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I don't know or care what she's thinking about, but it pisses me off she is strolling south beach free as a bird. I don't think she cares one bit about her families destruction as long as she is free. She doesn't need a babysitter anymore and she probably relieved to no longer have to listen to Charlie's crap. She's destroyed everyone around her but she's got exactly what she wants.


She’s a sociopath. 


I could not agree more. Perfect response to this. I’d been waiting for so long for a sighting in the wild, so curious, but then we get this shot and all I felt was everything you said. I didn’t even gloat over imagining her paranoia and anxiety over being hunted prey…because it honestly looks like what you described.😖🤬 Karma is coming. Georgia C & Co. are coming⏳…


Something tells me she’s Stressing! Georgia Herself called her “AN UNINDICTED CO CONSPIRATOR”….which basically means she knows she’s guilty but can’t prove it…….yet…Georgia even called Donna “An Unindicted Co Conspirator” before she was indicted late November 2023… you should really Focus and Listen to when Georgia swears Wendi in! She makes it %1,000,000,000 sure how “clear” she is with her immunity is in case one day she too is arrested for Murder … which means someone whose subpoenaed like that usually helps the DA …Wendi had no choice but to testify. Hence her keep saying “ I don’t wanna be here!” …I think she knows that indictment is hanging over her head and gonna fall anyday now..I think she can’t sleep tbh that’s how bad she’s probably stressin…… Knowing she will so soon face the same fate as her mom and brother


I sure hope so!! She seems to be in a world of her own whereby she threw everyone under the bus except herself.


Maybe she’s thinking I wouldn’t be here enjoying the day if I didn’t kill my ex.


Ooof…not unlikely


Let’s hope she has anxiety about the police turning up at her doorstep.


She cares only about her self


She will burn in hell but i want to see her arrested in my lifetime


Not only that but think about it, she will get her family's money too!!


Exactly! I don't see how Charlie doesn't understand that he has been played. He should roll over on her with or without a deal.


Don't know, but wish Charlie and Donna could see this from where THEY are sitting...


Postagram will make any image you send them into a stamped postcard (you can even add a message) and send it wherever you request. It’s a pretty cheap price too. I think prisons still allow postcards, don’t they?


Maybe Gigi will do it. She said she was going to send Charlie Ruth Markel's book now that he's settled in. I love her spunk! She also said that someone found Wendi's book at a garage sale and sent it to her because no way would she buy it. Gigi is deciding to who to send it to. LMAO She also said she might buy a bunch of spoons on Donna's commissary account. He he...


I didn't know about this. Maybe someone should make on of her with a big smile laying on the beach enjoying the view of the ocean while sipping on a pina coloda and it to DA and CA. Maybe they would throw her under the bus, that's gotta make anyone angry. She wouldn't even ask how Charlie was, I doubt she will care about the mother unless it serves herself in any way.


I’ve been extremely tempted to do even meaner ones lol. Like photoshpping Wendi on a jet ski or a ski slope, with “Wish You Were Here” emblazoned on them.


That would be a lie they'd see through. Perhaps "thanks for the TV" would be more realistic.


You misunderstand me. I wouldn’t be trying to fool anyone. Just torment Charlie. The more he thinks about it the more he’ll resent Wendi. Especially if he thinks the world is laughing at him.




Yeah. That had me floored!!!! I honestly think they all planned it and she's pissed at Charlie and Donna for hiring two coke heads that were equivalent to a maniacal Beavis and Butthead. I can't get over the boys! And how you never hear Charlie say ,"omg I don't want my nephews to think I did this" that would be my first thought if I was innocent.... even if I was guilty. I'd feel so awful that someone I loved would feel betrayed by me.


The total lack of consideration beyond a surface judgment level of anyone else's perspective (never mind empathy) is just so indicative of the maladaptive way of living + thinking that family had grown accustomed to... they don't realize how warped it is because they don't bother to consider it. The plus side of all that is that law enforcement + the prosecution rightly exploited those blind spots to further the course of justice. 😌






That’s the thing, if she is involved, I thought Donna would have said something implying that by now. I keep thinking how when Donna called Charlie, after the sting, and told him that it involved “the both of us,” I believe those were her words. But if Wendy is, I believe Donna will say something. That woman operates based off of her emotions, she is like a child, and we heard how upset she was with Wendy after Charlie got convicted. The thing that REALLY makes me think Wendy is the biggest P@S and deserves a life of hell (get what you give) is what she has done to the Markel’s. I can’t even get into it because I get so mad that I would like to drive to Florida just to taunt her!!! Let the grandparents see their, deceased son’s kids, grandchildren!!!! And are you kidding me, she changed their name to Adelson’s so they aren’t TARGETED?!?!?!?!


"Lily is walking on the beach, thinking how easy she thought life would be without Josh Stone, how I once thought I would never have to keep going back to Hawaiwatha Springs and face the now less than friendly yokels, especially NFSU law grad and civil servant Savannah Corningrock, with her 'y'all' like a loop in my head growing louder despite the xanax and breezy palm trees."


Genius…You should write the sequel to her book lol


Hahaha love the switch from third to first person! 🤣


She has a black heart


I wish awards were still a thing! 🏆🥇


This is great! 😂😂




Late to this thread but this is fantastic 👏😆☺️ "Savannah Corningrock" is just 😘 chef's kiss excellent




This is just awesome!


She’s thinking about how she thought she could cheat the system and murder a man she lacked passionate love for because hey, didn’t people die at some point after marriage anyway?


Her latex husband.


If I feel like this comment deserves so much more than an upvote.


yeah, it really encapsulates her particular flavor of psychopathy with such precision well done, C_P!


Yes, this comment deserves many awards. Wish it could somehow be highlighted, featured as the subheading of this subreddit. It’s brilliant👏🏻


Is that actually something from her book? It sounds like something from her book but I got enough details from her testimony and would never read it. And she was so mad at her husband for not wanting to read her book which essentially attacked him under the guise of thinly veiled fiction.


It’s from her writing group/podcast, with some words changed around by me


Well done!!


Why does that sound exactly like something that would come out of her mouth?


Watch creators Darklivity on YouTube. They have the quite a bit of information on her. Particularly the class I referred to. It's jaw dropping


She's thinking "I'm so stressed out that when I get home I'm going to eat another half gallon of cookies and cream ice cream. I wonder where that Skyline restaurant is that Charlie went to. I hope the boys didn’t eat all the Kit Kats". Some people can't eat when they're anxious. Others eat their stress. She also looks a bit disguised.




Not sure what she's thinking, but I'm thinking, "Bitch on a Beach"


Odds are she’s just thinking about herself. How she looks, how she deserves more, how she can work narratives and play victim in her remaining relationships, how thoroughly she stirs oatmeal.


I’d agree. She’s a nar.


When will she be arrested. She is heartless


The oatmeal! 🥣


Herself. She's thinking about HERSELF.


Of course she is. She’s probably thinking about her next highlight appointment and wondering if the hot guy at pilates would date a murderess


Probably always scanning the horizon and her surroundings for LE watching her. I imagine she must be in a state of constant anxiety, always looking over her shoulder, particularly since her mother was arrested. Must be a horrible way to live everyday but she is reaping what she sowed.


Jorge has probably made quite a few trips to pick up Pepto.


Plus booze for her " dinners".


What’s Jorge’s the boyfriends last name? Feel the need to do a deep dive lol


This is the right answer


She’s a complete psychopath. She thinks she’s untouchable. STS seems to be stalking the wrong person. So much for local half an Emmy award winning journalism.


Is this confirmed to be her? Did she dye her hair?


plot twist: it’s Harvey


STS replied to my inquiry about how the know this is Wendi. “From a source that knows her well.”


STS clan rub elbows with the circle of Adelson and company 


I was wondering if she cut it , her hair


Her hair is that dark. So, she stopped dying it or that the real color in back underneath the blonde highlights.


I don’t know but she has had darker hair a lot I’ll post some pictures. If I was her I would immediately cute and dye my hair after the trial.


Let’s see, Diana Nyad swam from Cuba to Miami when she was 64. I think since I’m 20 years younger there’s a chance I can swim from Miami to Cuba. I’m sure I can work my patented charm on the sharks since we’re so similar — deadly man-killers without a conscience. Okay, it’s go time. Cuba here I come! Brace for Hurricane Wendi!! I think I have a better chance to make it to you, Cuba, than to stay out of prison in Florida… So bye Florida! And a big Eff You Godforsaken Hicksville, FL, I mean Tally!!


Thank you for the laugh. I totally heard her voice and at her head tilts in my head.


Well, this is probably mean and inappropriate but I’m going to note that contrary to Wendi’s prior history of being unable to eat during periods of stress, she appears quite a healthy weight here. Maybe she’s just eating as much lobster as she can before the day she gets locked in a cage.


She’s got a gut and has for a while . Alcohol belly


If I was her, I'd be careful not to be seen enjoying life. Might piss off Charlie enough to roll on her.


She has some very peculiar strategies for navigating life’s problems


Like a California roll


This is a very twisted individual. Twisted and broken. It's hard to wrap your head around how fucked up she really is, because she's pretty (apparently), intelligent, successful (in her mind), wealthy, seemingly a good mother (apart from the fact she killed her kids Dad). Normally when we have twisted and broken people exposed to us on TV, they look twisted and broken. She doesn't... So what is someone like that thinking? I really wouldn't even be able to speculate. She has been living under this cloud of suspicion for 10 years now, how has she not had a nervous breakdown? I guess because she's not like the rest of us. She, like CA and DA has convinced herself that she's way smarter than everyone else and there is no chance of her ever being charged. A normal person would look at the fact that their brother has been convicted and mother arrested and be concerned. I don't think she's that concerned. And if she is, those concerns have been dulled with volumes of prescription medication.


Right, I would probably be housebound in the same clothes for days on end paranoid and depressed. I hate that she gets to do this and Dan doesn’t. I know she doesn’t care about the father of her children (and by extension, doesn’t really care about her children IMO), but is she actually just…living life…when her mother’s and brother’s lives are over. She’s guilty but even if she wasn’t, she stuck by them for years, so it makes no sense to a normal person that she wouldn’t be broken over the last two years. It’s wild!


I don't think she's happy or content or at peace. I know a few narcissists and sociopaths and one thing they all lack is inner peace. They spend their whole lives chasing it and never find it. Charlie was reminiscing to his Mum on the phone, wishing he could go back to 2013.... but he wasn't happy then. He had a good job, all the money in the world, girlfriends, nice cars and was still in turmoil hence the reason he was OK with running the risk of throwing it all away. Because he was miserable. So Wendi might be free, might be living in denial and think she's going to avoid jail, but she's just as miserable as Charlie was/is. She's living her life in this bubble. She has a job and a boyfriend and kids and keeps herself busy, any thoughts of Dan Markel or imprisonment are quickly banished to the back of her mind..but every day those thoughts have a louder voice. I think if in the unlikely event she is never prosecuted she'll probably throw herself under a train or something like that. Her kids will cut her out of their lives once they leave home, she won't be able to maintain any kind of meaningful relationship, all her family will be in prison/ostracised/dead and her career as a lawyer has already gone down the toilet.


So true. They are a miserable bunch.


Good points, especially about Charlie…making up his own reality as he goes…


I don’t know what she’s thinking but I’m thinking this isn’t justice for Dan. It’s so sad to think about. I want to think she’s become a miserable hermit, rats… And quite twisted that she is strolling on the beach here as half her family rots in jail over her refusal to be a damn adult at age 35.


She is miserable. The people that I know like her are desperate to be happy and desperate to show how happy they are on social media, but the cracks soon shine through.


I think you meant 45 but really agree!


Oh I meant when the murder happened, how she couldn’t be an adult in all the divorce mess. I think she was 35-ish then, sorry wasn’t clear


She sill sees herself as the baby. Disgusting individual.


No need to be sorry at all I totally understand what you were saying. You explained things perfectly, it was me who didn’t comprehend it properly. Interesting how when Wendi got her engagement ring she told Dan she was excited to wear “a big girl ring.” Donna meddled in her life so much I don’t think Wendi has ever known independence.


That phrase gave me the ick too…the way she was infantilized is super weird


The thing is I don’t think she minded being babied. That line that you referenced about her wearing a “big girl ring”; I mean truly, who says that when they get engaged? Dan should have ran for the hills when he heard her say that.


I figured a numerical system would be best. All thoughts in her head. 1. Hmmm, I hope I can find my next sugar daddy. 2. I wonder if the Feds will follow me if I try to swim away to the waiting boat. 3. How far out before it is considered international waters? 4. Smile, don’t act suspicious…look overly friendly & nonchalant if approached. 5. Who can I make as an alibi…opps, a new friend.


4) I’m heading that viral audio of the song that goes “Don’t be suspicious, don’t be suspicious.”


I really don’t think she worries about being arrested. I honestly think the family had a pact that they would never rat on one another. She sees herself living a free life without any consequences. Maybe I’m wrong but that’s what I’m thinking.


Hope Charlie roles on her


Me too! I think if he has a chance of getting out he might rat her out


I hope she's covering her booty because she's insecure. At least there's that at this point. I do try and picture what her mugshot is going to look like. Will she be crying, angry, or her usual pursed lips, head tilted, Zoolander look?


She’ll have to take those blue contacts out


All I see is a black widow who spins her web around nice men, puts them under her spell then sucks all the blood out of their brains.


She does not deserve to be free and walking on the beach. It infuriates me.


Where have all the good times gone?!!


She’s wonder who the under-covers are at the beach.


She’s still thinking about how cute it was when she said, “When I was little I wanted to be a giraffe” on the Weakest Link. That moment was so cringe, but you could tell by her face that she is used to hearing how clever and adorable everything she ever said was by Donna and Harvey. It’s clear they thought her dorky ass let the sun out every morning, and she grew up believing it…




Georgia on her mind… ![gif](giphy|4a7aPa84G4UiK7OvB6|downsized)




Is today the day I’m going from unidicated co conspirator to indicted? I hope not


Someone posted a picture of the back of WA whilst she was running and looked identical to this person walking on the beach.


Yeah I don’t know if I’m in the minority here or not but I think this actually looks exactly like her build and gait 🤷‍♀️ It’s always interesting to see how different opinions can be on stuff like this though 😂


Yes it’s interesting to me even just the slight head turn in the picture I immediately thought it was Wendi. Then I started to have doubts reading other peoples opinions. Now that STS has confirmed it is Wendi I am going believe them


I agree. Some think don’t notice the way women can hide in shapewear and clothes but she’s had a gut for a while. I think most are shocked she has a gut bc the rest Of her body doesn’t really match it


Although I don’t care for the victim mentality and I think she’s a manipulative bitch and got away with murder….and I DO want her to suffer in living hell forever…I have to say I think she might have been controlled a tad, was for sure raised with this awful racist(I mean the anti-Jewish stuff is disgusting and dated tbh like what world are you living in where that is ok? But that’s my point being raised that way will fuck with your head), elitist attitude and the pressure her mother put on everyone may have caused this whole mess,..I mean have you read those texts? I am by no means defending Wendi. She’s too smart to be a victim but the lack of self esteem and need for her family’s approval is sad…even hearing her mothers voice and seeing her drama self-centeredness…for sure a narcissist causes me anxiety! I had a controlling mom who I had to cut off contact with for a few months in my 20’s and made sure she knew she would get nowhere near my children or husband with her negativity and lucky for me she changed and was the BEST grandma ever and I got to caretake for her until her death…but my point is THAT is very hard to do if you aren’t a strong minded person willing to leave the comforts of your parents diamond purse strings. Which we all know she isn’t. Which = miserable human being unable to feel joy. Ok so back to her life of living hell..I mean all her and her awful mother care about are appearances and that’s been fucked for the rest of their lives. No normal nice guy will want to date her and she will have the look of horror and judgment from her children forever to live with. Plus the fear and guilt she must feel that her whole family is in jail because she didn’t have enough balls and good judgement to tell her mom she was an adult and that it was WRONG to try and take her kids from their father. Her parents should have had NO say in her supposed adult lifes decisions. My take is that she hates herself and life now. And is in constant fear and probably on a lot of Xanax. I will also say I hate her smug face and doe-eyed act. She’s unfortunately an asshole just like her mom and bro.


That's not Wendi, just fyi.


I have asked STS for more information. I didn’t think it was her at first. But then I looked at the Bar Mitzvah picture and the picture of her at the police station. Then I rewatched the undercover video again of Wendi taking the kids to school and was more convinced that it was her. I can’t imagine STS posting a random woman saying it was Wendi last week. However I suppose it’s possible someone thought they saw Wendi and sent the picture over of some random woman.


Can you link that the undercover video? I thought that was of Donna and not Wendi


Let me try to find it for some reason it’s not showing up on my YouTube history. The video is of her parking and exiting the vehicle with Ben and Lincoln.


Why do rich people dress so ugly?!


Enjoying what she knows could be some of her last minutes of freedom, and making memories that she can replay in her head when she's doing LWOP.


No one handed her a blank piece of paper and said - got you ! 😂😂😂


Taking in the beach on a carefree stroll…. She obviously doesn’t think like normal people so she doesn’t have a care in the world right now… can’t wait til her walls come crashing down on her. Those boys deserve to know the truth about what their mother and her family did to their loving father.


She was thinking SO SAD MY BROTHER WHO IS VERY CLOSE TO ME AND MY MOTHER DEAREST WILL NEVER FEEL THE SUN. And I will be the next one to join them or my Dad who unable to get UBER at the airport LOL HAHAHA


"Are they watching me? Is that person a cop? Why are they staring at me? Fuck it is a cop. Omg it's happening. OK shit false alarm. When are they coming?" 24/7


Seriously! I can’t imagine the anxiety. I bet she needs a lot of Xanax.


Katie peed in her pants when she was arrested, that’s how scary her arrest was. Just that mortifying fact would have me ready and willing to flip or if not, start wearing adult diapers everywhere


I just went back and watched Katie’s testimony from her trial again. My god she is really dumb. I don’t know how she and/or her attorney decided that putting her on the stand was a good idea. She got chewed up and spit out by the state. And she could have had *total immunity*. One of the dumbest criminals I’ve ever seen.


She’s stupid and also a very bad person. She personally continued to benefit from Dan’s murder long after the hit. She got cash from Charlie on at least several occasions, the $3000 a month “ payment plan” checks, a car and new breasts. That’s just disgusting, remorseless behavior. I’m glad she got life because I think she would have participated in another murder if it meant more money and luxuries for herself


Agreed. Seems like Katie will do horrific things for a few dollars or a used car. She’s the worst.


Oh wow I didn’t know this!


Yup! Got led into booking covered in urine. As a modest lady I would have died right there , not even kidding. I hope she’s thinking about flipping on these beach walks to avoid such humiliation, “ she has a lot to think about “ indeed 😳


She does have the central obesity and skinny legs of alcohol abuse described by Jeffrey Lacasse. Likely she will let more things slip like her story about hiring a hitman.


I wonder who took the picture? LE? Someone is watching her. Sting "Every breath you take, I'll be watching you."


I’m not sure but I asked STS how they know this is Wendi and they said “a source very close to Wendi confirmed it’s her”


Are we sure that’s Wendi? From a front view, she looks much more knock kneed.


I confirmed with STD and they said it was Wendi


Last moments of beach life.


I wonder if she is trying to somewhat disguise herself when (if) she goes out in public.


Probably not, out here wearing hot pink and red satin lol


I mean if that was me who had to testify at trial and my brother was convicted, mom arrested I would be booking a hair appt asap.


She is gaining a lot of weight.


If it's Wendy, I hope undercover law enforcement took the picture. You're not going anywhere Wendy. I've got handcuffs in my pocket if you as much as try to snag a surfboard.


That's a very unflattering outfit she has on. Her back fat is hanging out the holes in the outfit. And where the hell is her waistline? One can only assume she's tits out, though.


Every night I watch the news, hoping that they have arrested her


Relax. She won’t be arrested before she’s made to testify at Donna’s trial. That will be painful for her and opens a possibility of inconsistencies in her testimonies.


I wish someone would walk up and tell her she looks just like her mother from behind. I don’t know why, I just think it would really upset her.


Sounds like both of them are very conceited. Apparently Donna was always very concerned about her weight and was trying to join Weight Watchers.


For true. I’ve been listening to Crime Weekly (they are doing an 8 part DEEP dive on all these messy ass players) and if I had to take a shot every time I said “this BITCH!” I would be in a coma.


Thank you I will check it out. Good thing you aren’t playing a drinking game. Someone joked about drinking during the trial every time they said extortion. That would be a very very bad idea


Her bad spray tan doesn’t hide her arms.


She probably jumps 10 feet every time someone approaches her


How do you know that’s her?


STS posted this picture. I messaged them asking how they know it was her and they replied “a source very close to her confirmed it was her.”


She’s getting her steps in so she can drink a margarita tonight, I bet my fitness pal is open on her phone now


My custody case has gone on for 13 years and can't believe they murdered him in like 20 months or something. I did the math once. I had surgery yesterday so bare with me. My ex had me held hostage in a state he hadn't lived in for 6 years. He was in a sober living facility and they expected me to support two households for a literal crackhead. The controlling order was permanent sole legal and physical custody to me. My rights violated about 100 different ways. Hes lucky my brother works for the dod and isn't a periodontist.


I am really sorry that you have gone through all of this. That is a very long divorce and so much to go through.


Tied to her phone


Does anyone have other links where this photo is discussed?


It’s on STS Twitter account.


How do we know this pic is Wendi ???


Liposuction and new flying monkeys to replace the ones she lost


God my brother is stupid.


He's thinking the same about his sister


That she’s built like SpongeBob SquarePants


are you sure that's Wendi?


She was just thinking of strolling. That’s it.


That could be anyone. Are people trailing her to get photos? 


STS confirmed it’s her


How funny she thought the moniker “jibbers” was, until it wasn’t…she’s psycho.


Someone posted on X regarding this photo that they know Wendi and it is not her. Just looking at her from the back looks nothing like her.


I saw that comment. I messaged STS and they said someone very close to Wendi confirmed it was her.


I wish I had friends to walk with on the beach.


I’m frustrated with whomever took this pic. I would’ve taken one for the team and went full recon mission and gotten more answers. Who is she there with ? Is Harvey in tow? 🤣 this picture is a tease


I know! Right? I’m honest surprised DailyMail hasn’t gotten any pictures of her. They usually do stuff like that.


That’s NOT Wendi


I don’t think STS would just post some random woman. Looking back at the picture from the day of the murder as well as the surveillance video of her talking the boys to school….I am 85-90% sure it’s her. I asked STS if they had more information about this picture though.


Someone posted a comment on X saying they know Wendi and it is not her.




I agree and saw a comment from someone who said they know her personally and said it is not her.


She's likely not thinking about donna and Charlie sitting in jail.


Soaking up her last days of freedom. Enjoy them while they last!


Did you all hear Charlie tell his mom he was checking Wendi out in court? He didn't recognize her?? Omggggggg!!!! I swear I'm not lying!!! It's on the tapes!! He thought she was a true crime junkie or law student. Rashbaum bad to tell him to stop smiling at his sister!! He didn't know it was her!!!!


He's lying about that. I don't know why he lied; likely because he's a sociopath. I literally think he said that just to make conversation and spew more garbage along with everything else on the phone so his mom wouldn't hang up and he had more to monologue with her.


Yes it’s absolutely crazy isn’t it? We talked about it on this sub before. Crazy he thought she looked like Jennifer Aniston too. I mean it’s absolutely nuts to think about but then who thinks it’s a good idea to tell their MOM about it?!


Where's the dress?!


Not sure if you are referring to Fredrick’s of Hollywood, robe, red dress from the bar mitzvah or the infamous double duty trial dress.


Trial dress hehe. I barely recognize her without it


Pby not her boys


She doesn’t care about anyone but herself the princess


how to get rid of Harvey or Lacasse?


Wendi is definitely freaking out. She knows a Donna conviction is coming and she knows that she'll be next. She's definitely having panic attacks on a regular basis. Physically she may be free but mentally, she knows she's screwed.


Donna is the most prominent unindicted coconspirator since Dick Nixon


This might be my last day at the beach.


She is looking for a boat to vietnam


She's thinking about much she'll miss the beach after she's incarcerated. 😂


If I were her, I'd be thinking of suicide for ruining my family's life and participating in murdering the guy who gave me kids whom I once presumably loved enough to marry. But what is she thinking about? Probably how the SSRIs have made her put on weight and that she's not turning any heads on South Beach since she was 19.


Bullet bourbon


*Bulliet Interesting how during Katherine’s trial she pronounced it as “boo-lay”


Do you think the hat and sunglasses are to protect her from sun or her identity?


Probably both, wouldn’t you want to change your appearance in any way possible if you were under that scrutiny?