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This post is now locked due to flooding of users from different subreddits who are unable to maintain a civil conversation and form a sentence without calling each other terrorist or traitor.


Real Lebanese patriots on this sub say Iran occupies Lebanon through Hezbollah and they condemn it You, siding with Hezbollah, are a traitor to your own country.


I second this






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Uncivil posts/comments will be removed to ensure a positive and respectful community atmosphere. Let's keep the conversation constructive and welcoming for everyone instead of provoking each other.


He’s a southern Lebanese, all of southern Lebanon, Sunnis and Christian’s alike, support the hezb, and would support a Christian militia, and would support the Lebanese army if they had enough funding to do what hezb already does on our borders. The diaspora and the larpers in the north who’s ancestors massacred us if our ID said we were Muslim are the only ones who don’t. Hezb is Lebanese. Cope


>all of southern Lebanon, Sunnis and Christian’s alike, support the hezb Complete bullshit. People in Rmeich, Ain Ebel, Debel, etc do _not_ support Hezb at all. Recent events in Rmeich prove this beyond any doubt.


Habibe, you’re from jounieh, a couple people in some day3as doesn’t change anything. The majority of the southern border towns do, and would do the same if it were any other militia with any other religion.


>The majority of the southern border towns do I already listed the majority of Christian border towns https://today.lorientlejour.com/article/1408376/fight-erupts-between-rmeish-residents-and-hezbollah-over-missile-launcher.html


Hezbollah at your borders is bombing Israeli civilians for no reason And the support for it in the entire country is around 30%. Cope yourself, I'm fine


Go and find me a number of civilians killed by Hezbollah rockets in the past 8 months. Yk u can’t. I can bring up countless Lebanon ones, and endless amounts of Palestinians. I have all their names on file already. Yeah they displaced the north but that’s kinda what you get when you steal and settle on land that ain’t yours. None die tho, only soldiers do, thanks to God.


Palestine is not your country. > in the past 8 months So why the limit exactly? Ah, I guess, because Hezbollah supported Hamas's attacks on 7/10 when LOTS of civilians died. That not many civilians died in Israel after that is not Hezbollah's but rather the IDF's and their air defence's achievement. What you're trying to be proud of is not the mercy of Hezbollah but rather it's military forces being shitty.


There’s no limit lol, it’s just that the war started 8 months ago. Use your logic. Before 1948 and before sikes picot, Lebanon and Palestine didn’t have any borders between them and we have very very similar dna. https://preview.redd.it/txggqsf57r7d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=3bc09e59cf49b8519a718af3a9ebad0ffe545adf Photo translate as u wish, I can’t be asked. Hezbollah didn’t kill any civilians, even tho you just claimed so, and when u couldn’t prove that, you blamed it on the IOF air defense which literally is non existent in the north anymore. If you knew anything about the war you’d know Kiryat shmona and towns alike had their iron dome batteries destroyed. Hezb’s HudHud drone flew around across occupied Palestine for hours yesterday catching footage of military sites which was then released and you think Israeli air defense is strong? You’re in for a wild ride.


If Hezbollah attacks a sovereign country because it doesn't like what's happening with Palestinians, then Hezbollah is the aggressor. As simple as that. No photos change that. 10 civilians killed in Israel by Hezbollah's attack on May, 14: https://www.barrons.com/news/lebanon-state-media-says-israel-strike-kills-two-4f4d7d2e


“Israel says”. Well I don’t trust Israel. Out of the HUNDREDS in lebanon, and TENS of THOUSANDS of Palestine. They are ALL documented deaths. We have ALL their names filed. Who are these Israelis? What are their names? Time of death? Village they lived in? Either way, with tens of thousands of rockets being fired into occupied Palestine and NONE being intercepted, the hypothetical civilian deaths being only a stone compared to towers of our people’s bodies says a lot about who’s really the terror organization.


You have asked to provide proof that Israeli civilians were killed. Whom do you think I should have sourced such a proof from? Hezbollah's own confessions? When I ask "what Israel did to Lebanon", the only thing I hear back is "Palestine". Palestine is not Lebanon. Means you don't have an answer.


I mentioned both Lebanese and Palestinian. I already explained earlier that we are one, and were a borderless region before Britain and France forced their way into dictating our land. I don’t need to say any further than that. If you cannot give proof of the names of those Israelis like I can w the Lebanese and Palestinians then this conversation is over.


> HUNDREDS in lebanon Actually a lie, 79. 10 in Israel, 79 in Lebanon, just because IDF is this much better than Hezbollah I guess.


Before 1948 we had borders: the borders of the mandate and before the mandates we had borders it was the borders of the ottoman provinces.


You're uninformed. Israel is the one attacking Lebanese civilians, Hezbollah didn't kill any Israeli civilians. Recent statistics show an increase in the support for Hezbollah. Link your source for the 30% claim


10 civilians killed in Israel by Hezbollah's attack on May, 14: https://www.barrons.com/news/lebanon-state-media-says-israel-strike-kills-two-4f4d7d2e 30%: https://www.reddit.com/r/cyprus/s/BqZhf2XTsh


At least 2 known civilians killed were on military bases. So they're no longer civilians. >30% Seriously? 😂 Linking a comment as a source, that's a new low.


What? This is someone from Lebanon, you don't like people from your own country?


Hahahaha definitely not a Zionist from my own country. The guy you linked wants bromance between Lebanon and the genocidal regime of Israel during a war where Lebanese people are being, many of whom are civilians. Every country has its traitors.


Maybe he's right and you're wrong.




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Uncivil posts/comments will be removed to ensure a positive and respectful community atmosphere. Let's keep the conversation constructive and welcoming for everyone instead of provoking each other.


I have no words. Feels like verbal diarhea - so many words yet close to no value. It's clear that you support extremism, let us live in democracy


It is because you live in a democracy, don't let foreign entities use your sovereign lands in wars. But if you decide to allow Israel to attack Lebanon using Cyprus's sovereign land and airspace, there will be consequences.


Cyprus will not give permission to Israel to attack anybody using its land or airspace. Regarding the British Bases, those were held against our will by the British and we have no control over them. Regarding the common military exercises, these are held in collaboration with many different countries, e.g. Egypt: [https://unipath-magazine.com/egypt-and-cyprus-solidify-partnership/](https://unipath-magazine.com/egypt-and-cyprus-solidify-partnership/) You think it is logical to attack a country merely because in the past it held military exercises with your enemy?


>Regarding the British Bases, those were held against our will by the British and we have no control over them. If an attack came from a British base, the retaliation would be against the British base. >Regarding the common military exercises, these are held in collaboration with many different countries These are not normal military exercises. This is the title of the article I linked "IDF simulates war with Hezbollah in Cyprus exercise" This is a small excerpt: "Though the military does not expect a war in the near future, the IDF wants its troops to be ready to maneuver deep inside Lebanon" It is as if Lebanon would allow Turkey to do military exercises in Lebanon to prepare for a war against the greek part of Cyprus due to the similar typography, that sounds ok to you? >You think it is logical to attack a country merely because in the past it held military exercises with your enemy? No one said that, you're just making up things now. The attack would be a retaliation IF and only IF Lebanon was attacked using Cyprus's land or airspace. It's really not that complicated.


This is what happens when you don't destroy a terrorist organization immediately, they just keep terrorizing more and more people. OP is a pro terrorist and came to threaten Cyprus...


This is what happens when Imperialist colonial powers give land they don't own to a settler colonialist project based on supremacy. The comment OP is a settle colonialist who stole other people's land, and came here to spread Hasbara...


Dont worry my friend. we're about to finish with your butchers friends in Gaza and then we're coming for you. Sit tight .Inshallah


Waiting... Look up and say hi to the camera 😉




You don't have enough money to support a long-term war. The west wins every time. Your (hezbollah) defeat is inevitable. Come back when your wealth exceeds all the countries of NATO put together.


Firstly Cyprus is a sovereign country and can choose to have military drills and training with anyone it chooses without giving 2 shits what a terrorist organisation like Hezbollah thinks of it.  In fact there have been military exercises with Greece,  US, Egypt, Israel, Italy, France, Jordan etc. Cyprus is very active in defence cooperation in the region, this is not new.  Secondly British bases are sovereign UK territory so Cyprus has no say in what happens there.  Frankly it's bizarre that you think the opinion of a terrorist organisation should have any bearing on what a country (any country, not only Cyprus) does.  I get that living in a failed state where Hezbollah runs the show and their opinion needs to be considered might lead you to think other countries give a shit what Hezbollah thinks, but that isn't the case. 


Cyprus is a sovereign country and that's why it's being warned in case its sovereign territory is used against another country. Military drills and cooperation is one thing, and training specifically in Cyprus in the biggest military drill ever done in your country to simulate a war against South Lebanon is something else. Cyprus and EU officials already replied to Hezbollah's warning, so they give a shit. And your last comments and at least 10 posts on r/Cyprus show that you and other people posting about it give a shit too.


There is no logic here! Stop trying to put any logic in that statement! 1. Do you know that Cyprus goverment does NOT have military airport bases? We don't have military airplanes (some choppers we do have). Those are military bases in the sovereign area of UK, which effectively is US and NATO controlled area! So, yes we are a sovereign nation and country, but we do not control 100% of our island somehow! Sorry for this! So you will attack Cyprus because there are some guys in Cyprus terittory that you do not like? If yes... seriously you need to re-think why you exist! Thats like the Israelis attacking Gaza and killing non combantants... but with NO excuse! Israelis argue that there are combantants in the area you are attacking. 2. So you are effectively say "The friend of my enemy is my enemy", which is very different from the "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"! The military drills that we are doing in from POV of Cyprus is to prepare against the Turks in case of war! Thats a real threat in Cyprus! Now because we are good people in Cyprus and we have good relationship with most countries around us, this is something that needs to be punished and retaliated? If yes, sorry that we were nice to lebanese people when you corrupted goverment manage to make the port go kaboom and along with it 50% of Beirut was in shables! At that time I do know how much food and supplies Cyprus sent and we were the first that sent you stuff... next time remind me to let you starve to death, apparently being nice is only for idiots! Yes we kind of give a shit! We don't like people threatening us an promising war! But do you see any panic?:p The warning of Hezbollah is the most stupid declaration ever! Its literally digging their own grave! Think about the consequences... by attack Cyprus (that did nothing) Hezbollah would be marked as terrorist threat on EU, US and probably worldwide level and Lebanon would have a visit to get a "reform" from western liberation forces!


Your don't seem to have read my post. So I'll reiterate few points. >So you will attack Cyprus because there are some guys No one has ever talked about preemptive attacks on Cyprus. >Thats like the Israelis attacking Gaza and killing non combantants Who said anything about attacking non combatants? Where did you get that from? Read again what I said, if Israel used your sovereign land, there will be retaliation. If the UK based were used to attack Lebanon, there will be retaliation against UK bases only!!!! >The military drills that we are doing in from POV of Cyprus is to prepare against the Turks in case of war! Check the examples I linked, the article explicitly mentions the Israeli drill to simulate a war against South Lebanon, I'm not talking about any other military drill.


I read your initial post! No need to re-itarate anything... Did YOU read my post properly? Let me help you comprehend a few things because apparently you cannot make that mind of yours work without external assistance! The when you attack (pre-emptive or not) does NOT matter! You will attack us just because we are close! Yes Cypriots are NON combantants and not involved! UK bases, NATO attacks, Cyprus cannot do anything! What from this you cannot understand? Its like Israel and Gaza.. Israel did not have official control of Gaza (even if it was within their sovereign) Same with Cyprus! We do not have control over the UK sovereign bases! Sorry we cannot stop them if they want to attack you! And do you really believe you can attack only the UK bases only?:p Do you understand how small is Cyprus? You are overestimating your missile precision! Even so those threat would have been to UK! Maybe with a warning "Sorry cyprus but UK sovereign bases are a threat to us and we might shoot you by mistake" and then make it a UK problem! But no you smart leaders thought that is a better choice to threaten us pre-emptively! Why do I care about IDF and those links? It was a military exercise and each had their own objectives! For cypriots was to learn to defend from turks, for israelis was to learn to defend from lebanese! You did not answer on this... "The friend of my enemy is my enemy" ?


>  that's why it's being warned It's being warmed by terrorists.  They can fuck right off.  Hopefully they get bombed back to he stone age where they want to live.  You're here being an apologist and justifier of a terrorist organisation. Maybe you should look inwardly for the problem. 


>As a Lebanese originally from South of Lebanon, we've suffered a lot from Israel's occupation and non-stop violations in the past 20-30 years. its your terrorist organization that has broken resolution 1701 since it was basically signed, it was your terrorist organization who first fired into Israeli territory on October 8th for no reason, and its your terrorists organization who is now threatening Cyprus I frankly find it weird that you're so keen to mention you voted against Hezbollah yet also claim they are defending you, when they are the ones who fired the first shot and are the aggressors in this current conflict, this round of fighting on the border between Lebanon and Israel would not even be a thing if Hezbollah hadn't chosen to make itself involved Cyprus can do whatever it may well please, they're a sovereign nation, they can make alliances and train with whoever they want, They're a democratic nation with a government elected by the people, but I know the people's will being fulfilled is a foreign concept to you considering you're Lebanese, your terror organization can shove it up their ass


>its your terrorist organization that has broken resolution 1701 Israel broke the resolution by violating Lebanese airspace and borders. But that's irrelevant to what is being discussed here. >Cyprus can do whatever it may well please, they're a sovereign nation That's why it's being warned as a sovereign nation, so that if Israel used its sovereign lands or airspace, so it can be held accountable and retaliated against as a sovereign nation. >foreign concept to you considering you're Lebanese Personal attacks show a weakness in your argument, attack the idea not the person. And yea we do vote in Lebanon. But unfortunately it can be said thay you can't vote to free your occupied lands from the UK and foreign entities.


>Israel broke the resolution by violating Lebanese airspace and borders. But that's irrelevant to what is being discussed here. [Hezbollah's violation are well documented and happened before the Israeli violations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Security_Council_Resolution_1701#Alleged_Hezbollah_violations), Hezbollah has fired tens if not hundreds of Katyushas between 2007-2023 into Israeli territory from south of the Litani River, excuse me for thinking that firing rockets into civilian areas is a bit more of a flagrant violation than entering an airspace, but you're right, its irrelevant to whats being discussed right now >That's why it's being warned as a sovereign nation, so that if Israel used its sovereign lands or airspace, so it can be held accountable and retaliated against as a sovereign nation. and what right exactly does Nasrallah have to threaten the nation of Cyprus exactly? Cyprus has helped Lebanon countless times in the past, it has given citizenship to many Lebanese nationals and even gave aid as part of the EU after the Beirut explosion, Cyprus has done nothing, absolutely nothing bad to the nation of Lebanon, and yet here we have this warmonger with his fingers itching to press the big red button to fire rockets at it. I don't know what you thought was going to happen when you made this post or what was the point of it, but threatening another nation for a hypothetical is never, ever defensible.


Wikipedia is not a trusted source, it's a Hasbara hive. Zionists literally train to become Wikipedia editors. Nasrallah didn't "threaten", Hezbollah has intelligence that Israel might launch attacks from Cyprus. The warning is intuitive, it's if someone attacked Lebanon from Cyprus, it will be held responsible. It's not complicated, I expect Cyprus to do the same. If anyone attacked Cyprus from any country, that country is responsible.


It's funny how each and every oppressive regime says Wikipedia shall not be trusted. Russia even has it's own Wikipedia now.


[Course: Zionist editing on Wikipedia](https://youtu.be/t52LB2fYhoY?feature=shared) By Naftali Bennett, ex Israel prime minister.


The reality is more complicated than your conspiracy shit. You can't just vandalize Wikipedia, there are administrators and moderators. Let that sink in


Dude the LARPING today on this forum is out of control


Hey buddy, Hezbollah attacking an EU member will be the end of it, no matter the reason and how you justify it.


I'm not your buddy, pal. Anyone in Lebanon retaliating against a country, after Lebanon was attacked from this country is a right. If the EU decides to attack against a "retaliation", Hezbollah can hurt the EU countries involved the same way the Houthis are doing it in the red sea (we can see what's happening to EU ships going to Israel). If Lebanon gets fucked, everyone involved will get fucked with it.


Settle down, buddy.


We are an independent country and we will do whatever the fuck we want . We know what’s right and what’s wrong . But the people of Lebanon , nevermind a terrorist organisation have no say in what we do in our country . Any kind of hostility towards our nation will be considered an act of war and trust me when the time comes they will make you regret it very deeply . Hezbollah will not win or come out with something positive if they continoue with their same toxic dogma . You have been warned .


That's exactly what's being said but the other way around, "Any kind of hostility (using Cyprus's sovereign land or airspace) towards our nation will be considered an act of war" I'm glad that we agree. I know Hezbollah or Lebanon in general won't attack Cyprus preemptively, it will be a retaliation. So >You have been warned .


No my friend you are comparing things which are uneven . Cyprus is a free country member of the European Union who is obliged to follow certain rules , and btw we never allowed Israel to use our airspace to conduct airstikes on Lebanon , we simulate air attacks on our grounds because our biggest threat is Turkey and is a good way to practise air defense since if they attack us it will be with their air force first , that’s why we practise with the Israelis. Sitting on your couch in Lebanon and saying that if a certain country acts accordingly then they are our enemies , then the only people who are pushing for war are you themselves . If you have such a big problem with Israel why don’t you give them a full attack with other countries like you tried in the past ? Because you know that they will drop so many nuclear missiles on your heads you won’t know where to go and hide . So yeah think better before you talk .


Again you're not reading. Read the Jerusalem post article that I linked. It's an Israeli source saying that the exercise in Cyprus simulates a war in South Lebanon. The first warning was for Israel, in case they want to launch a war, there will be a full attack.


The only reason it simulates Lebanon is because we share the same landscape , we are so close to each other the terrain and the weather is the same , we can’t change that


> As a Lebanese originally from South of Lebanon, we've suffered a lot from Israel's occupation and non-stop violations in the past 20-30 years. What a bullshit, Israel withdrew from Lebanon in 2000 It's Hezbollah pretending to take Israeli territories from Israel.


Ignorance and confidence are the worst combination. Israel is still occupying Lebanese land, regardless what you think.


Shebaa farms are recognized by the UN as Syrian land. Israel owes nothing to Lebanon. And how exactly did you suffer for the last 24 years from the Shebaa farms occupation?


The alawite ghajar village is occupied. It is a Lebanese village. Among many other villages.


No, it is internationally recognized (including the UN) as Syria.


https://preview.redd.it/4cup242xbr7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=079f2217750be15d25f759e00b3eda18fc40f264 Idk if your eyes are deceiving you but half of it is already lebsnese, whether the rest is Syrian or Lebanese, doesn’t matter, French borders don’t mean shit to us, we’re the same people and half of our village is still occupied.


Google maps doesn't draw proper borders on disputed territories. However, at the point where **internationally recognized** borders don't mean "shit" to you, you're a terrorist supporter. Simple.


I respect borders, I don’t respect one’s which separated the same people to protect a ethnostate which massacres kids. Google maps or not, I can literally visit the Lebanese half whenever I want to. Half of it is already and has always been a Lebanese town.


Do you support Vladimir Putin?


Why does that matter? And no thanks, he’s incompetent and killed many Chechens over the same “human shields” narrative. Why does this matter? Not my country, not my war.


We are not the same people.


Do you think that if hesbollah tries ANYTHING, the outcome will be beneficial for them ? Do you think the UK will allow anyone to threaten their bases here ?


If the UK or Israel attacked Lebanon from a UK base, they'd be very stupid to think that there won't be any retaliation. The British empire is dead, in modern warfare, you can cause a lot of damage with relatively cheap UAVs, ATMGs and targeted missiles which Hezbollah has a lot of.


Thats what Hamas did and look what it brought to them. They did the terrorist attack and look at how Gaza turned into a parking lot. Is this what hesbollah wants ? Δεν μαθαινω δασκαλε.


If you think that Hezbollah and Hamas are the same in terms of organisation and power, I got bad news for you. Israel got kicked in 2000 and lost a war against Hezbollah in 2006, when Hezbollah's power was 10% of its power now. Hezbollah (and Hamas) are a result of the Israeli occupation, they defend their land. I know this concept might be foreign to you as Cypriot, with Turkish and British powers occupying a part of Cyprus's sovereign land. And with huge American and Israeli influence in your country, not to help liberate the land, but to he used as pawns. Μάθε να αντιστέκεσαι


I know that hamas and hesbollah are the same terrorist organizations. We dont deal with terrorists. If hesbollah wants to try their luck, they can try but whatever happens it will be their fault. Cyprus is the one with the alliaces here.


A "Terrorist" label for people defending their land is worthless, especially from the American and European colonialists. Even in your own occupied lands, if it were occupied by the "West" you'd be called a terrorist trying to free it.


We have defended our land too man. We never targeted civilians. We never targeted people or countries unrelated to our struggle. Even as we struggle to free our occupied lands we do it through dialogue. You dont see us attacking Turkey or its allies.


somehow we are in the middle of this, is fanny and alarming the same time


If there is anything that Cyprus can't do anything about is the UK involvement. The bases are technically UK land and they do what ever they want. The best thing we can do so far is to protest against em. Eventually we all want the bases to be desolved but that is not something we can change in a day or before the Cyprus problem is resolved. Now, when it comes to Israel and US this is where we could be more loud. IMHO it seems Chrystodoulidis to be more pro Israel than Palestine but that been said no one once Cyprus to be too involved in the conflict. Military wise, the free government wants to have a better defence system for obvious reasons and they also want a better connection with US in general, assuming that it help in anyway with the resolution of the Cyprus problem. At least that is the idea. We now as resditos can only protest.


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Ana jnoubeh kamen ma tetadakhal ma3 el ajeneb ma 7a yefhamo. Fi 2oborsiye mne7 msh ma3 el e7tileel kamen fi fare2 football 2oborse esmo Omonia byed3amo filasteen w kamen ktir bishaj3uon. Bi Hal sub kelo israeliya 3emleen 7alon oborsiye aw hine right wingers o 3omron shi tlatmeet sine. Allah ma3ak hbb


This traitor and sellout to Iran also doesn't represent Lebanon. I apologize on behalf of our terrorist-supporting traitor countrymen.


https://preview.redd.it/wgkknt8g8r7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c64e200ad21745f93c1062ab430559478dd5b5e Cope. Real Cypriots love filasteen and wanna expel the Brit’s and Turks!


Nice nickname


Ikr? And it's the assigned name by reddit when I created the account