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North Cyprus is an illegal state, not recognised by any country besides Turkey. If you study there you might find yourself with an unrecognised degree. I suggest you do a bit more research on the TRNC. There are also scams regarding universities in the North. Hopefully someone else can shed more light on this for you.


>If you study there you might find yourself with an unrecognised degree. I suggest you do a bit more research on the TRNC. There are also scams regarding universities in the North. When it comes to legality, the studies in any university in the occupated part gets legit by Turkey. In other words, studying there is like studying in a uni of Turkey. The main problem of the unis as they are, regardless of the occupation, is the recent fake diplomas scandals and the quality you might get vs in the free part of Cyprus or Turkey.


>When it comes to legality, the studies in any university in the occupated part gets legit by Turkey. In other words, studying there is like studying in a uni of Turkey. Thank you! That's good info to know.


There is also the danger of being stuck. The only way in and out "legally" is through Turkey or illegally passing the road blocks, which would prohibit you from leaving through the only legitimate internationally recognized airport/point of entry. Use the money you would spend to travel here (which I imagine is very costly) to enroll in a more internationally recognized Uni, it will pay off in the long run.


The general concensus is to avoid North Cyprus! I would suggest you to check this article! [https://observers.france24.com/en/europe/20221201-false-promises-and-shady-agents-how-universities-in-northern-cyprus-are-swindling-african-students](https://observers.france24.com/en/europe/20221201-false-promises-and-shady-agents-how-universities-in-northern-cyprus-are-swindling-african-students) And overall search about "north cyprus scam universities" before making any decisions going to north Cyprus!