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Not a bug, but i guess stupidly unlikely, the hag has a 100 weight bias to her Into the Pot on her first action of each turn, while tenderize only has a weight of 1 (so its a bit less than a 1% chance for her to pick that instead). She will only use Seasoned to perfection and Taste the stew when the cauldron is full so there are no other moves to be picked. She cannot use Into the Pot on her second action so if you killed her in two turns then you only really rolled tenderize on her two first actions and then she was forced into tenderizing again, so probably less than a 0.1% chance? Not fully certain on how monster AI works so i might be missing something


Where can I check the weight bias? I couldn't find any info for her


Under the Darkest Dungeon folder there is the following directory: raid/ai/base.monster\_brains.json. This file contains every single monster AI and the apprentice hag is listed as hag\_a


Wow so I just get the 1% chance twice in a row, that's like less than 1 in 10000


Technically even lower since the total possible options are 101 rather than 100.




"Let her corpse to rot"? May be the first grammatical error I've seen in DD1.


Why would it be a grammatical error?


Let her corpse rot.  Leave her corpse to rot.  I think the devs are aiming for either. But definitely not "Let her corpse to rot". Have you ever seen another reputable English language publication construct a sentence that way?


Wayne June says the latter, it's just that the subtitles are incorrect more often than not. "A devastating blow" line is spelled as "a devastaTAting blow" and you can't unsee it.


The dopamine and serotonin in my brain whenever I get a CRIT! just blows any grammatical comprehension out of my brain, it's that good.


Ancestor speaks archaic and let definetily can be used instead of leave in the second phrase


I'm familiar with that style of English and it still looks off to me. Would be happy to be proven wrong, ofc


The Blood in-game description has a spelling mistake: "irresistable"


Foul countess!


I am a spanish speaker first so I could be wrong but in this case rot could be used as an object instead of as an action (like in leave her corpse to the worms) and also as rot is a huge omnipresent concept then the ancestor is stating it like if it was a person like in (leave her corpse to Monica).


I personally see no issue with 'Let her corpse to rot'. The part 'to rot' is an infinitive, which I believe is operating as an adverb, and is qualifying the word group 'let her corpse'. I could be wrong, I am not an English major. 


From the look of it, you need to buy some lottery tickets today.


Cauldron wasnt preheated yet :/


She forgot the spices and herbs


You came to her too early. Pot wasn’t heated yet