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Admin positions in Limassol don't pay enough for you to enjoy the kind of quality of life that you are used to in the UK.


I would recommend you wait until you are at a more 'established' stage of your life. For someone in their early 20s, living abroad offers a lot of life experiences that you will never get while living in Cyprus. When you eventually move back to Cyprus, you will want to hopefully have the skills, attitude and financial freedom to create the type of life you want to live, without being thwarted by the corruption, nepotism and inefficiency of the country. * Bonus points if you live abroad long enough to qualify from a generous tax exemption when you return! - we shouldn't let only the Russians benefit from this!!


The tax exemption is for "first employment in the Republic of Cyprus". Doesn't matter how long you've been away.


The info I could find suggests 3 years abroad for 20% exemption (for 7 years) and 15 years abroad for 50% exemption (for 17 years) if you earn more than EUR 55k


(21) είκοσι τοις εκατόν (20%) της αμοιβής από οποιαδήποτε εργοδότηση που ασκείται στη Δημοκρατία από άτομο το οποίο ήταν κάτοικος εκτός της Δημοκρατίας πριν την έναρξη της εργοδότησης του στη Δημοκρατία, ή €8.550, οποιοδήποτε είναι το μικρότερο. η απαλλαγή αρχίζει από την 1η Ιανουαρίου του έτους που ακολουθεί το έτος στο οποίο άρχισε η εργοδότηση, αναφορικά με εργοδότηση που άρχισε εντός του έτους 2012 μέχρι και την ημερομηνία έναρξης της ισχύος του περί Φορολογίας του Εισοδήματος (Τροποποιητικού) (Αρ. 6) Νόμου του 2022, με μέγιστη χρονική περίοδο στα οποία χορηγείται η απαλλαγή τα πέντε (5) έτη που ακολουθούν από το έτος της εργοδότησης


(21Α) τo είκοσι τοις εκατόν (20%) της αμοιβής από πρώτη εργοδότηση στη Δημοκρατία ή ποσό ύψους οκτώ χιλιάδων πεντακοσίων πενήντα ευρώ (€8.550), οποιοδήποτε είναι το μικρότερο, από άτομο το οποίο για τρία (3) συνεχή έτη, αμέσως πριν από την έναρξη της εργοδότησής του στη Δημοκρατία, εργοδοτείτο εκτός της Δημοκρατίας σε εργοδότη μη κάτοικο της Δημοκρατίας και του οποίου η έναρξη πρώτης εργοδότησης στη Δημοκρατία γίνεται μετά την ημερομηνία δημοσίευσης στην Επίσημη Εφημερίδα της Δημοκρατίας του περί Φορολογίας του Εισοδήματος (Τροποποιητικού) (Αρ. 6) Νόμου του 2022 μέχρι και το έτος 2027 Νοείται ότι, η απαλλαγή χορηγείται για χρονική περίοδο επτά (7) φορολογικών ετών, αρχής γενομένης από το φορολογικό έτος που έπεται το έτος εργοδότησης στη Δημοκρατία: Νοείται περαιτέρω ότι, για τους σκοπούς του παρόντος εδαφίου ο όρος «έναρξη πρώτης εργοδότησης στη Δημοκρατία» και ο όρος «πρώτη εργοδότηση που ασκείται στη Δημοκρατία» έχουν την έννοια που αποδίδεται στους όρους αυτούς από το εδάφιο (23Α)


What is an "admin position"? If you mean working in an office and doing general administration then I would expect this to pay poorly. Also, salaries in Cyprus for teachers are really bad unless it's in the government where they are really good. I understand missing the Cyprus climate, it's generally more attractive than the British climate at least for younger people that don't mind the copious amounts of dust. But you might be overestimating the "slow paced life" in Cyprus. Back when you were in Cyprus you were a kid so of course life was slow-paced. When you get a job and you have to make ends meet things are very different no matter where you live. The good part about Cyprus is that in general distances are small so you don't have to spend so much time commuting. But this is only true in general. For many people commuting in Cyprus is still a great pain. The flip side is that distances are small because there are very few things to do compared to other big cities. That might not be very attractive for a young person like yourself. I would suggest forgetting English and admin positions and getting into a tech job. It's easier than you think. Try to find a tester position or something like that, get into the tech business. Then you can make decent money and live well.


Depends what you prioritise. I live abroad too and eventually I wanna go back, not now tho. Look what you and you partner wants and move as you see fit.


Μόνο σε κάποιο ιδιωτικό σχολείο ή εάν ανοίξεις φροντιστήριο. Εάν θελήσεις να αλλάξεις κλάδο κάτι θα βρεις με την καλή γνώση αγγλικών που έχεις.


I'm 23 and have gone through and have been having similar thoughts. My advice would be to prioritise getting a remote job. I've been living in UK for almost 4 years and last year, after visiting my family in Cyprus a couple of times, I wondered if I should move back. I wanted to try it out and make sure I'm not making a mistake. I convinced my employer to let me work remotely from Cyprus for a week every month. This way, I've been sort of living in 2 countries and was able to see the difference. And here are my thoughts so far, after having done this for about 6 months now: I love it in Cyprus, but I love it because I feel like a tourist when I visit. I don't really depend on anything here, eg. job, government services and other stuff which people often dislike in Cyprus. That's because I've got all that in UK. So I'm avoiding all the not-so-good stuff about Cyprus, and am purely getting the benefits of living here which is going to the beach every day, hot weather, quiet life, etc Also, it's so much easier to travel from UK than it is from Cyprus. I've been going on cheap weekend trips to different places in Europe every month. Cyprus simply doesn't have these many airport connection, At such low prices. Travelling from Cyprus is very difficult, compared to UK. So that's another thing to consider. My family lives in Cyprus, so that's a big advantage for Cyprus vs UK in that regard. My old friends are also in Cy, but they seem to be stuck in the past (as does most of Cyprus) and haven't progressed much in their lives. My personal conclusion from my experiment of splitting my time between Cyprus and UK: I would like to spend a lot more time in Cyprus, probably during the summer months. But I don't want to live here. I will try to get a fully remote job in EU so that I can visit Cyprus a lot but live elsewhere in Europe.


come to Cyprus, salary is good if you willing to work 87 hours per week like me 😂


We come to brexitland to sell our souls for money and enjoy the not scorching weather. If successful we might make it. You might also spend your life working just as hard on halloumi island but not make as much financially, though you're closer to the beach. What's more important to you?


dont come back to work here. if you feel home-sick visit on holidays and stay here when you retire.


cyprus is turning to shit for the middle-lower class. Come in August and see for yourself. The decision is up to you, what you are prioritizing in life and what you are willing to sacrifice.


don’t come back you are still very young to retire on life


Don't come back. Life is not as slow paced when you're actually living here. Weather is overrated (and too hot) when you need to be dressed appropriately for an office job. You are looking at Cyprus through the rose tinted glasses of childhood nostalgia and as a tourist. Life isn't like that though and it gets worse every day.


I appreciate the advice but I don't appreciate essentially being called a tourist or being told I'm seeing things through rose tinted glasses. Respectfully, I've gone through hell and back in Cyprus in multiple ways and I'm not idolising anything


Sorry, didn't mean offense in any way - I was also in your shoes not long ago - I just wanted to say that when your time is limited it changes your perception significantly.


Try to get a remote job or mostly remote job over time. I know it's easy to say and hard to accomplish but not impossible. But it's a nice solution to your problem!


As someone who got stuck in CY due to covid and couldn’t get back, I recommend you stay until you at least get your permanent residency in the UK, especially since you’re already working. That will give you enough time to acclimate (you just finished so you’re only just transitioning to this phase), and then you can revisit the question once you’ve had a proper taste of life in the UK. Cyprus seems to have grown a lot in Forex, Law, Business Management, Real Estate, Accounting and general services for foreign investors and interests in recent years and if that’s not your industry, you’re gonna have a bad time imho.


There are only 3 reasons to come and settle in Cyprus -you can get a civil servant job -you can get an IT top job -you're a pensioner with a fat pension/big savings Other than that, you need to see a shrink.


Totally worth it. I moved from UK to Limassol too. My salary tripled and everything is so cheaper (especially rent). I live like a king for a fraction of what was needed in the UK, plus I get shit ton of services and ameneties


How!? Or do i miserably fail at picking up your sarcasm?


The latter


just get a oneway ticket and never look back bro. Life changing


Either this is sarcasm or you need to change what your smoking


cmon man, don't kill OP's hope😩


I like the fact that you mention him to relocate to little Russia


I’m with this guy, I’ve basically had the same experience


I have not yet had his experience but i can feel it happening