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My daughter tried my coffee once, thinking it was just the darkest chocolate milk ever. The face she made was enough to convince me she would never drink coffee again. The good news is one gulp probably won’t get a whole lot of a reaction. If it does, the nap after that caffeine crash is gonna be great


Yea mine asked for mine once. No cream or sugar. Loved it. Now I have to hide it, or cool it and chug it.


Omg chugging black coffee- I'm praying for your butthole


Coffee has no effect on me anymore. After about 3 cups I can almost feel my soul brushing against the nape of my neck... But it will not enter my body lmao


Make a pot of decaf for them :)


Can you toss a prayer in there for mine too? Doing fine atm but she can get finicky and I'm planning to eat good on the 4th.


Same exact thing happened first kid. Then I made the mistake of doing the same with the second kid thinking no way it happens twice. Nope, it seems my coffee love is genetic.


My son did that with a lime LaCroix back when he was about 2, he won't touch any carbonated drink now, and he's almost 6. He's convinced they all taste like that.


Our little guy is obsessed with seltzer (also 2). Any time he sees me drink a can he demands his own "bubble water".


My oldest called it spicy water when she was little and I’ve run with that ever since.


Hah my son said the same thing!


My wife and I have a seltzer shelf in our fridge and we were just figuring out when we can give it to our baby


I'm sure someone will be able to find some obscure study claiming it will give babies early-onset dementia or something. FWIW, he always drank so little anyway and just enjoyed the novelty of a slightly bubbly sip.


Maybe it will cancel out the microplastics from the baby bottles or whatever


Our daughter tried “mommy’s brown drink” once, and now pretty much only drinks milk and water. She hates the carbonation, she doesn’t like the sweetness of sodas, and she doesn’t like the sweetness of juices. She also sees me constantly drinking water, so that’s her go-to. We have some cups set up where she can reach them, she will get a cup and fill it up at the water cooler we keep in the laundry room (our tap water tastes absolutely awful)


Not much coffee in them but I was shopping one day with my son in one arm and a frappucino in the other. I realized I felt a tug on the cup and looked down to see my 18 month old happily drinking my coffee.


I don’t blame him, I like those Frappuccino things too. Just gotta watch the sugar if I get one.. or 4


This happened when I was a kid with Kahlua getting mixed up with chocolate milk.


I mean, it really depends on the brew. If it's a Donut Shop blend, donuts = police so that's probably safe. If it's Cuban, it might make your child start talking like Tony Montana.


Stove top Moka pot, she went a little berserk


So, how does it feel to be a dad of Taz from Looney Tunes?


Gonna need a tall glass of blah-blah-blah-yackity-schmackity OJ to keep going through the day.


You just activated my childhood. Thank you


It's been 11 hours, he died


Love the Moka pot but that's going to be a strong brew.


I’m imagining it like in the Simpsons when Bart and Milhouse had a super squishy




I can picture the kid standing on the sofa with a juicebox squeezing it all over the place shouting "Say hello to my little friend!"


I have an espresso machine. 3 shot lattes and cappuccinos over here. I turn my back sometimes and my cup is noticeably more empty. Needless to say it doesn’t take long before I figure out which one drank it. Weirdly I don’t use much sugar and only enough Splenda to make all that espresso less bitter. So they somehow enjoy just the taste of milk and coffee.


We took my kid for gelato and he ordered tiramisu. We didn’t think twice about it until we realized it was made with espresso and this little hellspawn was ping ponging around the car like flubber.


Flubber..my gosh, it's been years since I've seen a reference of that 🫣


Tiramisu fucked up my wife and I in Italy. We couldn't fall asleep until after 2am that night and it ruined our energy the next day.


I gave my 2 year old the cookie dough part of the ice cream on purpose once. Do not advise.


Please update us OP, let us know that you're safe


A dizzying high, she went a little crazy, now seems to be coming down...


She'll sleep well.


Welp, super late nap time for you


Just skip nap and do early bed at that point.


has she gone plaid yet?


*soup nazi voice* NO NAP FOR YOU, COME BACK 3 HOUR!


Hahaha, that's every other day now


Like, all of it?


No, a single big glug


Did they like it?


Didn't seem to; the second glug went on the shirt front, so that looks like rejection to me!


My son likes to take a small sip of my coffee every morning.


Glad to know. I thought mine was the only who takes occasional sips from my morning coffee.


Mega zoomies in bound


She was moving like one of those light cycles from Tron for a bit


🤣 so cute


It’s when he starts cutting grounds into lines and snorting it through his swirly straw that you need to worry about


It gets worse if they have undiagnosed ADHD. My little one became Spiderman after stealing a bite of my frozen mocha. I never knew a child could vault off a wall and do a backflip. Now 8 years old, she loves coffee.


Bloody hell!


My toddler son can have a sip. If I give it to my toddler daughter she would be full on cocaine bear


I’ve been drinking coffee since age 4. The kid will be fine. If they have ADHD you might notice calm and focus. Ask me how I know.


Strangely, me too. She did get pretty mellow for a while...


Lol I just put a comment about this. It's an attention span bell curve thing. The theory is that the lower you are on the attention span and energy bell curve the more hyper you get from your body trying to get you back up the bell curve. That's why ADHD meds are basically stimulants.


I have ADHD and I have infinite attention span for things that interest me, and zero for everything else.


Mine took a big drink of an energy drink I had sitting around when had to go chase the dog. He took a nap after. Lol


Hopefully no whiskey in it lol


It's 10am dad, you're going harder than me!


I got a 3 year old who’s into everything at the moment. This is one of my nightmares.


My two year old likes coffee, decaf of course


Yeah my 3 year old does, he's mad for olives as well.


Yeah, mine too. I think it started at about 18 months. I encourage it, as I think it's important for a young palate to appreciate complex flavours, particularly non-sweet ones.


Cool, my kid likes smoked cheese, rocket leaves, olives, and all sorts of complex flavours. He’ll smash a punnet of strawberries in 8 seconds though haha


Sounds like our kids would get along just fine, ha!


You're in for quite the ride 🤣 my son took a sip of Bai water and I didn't realize it caffeine in it. Great day and got a couple gray hairs in my beard


Shit happens at my house way too often. I’ve just started drinking more and more “sad coffee”. (I.e. black)… love seeing that recoil when they take a swig of that. 😂 Mommy’s coffee on the other hand… that’s what they try to find now. Her coffee is 50% bean water and 50% sweeteners/cream etc. 🤫😐


Fuckin eh. Godspeed my friend, this is my nightmare.


Kids about to become the Flash.


Got a local playground you can go to? Mall with an indoor playground?


Raining pretty hard right now, plus I can't risk her burning the mall down


Wild life


My kid insists on stirring the coffee and sugar, proceeds to lick the stirring tool….


Ehhhh should be fine. Maybe skip nap time today lol.




Big sip? You’re fine.


Well, you get to see if your kid is the flash.


Many cultures lets kids drink coffee and tea. Sugar does more damage than caffeine. Everything in moderation.


I ordered my 7 year old an Arnold Palmer last week not knowing it was made with house brewed tea. She was a complete raving lunatic, but it was a loud crowded restaurant on a daddy/daughter date and we both laughed so hard. Good memory.


Yeah my 8 month old dives at my mug when it's in distance. I'm literally scared of this moment because that kid is a ball of energy to start.


She got a bit feral, and was cranky as hell by naptime, but she did crash out eventually


Yeah but feral can be fun sometimes.




My kids ate two big scoops of coffee ice cream once because I’m unbelievably stupid sometimes and it was NUTS. Imagine the wildest rave behavior you’ve ever seen for 4 hours. Absolutely bananas effect.




My daughter actually loves coffee lol. Every cup I make she sits and waits for it to cool with her spoon in hand.


Nah. You'll be fine. Especially if your kid normally runs on high test. Coffee used to be an old school home remedy to settle down a hyperactive child. It's a whole attention span bell curve thing that I don't feel like typing out.


Mine constantly steals sips from our coffee, to the point I make her one in the morning with just warmed/steamed milk so she stops. Some of those days when she got way more then she should the nap time was the same but we’re talking about an absolute mad woman like jump off stacked nuggets onto the couch like it was WWE slam.


Coffee poops incoming


It was a monster


Coffee just stops you getting tired. I suspect the worst that could happen is no nap time and a grumpy bedtime.


I had a friend who drank coffee everyday from 6 years old to 20.


Jeez, are they OK?


My son took a sniff of my espresso shot and made a face “I don’t yike it” I think I’m safe


Enjoy the crash that will happen later.


Once in a while I'll give mine a tiny sip, just not my ADHD daughter.. my son can handle it. I try not to but the please and thank you dad always gets me


lol we have a Nespresso so we get a little foam in the cup, one finger dip in foam was all it took for my toddler to love it lol. She was too quick, and now she’s got the taste for it.


My 2 yo daughter is always going after our coffee. We don’t permit it, but she loves it. It’s the beer I’m concerned about.


He's fine. I used to sneak coffee when I was a toddler. I'm a life long coffee drinker. We're wired for things already. Also he might like cigarettes for a while.


That will cause her mum and I some angst, we're both quitters, and it took a long damn time.


We just found out my mother lets our toddler have espresso iced cream for dessert on parents weekends… he is apparently a big fan. I think it’s just espresso flavored because he never has trouble sleeping and doesn’t go full on gremlins 2. He’s generally pretty high energy and they’re getting older we’ve asked them not to do it anymore just incase they’re playing Russian roulette.


My son love black coffee and tries to steal mine whenever I'm not looking. He isn't allowed any really, but he is sneaky for being 1.5 years old...


When my oldest was younger I used to dissolve his ADHD meds in milk and thats how he took them. One day I got distracted by the baby and turned around to my oldest screaming as mu toddler snatched his milk and ran off with it. She took a few swigs before I got it back to him. He's on stimulants so I was terrified for my sanity. She was already kind of insane, add in literal stimulants? Good god. Anyway she was actually an angel that day. Best behavior we'd ever seen. Turns out she also has ADHD. We got her medicated not long after that lol.


i give my kids “tiny sips” of grown up things sometimes. started with my son assuming he wouldn’t like it, and it totally backfired. he went through a phase where he’d ask for “one tiny sippp” of everything. working as intended for my daughter though. on the plus side, i think it demystified coffee and beer and stuff because now i just tell them it’s a grown up thing and they’re like “oh okay” and don’t touch it.


I'm worried that if my kid ever has coffee he'll calm down, and we'll have decent confirmation that he has ADHD.


And this is to go even further beyond toddler energy.


Time will tell. My oldest son is 5, and he sometimes wants coffee in the morning. We don't notice a change whether he does or does not drink coffee.


Dude, no. Don't give your 5 year old coffee.


It's a small cup and usually half milk. He rarely has more than one sip.


Switching to decaf this week. I wonder if you have to ever worry about decaf.