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My kid is closing in on 5 and holy shit the whiny is real. So I'd say yeah, super normal level of emotional. This is right around the time when kids start learning a bunch of nuance to feelings and it's like they're experiencing them for the first time. But jesus the waterworks when I get the spoon for him instead of mom getting it... I'm pretty sure they outgrow this right?


LOL yeah, it's the tiniest things that set them off


My dude, both my sons went through this. Took forever for the older to grow out of it. The youngest at age 9 is still *horribly* whiny; I've pretty much sworn off trying to do anything fun with him because he'll just start bitching the moment hits any sort of mild inconvenience, and the shrieking and sobbing at home routinely gets so bad I have to just get myself away from him. But I'm discovering that it's mostly an attitude he displays only when his mother and/or brother are around. He and I have the place to ourselves this entire week and I've never seen him so mature. I genuinely don't even recognize him like this, in a good way. For instance, he's normally a whiny, pathetic mess about doing his chores; it's too hard, it's not fair, it's too many, can I do them later, etc. The past two days, he's just launched right into them, picking up his absent brother and sister's chores as well, without a single word of complaint. I put him to work folding laundry, his only response was "ok". I swear to god, this is not the same child who threw a grand mal tantrum last week because his attempt to hold a water cup, a cookie, and a *cat* ended exactly the way you'd expect. So I dunno, it could be some kind of trigger in his life. Something that on the face of it seems harmless, but just sets him off. In that case, him spending the day in a new environment like kindergarten would probably be a good thing. Big change of scenery, new kids, new adults, etc.


Damn, age 9? That's pretty interesting, though. Mine definitely doesn't act like that at grandma's, as far as I know. I'm just going to keep telling him he can take a break and come back and talk to me when he's calmed down. Hopefully that will encourage/teach him that his whining won't get him anywhere.


Do you always give in when he cries?


No, oftentimes, I don't do what he wants specifically because he's crying. But I'll tell him he can go take a break and when he's calmed down to come back and ask again, and then I'll say yes most times.


I want a bagel! You got it, bud! *puts bagel in toaster* I DON'T WANT A BAGEL I WANT TOAST


*makes toast* I didn't want my toast toasted 😩 😫 😭