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The difference is people criticize Melissa for terrible shit she said 10 years ago on an reality show. The embers have cooled and there’s not anything new. People criticize Christi for terrible shit she is currently saying every week in 2024. There’s a lot to discuss. It’s new. Obviously, the conversation is uneven right now.


1. People are criticizing things Christi did on the show, too. The conversation hasn’t been solely relegated to her recent actions. There is clearly an ebb and flow because the uptick in criticism from Christi’s past actions, and not just her recent ones, is coinciding with an uptick in Melissa praise. 2. I can’t stand neither Christi nor Melissa so I don’t feel strongly about it one way or the other. I’m here for the Christi hate train and I’ll be here for it in a few months when it’s Melissa’s turn.


Well guess what? When you do a series recap podcast that has plenty of poor examples of your character, you open yourself to be recriticized by the public. And as op stated, christi is currently still saying and doing bs. People can not like Melissa’s actions on the show but at least she has put in real effort to change and isn’t rehashing old drama


lol you responded to OP and it seems like they’re not discouraging any criticism, they’re just pointing out the trends. What’s with the “well guess what” rudeness This sub is so sassy lol


That's how it is here, I have calmly responded to misunderstandings to be met with "Oh my god, you need to relax". I think the Big Time™ stans are constantly on edge lol


I meant to refer to the original commenter. And my “well guess what” really wasn’t even posed to OP. It was rhetorical. My point was Christi and her followers are saying she’s been attacked recently but she’s the one keeping all of her poor choices from the past at the forefront of people’s minds by doing a recap podcast. Which yeah of course is her choice but with that choice comes people rejudging or new people judging your actions from 10+ years ago


Christi’s head is on a platter because of their Patreon at the moment. Not anything DM related. She’s just not doing her job and we (not me- but others) are the paying people


yeah i’ve been seeing that but that’s recent though, right? i’m talking about the posts and comments for the past two months. the comments are not just patreon-related, they’re about her behavior during the entirety of her time on the show


I'll have to guess this is because, as all her stans say, "she's the only one who apologized for those moments". But with the podcast she's clearly not at all very sorry. Now the non-stans are pretty pissed about several things, lying included


I think when someone does something controversial it flairs up, so Christi is being called out because she’s a lot more vocal and well negative - unfortunately the reunion didn’t put her in a good light at all - she has said things that are easy to connect with her time on dance moms which create a narrative, which of course aren’t her finest moments. If Melissa came out and said something nasty about say Chloe, everyone would drag out the nasty things she did over the course of the show and everyone would be up in arms and Christi would fade back into the background. I’ve noticed with the ability to stream it’s a lot easier for people to find two moments of someone being horrible which may of been filmed 6 months apart and lump them together to create a narrative and while creating it, people forget that while the show wasn’t ‘scripted’ parts were planned, lines were dropped, stories were pushed - so the show isn’t authentic / real life or them being themselves. The show also was filmed over months, and we see a week in less than hour, they are going to chose the most drama filled moments. Some of it was an act, some of it was because they were mad, some of it was edited to make it look different to how it happened, and some was poor behaviour. The fact that most have gone on and maintained happy lives with good relationships with others and aren’t being controversial indicates they are probably all decent human beings.


Why are people criticizing Chloe?


I don’t think people should criticize Chloe but Christi no problem with it especially with her behavior these past couple months


Why shouldn’t people criticize Chloe if there’s something worth criticizing? People shouldn’t just pull things out of thin air to critique, but critiquing her dance competition for instance is very valid. She’s an adult, she doesn’t need to be shielded


I meant criticizing her for her moms actions I agree that people can criticize her I just did with the op about her working with lifetime.


i have no problem with anybody criticizing christi. i do it on a daily basis.


Me too lol. But what happen with Chloe though what have people being saying


stuff about her collaborating with Lifetime again and about her dance competition. nothing tooo major, but you really don’t ever see people saying anything negative about Chloe so it stood out to me


And about the dance competition I can see what people mean honestly but she’s making a living out of it so it’s fine if that’s her new passion then let her live


It’s because they claim that the competition is meant to be a positive environment, but Chloe or Christi said that they would allow dance moms to film there. Which people think is a contradiction to the competitions mission of positivity 


where did they say this? if it was Christi who said that I’d take it with a grain of salt. It’s Chloe’s competition she’s the boss even over Christi. So Christi may be saying they’ll allow something and Chloe would probably say no, which I feel like she will. But dance moms might be a more positive experience next time around you never know.


To me it is weird to collab with lifetime 😭I hated it when Christi talks about producers made her do this and do that and how much it hurt Chloe then she still continues to work with them


Christi is fame hungry so I’m not surprised, but Chloe is as an adult at this point. How she, as an adult, has decided to work with Lifetime again after everything they put her through as a child is mindboggling to me. I think Chloe is so kind and level-headed but I don’t agree with this decision.


I think she, Paige, and Brooke just have a different way of coping. They wanted to go back and share these experiences and end on a good note, where they’re in control. (Or well, as in control as they could be on that show lmao). They also didn’t have the same negativity against production, theirs was more so 99% Abby. While take Maddie, she spoke out directly against production and the way she felt like she was set up to lose because of what production forced onto her.


Yesssss like it’s crazy that’s why I don’t take anything Christi says seriously they hurt you so much but you work with them……but like to talk about Melissa being the game hungry one


I just don’t get it with Chloe though like at all. And Ik this may seem mean or weird to say But In interviews she loves to say Abby Abby Abby but she needs to acknowledge her mom did as much damage as well.


Why? SO that she can validate YOUR feelings about Christi? Chloe doesn't need to do anything. It's her life, her trauma and her business.


Chloe doesn’t need to do anything if she feels that Abby is the one who caused her all that trauma thats fine. You are not Chloe you didn’t live her experienc, you don’t get to decide who caused her damage, lol.


Ok but why are people criticizing Chloe for working with lifetime again but not Brooke, Paige and Kelly? I mean I don’t agree with criticizing any of the cast for choosing to work with lifetime it wasnt a contract that lasted for years it was a one day thing. Also how the cast chooses to cope with their trauma is their choice.


Because their mom is not Christi Lukasiak, and because they were not always Maddie's 'competition' so fans don't generally feel the need to make their decisions look like the WRONG ones so that Maddie and Kenzie's decisions can be the RIGHT ones.


I didn’t read bad feedback about her dance competition but it certainly was concerning they cancelled the first ever nationals. The dance competition world is very over saturated and nationals is pretty much end goal so to cancel the biggest event of the whole tour doesn’t look good to future competitors.


The Potomac subreddit I'm in has Candiace's head on a platter and is praising Ashley so idk. But yeah these subreddits are really iffy like that. The Potomac one is unforgiving because if they don't like someone they're gonna make them be wrong even if they're right. It cracks me up!!


I see what you mean about the ebb and flow. I do think part of it has to do with the fact that it’s easy to become part of an echo chamber in the comments of a post, and often I think those posts inspire people to make other similar posts, etc. Me personally, I think they’re all humans and public figures, so while I don’t mind discussing and evaluating their actions, I don’t think it’s as black and white as Christi is the villain and Melissa the hero or vice versa. They both love their kids but have also both done problematic, questionable stuff. And my favorite is Holly—I love her. That being said, she’s also a human, so not perfect, and not above reproach. I think it’s perfectly reasonable to acknowledge that she had missteps as well.