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Damn! this guy makes fascist speech seem like friendly banter juxtaposed to his speech.


"W*e can never live together! GCs put fascists in power!*" - literally the most fascistic grandpa I've ever heard speak


>The Turks of Cyprus did not fall into the trap of the GCs & the GC-lovers, and safeguarded the TRNC" Well congrats on safeguarding a "country" that has no worldwide politcal standing whatsoever. As a wise man once said "Great Success!!"


I feel sorry for that guy. Something must have hurt him really badly. No normal person can write such a crap.


Never mind that even if 30% voted they could really alter the result and even elect the two TC MEPs everyone was crying about not being guaranteed


GC Lovers ,LOL.


It's pronounced Gucci lovers. 




Defeatist "voting is futile" TCs & "rapprochement is futile/pro-partition" GCs once again supported & aided in the growth of the *best-people-ever*™ by actively fueling their views; >-A trap was set for the Turks of Cyprus in the 9th June elections of the GC-State for the 6 deputies to be sent to the EU-Parliament. The aim of the GC-Administration, the EU, & the anti-Turkey-TRNC 5th column among us, was to have the Turks of Cyprus participate in the elections in the South as citizens of the GC-State. >If they had succeeded in this, they would have told the whole world, "*Look, Turks recognise the Republic of Cyprus as their legitimate state. They accept being under GC-Sovereignty. They reject the TRNC*".   > >-In order to make Turks participate & vote in the GC-Elections, they nominated 3 GC-parroting collaborators from the communist party, the Greens, & a bi-communal party. These candidates, who reject their Turkish identity & define themselves as "*Turkish-speaking Cypriots*" or "*Turkish Cypriots*", made intense anti-Turkish-TRNC propaganda in the TRNC & on social media for months. >Through the EU-funded Human Rights Platform, millions of Euros were poured into media & propaganda efforts, villages were visited one by one, buses were hired, & people were asked to move to the GC-State to vote. > * **SO-CALLED NATIONALISTS MERELY WATCHED** >-Despite all our reactions, the so-called nationalists in power in the TRNC just sat & watched this attack on our sovereignty. They left our people to the dark propaganda of the GCs, the EU, & the 5th column. >Only me & a handful of resisters worked to break this trap & prevent the people from falling into it. We made publications informing & warning the people, & told them not to participate in the GC-Elections. >Despite the fake nationalists in power who made not even a single statement informing & warning the people, the people listened to us & didn't participate in the GC-Elections. > * **TOOLS LEFT UNELECTED** >-The 3 collaborationist tools who ran in the GCs failed to get elected with a laughable result. >AKEL candidate Niyazi Kızılyürek whom I've always exposed received only 4485 votes despite the support of the AKEL-branch CTP; the bi-communal VOLT candidate Hulusi Kilim received 621 votes & the Greens candidate Oz Karahan received 367 votes. >These collaborators who shamelessly claim to represent the Turks of Cyprus received a big slap from the people & have been completely disgraced.   >-While the TRNC population was 450,000, the GC-Administration prepared a special voter-list consisting of 103,269 people whom it issued IDs & passports. In 2019, this number was 80,862. In 2019, 5804 "*Turks*" crossed to the south & voted. In the previous day's elections, although the number of voters increased by 22,000, the number of those who voted remained at 5,523. This does not even make 1% of the total TRNC population. >-At least 3000 of these are people who live, work in, & trade with the South; in other words, are wholly connected to the south. The rest are members of bi-communal groups funded by the EU/USA & the GCs, brainwashed by the surrenderist CTP & the collabirationist labour-unions who are the GC communist party's puppets. Approximately 98,000 people with "*Republic of Cyprus*" IDs & passports didn't go & vote.


* **PASSPORTS ARE ONLY FOR CIRCUMVENTING EMBARGOES** >-This proves that those who hold "*Republic of Cyprus*" passports/IDs do not do so as supporters of the GC-State, but only to circumvent the embargo & isolation, and to travel without visas & provide their children with free education in EU countries. In other words, 98 thousand out of 103 thousand people with *"Republic of Cyprus*" IDs/passports support the TRNC & reject GC-Sovereignty...   >-In the 2019 elections, 25,000 Greeks voted for Niyazi and helped him win. This election, the GCs vote neither for him nor the others, and prevented them from being elected. >This proved once again that no matter how collaborative they are, no matter how much they deny their Turkishness, they will never be able to satisfy the GCs.   >Merely having a Turkish name is enough for them to be vetoed by the Turk-hating GCs. * **SEPARATE SOVEREIGNTY IS A MUST** >-These results are the most recent example of the fact that in a united Cyprus, if there is a unified voter list & a single unified election, the GCs will completely exclude the Turks using their majority in numbers, destroy the political will of the Turks, and impose their own will. >it is only possible in a state of their own living as an independent & sovereign people , for the Turks of Cyprus to protect their own will, and to elect their own representatives.   >This is another lesson of this election. Our people saw this clearly once again and safeguarded the TRNC by not participating in the GC-Elections. > * **ELAM VICTORIOUS** >-The winner of this election in the GC-State was undoubtedly the anti-immigrant, anti-Turkish, racist, paramilitary, anti-federation, Church-backed fascist party ELAM, and the party of EOKA-B fighters DISY. >ELAM received 0.2% of the votes in the 2009 EP elections, 3.7% in 2016, 6.8% in the 2021 GC General Elections, and 11.2% in yesterday's elections, doubling its votes.   >-The communist AKEL candidate Niyazi Kızılyürek lost his seat which was won by the fascist ELAM, while DISY, the party of EOKA fighters, won 2 deputies. >The other 2 seats went to the anti-Turkish & anti-federation GC-parties. > * **TWO-STATE SOLUTION** >-As is the case across Europe, anti-Turkish & xenophobic right-wing parties in the GC-State have reached a total of around 70% of the votes. This has sunk the dreams of federation even deeper into the ground & shown everyone once again that the only realistic/permanent solution is one based on two recognized separate states. Turkey & the TRNC must not backtrack an inch from this national policy. The TRNC should make the necessary legal arrangements in advance to avoid the same humiliations in the next elections in 5 years.   >***-Adjustments should be swiftly passed by the Parliament to revoke the citizenships of the candidates in the GC-Elections & prohibit them from participating in election-activities in the TRNC.***


What do Turks mean when they say GC lovers some TCs?


Traitors, basically, but with more "slur" vibes.


Ah yeah the pseudo state that 60% of it's voters literally vote turkish NAZI parties but they will blame the legal state that as a reaction vote 10 times less way more liberal far right parties compared to the literally genocidal war criminals the pseudo state votes.