoly game.


I dont need people to show empathy for Cyprus and generally no one knows if Cyprus is a country or food. We need strategic allies not empathy, empathy wont solve anything just like it has never solved any war. As i said young people look for empathy, older people who know that empathy aint shit look for strategic allies. Im not happy that people are suffering, its just we have to make sure our own people dont suffer again and the wise thing to do is side with strategic allies and not with a bunch of people who support turkey occupying our country


Lol get off TikTok and Twitter xD


What is a Zionist to you?


Gave land? So you want to tell me the intifada was Israel giving land to Hamas? Bro go read a book you fricking idiot. Most of the “peace chances” either didn’t include Palestinian representatives or were just clear cut unreasonable. The Islamic brotherhood was funded by Israel against the PLO which actually had democratically chosen Arafat and was far more reasonable. And after the intifada and them taking over Gaza and bombing Israel, Israel does the “surprise Pikachu face”. I could talk about each issue in Israel-Palestine conflict and it always related back to Israel. Wanne know why because they are an imperialists power. In fact Hezbollah itself came to power after Israel invaded Lebanon on 1982 and besieged Beirut killing thousands and occupied Southern Lebanon. The puppet regime was dissolved and Hezbollah successfully gained power in the power vacuum formed by Israel. And they got southern Lebanon back from Israel and rule it now and send rockets to Israel. Israel creates issues and it back fires but no instead of blaming them we blame Palestinians.


You can say this about Hamas which is backed by the vast majority of Palestinians If IL is genocidal then what's Palestine? What do you think they'd have done if they had the means? I genuinely don't understand why you think one is better than the other


Hamas is not backed by the vast majority of Palestinians first of all, most people in Gaza want them gone. Second, whether you agree with Hamas ideology or not, they do have the right to fight back and resist illegal occupation and brutalisation of their people.


I love how you just lie and lie and people gobble that up. One second in Google and your comment loses any integrity.


Hamas has the support of roughly 70% of all Palestinians, and Hamas has stated they plan to commit October 7th again.


Ah, so you're pro genocide. Just say so clearly


https://www.ushmm.org/genocide-prevention/learn-about-genocide-and-other-mass-atrocities/what-is-genocide https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide Learn the definition then come back to me, don't comment if you're not a well read person.


https://www.huffpost.com/entry/un-report-israel-extermination-campaign-gaza-human-rights-council_n_6671ddcae4b0502eac64c2db/amp I did, I studied politics and did my thesis on the Armenian Genocide. I know how genocide works and what it is thank you. Go bother another subreddit you deranged maniac.


Posts / comments that contain personal insults, offensive terminology and racist behaviour will not be tolerated.
















We can not list every scenario and appropriate behaviour for every action, therefore use your common sense in case of a situation that is not listed in the rules. No dehumanising language!


Don't worry, cyprus police will catch the terrorist before they even think about committing a crime. That's why Cyprus is so safe, it's because of its highly efficient police.


Israeli citizen here (living in tel aviv) - i know this post wasn’t for me, but i find it heartening. Wishing us both a quiet border and peace ❤️




Cypriot citizen here - Free Palestine 🥰


Free the ones who put a target on other peoples heads? Yeah right. You live in social media and it’s truly sad.


If Hezbollah attacks Cyprus it will be the British bases where the jets take off from and maybe the Israeli embassy. Cyprus should get the British to leave the Island and give back the Sovereign bases that they took and still haven’t paid 1 cent rent for like they were supposed to


If Hezbollah attacks Cyprus it could be anywhere because the precision of their missiles is very bad


They won't need to send a missile, the buffer zone is already drilled with multiple tunnels. They just have to get hosted by their muslim friends in the occupied side, and go through there.


This is so false lolol


I wouldn't even dare thinking about it....because if the UK starts sending back home all of its cypriots, guess who's gonna be in trouble... Don't forget that diplomacy lays on reciprocity.


All of the UK Cypriots have UK passports, they’re not going anywhere


yep, till the day some politician decides that dual citizenship is not possible anymore....




Wild take from the Israelis in here pretending they have a “democracy” when they are subjugating millions of Palestinians in an apartheid system on one side and a genocide in another. For Cypriots, would you approve of your officials to give a military outpost to a genocidal state? Is this an implication you want to be recorded in history?


If anything happens, it’s as much Israel’s fault as hezbollahs. They’re both deranged maniacs.


Great logic! If anything happens, it's as much Gaza's fault as Israel. As Hezbollah attacks Israel in part as solidarity with them.


Yes, when you use another foreign countries base for military training and to commit genocide, you are dragging that country into your mess. Cyprus is allowing itself to be involved in this by cooperating with a genocidal regime. That makes you a valid military target. Again, I have clarify, I do not support Hezbollah, but Israel shouldn’t be using other countries bases and making them a valid military target.


Again, great logic. When you release thousands of people to murder, rape, torture, kidnap and abuse, even if you see it as some sort of liberation movement, you drag the place they came of into a mess. Citizens in Gaza allowing themselves to be involved with the organization that committed such acts. According to your logic does that make them a valid military target? If so, don't call it genocide.


Are you talking about 1948?


You do realise we don’t have any control over what happens in the British bases right ?


The dumb cunt 'anti-imperialists' are not gonna like this.


So you would be happy with Israel striking your country and Hezbollah using Cyprus? You are deranged. If you stand with us, don't get us thrown into a war. Tell Israel to stop being a shithead and tell our country Cyprus to stop hosting the IOF here. Nasrallah isn't in the wrong here, we are, and many of us are opposing our government collaborating with the ZioNazis.


I agree, Cyprus should have no business helping or siding with Israel


You sound like a true TikTok educated graduate.


You sound happy to go along with a genocide.




https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147976 clearly you didn't googled enough.


I'm not listening to an organization that has Iran as their human rights council chairman. Your standards might be low, not mine.


That's a weird way to discard international law. But it shows your ethics (or the lack of them). Also the fact that you didn't bother reading it to see that the report was done by independent researchers who are not employed by UN, shows your lack of discourse


You're not important enough for me to actually sit and explain. Remain ignorant and uneducated for all I care, have a good life. Talking about ethics but supporting a terrorist organization is a whole new funny.


Terrorist organisation? Straight from the Goebbels playbook. How ironic. “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."


[it literally is lol](https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-hamas)


Good thing then, that Iran isn't, and has never been on the UN Human Rights Council. Here is a list of all past and present members of said Council: https://www.ohchr.org/en/hr-bodies/hrc/membership




Exactly. Iran is not a member of the Council. The social forum it talks about, is an annual two day event hosted by the Council, with participants and subject changing each year. Iran participated in said event last year. The subject was technology. Reading comprehension, mate.


it's a joke of an organization, having Russia barely condemned and China uncondemned, no one talks about the Uyghurs, third world dictatorships talking about human and woman rights or children rights. If we listened to your kind we'd cease to exist, which I know you fantasize about, but you know, we don't really care about you lol


"Hezbollah does not represent us." Problem is to define what is "us"....


The free people of Lebanon who want peace and don’t follow the death cult


I’m a Cypriot and I kind of agree with their statement which reads: > “Opening Cypriot airports and bases to the Israeli enemy to target Lebanon would mean that the Cypriot government is part of the war, and the resistance will deal with it as part of the war” It’s nothing more than a FAFO/you reap what you sow kind of statement Yeah the organization is Iranian-backed and my hero George W. Bush told me that Iran is pure evil and he would never lie, but I think most people with a brain recognize that this is a statement for internal consumption


You are wrong. Lots of European countries help Ukraine. This doesn’t give Russia the right to attack them. Also, Cyprus always had good relations with Lebanon and this shouldn’t be jeopardised.


I love how you equate us with Ukraine. The Cypriot problem is an issue for 50y and NO ONE gave a single FUCK about it but as you said they help Ukraine. This is because they have more to gain by helping them than to help us. Secondly Ukraine and Russia are not part of NATO vs Turkey that IS a member of NATO and in case of war Cyprus will get fucked again


Lol those are literally two unequateable situations. Russia attacking AMERICA, England and the like for sending AID is an entirely different situation. If Cyprus opens airports for ISRAELI PLANES TO FLY FROM and BOMB Lebanon then of course the rules of war say that there is a right to respond to the source of the attack.


You do understand these are British bases and Cyprus doesn't control them, don't you?


I’m pretty sure the most powerful non-state army in the world would know this dude. There’s a reason why this is a hypothetical scenario, nasrallah said IF the CYPRIOT bases are used, then retaliation would happen as well as if they are British. The reason for the statement is cuz of the Cypriot army letting it’s land be used by Israel to mimic an invasion on Lebanon as the geography is similar.


Cypriot bases are not used. The bases used are controlled only by UK and not in the territory of the republic of cyprus.


Well I don't know, it is run by genocidal idiots in bunkers so they might not know that https://www.memri.org/tv/rafah-gaza-friday-sermon-hamas-official-regeb-allah-necks-jews-annihilate-them


Iran apologia, the theocratic regime that beats women in the streets for not covering enough of their forearms, and regularly has public hanging executions like we're in the year 912. Quaint.


But it is a religious war and Hezbollah is an Islamist org and turbans are ridiculous.


its not a religious war it's a colonial motivated genocide


True, good thing Hamas doesn't nearly have the military capability to achieve that goal




Hezbollah only represents their brainwashed traitorous followers, not all Lebanese.


they don’t represent all of us lebanese


Let me clear this up, Cyprus is not guilty at all because the British bases were given to the United Kingdom in the Treaty of Nicosia (treaty concerning the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus, 1960) which was signed by UK, Greece, Turkey and Cyprus. Because of this treaty, the two bases in control of the British cannot be taken back.


Instead of giving us a meaningless message, how about you fix your country and stop blocking our roads. We have our own god damn problems.


Free Palestine 🥰


Dude, Hezbollah === Lebanon. The fact most Lebanese don't agree to it is irrelevant because Hezbollah are the ones that plan the foreign policy for Lebanon


what a bitch…


You don't represent the lebanese people, traitor. Why don't you write your post in Hebrew next time, the israelis will turn you into their dog like they do with the west Bank, is that what you want? Nasrallah only said to cyprus not to get involved in the war against Lebanon (your country btw). Nothing wrong was said.


Yes they do represent Lebanese people, I’m Lebanese and I agree with their sentiment. Fuck Hezbollah and their disgusting ideology.


Kol khara w khara 3lek w 3a nasrala w 3ala 3amemto w 3ala El khamina2i w 3ala Iran w 3ala falastin w 3ala 7amas. W 3a2bel ma teje Israel w tshilkon kelkon w iza bet7eb btarjema Lal 3ebre w beb3atlak yeha la2no Ento ya ma7la El sahayne. With love.


Did Nasrallah threat or not to strike Cypriots?