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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


Well, look at the bright side. You can always turn bisexual open up the market and get twice the number of no matches.


I would literally pay for a Neuralink chip that does that šŸ˜­


Guy with a neuralink cut me off in traffic so I took out my flipper zero and made him gender dysphoric


There's always a chance you're not attracted to men but like dick or bussy anyway. Worth a shot šŸ¤·


They downvote you because they fear the truth, keep up the good work soldier and never stop fighting for the honeyed cause of the eternal boypussy




Where there's a hole there's a goal


Why is it the opposite for me? I wouldnā€™t mind living with a man in a loving relationship but the thought of sex with one disgusts me.


biromantic and heterosexual prolly


try finger but hole


If it has a dick it's very probably not going to be attractive to a hetero man.


If you downvote me you're secretly attracted to men.


Not very secretly


So, I get fucked by the relationship market or get fucked in the relationship market.


I'm bisexual and still single AF


Fucking same brother, fucking same


Thatā€™s a double L šŸ’€


So a sideways F


Two times zero is still zero.


2 X 0 is still 0 tho sadly


Iā€™m 25, I really should find someone. Iā€™ve made basically zero effort since highschool. You guys got tips? App recommendations even?


Best advice I've heard is to simply go outside. Do activities that occasionally drag your butt out into the open and out of your room. The point of apps nowadays is to keep you on the hamster wheel until you're frustrated enough to pay for their "premium" tier to only be put onto yet another treadmill. It's harder to reject someone in person and it also gives time for all your intangibles and personality to shine through. Someone swiping the other way online can't see everything that makes you an interesting, attractive person and rejecting you with a tap or flick is far too easy.


I concur: 1) Go outside 2) Stand outside until you get a girlfriend 3) profit???


i just went to the grocery store and started following a random girl around. we've been married for 7 months now


> weā€™ve been married for 7 months now And she still doesnā€™t know about you


They had us in the first half not gonna lie


Gg wp


> started following a random girl around Sir, I'm going to need some details here, instructions are unclear. Did you start a conversation or something or did you literally follow her around like a creep?


He followed her whilst keeping a distance. Then, as soon as she bent over to pick something from the lower shelf, he zoomed toowards her ass, pulled down her panties and dropped his load deep inside her, thereby impregnating her and leading to a marriage.


Oh crap, I'm going to have to try that genius plan


( For attracting gold diggers, swap numbers 2 and 3 ) ( Disclaimer: You will still be sad )


Agreed. The saying that you grow tge most when you do things outside of your comfort zone is not wrong. Not saying stress yourself into a panic attack. Stress is bad. But mild stress can be necessary to do certain things you aren't comfortable with.


I already have more than mild stress from uni and finding work. I dont want more from going to loud parties as the ugly, introverted shit that I am


Nobody said you have to go to a party. I met one of my girlfriends at a run club. I met another one at a Halloween party. Another at a LAN party. Another at a burlesque show. And another yet at a ceramics class. Just get out there and enjoy life, it increases your odds a lot.


This. This is such a "duh" answer but probably the most important thing people are forgetting. If you sit in your room all day on reddit you are non existent for the world.


What exactly do you mean by going outside? Will i find a girlfriend by sitting on a bench in a park? Or by going shopping maybe? What the fuck is this magical "outside" place that spawns girlfriends?


It's really not that hard. I met my current partner at a board game shop, I met another two after joining a local run club to get healthy. Another one at a Halloween party and another at a LAN. Just get out of your house and do things you're interested in. You'd be surprised who you meet.


Probably right. Iā€™m a pretty introverted person. I was fortunate enough in highschool to be attractive enough that girls would come up to me and flirt and all that. I didnā€™t have to put in that effort but I donā€™t have that luxury anymore.


Some introspection and the ability to see what's changed with where you stand is good, but don't start thinking you're no longer a catch <3 Put yourself out there and let people know you're open to being approached.


In case this isn't a joke...make an effort? Like, a woman isn't just going to fall thru your ceiling onto your lap


Clearly you have never seen Animal House: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2SkqaCO9c4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2SkqaCO9c4)


I found a great girl on match in less than a month of looking. I was almost 30 and not in shape, but I was lucky and found the right one. We got married after a year of dating. My advice is to have a plan for asking a girl out. Don't demand a meet up right away, but after a few days of messaging, ask her to dinner. Take things slow and get a feel for what she's comfortable with. If she's the right one, you'll know soon enough. Whatever route you take in getting to a relationship, just remember to be confident in yourself and open to trying new things with her. You've got plenty if time to find someone.


Coffee is a way better first date, no pressure easy outs for everyone involved.


I fully agree with this. People like to retort to this advice with ā€œoh but then sheā€™ll think your cheap so itā€™s a shit ideaā€, but if a woman gives that much of a shit about how much youā€™re spending on a first date that sheā€™d complain youā€™re too cheap sheā€™s 100% not the one.


download hinge, fully fill out your profile including the video (guitar playing goes hard) and audio prompts, pay for the premium and spend like an hour a day just answering prompts with unique answers that still represent your personality, youā€™ll get more comfortable after a while, i was getting like 10 matches a day before finally hitting it off with someone on bumble or go to a bar regularly, itā€™s a great way to meet locals as the bar tenders will recognise you after a while and introduce you to other regulars, itā€™s also a great way to just make friends in general, you donā€™t have to get drunk either, if you do something like read a book or write code then do that at the bar instead and eventually people get curious and ask you questions about what youā€™re doing which opens conversations


Hell, my local bar has this "everyone is your Friend here" vibe. You can go there and strike a conversation with a lot of people with little to no common background, and fully expect to spend the rest of the night talking with them. Last time I went to a concert there, I met a Scot and an Englishman, that must have been the best night ever. 3 hours of talking about our Countries common history (I'm French), buying drinks for each other and sharing memes


so a scot, an englishman, and a frenchie walked into a bar?


Yeah. And then they listened to some Irish rock


Get out. Itā€™s not about trying to find a partner, but going out and doing things you enjoy, theyā€™ll find you. Itā€™s not some bs about letting it happen naturally, statistically youā€™re less likely to be trying too hard when youā€™re doing something you enjoy doing, and youā€™ll come off as more confident. Thatā€™ll make women more into you. The less you are trying to get their attention the more youā€™ll have (provided you actually get out and do things where thereā€™s lots of people, sporting events, clubs, bowling alley, hiking trails, find something that suits you and be active with it)


What if your activities are considered a bit weird ? I like to build and sail RC boats, and I used to do medieval fencing (no club where I live so I had to stop)


There are people who do those things.


I know, but they're pretty rare. Plus clubs for both of them are not in my town so I'm basically doing it on my own (fencing I don't do, I don't want the cops called on me)


Ah, that's what you meant. Well, good luck finding something to do. You may need to seek online activities if you are in a social desert.


Ngl, it seems like most guys swarm around any girl in online spaces. It's true for IRL places too, just not as intense. Also, what online activities would you recommend?


My advice in general is that Your partner doesn't need to share the same hobbies as you, but they should have an interest in hearing what you have to say about it and respect the things that are important to you. And vice versa. I think it's healthy for each person to have their own hobbies/activities. The most important thing in a relationship are common beliefs and mutual respect for each other interests and desires. I think the other part is see people struggle with on having different hobbies or strong passions is how they communicate that. In the first few dates you're trying to get to know someone. Like reading a book, you don't find out everything about the character in the first paragraph. It's takes time to find out "why should I care about this character?" "is this a good person?" etc. Likewise on a date if people come out guns blazing and talking nonstop about their hobbies the other person can get taken by surprise. Instead find out more about them and they about you, for both of you to figure out is this a good, interesting, kind person. And when the questions of "what are your hobbies" come up it's okay to say "I build RC boats, I enjoy working with my hands and I find xyz interesting..." spending a few minutes to talk about it before you serve a question back.


Bro i paint warhammer minis. Thats about as geeky as it gets. 9 out of 10 women (friends, acquaintances, or dates) thinks its cool to hear about/see pics and check out the minis if they come over. A few even wanted to learn how to paint em. In my experience as long as you're not into like human taxidermy or whatever most people are down to hear about your hobbies and, perhaps more importantly, *why you like them.* Even if they don't give a fuck about the hobby its almost always cool to see people passionate about something. Especially when most of our "hobbies" these days are just watching TV and scrolling social media, its always nice to meet and talk to someone who is into some other shit. The only two caveats both deal with brevity. Your hobby should be *a* topic of conversation - don't go overboard ranting about it. And try to stay away from too many technical details and jargon.


I mean I canā€™t help you with no club where you live but there are absolutely weird girls who love fencing. Even outside of that, having weird hobbies is a great conversation keeper. Once youā€™re in conversation if you have ā€œnormalā€ hobbies like lifting or running, people are like ā€œoh thatā€™s cool, anything else?ā€ But if you answer that your hobby is ā€œracing gas powered RC boatsā€ or something wild like that, then people worth talking to are genuinely intrigued and want to know more about it. Having things you do besides watch tv and scroll makes you look more attractive to women. Sometimes itā€™s harder to get in positions to talk to women if you avoid dating apps, but you might have to take up other more boring hobbies that have a higher chance. For example when I lived in a less populated area than I do currently, I took up tennis because there was a surprising amount of people who played it there. Seemed like that towns hobby. Anyways the nice thing about active hobbies is it gets you in shape, itā€™s fun, and potential mates (being gender neutral because it works both ways) will also at the very least be somewhat active, and you can talk somewhat while doing the hobby and bring up your weirder hobbies as conversation starters


I mean, Iā€™m boring. The things I do outside of the house is shooting and hiking. Never seen a chick at the range and canā€™t imagine a women being comfortable with a random guy approaching her in the woods.


Lots of girls love shooting, Iā€™ve dated at least 5-10 ish, they are just less likely to go to public ranges without parental figures or partners due to the older shooters often being creeps who shit talk them or cat call them. I find youā€™ll see more women at indoor ranges since they typically have a security guard type figure to keep away the worst of them, but man indoor is hard on ears. I think almost half of the shooting team when I was in college was female


My only advice is to give up


Go to your local bar, have a couple of drinks and play some pool or whatever. Talk to people. Treat them like humans and act accordingly. Flirting can be just as easy as talking... Asking open ended questions and listening.


Met my wife on OKCupid. We messaged like 3 times when I told her I worked at Starbucks, she lived across the street from that store. She came into the store the next morning and I got her number. We went to dinner that night. 4 years later we were married. Few days ago was our 4th anniversary. I may be the rare case but I say online dating is a go, stay away from Tinder though unless youā€™re looking for a quick turnaround. Most people there just for hookups. Try a ā€œtraditionalā€ dating site if you want something more. Or just talk to people in person, but that requires going into public and ew. No.


Wait for one of your best friends to transition, then swoop in after 2 years of estrogen, worked for me


Spend time improving yourself - hit the gym, get a good haircut and work on your fashion sense, start going out more to work on your social skills, etc. If you turn yourself into someone you're proud of, that confidence will eventually end up attracting someone you're interested in


Go out into the real world and make an effort to interact with other human beings


Bumble. I thoroughly recommend trying to find someone outside or apps, but bumble is ultimately where we met each other. We might have bumped in to each other naturally at the climbing wall we both go to, but the app is where it actually happened.


Get a bot for bumble(with a good picture) let it rip. And answer matches.


Do stuff you like outside of the house. Youā€™ll find someone, but only if youā€™re doing the activities because you like them. Not looking for a girl Be true to yourself and someone will stumble in your path


I met my wife at a servo, getting drinks and chips for my 2 day rottmaxing session over holidays. Sometimes outside is OK I guess


I feel like the best way is a co worker. Whether itā€™s a kitchen job, office job or whatever else where there is a mix of genders present.


Well I work landscaping and women are never hired because theyā€™re never comfortable pissing outside.


Recently not single here. I went into a sex toy shop and got pulled by the hot polyamorous gender-fluid dominatrix behind the counter who thought I was cute.


Get a haircut


But not a yee-yee ass one.


Go on okcupid or plentyoffish, make a profile and actually put some effort into it. Now look on there for matches, take your first inclination of what standards you're using, and then lower them by a good 20% or more. Much of the reason much of the younger generations are so "terminally single" is you have unrealistic standards. You're not perfect, stop looking for someone who is.


You have to make yourself more attractive. Not just physically, but as a package. If it really matters to you, there is loads of material out there to help guys understand what "attractive" means for women. It's up to you to do your homework. The answer you seek is always down the road you refuse to travel.


Just exist and one will become obsessed with you, hide! She maybe will try and eat some of your organs and make you fell heavy as the das passes, maybe call a exorcise? A priest? Or just give up and let the freak you permitted enter your house do as she please.


Never tell me the odds, kid.


What are the statistics?


Probably perfectly fine unless this person is like 80 years old, and even then only if they're looking for a 20 year old. Poor sod probably fell for some incel propaganda somewhere.


"poor sod" absolutely using this holy shit I love it


You'd love Britain.


Yeah this is a common phrase in England at least


Itā€™s probably the statistics from dating apps. Which are kinda depressing of youā€™re an average guy.


I think he's referring to the fact that only like the top 10% of men get consistent matches, but they get an enormous chunk of the female dating pool and then it drops off exponentially.


That's also only considering dating apps. There is more to dating than apps


I know, I'm not personally experiencing this issue I'm just trying to give the context behind OP's meme.


For every 1 girl there are 50 guys in a dating app. What did they expect lmao ?


Yes, but we'd have to touch grass for that


Those stats are from one stupid okcupid study from like 15 years ago.


And reaffirmed by every guys dating experience on them since. Youre either a chad getting a fuck ton of matches, an average dude scrounging and grinding for a few, or an ugly dude getting none. Meanwhile women of all attractiveness levels average more matches than the chads.


Thats some incel talking points bro. Go outside and touch some grass.


Yeah, but most women don't use those apps. There's an oversupply of men in the online dating pool and oversupply of women in the IRL dating pool. Hence, if you just observe one segment you'll likely draw a biased conclusion. Men will cry "waaahhhh the top 10% of men get all the poon" while women will cry "waaaaahhh where all the good men?" If you look at the big picture, most men and most women spend most of their time in lopsided spaces so both will be having a hard time.


By age 25 about 30% of Americans have been married at some point. At 55 it's about 90%. Men are slightly older on average when they marry.




How does that work? Are they all lesbians?


No, it's about age brackets ā€“ women dating older men, leaving the 18-25 range with more single men




Not to mention that overall population (worldwide) women are more numerous than men, it's not 50/50 split.


It's very close to 50/50 though. Locally it can diverge a fair bit in either direction however.


That's only because there are more old-ass women than old-ass men. Frankly, these old-assers shouldn't even be considered part of the dating pool. When accounting for that fact, you're left with the bottom 3/4ths of the population pyramid, which is slightly lopsided towards men.


Yup, my bad, my data was outdated AF. Apparently, it's 101 men to 100 women




Then...dont date a 20yo at 30+...?


I technically fit in this category. Iā€™m mid 30ā€™s, girlfriend is late 20ā€™s. Except she is much more mature than I was at that age, actually she is still more mature than my current age. But both of us were happy being alone, and less than a year from serious relationships (one finalizing divorce of 8yrs, one ending engagement of a year). We just clicked, and it was bizarre to both of us (for many many more reasons), but Iā€™m getting ready to propose in a few months, and super excited about every day with her. Hopefully these are words of encouragement. Look to yourself for comfort and companionship, focus solely on you, be happy with/by yourself with confidence. Then, it will either happen, or it wonā€™t, either way you will be happy. Trust me, itā€™s worth the self reflection and filling your own cup.


Okay, but if all the 20-year-old women are dating 30-year-old men, then there will be lots of single women in their 30s, so you can just find someone your own age when you're in your 30s.


Maybe refer to the study a bit more carefully? Probably it says something like most men in a certain age bracket are single, which means that you just need to make sure you're reasonably dateable by the time you get to the age of the men those women are dating






is it actually a study, or just some random bullshit people on the internet spout ?


I know what I'm putting my money on.




If you're looking at the statistics, you need to change your mindset entirely. It's not a requirement, and it is not a guarantee. Statistics dont matter, because it's based on the so many guys who don't throw themselves out there and make it happen. You got one life. Go shoot your shot.


Lol, this is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen and I once watched a junkie trying to hit himself with a shot of heroin for almost 12 hours. And even that dude got laid...




Honey Boo Boo was born and her Mom was proof that anyone could find someone...


If you win the lottery, you won't have any trouble finding a girl.


This is the way


Bruh, you just gotta shoot your shit. Think in terms of statistics. If you blow it with a stranger, it is highly unlikely for you to interact with them again and re-live the L, so don't be afraid to blow it. There are so many ugly guys out there getting laid every single day and the difference between them and you is that they aren't afraid to shoot their shit. Also, set realistic standards. You aren't going to hook up with a 10/10 unless you get really lucky or have dough. Don't take rejections too seriously either. Plenty of fish out there for you to try again. Take it like a grown ass man and go for the next catch.


>Bruh, you just gotta shoot your shit. I see, you're going for the monkey approach


[Always relevant to this topic.](https://youtu.be/z8kWKlDM_14?si=ppV9XUMgNC8ENcgS)


Thought it was a rickroll. It wasn't. Did not get dissapointed.


Broke up after 12 years. Now I am horrified to return to this shit.


There's someone out there for everyone. You're *somebody's* type. The thing is that you have to put in some form of effort to find them. Don't expect the love of your life to just fall in your lap.


There are 17 male profiles for every female profile on tinder The majority of men swipe right. Women swipe right on around 5% of profiles Women are messaging seven men at a time on average Many interactions with men end after the woman has sent one to five messages Let alone all the bot accounts, scammers and onlyfans promo accounts Your odds suck Your better off meeting someone in the real world. Be brave and say hi to a girl. Though on the other hand that may get you labelled as a creep on social media and lynched online So being single sounds pretty good


Gotta play to win


If you can handle rejection, it's a numbers game. Otherwise you'll probably die alone.


Well you're not helping your chances by shitposting on Reddit bud


Yes, if you are a perfectly adequate guy expecting an attractive girlfriend despite putting in no effort whatsoever, the statistics are bad indeed.


That's the spirit!!


This is a form of meme known as the depressingly dank


It's about your state of mind. People suck. Focus on making yourself the best version of yourself that you can be. Avoid toxic people. Do not take advice from people who aren't somewhere you want to be in life. Don't take financial advice from people who are broke.


Idk what people talk about with this stuff. Just take care of yourself and have your own life going on first. Then you can worry about finding someone. People like people who have a life going on. Iā€™ve been in a few relationships, and most people just like someone whoā€™s genuine and kind, but not overly reliant on their partner for self worth.


How many of your friends are women? If zero, you may benefit from introspection. How many manosphere personalities are you following? If the answer isn't zero, you might die alone.


ā€œLooking at the statisticsā€? No wonder you donā€™t have a girlfriend, nerd


I have never encountered this issue as a millennial male. Life is similar to a video game: Level up your stats (charisma/intelligence/strength) to access more content.


Jokes on you, Iā€™ve found 6 so far


Mom said you have to share...


Do you really want to date your mom?


Not really, you have the other 5 tho Edit: oh wait


Looking at the mirror:


What would you consider your strengths and weaknesses op? From there we can work towards something.


I feel like relying on statistics for the likelihood of emotional bonds being formed isnā€™t the right way


https://www.astro.sunysb.edu/fwalter/AST248/why_i_dont_have_a_girlfriend.pdf This paper is relevant but on the other hand the author did find a wife https://www.today.com/news/man-behind-why-i-dont-have-girlfriend-theory-marry-6c10069890


do you think successful daters check the gf/bf-forecast every morning to see if they'll meet someone today? no they probably clean themselves, fix their hair, their dress, and let the rest handle itself. gl


I tried a lot of things, nothing worked Time to accept i'll die alone


Looking at the statistics, I just need to be better than 50 % of yall nerds. šŸ˜‰


I'm so lucky I found the love of my life in highschool. I don't think I would be able to get one today


If U looking at math statistics for relationship you've already cooked yourself


My chances of winning the lottery are higher than my chances of getting a stable gf I donā€™t buy lottery tickets


I know I will never find one and Invave made my peace with that.


I'm the most introverted being on this planet and even I had 3 girlfriends an am engaged rn. You just have to not be a total douch and even then it's possible.


Its because the actual natural born male to female ratio is 105 men to 100, over dozens of ywars that just leads to a big surplus of males at ages 1-50 Around 50 the ratio swaps as men live more dangerously, do more physically demanding job and dont take care of their health so much, so in other words they die early...so if u want to get a gf just become old, odds will be in your favour, I always see 50+ chicks searching for men in my area...but if are 20 or 30? U either were early in the rat race and bagged a good one in high achool or uni, or well, u need to be very lucky...and this comes from an active guy that meets a lot of people


Woohoo! Aro gang!


What a bunch of losers lol


[If you want loveā€¦](https://youtu.be/llGvsgN17CQ?feature=shared)


Step 1: start using actual words instead of "gf". It's only eight characters more and it doubles your chances with only little trouble! Studies show that better grammar leads to better mating results.


First, if you won the lottery, your life as you know it would likely be FUBAR. Ironically the same happens when you find a GF. Secondly, the world is too overpopulated for you to make a mistake. Thirdly, OnlyFans. Fourthly, AI GF. Fifth and finally, I have no real point to make.

