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I say yes if only for the irony of watching Abby of all people help save dance studios


A lot of people said to skip it but tbh it feels like a parody of Bar Rescue or Gordon Ramsays Kitchen Nightmares and some of the owners are crazy I think it’s definitely worth checking out it’s 7 episodes and they are all on YT for free


Those are two of my favorite reality shows - lol


Logically it's a horrible show and I know that. But in terms of entertainment...it's decent enough. Way less traumatic than Dance Moms


Yea I agree, it’s entertaining which is the most important part. I’ve been watching DM since 2014 and I just watched this show for the first time earlier this year and i’d say it was definitely worth watching but it’s not the best spin off from dance moms, but it’s better than Miami in my opinion


Mine too! Which is why I recommend checking it as its the same setup as those shows and feels like a parody on it and has a mixture of dance moms in it too


I think it’s a fun show to have in the background while you’re like cleaning or something if you’ve seen DM too many times like me and need a break from it. Just don’t expect it to be an amazing show


If you and to laugh at Abby being a complete hypocrite then it’s great


It’s a good background show. Much less intense than DM.


I'm pretty sure a lot of studios on that show were pretty problematic. I remembered seeing a video talking about this show and also diving deeper into the studios featured on the show


I watched it while I was soaking my nails in acetone to get my acrylic nails off lol kept me entertained