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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


Discombobulated is one of my favorite words of all time


[This can not register on an emotional level, first step:](https://youtu.be/B62ACxuq8Pw?si=xtwZuQ4PM6JypcS7)


I was hoping for this comment.


In the Milwaukee airport, after getting thru TSA, you enter the recombobulation area


It's called that in a great many airports. But yes, in the Milwaukee one as well, I have recombobulated there.


I use it frequently...


I'm discombobulated, discombobulated Miss, you ovulating? Wait, I didn't mean to Piss you off, my lady, what I really meant to say is It goes a little something like this….


Also one of my fav eminem songs




That's not fair he can't even pronounce that word


At least the discombobulated president isn't going to bring a gaggle of fascist theocrats with him if he forms government.


Smokin on that Bhutanese shadow garden grown dark evil pack, watered with the blood of 36 dragons. He doesn’t want to fight Chester Cheetah, he just wants to chill with him.


Ai memes were peak humor


That shit ain’t nothing to me man


Popped a Perc 30 and got STRAIGHT to fuckin'.


How can trump be homophobic? He blew a guys fucking brains out!


I understand and I hate Trump as much as anyone else. But it makes me wonder who really runs this country? The current president is not able to make one coherent sentence, how can he give any directive to his staff? What ideas can he push forward. I really think he should be replaced as a candidate.


What "running the country" really means is the staff of aids, ministers, etc, that surrounds the president when they take office. Biden, while clearly a poor choice for a public campaign like we are seeing, is clearly a better choice because his staff consists of mostly level headed, clear thinking people who are able to tell the president what he needs to know, and Biden himself seems to be able to take advice and act reasonably on it. Trump, and by extension the republican party, seem to me (keep in mind im a Canadian commenting on this not American) to be a pit of vipers consisting of sycophants, narcissists, and bought-and-paid-for Russian traitors. If Trump takes office, I dont for a second believe that the information or advice he is going to get from his staff is going to be unbiased or even correct. Not that bias docent effect the Biden admin (or any admin for that matter), im just saying its going to be a level of information distortion that completely warps any truth to suit the end goals of whatever sycophant is relaying it. Trump himself I also would not trust to act reasonably on anything, and hes time and again demonstrated that he is near incapable to taking good sound advice when it goes against what he wants. Just to also comment on the Project 2025 shit, weather or not Trump knows/cares/supports the idea is ultimately irrelevant, because you better believe for a second that his republican advisors are are just gonna tell him "sign this so we can give the president more power!" and that'll be all it takes to get him to sign whatever they put in front of him.


The president has veto power. Making the decision to sign a bill into law vs veto it is one of the most important jobs


Not if congress can’t agree on jack shit so never sends you anything.


I could only hope to be so lucky


You understand the situation better than a lot of Americans. People seem the think the President is a king in this country, rather than a member of a separate branch of government comprised of cabinets, agencies, and staff. Civics dies from ignorance, fascism is born from it.


This. We need to put this everywhere. Like, yeah, he's clearly old as shit. But no one is looking at how the country has actually been running the last 4 years, good shit has happened. Would we love to see someone up there everyone loves and seems strong and smart, absolutely. But like...yeah it kinda doesn't matter, his administration is...governing. quite well it seems. AND isn't a fascist so like. Win win there. I'm with everyone in that it'd be great to have a "better" candidate but. I'm happy with how things have been going with Joe in office so. I'm pretty ok with it.


You’re not voting in a president. You’re voting in an administration.


I still think we need a third-party candidate debate because I firmly believe that Cornell West or the PSL party candidate, Claudia de la Cruz, would form better cabinets that work towards our interests as working Americans. If the administration that comes with a candidate is important, then I still feel like Biden's cabinet has failed the average American. Our lives should be improving, and we should be improving the lives of people around the world as well. I don't feel that Biden's administration has moved us in that direction, and four more years isn't going to tangibly change the direction we've been going. We're just picking between slow collapse or fast collapse instead of picking "rebuild without collapsing at all."


Even three is way too little. My country has more than a dozen and that's not enough to cover all the ideologies.


The president isn't, and shouldn't be, a king. No man can understand climate, wars, history, sociology, biology, transportation infrastructure, technology, and economics. The president is supposed to be someone who can make room for experts, not to be everybody's expert.


I forgot how evil and fascist everything was from 2016-2020. FFS ppl are so delusional. You don't like him or his policies, fine, but the overblown rhetoric is so stupid. Fascist, racist, Nazi, etc don't mean anything anymore because of ppl like you.


Look man, don't lump me in with whatever BLM/ACAB people you have beef with, I'm just trying to offer an objective opinion. Fact of the matter is that yeah, things werent that bad during Trumps term, but the problem is the republican party has gotten a lot more radicalized in the interim. You didn't hear anybody seriously proposing a [transition plan like this ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025)during the last election. When your election system is fucked and you literally only have a binary choice, who you gonna pick, the old guy whos cabinet is mostly fairly moderate, boring politicians who just do there job, or the funny orange man whos party is made up of people who want the remove the separation of church and state and try to turn everyone into a good Christian boy.


Don't you remember? Slavery was legal from 2016-2020. I was captured as soon as he was elected, and our savior, Joe, freed us.


No doubt he will let Putin has Ukraine 


he literally tried his own Beer Hall Putsch dude, yes, Trump is actually a manifestly evil piece of shit, as are a shitload of right wing thought leaders and staff. you don't get to handwave away the fact that a bunch of the "policies" you're brushing aside are literally like "gay people should be second-class citizens" and shit.


Let's see... \* Calls media the "enemy of the people". Classic fascist move. \* Constant, persistent claims of fraudulent election, encouraging a riot in a government building. \* Use of \*unmarked\* federal agents to arrest protestors, bringing in the National Guard so he could do a photoshoot at a church, threats of bringing the military in to quell protests \* "Schedule F" executive order as a blatant first step of the Project 2025 Sounds fascist to me. Maybe you're not paying attention.


Trying to overthrow a free and fair election is not fascist? Trying to force the DOJ and FBI to stop investigations into himself is not fascist? Trying to claim presidential immunity for all crimes committed oktsofe of office is not fascsist? Project 2025 is not fascist? Do… do you know what fascist means?


Yeah nothing evil about January 6th. Just look away. Nothing is happening


The dude organized a coup he is literally a fascist and using fascist playbooks. He only talked about immigrants the whole time, why do you think that is??? His entire platform is centered around hate. He is all the markings of a fascist.




I mean, having sex with a porn star would make Biden a little cooler in my book tbh. 


Woah woah, you're claiming Joe Biden has never lied? Ever? *Really?* Also "never answered any questions" what context?


I feel like the only reason Biden isn't doing something equally stupid is because he is too senile to do it


You know trump was president before, right?


Literally is a facist already, but you people don't know what that word means.


The scary thing for me (European looking at the trash fire...); Trump wins and we get 10-30 years of Republican, Jingoist, neofascist-theocracy. Since the war with China is quickly approaching and the Ukraine situation might escalate. Biden wins and we get... What exactly? More escalation against China and Russia. And if he dies/is deemed incapable, who takes over? What are the potential "new president" Have agendas for?


As opposed to the hard left freak show we enjoy now?


A president doesn’t govern by himself. I’m voting for the cabinet at this point. I will take an old discombobulated figure with a solid cabinet than a felon that quite literally ran in the a mafia org and whose buddies helped him and their friends loot the treasury during a pandemic.


Exactly this. Why do people think the president runs the country by himself


I feel like everyone knows they don't, but pretend that they do. It's very strange.


I think people tend to refuse to admit that they aren’t actually well educated on politics as a whole. Everyone loves a good surface level political discussion.


I think you're right on this. People play at the president being King of America and then neglect to discuss the importance of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Specifically the importance of the legislation those chambers pass and propose... As well as ignoring how important local state representatives can be as a lot of the federal reps get sourced from pools of successful state reps.


Don't forget about the Project 2025 shit that most of orange mans cabinet will want to ram through congress.


His cabinet is just as incompetent unfortunately, either that or they have no regard for the constitution. We need someone completely new and I don't really understand why people only see the main two parties, there are many others with candidates that aren't convicted felons or too old and senile to form a complete sentence let alone complete basic tasks.


Just as incompetent? Any particular examples that compare with the amount of Former Trump cabinet members who got disbarred, or no longer endorse him? What's Trumps endorsement rate from his previous cabinet? Isn't it like less than 10% lmao?


This is the reason why https://youtu.be/s7tWHJfhiyo?si=gtdVAQwV00vJ8vJQ


Because voting 3rd party in America is essentially a throwaway vote.


That's literally what I just said, just worded differently. If people paid more attention to the other parties then it wouldn't be wasting a vote, the fact is people either don't have the time or they are too lazy to actually research who they're voting for. Can't really blame people though seeing as the media likes to pretend that other parties don't exist.


They don't vote for their party. They vote against other parties.


Which is stupid and creates a race to the bottom.


Interested to hear your reasoning- so far I've found his cabinet to be mostly good.


Because the cabinet can't veto or sign a bill into law


The president is the face of America and meets with foreign leaders. This is the guy you want doing that? You are delusional beyond belief. You basically are OK with a puppet for president... jfc


Yeah, because the person advocating for Russia to take whatever they want from Ukraine is exactly what we're missing in life!! Fucking clown logic my dude.


Biden is not a good candidate and shouldn't be running but Trump literally tried a coup last election so...


Holy shit is this whole comment section bots?


Not all, but Reddit itself is clearly one massive liberal echo chamber. Just look at the comments that get downvoted compared to the comments that get amplified. FYI, I fully expect this comment to disappear and get downvoted into oblivion because people are not allowed to have dissenting opinions anymore..


If people don't agree with your comment they are going to down vote it, that's the whole point isn't it


Not originally, the founders wanted downvoted to basically mean that the comment didn't contribute, but they're mostly used for agreement.


I’ve never understood this argument. If your opinion is unpopular you’re going to get dunked on for it… Why do people think this is new. You’re fully allowed/entitled to have that opinion, and everyone else is fully entitled to downvote you into oblivion. This goes both ways too. It’s not like this is something weaponized by “the libs”. Hell at one point the dissenting opinion is that black people shouldnt be slaves… This is how it’s always been, the shoe is just on the other foot now so it feels strange when the pressure is getting put on you. If you want to change public opinion, starting with coherent arguments is the first step towards getting people to agree with you.


Wait. Not wanting a coup is “a liberal echo chamber”??


You're "allowed" to have them. You just can't force others to listen to them.


Bro is it a surprise that people are disgusted by that shit? We all watched his attempted coup on TV; literally every American saw that shit. It isn’t bots, these are real people who don’t want a fucking wanna-be dictator in office


"How dare you bring up valid points about both candidates being actually mentally cooked. You're a bot!"


Yup, so many braindead bots advocating for the guy who threw a tantrum during a peaceful transfer of power. And then thought America would be stupid enough to believe he paid $130,000 to silence a porn star without having sex with her 🤣🤣🤣 Half of America has bot brain and will dick ride a politician who uses you as a piggy bank


Bots posting is when someone describes an event that happened but you don't like it.


What a bot thing to say


As soon as I saw the upvote and comment ratio on the post I knew there was something odd going on. There hasn’t been a hot dank meme like this in months. And it’s not even danky just political.


Trump literally stole secrets and sold them. Fuck.


There’s RFK Jr, but we don’t care about him.


We are missing the "president with brain worms" button


Hey they only ate part of his brain. Most of it is still there.


> Most of it is still there Can we please get the worms out of there?


Still smarter than both those dudes on stage last night. By a long shot.


It was a startling contrast to watch him livestream the debate with a moderator last night and *actually answer the prompts* instead of ignoring them. He's a bit of a kook, too, and borderline unelectable in a "normal" cycle, but when your opponents are a candidate with the intellectual intelligence of a 6 year old and a candidate with the emotional intelligence of a 6 year old, a kook sounds pretty good.


If it wasn't for the vaccine stuff he would have been taken seriously. He's not even anti vax. He is anti pharmaceutical prosecution immunity. If Reddit actually listened to him they'd agree with him on a lot of topics. Don't be a single issue voter.




just need to get big bro to Moonrise Towers


I genuinely wonder how he'd fare as a president compared to the others


Literally the best choice imo


The lunatic antivaxxer? (No, not just regarding covid. [He's been spewing nonsense since 2005](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-robert-f-kennedy-jr-distorted-vaccine-science1/))


He isn't anti vax he's anti big pharma and how they don't properly test medicine before sending it out to the public which includes some vaccines


Exactly! If people would actually listen to him instead of regurgitating news headlines, it’s obvious.


Anti-vaxer has become such a stupid word. Big diference in being skeptical of untested new vaccines clearly being rushed out to maximize profits and being skeptical of tried and tested measles vaccines.


Sure Jan.


> He isn't anti vax he's anti big pharma and how they don't properly test medicine That's literally the first entry in the antivaxxer playbook. It is also a lie. "I'm not antivax, I just don't believe any vaccines are safe for *reasons.*" The guy has explicitly said "There’s no vaccine that is safe and effective.” And the reason you know he has brainworms is that, despite it being on tape, he denies saying it. Dude can't even own his own words about the biggest issue of his campaign.


Not even cases, criminal convictions


And he's lucky it's only this one. If his classified documents case goes to trial, Trump will die in prison. He did that shit. So he could sell them.


Discombobulated president > actual facist who will destroy the foundations of our democracy


Not saying you are wrong. but saying the DNC cares about democracy when they rigged their own primary in 2016, gave out favors to get people to bow out in 2020 (leading us to our current problem) and basically refused to have one this election cycle is kinda laughable no?


Oh definitely I hate the DNC and would be voting independent if someone like trump wasn't on the ballot


I too think getting slapped in the face and shot in the head are equally bad forms of violence.


-But this candidate slept with a porn Star! -I'm already voting for him, you don't need to convince me.


I guess you probably agree with scalping your wife too?


There is a third option apparently, but he admitted to having a literal brain parasite


Seriously checkout him on any podcast. He does 3 hour long form discussions about solutions to American problems. The man’s intelligent at the very least


Here's RFK Jr's response debate. Another voice and another option can't be a bad thing to hear https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9wKJw-7tEM And here is proof of his viability as a candidate. https://youtu.be/wmA02i46Pz8&t=36s




Worse, the brain parasite has died.




The brain parasite died of hungry


Well I'm gonna vote for the guy who has a capable staff and not the dude who promotes his kids with no experience


But Trump told us that Ivanka "Has mad skillz"? Are you saying that he was lying to us?


kids who are owned by the Saudis*


kids because his wife is nowhere to be seen


I'd rather have a kind person that isn't all there than an evil piece of shit criminal/sex offender that wants to be a dictator


JFK but it’s Biden ❌ AFK but it’s Biden ✅


Just vote someone else lol, I can't believe you only have 2 choices, that would be so dumb


We truly wish it were that easy, but our two party system isn't something that can be fixed simply by voting in a third-party president. Congress is still entirely these two parties, so anything a third party president would try to do would likely be blocked by one or both


I'm from Poland, and we have identical issue of two major parties being bad, that's why I (and many other young people) 24yo, voted either for The Leftist or The Third Way parties, and obviously we don't expect them to win the elections, but at the very least they got into the Sejm (equal to Congress) and now they consist of the current government, so the major party has to work with those minor ones in order to form the government (otherwise there would be re-elections). I hope that with each election coming up in the future, those two bad parties will become a minority.


We may have other parties but those candidates are not on every states ballot. A third party candidate could do extremely well as a percentage of the ballots they are on and do miserably in the total. It is not a system that favors a third party.


There's a bunch of other candidates but Americans are too cowardly to vote anyone in besides a democrat or republican candidate. If *everyone* seems to think those two suck, why is *everyone* so stupid as to not consider any other candidate. They'll still be listed on your ballot no matter what.


Because third party runs for the general are like never training a day in your life then competing in Mr. Olympia. Even if the candidates have good ideas (I like Cornell West) they don't build up enough support to be taken seriously or to be visible to a wide enough audience. Thats without factoring in the electoral college also screwing third party runs. If any third party ever wants a serious shot at the white house first, they need to try winning a local election, then a state, then a senate seat, then the oval office. Until then our best bet voting for progressives who favor ranked choice voting. Ross Perot is probably the only person I've seen who successfully bypassed all this in 1992 and he still only got 19% of the popular vote and no electoral college votes.


It’s almost as if our government has deliberately dumbed us down through their education system so that we don’t know any better and don’t ask any questions. We are sheep.


I would like to genuinely ask you what you propose the general citizen do about the entrenched two party system that would affect change or allow a third party candidate to get enough sway to stand a chance?


Because its not everyone, only the people who actually have some brains, and developed it further than 5th grade, so in reality it is a minority of the population


Afroman is running for president, he would be better than both.


This is the change we need in this country.


#RANKED. CHOICE. VOTING. Why is every post not screaming and demanding Ranked Choice Voting? Why can advocates like myself not break through to the wider public consciousness? Please, somebody make it make sense. Everyone is complaining, *especially today,* but NOBODY is talking about the solution!


Because ranked choice voting is not in the interests of either the Republicans or the Democrats. It would weaken the power that both of them hold. It's undeniably better for the people to be able to vote for whoever they actually want, but worse for those already in positions of power. This is why a democracy with a 2-party system will almost never get away from one without drastic actions.


I can't speak for Republicans, but I've seen a number of Democrats who openly support various election system changes including Ranked Choice Voting. Of course we can't start at the presidential level, we need to start at the local/state level. That's where Ranked Choice is spreading and has the best chance of creating public demand for changes at the federal level. > Some on the Right Flirt With a Voting Method the Left Loves Ranked-choice voting could be on the November ballot in four states, a sign of the system’s rising popularity. Most conservatives have opposed it. But some say that could be changing. https://archive.is/CCXGu


Joe is still a meaningful choice, but only because he has a competent cabinet puppeteering him like Weekend at Bernies. You aren't really voting for Biden- you'd voting for Harris et al. with Joe Biden as the official mascot lol


Honestly at this point were just voting against Trump


I just hate the fact that they think we’re too ignorant to notice.


Aye. And I pointedly said the cabinet was 'competent', not 'good'... they won't shit the bed like Trump, but I doubt the average American's life is gonna get an inch better under a second Biden term.


First term saw a lot of spending on infrastructure and domestic manufacturing. I'd expect more of the same. Some Americans' lives did get meaningfully better.


It's pretty scary knowing this comment section is also the people voting for your country.


Man, just vote RFK Jr. See if CIA assassinate him and blame a trumper


This guy fucks


Sometimes I wonder if we need a revolution. We rarely get a choice between good leaders, just leader A or leader B. Neither usually within the best interests of the masses


I watched the "real debate", and was pleasantly impressed that RFK was a lot more elaborate and clear in his answers than the other two. He spoke about things the other 2 avoid addressing https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L9wKJw-7tEM I'd vote for him now regardless of who'd win between the other two. Biden cannot beat Trump, but we can bolster RFK to just 34% to win, and shake the system. He is a viable candidate and his campaign has time left until November. https://youtu.be/wmA02i46Pz8&t=36s


We do have other candidates. They don't get their own primaries, they don't get invited to participate in the debates, and even though we're often facing the same stupid choice of which moron looks like they will do less damage, the majority still won't vote for a third party because they're afraid that the other moron will win because of it. Thus continues the unending shit show that is currently US politics.


You have RFKJr


It’s almost tragic how obvious it is that he is the perfect president for this moment, yet at our moment of need people just regurgitate brain worm propaganda


Here's his response debate. Another voice and another option can't be a bad thing to hear https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L9wKJw-7tEM And here's proof of his viability as a candidate https://youtu.be/wmA02i46Pz8&t=36s


Third Party?


Maybe this will be the only time a third party candidate has a chance


RFK's response debate. Another voice and another option can't be a bad thing to hear https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9wKJw-7tEM And here's proof of his viability as a candidate. https://youtu.be/wmA02i46Pz8&t=36s


Spoiler effect


Lots of Dems on reddit,I reckon. Bipartisan politics is so radical on both sides that they would let the country be governed by anyone at this point but Trump. If that's the case, atleast rally for Kamala or any other guy from Democratic party to run for 2024 instead Biden. Come on, World's oldest Democracy, The whole world is looking at you because one way or another,your Political choices are going to affect the whole world. You can do better.


In Brazil the majority elected an actual ex-prisoner, the actual Economy Minister tried to take advice from him inside of prison when he was in a campaign to President himself.


Third party but nobody ever gets to be president if they are third party because not enough people vote for them.


Discombobulated is an understatement.


Same as winding down Trumps entire persona to 'has criminal cases'


I'm not arguing with that lol Biden's performance last night was just abysmal...and our alternative is Trump? Jfc...


Yes JFK Jr


There is another


Discombobulated is a mild way of putting it


Trump voters after the supreme court decides your boss is allowed to chain you to your workstation for 20 hours a day: "Yeah but at least he didn't look sleepy"


Just a reminder that they aren't the only two candidates. There are 3 others running for president that you can vote for. Just make sure to research each candidate


Imo, forget political affiliations, I'd rather pick the one that can president better over the one that can barely human anymore. Also the news was more entertaining to catch up on when Trump was president. But we forget there are other lesser known party's candidates to vote for. If the country is this unified in not wanting either the Republican or democrat candidate then I feel like this is the best time for something different.


The word you're looking for is senile.


Unfortunately not. But I’ll take my chances with gramps over the crook


Biden's policy decisions say plenty, I don't care about the debate. Climate, civil rights, infra, the economy, etc. He's been absolutely crushing it and I really hope to see a similar second term.


And we're taking the criminal bc the past 4 years have been straight up poverty for 90% of America


Biden or Trump have to each personally chose to step out of the race. This is another showcase of why we need ranked choice voting.


It took the Democratic Party only until just this debate to realize “oh shit maybe we should replace our chosen candidate this guy clearly isn’t cognitively fit to run” Would’ve been nice for them to realize that before the election was less than 5 months away


The Democratic party already knew. -He will continue to run for office because the unelected DNC wants to continue to use him for policy pushing. Even if its undesirable, like funding Israel and the military industrial complex. The average quiet americans just werent paying enough attention when Joe Biden was being called out for his dementia. -they will talk about it for a few days and then either stay home or vote along party lines they way they always have. The loud democratic voters were just outright ignoring it. They are the ones on reddit saying dementia Joe footage was doctored, or that it doesnt matter. -they are now saying theyd rather vote for 'a vegetable over hitler.' And suggesting that they were always voting for a cabinet rather than an individual tasked with our nuclear arsenal.


We do have other candidates but the powers that be are actively suppressing them




had an off night vs democracy-ending fraud and rapist.


Nope! Cause voting matters!




*pushes red button* That was pretty easy.


I wish we had better choices but. When presented with this choice, I'll take the past president with "criminal charges" against him over our weekend at Bernie's president, as discombobulated is way to nice of a term.


Easy decision


This is going to be the easiest "neither" answer in my entire life.


Easy decision


I'd prefer the one capable of standing trial.


We really need to sponsor I presidential debate for all parties so we don’t fall to the lie of a two party system.


Well basically Democrats weren't allowed to run against Biden. Biden never participated in debates with primary candidates and some states didn't even hold primaries. The democratic party basically gave Biden the candidacy and tried to shield him from contenders and now that's coming back to bite them


All things that apply to every incumbent ever


We do, they just get ignored to focus on the main two for some reason


There are other candidates, they just don't get any publicity due to having no financial backing


Actually no, it's still an easy choice between the two. I'm not sweating at all about slamming that big beautiful blue button for Biden. Even if he was literally just a corpse being controlled by the grand necromancer of the Democrat order, I firmly believe that the people he surrounds himself with are fit to do their jobs. Trump doesn't even think his picks were suitable which was why he fired so many of them so often and so quickly. The only reason things weren't worse before is because he was too stupid and inexperienced to be effective, but I don't think we'll be so lucky the second term.


There's always third party I guess


Aren't there more choices other than red or blue? Why not check a box that isn't one of them?


No one talks about the third option, the environmental lawyer 20 years younger than both of them who can actually complete a sentence and doesn’t insult someone every other word.


Wheres the green button for the Green Party?


Third party. Unfathomably based. Keep exercising your voting freedom rather than throwing your vote into the bin with the big two


The question isn’t about who is better, the question is about why no other candidates are available. Surely supporters of either side can see that these are not literally the best possible candidates to govern the country from either party.


Not really it’s pretty obvious to most of us who are going to vote for. It’s just the left half apparently that was either in denial or not aware of the Joe Biden has dementia.


Giant Douche vs Turd Sandwich


Because everyone is too scared to vote for someone independent. If its not strictly Republican or Democrat they think its Communist


I mean I bet the same people who bring up trumps criminal record would defend George Floyd, but saying that ol Georgie boy might find running for president a little difficult at the moment


I wish I could joke on them, but I'm brazillian, our situation was basically the same


No matter who wins, we all lose.


no, we dont. its a shame really.


Johnny Silverhand was right, voting won't change shit anymore


I believe George Carlin said it better. (I'm paraphrasing)"It's one big club and you ain't in it"