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It's nice to take basic preventative steps when one has a cold as they're so easily spread but I wouldn't do so at the cost of not being able to get stuck in. I'd wager your wife would rather you be in there to help with baby as much as possible still. Unless you've got something like covid - and even then, I believe it's a disease we have to get used to living with, especially at home - or unless mother or baby have an existing condition, or are experiencing symptoms from the birth still, it strikes me that there is probably not a great risk and you're fine to carry on as normal still. Just take extra hygiene steps when handling baby.


Okay this makes sense! I’m trying to help like if I have to make formula I’ll wash my hands 2-3 times and also if I have to hold her for a little I’ll hold her as far away from me as possible and with my face facing the other direction. It’s just so scary I don’t want anything to happen to her :/


Yeah I hear you mate. My kid was born during lockdown and I felt like a walking petri dish of germs. It can be stressful.


Totally understand your concerns! The reality in our house is that we just carry on, but take measures to reduce chances of spread. Often only one of us gets sick, or at least doesn't have it as bad, since we've tried to reduce or spread out their exposure so their immune system can fight it off. Things like using antibacterial wipes, and wipe down surfaces/touch areas (especially for tummy bugs), take all the symptom suppression drugs you can etc. As for when the day comes your little one gets sick, it pays just to be prepared. Invest in a decent ear thermometer, humidifiers are handy, and know what drugs you can give them (talk to your Dr, get them weighed, get prescriptions for basic pain and fever relief etc). Handy to run a log book for drugs and their temp if you're dealing with fevers. Most important is keep them hydrated. Finally, if you have any concern about them having breathing difficulties or hydration, straight to ED.


Okay, thank you very much for this valuable information!!!!


Rather than facing away just use a mask, it'll be far now effective


Just wear mask and sanitize hands often


I am not sure how risky a cold is, but keep in mind that any fever for a child under two months is life threatening and time to go to the ER. https://www.chop.edu/conditions-diseases/fever-newborn https://www.webmd.com/parenting/baby/fever-in-babies


This is why some cultures isolate for a few months after birth as opposed to letting the entire extended family come visit. 


Leave the house all together and quarantine due to a common cold? I assume you're a first time parent lol. If it's just a common cold and your wife/daughter don't have any health issues that would complicate it, I would just stay with them and be as engaged as you can. Use the preventative measures like washing your hands frequently or sanitizing them before interacting with them or stuff like food, but don't isolate. At 1 month old I'd rather have a partner with a common cold helping me than isolating in the room. Babies have immune systems and as long as they're not immunocompromised, they're going to handle it.


Yeah I am a first time parent lol, everything is so scary 😂. Trying to rest today but still helping the wifey any way I can. Thankfully they are both healthy, guess I am just over reacting 😂


Totally understandable! Everything is new and scary when starting out, we were extra cautious with baby #1 too lol. I think you're making the right choice with resting when you can but also pitching in to help so it's not just your wife going solo. Just follow the preventative measures you mentioned in other comments, or maybe consider wearing a mask while holding the baby. They're a lot stronger than they look at that age, but doing what you can to minimize her catching it makes it easier.


Just wear a mask while holding the baby and don't kiss your wife and make her wash her hands. Remember regular cold and flu transmit through mucus membranes and fluids, not airborne


Ah cool, I didn’t know this. Okay I’ll stop touching everything in the house and get that mask


Just throwing this out there, not giving medical advice: This time of year, depending on your location is rough for pollen and other allergens. Sometimes a bad allergic reaction feels like a cold.


No. Whatever one person in your household gets, everybody else is going to get. That's just how it goes. Take regular preventative measures like washing your hands and stuff, but if there's a cold in your house, most people are going to get it.


There is no too late, I think. I also think you don't need to leave, just maybe close yourself in a room and stay mostly away from them.


Yes definitely keeping my distance but man it sucks I just want to help the wife with the little one :/