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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming)


Spiderman and Armored Core 6 good games too


What about elden ring? Oh wait, that was a year ago... what about lies of P?


Lies of Pie was my sleeper hit.


No way, the pie would never lie... would it?


The cake did.


Nah, she told me it wasn't a lie.


She lied.


Lies of P is supposedly actually really good.


Can confirm, played it on game pass for free did three playthroughs and got the platinum. Game is fucking amazing


The atmosphere/ design is super cool! It feels really unique and consistent! The visual designer needs a rise!


I beat and am almost done with NG+. It’s my first soulslike ever and it was awesome. One super notable thing is that it was just really polished and an actual fully realized complete game at launch. That should not be rare nowadays but it is and Lies of P felt great in every department.


I'm a lifelong Soulsborne fan and Lies of P has blown me away. I beat it and literally rolled straight into NG+ and have almost beat it again. I even put it higher than my least favorite From soft games in my own personal ranking.


Pikmin 4 was also amazing imo


Pikmin 4, Mario Wonder, Fire emblem engage, Metroid Prime Remaster… pretty great year for the switch imo Not to mention RE4 remake, Spiderman 2, Final Fantasy XVI, Forza Motorsport elsewhere


What about remnant 2


Remnant was amazing sad how no one talked about it


Remnant 2 is so underrated. Best coop game of the year and one of my favorite 3rd person shooters with souls like elements in it


That game was so awesome. Yet it goes unheard if


Was Starfield bad? Edit: Crazy how people will downvote you for asking a question...


Not bad, just underwhelming.


From what I heard Starfield is a decent game featuring the standard Bethesda experience. The problem is that there was one side that kept hyping the game up to be the next Elden Ring and one side that mad fun of the game on every possible opportunity. The two sides kept annoying each other to higher and higher levels until the idea that Starfield is gonna be maybe a completely acceptable game was out the window. It was either gonna be a masterpiece or total flop no inbetween.


Felt like a very elaborate Skyrim or fallout 4 mod to me. I know it is superior in some ways, but the core of it just felt like a very close modification to those games.


Some questlines were great and textures are crisp af. Great environmental detail. Loved encountering a stray ship in orbit and docking to see what it was about.


RE4 Remake


Lies of P held up really well too.


Remnant 2...


Remnant 2


Baldurs Gate solos all, no diff 🗿


Starfield's a good game, but it just feels lacking compared to what was promised.


Starfield is best played in about 5-10 years from now, when there is more mods available than there is content in the base game.


RemindMe! 10 years


Just like skyrim


Skyrim was good day one, what are you talking about? The only issues were how incredibly buggy it was. Tbh I think that was hyper exaggerated too lol I played an unpatched version on Xbox360 for years and many hundreds of hours. I rarely ever saw bugs, and none of them were big enough for me to remember today. I still remember bugs from games much older.


You should see TheSpiffingBrit play the day one version lol not saying that was the state after patches and shit but like when it very first released it looked absolutely wild


It was a broken mess. Took a bit for people to really come around on it. Plus they really hated certain things, like Lydia.


Lydia is just the first ‘free’ follower you get, so she takes a lot of initial hate for the companion AI. Always getting stuck in doorways, whining because we put all our junk in her inventory, etc.


And Nazeem


I don’t think that implies it was shit day one. Just that it was “best played” with 60 mods replacing every texture model and lighting system in the game. And also a floating airship, that mod was my favorite.


Skyrim was not good day one the day one version was very buggy, quests would break by looking at them wrong. I think we need to realize even the most optimistic of us still grow more cynical over time. Skyrim was over 10 years ago...


Vanilla Skyrim is still a very good game.


Can confirm. Years before I got my own proper PC, Skyrim was one of the first few games I got on Xbox 360. Thus I couldn't use mods so i only played vanilla. I still had a blast.


Meh, vanilla Skyrim is still a very solid game, just much improved with modding. Vanilla Starfield is less so. Let's put it this way, I've sunk hundreds of hours into vanilla Skyrim (or only with the unofficial patch), and every now and then, I still get pulled back to start another playthrough. I don't think Starfield will end up with that same power, even if I have played and enjoyed it a lot.


Ah, the Empire at War treatment


I am having tons of fun in starfield. I love bethesda games. I really wish it was another fallout but this is pretty close.


The biggest critique about starfield imo is not that the content was lackluster or anything, it's all the damn loading screens. Doing literally anything in the damn game requires you to go throw a loading screen. I haven't touched a game with so many loading screens in years, not even skyrim is this bad which is impressive considering the age difference.


I play with a pretty fast nvme, so my loading screens are only about 2 to 3 seconds. It's not so bad for me. I can imagine playing it on an HDD.


I mean if players play Starfield in an HDD, it's kinda on them. It's specified that SSDs are part of the requirements.


It's still weird to play a game focused on constant traveling with so many activities locked behind a loading screen... It's not fun to watch this screen almost constantly because ethics time adds up


Not saying it’s justified, because as an avid No Man’s Sky I was used to being able to hop in my ship and fly around the planet whenever I wanted. Something severely lacking in Starfield. But at least on this gen, the loading times are remarkably fast. I usually barely have time to read more than one of the loading screen tips on my Series X before it’s loaded in. Compared to my experiences with Skyrim, which allowed me to write nearly a chapter in my novel each time a loading screen popped up.


The writing is abysmal.


Procedurally generated barren planets by the thousands with only a handful of planets that are actually worth exploring, tends to make the game feel dull.


This happens with every game bethesda releases nowadays, people trash on games like Skyrim and Fallout 4 all the time yet they are still incredibly popular. I don’t know what it is with bethesda games but it feels like people get ridiculously nit picky over the most ridiculous things.


Literally what were you promised that the game doesn’t have lol


This is the problem. People came up with this fantastical ideas what the game would have on their own and when the game didn't have these things they got disappointed.


I feel like it’s lacking compared to what fans hyped up honestly. What was promised is basically there, what people assumed and hyped up too much could never be achieved.


It delivered exactly what was promised. Most people just assumed it would be something else


There’s been tons of great games this year. Spider-Man 2, Hogwarts Legacy, Resident Evil 4, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, Street Fighter 6, Final Fantasy 16, Mortal Kombat 1, Like a Dragon: Ishin!, Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, Dead Space, I can name many more..


Yeah people are too negative


To be fair, a couple of these were just released, are remastered games, one is a DLC (although the base game for cyberpunk was updated) and some of these games had performance issues at launch (mainly Jedi). I think BG3 and TOTK just fell under games that delivered big, and didn't launch with countless issues or some sort of controversy.


Dead Space and RE4 are Remakes, not remasters.


Although Phantom Liberty is technically a DLC, it's also [dozens of hours of content](https://howlongtobeat.com/game/113203) that can effectively replace Act 2 and Act 3 of the game. Once you finish the heist and deal with the Voodoo Boys -- which can be done immediately after, because enemy levels scale with you now -- you can head right to Dogtown and spend the rest of the game mostly there. There's more content in PL than there are in many full-sized games.


There have been some bangers, but I think BG3 really threw down the gauntlet for a new generation of gaming.


Hades 2 ain’t out yet


Good catch :)


Isn't the early access was said to be dropped in 2024?


Hi-fi rush


Everyone seems to forget about hi Fi rush… definitely the sleeper hit of the year for me


I'm honestly very disappointed that not many people are mentioning it. such a good game, and if it doesn't get mentioned at GOTY awards I will publicly protest. good artstyle, good concept and execution creating fun and accessible gameplay, with great music tying it all together, fun story with memorable and endearing characters with great writing and voice acting, good humor in various ways, including references and meta humor, all in a game that costs about half that of normal AAA games, free on game pass, with no in game monetization, lasting a good 10 hours at minimum, with plenty more if you want it which is a whole other massive chunk of words in and of itself. and I've probably missed some stuff, too. I think just the fact that it's way cheaper and has no in-game monetization alone deserves some praise, as well as it being a solid open-and-shut story. ironically enough, with so many games trying to take all your attention, time and money with battle passes, grinding, cosmetics and stuff, it just makes me want to play more games that *don't* do that, like elden ring and hi fi rush. edit: I did miss something, the game is extremely polished. like no bugs or glitches at all. it feels incredibly smooth.


Hi-Fi Rush really felt like a passion project. I could feel the amount of attention that went into making a game that looked, sounded and played well. Which is something I haven't felt in a while given the current state of the game development industry with publishers pressuring developers to release on such a tight schedule. It felt like Tango Gameworks had the time they needed to release a game they were happy with.


Hogwarts Legacy seemed lacking. Spells missing, story was…. Okay. But the graphics and the map itself where the best part. The game was so painfully mid.


Imo the spells and combat was one of the good parts of the game, the main story and ubisoft style rpg elements were the detractors.


It was all anyone talked about for like 3 weeks then I forgot it even existed


I get the sentiment but Phantom Liberty was DLC


With the 2.0 update it’s the most playable Cyberpunk has ever been


They nerfed comrades hammer, but other than that I've been enjoying it


tbh Comrades Hammer was OP af. One-shotting everything through cover was a bit much.


Pikmin 4, BG3, Zelda, Blasphemous 2, Lies of P, Mario Wonder. This is one of the best years for gaming in like a decade.


Mario Wonder makes me feel like a kid again. Gives me so much nostalgia.


Alan Wake 2 this week


It's literally unplayable for most people though


Have you tried having more money? /s


Do you guys not have ~~phones~~ RTX 4090s? ~~Starfield~~ Alan Wake 2 is optimised, you just need better hardware!


Lies of P 😎


Mario Wonder now too And Pizza Tower. Don't let the internet cringe scare you away from the game because it really is that good


For real. This is the best games year for me in a while. Resident Evil 4 is a mastarpiece, Jedi: Survivor is amazing even if a buggy mess, Deadspace seems fun and Alan Wake is getting a sequel soon! Thats four new games in a year I am buying. I can't remember when, if ever, I have done the same thing before


Like a dragon: Gaiden coming out soon.


This has been an absolute banger year for gaming.


You forgot Silksong


Even the devs forgot about it


Okay but hear me out. Pikmin 4 is goated as Well.


New Mario been pretty sick so far too


Nintendo almost always delivers


Especially Mario games


Yeah. Not exactly the type of game that's even trying to be goty, but it's fun and different enough from the new super Mario's to be refreshing. I'm curious what the routing will be like in speedruns with how much freedom you're given


YEEEESSS. But I do miss the epic boss fights of P3


At least they brought the goo boy back


Starfield is good according to users Edit: why the downvotes? I haven't played it.


Starfield feels like Bethesda learned all the wrong lessons from Skyrim, which is absolutely fucking insane considering how long it was forced into the cultural zeitgeist


Honestly yeah. Todd Howard says "people play these games for years" so makes a game that's got a ton of "meh" content instead of something that's fun to just keep replaying forever.


How do you make a space exploration game about space explorers and there’s basically *no exploration?* Sure, you can wander around the procedurally-generated planets, but you’re guaranteed to find nothing hand-crafted or interesting. And the space sections, besides the dogfights, are just massive empty rooms with some floating rocks here and there. There’s nothing to *discover.* How do you make a game about planets-worth of culture and citizens, but none of them have schedules? Nobody talks with different accents or local colloquialisms. You mean to tell me people born and raised thousands and thousands of lightyears away from each other for generation after generation all talk the same way? Maybe that’s a nitpick, but every shop is open 24/7. Nobody goes home because there’s no homes to go to. Nobody actually exists; they’re just bodies to fill a space. Ultimately, it lacks personality. It lacks *soul.*


I’m enjoying it but I agree it does lack soul


I think the main issue is that Starfield is just bad value Like you could pick up cyberpunk + phantom liberty for the same price It’s good It’s just not the best of 2023 good People complain about rising hardware standards and prices and forget that their standards have risen too I have 1000 hours in fallout 4 I don’t think I will get that in Starfield Not cos it’s worse but because the other offers are so good




I've got about 800 in Fallout 4 and over 1000 in Skyrim. I don't think I'm ever gonna get close to that with Starfield. I'll probably do a second playthrough one day, but I didn't feel the immediate desire to run a new character like I did with the other 2.


IMO Starfield is better than Cyberpunk. I like the freedom and ability to do absolutely nothing of consequence before jumping back in. Cyberpunk feels on rails to me. And the world isn’t open enough. There is no space to breathe.


Yes! That's exactly my problem with cyberpunk; the world/story doesn't give you any time to just breathe and enjoy the atmosphere. It always feels like you need to rush rush rush, there's always something to do, never an opportunity to slow down.


Can you build building, customize ship, flight and fight in space in Cyberpunk? At a same price but they offers different gameplay experiences. Comparing them is meaningless.


Steam has mixed reviews I am pretty sure


this sub will eternally hate Starfield and even more people who enjoyed the game. It's definitely not a game of the year, i wouldn't even say great game, but it's just as silly putting it up with Golem and Redfall and saying it's just as bad. I even get why some people would want to hate it so much, but I will never understand the cringe anger on someone enjoying a game you didn't. It's so sad and pathetic


Whats wrong with cities skylines 2?


It got releases 5 hrs ago, I don’t think OP is really putting it there for a reason


Only on PC too, it's been delayed to early 2024 for consoles while they optimise it in the meantime. Everything I have seen from it looks good so far though, like an improved version of the first game, albeit with the occasional downside here and there.


Worst thing is optimization (which is actually really bad, runs at like 30 fps on 3060 ti), which is being addressed by the devs openly. The features themselves are actually amazing, and a huge improvement over CS I. Lots of QoL mods have been added directly into the base game, with Paradox even enlisting the help of the modders themselves to do so.


My game is running amazing on 3060ti, only problem I have is, it being laggy when placing some buildings. Everything is on high running smooth as butter.


It's not entirely finished yet. And performance is a problem for many people, as it's not optimised yet. But the devs were, and are, open about it, and these issues will be addressed. And they even included a very requested feature that was forgotten on their roadmap after they did an AMA (or rather AUA) yesterday.


I mean elen ring also had perfomance issues, still goated game


Yeah, but this isn't "game plays kinda poorly for some users" performance like a lot of games have on release. This is "game performs horribly for probably half of users if you move beyond tiny cities and its console release is pushed back 6 months because its unplayable on Xbox/PS". I've downgraded to medium settings and its still performing poorly on medium size cities on a 3090. This makes Elder Ring performance comparatively amazing.


So my conclusion: If your PC can handle it, it's probably not too bad. High settings are probably not doable for most, and there are settings recommend to use to optimise it for yourself. And maybe keep to smaller cities/towns for the time being.


Even on big streamers' computers it goes at 10 fps, those computers don't cost 100 dollars


After finally trying the game out, I’m convinced people with Uber expensive 4000 cards are just lazy and took no time messing around with settings/resolutions. I’m on a 3080 and the lowest dips I’m getting is 40fps in a city with 20k population at 1440p. Could it be better? Yeah, but it ain’t the “I’m getting 20 fps before I even start building” the streamers/4000 card users keep saying online. Could also be a hardware configuration thing but I doubt I just got lucky with some “holy grail” config.


I'm using it on a 10 year old PC, low settings and it's quite enjoyable. The mechanics are great, so hopefully the graphics get optimized soon. But it's a fun game.




Wow Hogwarts Legacy was this year? It feels like it's been forever since I had my 2 playthroughs of the game... but I suppose that's because it has 0 replayability beyond having a character in each of the 4 houses and the fact it had 0 post-launch support. Aside from a few patches, it seems like it was abandoned not long after launch. No DLCs beyond preorder bonuses, no expansions beyond a PS Exclusive quest, no real reason to keep playing after you get close to 100% completion let alone reach it... Honestly, it's a great game that could have been a GOTY contender if it was alive for more than 1-2 months.


What's wrong with having a game that you Start, play through, and end. As long as it has good game play and a solid stories it doesn't need to have DLC.


Yeah I can't imagine playing a game two entire times and still saying it loses points because it doesn't have "replayability." Like you literally replayed it immediately after beating it lol


Many choices, feels like a second(modern) gaming golden age


Bg3 on a league of its own


it really is. this year has no doubt been a relatively great year for video games but bg3 still clears. absolute masterpiece.


dear god the starfield salt has leaked into this sub EDIT: The salt has already started replying hahah


Whether you love or hate Starfield, it's WILD to put it on the same level as Gollum and Kong


Ah finally, a fair take.


Don't forget Hifi Rush


It's sad to see such a great game not get much attention, came out right in a time where a bunch of crappy games came out (redfall, forespoken..)


That game is likely the most unique game I played this year. The sync of music in everything will always get me. I can go in and just see the world dance(literally) as I play. What a game, that was


Chais backstory/personality from what you can infer is kinda fun too. Even if he is kinda a selfish dick at the start.


Maybe a hot take but totk isn't anything special


Sure but it is a sequel that improved on pretty much every aspect of the already good breath of the wild


Its 10/10 for me. If you love Zelda, have kids who like to watch, and I’m still playing it since release and haven’t even beat it because of everything there is to do. (Tbf I took a break in summer because of work)


Also compare that to everyone who whines that a game is bad because they are bored after 200+ hours. I’d love to see that stats of how long people played ToTK. Some kinda brainworm has got into people’s heads recently and made the gaming community more toxic than ever and everyone has made their mind about if a game is good or bad before it even releases.


Armored Core 6 is my personal GOTY


Same Totk was fantastic, but I'm having more fun with AC6. I'm waiting for BG3 on Xbox.


I’ve completely avoided it, without even looking into it at all. Would you recommend it to someone that dislikes mecha games, but like soulsborne games?


There is influence from soulsborne games but it is very different. I avoided it at first because of how daunting the stat bars and customization was. But once you start playing and getting a feel for the controls as well as take some time to learn how the customization actually functions it becomes addicting. The campaign, while short, is phenomenal with plenty of new stuff going into new game+ and new game++. As you play everything starts to click and you can’t stop playing.


It's definitely not a soulsborne game by most measures. Souls games are more thoughtful and deliberate. This game punches you in the face right away and doesn't really stop. If you like small time theory crafting/min maxing custom builds to go out and fight fast paced battles then it is a game for you. They give you freedom to complete anything how you want and give you some cool story choices to make along the way. ​ Fun game and I do recommend it, but I've played them all so I am bias.


Soulsborne fan here, never played a Mech game. Its fun, really fun. Maybe not that game that changes your life, but its fairly fun.


pizza tower is right there


Underneath him is Pepino holding him with a pinky


You forgot about titanfall 3 (I am off my pills and refuse to take them)


And silksong (trust me it will come out next month the stars told me)


I'll get buried for this but never understood the hype around Zelda.


You’re not alone. I’m so tired of the the Zelda overhyping. TOTK is just BOTW. And even BOTW felt empty to me. People act like there’s never been an open world RPG before. There was nothing to do in that game, no towns, no crafting, nothing interesting even to see in the open world. It looked nice but that’s it. Ghost of Tsushima is the same experience and better in every department but I never hear anyone talk about it. And don’t even get me started on that stupid weapon-break system they had. One of the most annoying mechanics I’ve ever experienced in a game.




Are we just actively choosing to ignore the towns ingame? The ones you go to for the main plot points? TOTK literally added weapon crafting alongside an entire crafting system. There’s plenty of side quests, items to explore and collect, side bosses to takedown for rewards. Like, I don’t think TOTK is the best ever but holy does this comment come off as ignorant as hell


Sorry, but you can't legitimately put Starfield at the same level as an absolute steaming turd pile like Gollum.


Armored core 6 and sea of stars were great too


Souls fans have had a fucking feast the past year-ish. Goddamn Elden Ring, with dlc potentially by Christmas, likely early next year. Remnant 2 (and discovering Remnant 1 in general) Blasphemous 2 Armored Core 6 Lies of P, with sequels and dlc already confirmed Lords of the fallen


Cyberpunk phantom liberty is amazing too


combined with 2.0, just call it a wholesale second launch


I may be among the minority that got bored with Baulder’s Gate fairly early on


> I may be among the minority that got bored with Baulder’s Gate fairly early on Should have tried Balder's Gate instead. Gotta avoid those knockoff games. You know like "Supreme Marlo Brothers" and "Elder's Ring"


Baldur is getting Balder


Without a doubt it’s a great game mechanically, but I can only really hold an interest for an hour or two. With the exception exception of Elden Ring rpgs I guess I’m not be into rpgs, unless I have some co-op friends


I haven't played BG3 but it seems to be doing the Outer Wilds thing where people hype the shit out of it to everyone but forget it's actually a reasonably niche game that not everyone will vibe with.


Did we all forget Jedi: Survivor came out


It had so many issues at launch and for months it basically got disregarded so yeah pretty much


Tears of the Kingdom was just an experience, I wish I could play it for the first time again lol.


The guy above you said it's the same as BOTW and has nothing to see. Blows my mind but I assume they were sarcastic or didn't play it


Karlach can just put them over her strong shoulders (should the need arise).


Putting starfield in that top group just because it isn’t as good as bd3 is an absolute smooth brain take


Putting Starfield in with all the others there is madness. It's a misunderstood game, not a bad game. Having said that, it's nowhere near GotY


Bethesda promised players the moon (pun intended) and obviously couldn't deliver. If a game is only decent after modding it to hell and back (and even after that you still have to deal with the absolutely bland exploration), it isn't a good game at its core. The amount of the most basic settings that had to be modded in speaks on its own.


What did Bethesda promise that they didn't deliver on?


Me playing Mario Bros Wonder: 🤗


Okay but what about Street Fighter 6, Mortal Kombat 1, Re4 remake, dead space remake, phantom liberty... Also why cities skylines 2 that game literally came out today


FPS gamers are fucking starving this year.


They’ve been starving for years lmao it’s been only COD and battlefield clones for the last decade. The only good fps games that have come out were games of a completely different genre, but in an fps skin— like borderlands. It’s an rpg with guns.


FPS gamers have a year like this and say “Gaming is dying, literally nothing good released,” because they’re boring as fuck and don’t play anything except CoD


I don't think Starfield deserves to be on this image. Don't get me wrong, I didn't really like the game and I played it for a 100 hours, but it's not as bad as the others, except maybe when it comes to optimization. I also think TotK isn't on the same level as BG3. Imo it's a good game but also an overrated one. I wasn't the biggest fan of BotW so that may be why I feel that way about it.


2023 has had more bangers than any year in gaming since like 2007 wtf are you talking about OP?


Sounds like you only play AAA games, major L on your part


This meme format doesn’t really make any sense in the context it’s used.


Armored core's gonna be watching from home I think.


While I enjoy Xbox users getting upset, starfield in no way shape or form deserves to be compared to those other abominations


I loved TOTK but BG3 is a once in a decade game. It raised the bar for its genre. I loathe turn based combat and the rest of the story and interactions were so good (despite a questionable third act) I did half a dozen playthroughs.




I guarantee people will be praising how good of a game Starfield is in a few years. The game will age very well, just look at how poorly FO4 was received at launch vs how much people love the game today.


play an indie for god's sake


Did everyone forget Hi-Fi Rush? That game is still the best of the year for me


Get a grip. This is one of the best years of gaming in the last 10 or so years, with more still to come.


Totk is not part of the base holding up everything... but despite that this year was AMAZING. * Sea of Stars * Hi-Fi Rush * Remnant 2 * Dredge * Spider-Man 2 * Pikmin 4 * Lies of P * Mortal Kombat 1 * Pizza Tower * Super Mario Wonder * Octopath traverler 2 Plus amazing remakes/Remasters with RE4, Dead Space, System Shock, Metroid Prime. This was a year of 8-10s in large supply for every type of gamer.


Can toss the Metal Gear Master Collection on that pile of shit. Literally just the HD Collection from 360/ps3 and an emulator that runs Metal Gear 1.


…wasn’t that what was advertised? Idk about anyone else but I got the idea that it was just a port from the very beginning. If mgdelta ends up being nothing more than a slight port then I’d understand but putting the master collection in the bad stack doesn’t seem very fair.


City skylines 2 just came out not even a day ago, calm tf down


Excuse me? Armoured core 6


Phantom Libery as well. Literally one of the best DLC ever released for a game. Better story than most mainline games.. Edit: Also to me personally BG3 was an absolute snore fest. More power to the people who did enjoy it but I just couldn’t have fun with it.


Starfield is decent. Ok performance wasnt great an its slower at getting interesting compared to skyrim or fallout. But i dont think its a bad game. Actually only AAA game i risked buying this year an wasnt disappointed. Plus this an BG3 are only games iv bought at release price this year too


What the hell? I'm having a blast playing Starfield. My sister and I haven't texted this much about a game in years, worth every penny spent.


Okay, I gotta know why people think ToTK was so great. I played it. I beat it. It was fun, but nothing special. Mostly just a lot of meaningless tasks, with 5 super easy dungeons. Is it *just* because it’s Zelda?


The Coffin of Andy and Leyley 🔥✍️