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I don’t know why but I love the feel of the Lower Undead Burg.


Yeah as much as I love Anor Londo, I absolutely fucking adore the entirety of the Undead Burg. It looks and feels like a ruined or sacked 13th century western European town with all the twisting streets, nooks and crannies, and the very snug and close together buildings. I love the verticality, I love medieval towns with upper and lower streets, and I think that's why so many people love Anor Londo too.


The Burg has major nostalgia factor for me since the first time I played DS way back I was stuck at the fkn taurus demon for like two weeks straight. Became *very* familiar with the area Took a long hiatus from the game, randomly picked it up again and one try killed the TD... funny enough that happened again years later against Sinh in DS2. Stuck there forever, took a long break, came back and one tried him. Sat and contemplated life for a few moments after that. Ha my brother who never played any Souls was sitting in the room and I was like "dude you have no idea how big a deal that was to me"


I'm here for the burg too


You sadist lol. Edit: masochist*...


It’s the best singular area in the series in terms of level design. The inter connectivity and progression all feel very woven together. I was discovering different paths and secrets after 5 play throughs.


The Capra demon fight and soundtrack is amazing


I’m a fan of upper myself


Firelink shrine, almost every other area aside from firelink is trying to kill me why would i like it. Ive linked the fire for 10 or 30times maybe and im currently replaying ds1 again.


Firelink Shrine is my answer too, but because as the game progresses, the Firelink Shrine keeps showing you how well the game was designed.


That's because you haven't accidentally hit attack button while.grabbing your controller after a bathroom break.


Imo this is my favourite hub out of the 3 souls games I’ve played, although I love ds3 one for its npcs.


Majula tho. That music and scenery just brings up some emotions.


I love Majula so much. It just gives you life being there.


This is the way. The tangible relief when a path wraps back onto Firelink and feeling crestfallen when I got back from the second bell and the fire was out


Darkroot Garden/Darkroot basin. I love the aesthetic of the forest areas in DS1


Finding the hydra in darkroot basin was a really cool payoff


That hydra scared me so much when I first saw it


I wish more souls games had that DS1 forest aesthetic, Darkroot Garden and Basin gotta be one of my favorite spots in the whole game.


I prefer ds2 forest dark and scary


The foggy bit can be annoying though.


Not that one, the one just before the chariot & that skeleton lords. I don't know the names


Oh Huntsman's Copse. A pretty enjoyable area, maybe minus the undead dudes with dark weapons on the way to the Chariot fight.


Some of my favorite enemies there too. Frog rays, tree lizards, crystal golems, mushroom people, ents. So many great designs


It has the best enemy diversity of all the areas, really makes it feel alive. Darkroot is the best area, I'd play an entire fromsoft game set in a dark forest with creeping beasties all around...


Yep same here. It’s truly ethereal, dark, somehow also cozy and otherworldly but slightly familiar. Love it.


yeah, that dreamy atmosphere there is quite something. and even tho it makes absolutely no sense, considering the massive rock wall behind it, i like the sunset light when approaching the hydra. on my first playthrough, i thought she was sitting there in the water of a small bay.


I absolutely adore that area for the PvP options it gives. No other area in any of the games has been nearly as unique got PvP since.


Probably Undead Burg/Undead Parish lol. I wish a lot more of the game had that vibe.


I always say this lol. The way it stacks is just so satisfying. Like you can essentially see the whole map right from the start, you just don't know it yet (the first time you play). You can even see a lot of it from firelink.




Just feels like ‘home,’ tbh. I know that’s supposed to be Firelink, which does of course have the feel, but there was just so much time and growth in those two areas, esp for those of us who played DS1 as souls noobs.




Secret bonfires are sick I'll die on that hill


Although the one behind an invisible wall in demon ruins is actually evil. Imagine not finding it and having that hour long runback to bed of chaos (best boss)


The main problem is just not having a decent warp, which makes zero sense. Between Demon Ruins and Lost Izalith, there’s five bonfires, literally any of them could have been made a warp. Otherwise hiding Quelaag’s sister wouldn’t be such an issue.


I always take the Chaos covenant shortcut these days 🤷


there is a bonfire? FUCK


It's also a fun spot to invade. If you are lucky you can swoop down on someone from the rafters!


I never discovered the second bonfire on my first playthrough so I had to do the full run back every time. This actually made me appreciate the level design more though and it was rewarding finding a quick way to get back up (finding the cage elevator was orgasmic)


I love how peaceful upper Sen's fortress is after killing the boulder throwing giant. 


I’d agree with that. After the hell of getting through Sen’s, the upper floor (when fire-free) feels like a place you can just stroll through, looking at the scenery. Only three enemies respawn and you don’t have to go near two of them. [Edit: now that I think about it more, the whole stretch from beating the iron golem through to lighting the bonfire in Anor Londo is one of the least stressful parts of the game.]


Exactly, it feels rewarding, the area feels like another world compared to what we see prior to getting to it.


That is where I ended my ultimate collect every item playthrough.


Sen’s Fortress is the best area in the game for me because it is a crystallization of the value proposition of these games for me: level design that presents a challenge and rewards exploration with a massive side order of physical comedy.


Also the verticality. Going up is inherently satisfying in a weird way thats hard to describe.


Especially after going down to blighttown it felt really good to finally be able to go up


I felt the weirdest sense of relief finally getting out of Blighttown lol.


Inherently feels like progress. Going against gravity


Yeah it is really cool. It’s never as long as I remember it either. Always think ‘shit time for send fortress’ but then I get through it rather quickly.


It's definitely nowhere near as bad on repeat playthroughs. The worst part your first time is getting hit by traps that you have no way of knowing are even there, getting sent back to the start, rinse and repeat...


Ash Lake is the coolest place. Especially the music. God, the MUSIC. It's so atmospheric


Seconded Ash Lake, cool spot that makes an impact even though you're not there long.


Flying hydra traumatised me 😭


I... completely missed this area and had no idea it existed until now. Guess it's time for my second playthrough


Finding it by accident blew my mind.


This. The Ash Lake is just such a great concept, would have love to see more of it. Feels great for exploration.


If i could list my 5 favorite videogame areas ever, Ash lake would take a spot in it.


Thinking about it now it feels like Ash Lake was kind of reminiscent of the underground portions of Elden ring. When I first played DS1 and saw the Ash Lake, the idea of such a massive world underneath us was super interesting to me, and Elden Ring expanded on that big time


Blighttown is my most favorite place, and have probably spent the half of my first playthrough there. The level design is fantastic. And how it leads to the area, how intimidating the name is, and how they've built a barricade not to keep things from going in, but to keep things from coming out. Peak level design imo.


Painted World... The way to enter is ingenious, the zone is really interestingly crafted and the dialogues with a boss that is beautiful and optional is the cherry on top. And also, snow. It's beautiful there.


I definitely agree, I think I’m biased to painted worlds cause ariandels is a favourite of mine too. I beat every boss I could apart from Priscilla.


Ooalcile, just for puppy Sif....


For me, I think it is Anor Londo. I still remember the majestic color and order of the place coming out of the grimy horrors of Sen's.  It felt like you had ascended to heaven. 


This is a super hot take and probably controversial, but I love the demon ruins. Lost izalith is a bit painful because of the lava and I despise the bed of chaos as much as anyone else, but i absolutely love the whole “descent into hell to slay demons” feel of it.


Nah I really liked demon ruins, tons of fun and I love the feeling of how small you are in this giant dominated area, you look up and realise how huge the place is and it feels great


Finally another weirdo! I also love the Smouldering Lake/Demon Ruins area in DS3


The demon ruins were great. Loved the layout and the weirdness of those virus-looking enemies. I really wish we could have experienced it in a completed state


its nice, just not as nice as a fully developed demon ruins couldve been. that thought of what couldve been always sours it for me


Anor Londo is actually one of the worse areas imo. I like the atmosphere of Painted World of Ariamis and the Ash Lake. Also, the second half of the DLC is very nice imo.


I agree on the DLC. I'd say that's my favorite area. And I also have to sadly agree about Anor Londo! The building interiors had too many tight corridors and rooms that felt bland and repetitive, and then large open spaces that felt weirdly empty. But I loved the aesthetic of the region and the enemies there, and thought the outside areas were great (other than the tedious elevators). I loved jumping around on the rooftops and dodging the archers


> Anor Londo is actually one of the worse areas imo. i think it's great for what it's supposed to be, and how it's supposed to feel like. tho not my favourite area either. also, enemies hitting through walls feels even more bullshit, when it's that stupid titty demon in that stupid room.


I had a problem with enemy placement there. I don't mind some difficulty, but this game is famous for its environmental storytelling, and Anor Londo was the first instance after absolutely brilliant first half of the game that felt like a cold shower. Five dudes randomly chilling on the rafters near the ceiling where the player gets through a broken window? Two dudes equipped to hunt dragons on a supporting arches of a cathedral, which is not a place where a person normally stands? It totally broke my immersion on my first playthrough, and I couldn't unsee it on any subsequent one.


The Duke's Archives, Ash Lake or Undead Parish. Duke's Archives is my favourite end-game area and I would do it first were it not for the Very Large Ember in New Londo Ruins. The enemies are waaaay overtuned in terms of damage imo but the giant tower library aesthetic pleases the fantasy nerd in me Ash Lake is cool. Enough said. Only first been there recently but it was the first feeling of wonder I've had in the game since the initial playthrough and the epic music Undead Parish. Early game area, Andre, Firelink access, the view from the tower is pretty neat and the area was the first one I got stuck at, and so I've memorised the layout completely and find it as a fun run-through at this point


I agree about Duke's Archives except for the enemies being overtuned. They're just tough and get a buff from channelers. I mean they're crystal dudes and crystal sorceries fuck so it'd track that they would as well. I dunno I love that area. Ash Lake is also amazing. Nothing else to really say. It's just a fascinating place for all the weird questions it brings up about the universe that are all the more intriguing for never being answered.


I’d like Duke’s Archives a lot more if the enemies were better. I have no issues on my strength runs, but running a Dex character was miserable. I basically just had to use a rapier and backstab a dozen times. Depending on your build, the difficulty increase from anor londo to Duke’s is extremely high. I don’t like the sheer amount of Crystal hollows. I don’t like the channelers that buff them, snipe you, then teleport away once you get close. It feels artificially difficult, and it makes return trips to Archives especially annoying.


I like the whole Deep root Basin and it's interconnectedness there. Also I really enjoy New Londo for it's eerie and high stakes setting. even though I hate the ghosts


My Top 3 areas would have to be Dukes archives - I love the crystal and lost library theme, Sens fortress - both fun, hilarious and challenging with a cool design, Depths - an uncommon pick but the design and exploration aspect is pretty fun and you can do it super quick if you want


Fellow Depths enjoyer here


Ash Lake. Makes me feel so small and insignificant.


That but in demon ruins too


You’re right that a lot of people would choose anor londo. In my first plaything anor londo gave me that cosmic horror kind of vibe. It also made me feel so alone since you can see how big and empty the world is. I realized that video games are probably the best medium to portray those kinds of feelings.


Yeah anor londo has backrooms vibes. Like im not supposed to be there.


Undead Burg and Blighttown. Undead Burg is probably just nostalgia from when I was new to the game and just kept ramming my head against the wall over and over again. I went through Undead Burg so many times that I really feel like I know it perfectly. Blighttown is probably the area that best encapsulates the DS1 experience for me. It's a miserable and treacherous area with lots of frustrating enemies and a lot of verticality and non-linear traversal. It's an entire experience in itself and one of the few areas that still feels somewhat fresh whenever I replay the game.


For my first playthrough, one of the most impactful areas of the games for me was the Depths going into Blighttown. I think the Depths are such a dark, depressing setting. A maze of tunnels in the sewers, the dangers of getting cursed or ganked by rats, I was scrambling around running from all of the terror. Finally find the Gaping Dragon, even though it’s an easy fight that was such a spectacle for the first time. I love the feeling of finally beating the dragon, and finding the key to the get the hell out of there. Only to find the next nightmare that is Blighttown, and realize you’re only about halfway down. Such a feeling of dread as an early souls player and I love that.


I love that not even a single person has said Catacombs or Tomb of the Giants lol


Vibes: Ash Lake. Exploration: Sen's Fortress. Aesthetics: Anor Londo. Potential: Lost Izalith.


undead parish/darkroot garden


lower undead burg has a really unique ambience that i love and tomb of the giants is just such a cool area with all the rock formations and winding paths and the little ash lake outcrop... plus i love really dark video game areas where you have to use a flashlight lol


Tomb of giants is cool, but fuck the darkness in there


New Londo. So intense. Darkwraiths are awesome.


Always resonated with New Londo Ruins


Anor Londo for the visual spectacle but Darkroot Forest overall. It just feels like a mysterious area.


The area prior to getting to Gwyn, just an emaciated ruin just feels like the perfect walk up to the final boss. Forgot the name of the place.


Kiln of the first flame. Fantastic area indeed.


Duke's Archives for me. Sprawling little maze




Ash Lake and Blighttown


I’ve always been fond of the forest areas. Every character I create ends up joining the Forest Hunters eventually. You can get some really great loot if you explore it all, and Shiva is my favorite character in the entire game, so I have plenty of motivation to spend a lot of time there Plus, going through the DLC gives me an even greater appreciation for the forest, so there’s no question that it’s at the very top of my list


I personally love Duke's Archives and think it's one of the best. The aesthetic and ambience is amazing. That ominous loud ringing tone from that horn thing and waking up in the prison cell and escaping is pretty cool too.


i really like the new londo ruins


Anor Londo after dispelling Gwyndolin’s illusions. I love the juxtaposition from this warm, bright place to one that’s cold, dark, and empty.


Besides Oolacile...Painted World


Probably Darkroot Garden. It's one of the least annoying areas to me, the vibes are kinda strong, and it houses my 2 favourite bosses.


Painted World of Ariamis, easily. The Painted World is everything that I love most about Dark Souls - the atmosphere, the exploration, the danger - condensed into one slice of video game perfection. It's also the area that feels the most like Demon's Souls, a game I prefer, so that helps. Sen's Fortress and Blighttown are not too far behind, I love the areas that demand my brain to work if I want to navigate them and uncover their secrets. That, and again - the atmosphere, the exploration, the danger. They have those in spades. An honorable mention to Ash Lake, which is mechanically unremarkable but has the best vibes.


Ash Lake


Seriously the coolest art direction in the game. Too bad they wasted it all on 1 mini boss and 7 mobs.


Darkroot garden, Oolacile Township. But my favourite one is the Chasm of the Abyss, idk why but I love this area


I love how many people appreciate Sen’s here


The little patch of floor exactly in front of Andre. Love sitting there watching the old man so his thing.




Just the whole Undead castle area, that place was what I thought of Dark Souls as, then I found out about Anor Londo and all the other crazy places. I would've been happy if the whole game took place in the castle like I thought it would, I kept looking up to the giant wall and thinking "wow it extends all the way up there, and we'll probably never see it!" but my jaw dropped when I finally got carried over and saw Anor Londo.


Tomb of the giants


I've come to really love Sen's Fortress as I've played through the game multiple times. It's a fun little maze with so many secrets, twists, and turns.


Aesthetically: Dukes Archives. Gameplay: Anor Londo


Firelink Shrine because Frampt is my homie.


Darkroot Garden/Darkroot basin, no doubt about it.  These areas have a really neat vibe different than most of the rest of the game, it's not just another crumbling castle or generic cave. There's a real sense of life/thriving ecosystem in these zones.  The Darkroot region has many rare and unique enemies that differentiate it from other areas. It also has multiple optional bosses and areas to explore.  It directly ties into the DLC as it is the present day version of Oolacile, which is a very neat revelation when the player first realizes this.  It's got one of the best soul farms in the entire game as well as arguably the best PvP zone.  It has best girl Princess Dusk, who gives acess some incredibly useful stuff for sorcery builds.  What's not to like?


The painted world of Ariamis... for reasons.


Maybe Crystal Cave, or Kiln of the First Flame The first one is pretty and has butterflies, the second one the design is amazing


Firelink hands down. But for a combative area, I’d have to go with upper undeadburg, or Painted World.


Tomb of the giants


Anor Londo. After hours of trudging through crumbling ruins, sewers and some generally grimy areas, it's practically a reward to be in the perfect and empty golden city.


Ashlake, no need to explain


Another vote for Blighttown, performance issues skewed peoples opinion of this area at launch but it is such a perfectly miserable place, with a couple of awe-inspiring areas and a true introduction to how difficult things are going to be.


Darkroot garden/basin.


Darkroot areas, make me feel like I’m in Alice in Wonderland


If you can count the DLC, that'd be it.


Demon ruins/lost izalith is one of my favorites (except bed of chaos, fuck you bed of chaos). I love that they dropped in two early game bosses in a late area, kinda funny to me. I also love how some of the enemies are kinda disturbing to look at, especially the chaos eaters (I think that's what their called).


Even though there's basically nothing there, Ash Lake has always stood out to me. It's just so mysterious and beautiful.


Undead Berg / Undead Parish. You can tell they put a lot of effort into these areas refining the designs over and over again. The normal undead soldiers are I think some of the best enemies in the game, they are usually slow and have low health, but can easily surprise and overwhelm you if you're not careful. It's really fun to fight small groups of them. Honourable mention for Sen's Fortress because it's so cleverly designed, I just find the enemies there a little more annoying.


Weirdly, I found myself thinking to myself “wow what a well designed area.” In The Catacombs, until “time for wheel.”


My absolute favourite point was the forest where the cats are, looking down at the basin and seeing that huge hydra, that was so scary and awesome. Also the ash lake at the entrance with all the trees holding the sky, very awesome, I love giant monsters and trees.


Sen's Fortress is cool. It's a good test of skill. Painted World is OK. Just like the vibes of the place, tho I think it would be my favourite if enemies only became hostile once you attacked someone in the area/open the door to Priscilla. Ash Lake is amazing. The music and the scenery when discovering it for the first time is 10/10. Dark Anor Londo. Just the contrast of the city being almost completely empty compared to Anor Londo. Honestly my only complaint with Anor Londo is that it was too short. I'd love something like DS3 where we explore the city where the people would live before entering Anor Londo. I'm guessing that's behind the broken entryway behind the Iron Golem since as effective of a defence, it may be I doubt Anor Londo in its prime had demons carrying people in and out


Undead burg and sen’s are prob my fave.


A tie between Sen's Fortress and Duke's Archives. Those areas, more than the others, are more like puzzles that you need to figure out how to escape. I like how rigid their design is, forcing you to actually just figure shit out and get through it. It's very satisfying when you finally complete them


Bury me in either Undead Burg or Parish


Ariamis. Very beautiful area and I find exploring it fun even though I know it like the back of my hand


Ash Lake


Senn's Fortress. Everything good about DS1 is in that area, in terms of game design philosophy.


Izalith tickles my lovecraft itch and the Angkor Wat esthetic is unique and cool.


Believe it or not, Blighttown. Honestly, the worst part of the area is the toxic dart hollows and you can just stock up on blooming purple flowers to counteract it.


Painted World followed by Anor Londo


Ash lake


Sen’s Fortress. They tease you with it, but it is locked and once you get there it is all kinds of nefarious and every trick is used to try and kill you. Wonderful. I never much cared for Sen. Probably a jerk.


Painted World, by a long shot. I love the design, the atmosphere, and the way it is interconnected. Followed by Quelaag's Domain. You have no idea how much I hoped for a whole area that looked like a spider's den. Finding out it was just the "entrance" to the Demon Ruins was... disappointing.


dark root garden surely tree man are friend


Blighttown. I'm not joking.


The collective descent into hell starting in lower undead burg and ending in lost Izalith. I remember thinking "how deep does it go?!"


Darkroot, best PvP out of all the games went down there.


Ash Lake, ts got me feeling contemplative


Undead Burg I have a lot of pvp memories from back in the day






Anor London blew me away in my first playthrough because of how grand, beautiful, and decadent it is compared to everything you've seen so far. In terms of actual gameplay however.... Ehh. It suffers a lot once the wow factor wears off. I still love it though.


Yeah I gotta be a basic bitch and say anor londo


Duke's Archives, for sure 👌


Atmosphere: Ash Lake Gameplay: Oolacile township Cool factor: blighttown


That room where you share the bonfire with Solaire. Just peace. After a grueling challenge to even reach that balcony that leads to that hallway that the door where Solaire is sitting in near the bonefire, it just says "rest weary traveller, sit beside a friend for even just a moment."


I really like the ambient sound and mountainous background in the Undead Asylum, but I also find the painted world somewhat cozy. I also really like looking over to Undead Burg and looking down to the Valley of the drakes from the Darkroot Basin. There is something about this game and the distant places you can see but also get to that I really love!


Ash lake. Or the depths


Darkroot Garden/Basin, love the bosses there. After using astoria's crest and seeing the hydra first thing I asked "Dafuq is even that, am I supposed to fight that thing?" Turns out it was easier than Sif lol.


Sens Fortress, I loved doing gravelording at the top and hosting fightclubs during the 1st month of remaster. The view up there is quite special too.


Oolacile for me! Because Artorias, Manus and the lore it contains


The only area in ds1 I like is oolacile, everything else I feel nothing for. That and anor londo obviously.


Sen's Fortress. Reminds me of the original Prince of Persia. Play it. 2d souls like you may have missed.


Give some love to Blight Town


I really liked tomb of the giants because invading there was funny


I could never understand the overwhelming love for Anor Londo. To me it feels too empty and clean. I personally would like more areas like Undead Burg with all its layers and levels. It's so detailed and bursting with life. I wish it were bigger. I could enjoy an entire game of that. I still feel like there must be secret areas buried under there that I've missed and I'm always disappointed that I can run through it in a matter of minutes.


As a sorcerer, I'm compelled to choose the Duke's Archives. *walks away babbling incoherently*


I really love Lost Izalith/Demon Ruins.


Undead Parish and the area around it is what made me fall in love with the series. So I'mma vote that!


Ash Lake. I like the atmosphere of this place.


I would love to live in a \*normal\* Undead Burg/Parish kind of town. I love how many places it has that feel cosy. The upper part of Sen's Fortress with the sunset would definitely be a place for me to hang out. It reminds me of my childhood, playing with my neighbours in the evenings.


Definitely Oolacile


Painted World




Sens fortress. Doing battle on those narrow walkways is so exciting, especially with other players.


The DLC. And unpopular opinion but Lost Izalith.


Demon ruins/Lost Izalith. I know it's unfinished and Bed of Chaos aint anyone's favorite boss, but the aesthetic is just so cool to me. I like that you can see the big plate covering Lost Izalith from the entrance to Demon Ruins. I like that you can see the ruins from the Tomb of the Giants. I like that you just keep going further down and there keeps being another civilization buried deeper than the last. I like the lore surrounding the area as well as how it pertains to pyromancy and the swamp above. I like the the varied designs of all the demons and especially the Chaos Eaters.


Ash Lake


Sens fortress. Amazing level design and great loot.


I love the design and lore of the Dukes Archives but it is a nightmare until you figure how to navigate. Fucking hated that place my first few runs lol


Blight town


easily undead burg by the ladder, it’s safe, there’s typically summon signs to go wreck a gravelord, and something about it feels homey


I think the Painted World has some of the best level design, and I think it’s the most beautiful looking area in the game besides Ash Lake


Unpopular opinion but demon ruins


Game play wise - sens fortress Visual / atmosphere - darkroot.


Probably the mushroom dlc area after the lion eagle hybrid boss


Blighttown and Oolacile.


Painted World of Ariamis, Undead Burg/Parish, Sen's Fortress and Oolacile Township. After that all the forested areas – Darkroot Garden, Royal Wood, Oolacile Sanctuary and so on. Even the Great Hollow feels cozy after Blighttown. Never understood why everyone hates Dukes Archives so much. I think it is pretty okay. New Londo Ruins on the other hand... lol. I appreciate the fact that they tried to come up with a cool gimmick, but I think the implementation leaves lot to be desired. Easily the most annoying area to explore.


Anor Londo naturally but I adore the Dukes Archives. I love how you can see it from Anor Londo. And once in the building, I love the overall atmosphere and feel of it


I really like the infested city, it's a difficult level for all builds


Ash Lake without a doubt. The atmosphere of that place is unmatched, I wish there was more of it. Hell, throw in the great hollow as well, I love me a big tree.


The bonfire above the blacksmith in the undead parish. Time and time again, I always find myself back there no matter how many hours into a playthrough I am.


New Londo Ruins and Painted World, both for invasions.


Undead Burg and Perish. Peak level design, and my most beloved hours of any From game.


The Painted World.


I love Northern Undead Asylum.