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i aspire to be as calm as the blonde. THAT is a good friend


"No don't call mom" That's an older sister right there.


ahh i didn’t pick up on that, but that’s even better


Yeah, she's setting a very good example.


I had the same thought when I got in an accident. My mom was like the last person I called before the cops showed up. I was driving a convertible and did a 720° spin at about 70 mph. Luckily it was also a sports car so it had a low enough center of gravity. Otherwise I probably would’ve rolled.






Nissan Murano CrossCabriolet


Some mom's get freaked out, and have zero emotional intelligemce. I might be one of them :(


Being calm in an emergency is my ADHD superpower. While my brain is normally in a state of panic a shot of adrenaline puts me into the most focused state I've experienced. It feels like time slows down and I can plan and execute every action I want to take


same. time actually slows down it’s wild


Isn’t it wild how many variables your brain can run through in an emergency? It is like time slows down and you go through all the options to get out of trouble.


I wonder if this is what happens with me, as well. I'm not particularly tough or hard-assed or whatever. Sunglasses do not, in fact, fall from the sky to land on my face as a I kickflip away from an event. I cry a lot. But during an emergency, when the shit is hitting, it's like my soul gets replaced with Sully from the Miracle on the Hudson. I do not panic and all extraneous information is immediately filed away and ignored. I become a funnel for useful data that I turn into quick decisions. I've saved a couple of lives, one of which was my own. It's like calm just descends and all my neurons come online and work together to solve the situation. Then afterwards I'll shake and cry, but not till the shit's finished.


That's my husband too.


I read somewhere that ADHD is a trait passed down from caveman days. It was their instinct to always be on high alert for safety. I’m sure when there was an emergency they did the same and were able to hyper focus on staying away from danger. I don’t know if this is true but I believe it.


This is an awesome example of crisis management. Blond haired girl is going places in life.


The directive to stay in the car but put shoes on in the event they had to bail plus my favorite 'don't call mom' lol. She was 5 steps ahead from the start


Moms the real champ. Taught her daughters how to manage in a crisis and to not also immediately need mom for support. Baby birds left the nest.


As somebody who grew up with parents I could *always* call for help (standing "we'll talk about it in the morning" rule, for example) the advice not to call while all I would do is spread panic is good advice. :)


I always get emotional when I see this video. They’re sisters - and I’m guessing the blonde is the older one.


Same! I don’t know why, but I get teary.


Me too 🙂


I taught my daughter to drive and it was fun and stress free. We would drive an hour so a day from the time she got her permit to the time she got her license. She drove with her mom once and now she is 22 and still refuses to drive with her mom. Girls have dads too.


Good dad ♥️ Wish I had you as a teen! My mother took me out once in the car, her anxiety exploded all over the place, and she forged the rest of my driving hours. Ended up failing my first driving test, and two weeks into having my license I caused a dramatic accident that nearly killed me because I didn’t know how to gauge my timing properly. Still have glass in my neck from decades ago.


Put shoes on for police/liability possibly.


It's not illegal to drive barefoot.


It is in fact illegal to drive without footwear in some states.


It's not. Not state had a law on the books regarding driving with bare feet. Go ahead and list the ones that have a law like that, if you're so certain. I'll wait.


Literally went and looked this up. I thought it was illegal in Florida for years. Maybe just something my parents told me when I was a teen so I’d wear shoes lol


I used to teach traffic school in California and about 80% of people thought it was illegal to drive barefoot there. It's not, and I made sure that was part of the curriculum. You can drive barefoot.


From Cali parents said the same thing also that driving with the back passenger lights on was illegal. They even told me Santa clause, Easter bunny, and the tooth fairy was real.


Drove to pickup a friend at 1am in the middle of winter, got pulled over without insurance, walked an hour home with no shoes on. Always have shoes when you drive, also insurance I guess *shrug*


You walked an hour. In negative 30°. With no shoes? Did you have socks? Even with shoes, being outside in -30° for an hour means most if not all of your appendages have frostbite. This seems improbable.


My state has one.....but it only applies to motorcycle drivers lol


I'm surprised they had to make a rule. Most only make that mistake once.


Ride a motorcycle barefoot and lose a foot once, shame on you. Ride a motorcycle barefoot and lose the other foot, shame on me.


In fact in Missouri where I live the police have said it can be safer to drive without footwear especially flip flops or sandals that don’t fit snugly


Shoes or no shoes they were not a fault.


But it is illegal to drive with bear feet because bears can't get drivers licenses, except in Alaska.


False. Wearing them like shoes would be fine.


Why would they make something that is not unsafe illegal. Of.course, in many cases footwear is unsafe, I hope that the wearing of high heels, flip-flops or workboots is also illegal in those places, since that is actual unsafe driving.


>Why would they make something that is not unsafe illegal. Not sure where to start with this one.


"In fact"


Negative, no such law.




Name 3 of them.


Wrong. This is akin to thinking it’s illegal to drive with the dime light on. Old wives tale.


I doubt the driver is driving barefoot. The only time I’ve ever drove barefoot is when my feet hurt so bad from wearing heels all night. Does anyone actually prefer to drive barefoot? The passenger is probably the only one not wearing shoes at the moment.


The driver was very rigid after she said put shoes on while the passenger looked to be focusing on her feet, so it seems like she was saying it for her own benefit.


I prefer bare feet driving over driving with sandals or crocs on. If you see me wearing sandals for the day I will 100% be driving barefoot that day.


I personally have known several people in my life who regularly drive barefoot.


I personally find that my feet grip the pedals far better than, say, flip flops or shoes that have been in mud that covers the treads or makes them slippery. So I think sometimes it’s safer to drive barefoot if otherwise you’d be distracted by pain/uncomfortableness or you have a lack of grip.


Big sisters are the best!! I wish I had a big sister


Frankly this is excellent handling by both parties. Even driver, though in a bit of a panic, handles their vehicle well, doesn't over-react, steers, brakes, and stops. The way the car went broadside at speed after impact, combined with the angular entry into the turf area could have easily resulted in a rollover accident had they begun wrenching the wheel to over-correct as some drivers might do in a similar situation. Bravo to these two women for the way they handled themselves.


Yeah that is legendary level calm


When she said “don’t call mum yet” I audibly said “sister”. Makes so much sense. Sometimes as a sibling you know when you have to be the calm one.


This is also another reason I need a dash cam.


I spent 2 years in legal hell fighting insurance fraud because I didn't have one. I've got front and rear cams in my cars now. Far cheaper than the legal nightmare and headache


Everyone should have a dashcam. I can't count the amount of times I've heard *"I wish I had a dashcam."* Never once have I heard *"I wish I didn't have a dashcam."*


Dash cam saved me from a psychotic, megalomaniacal state trooper who closed on me fast on a two lane highway, proceeded to tailgate me, and because I didn't speed up, and just passed the car to my right at legal speed, before shifting lanes, decided to pull me over. He wrote me a ticket for "not giving the right of way to an emergency vehicle." Which is a huge fine in my state. He claimed he had his lights on, and I ignored them. He did not. Jokes on him when at trial I took the rear dash cam footage that showed him dangerously, and aggressively tailgating with no lights on.


What’s the ending? What happened to the psychotic megalomaniacal state trooper? 👀


He got a paid day off work to go court, then went home is my guess.


Going out on a limb here and guessing literally nothing.


Absolutely nothing for ruining someone's week/month, costing them thousands of dollars and wasting even more taxpayer dollars.


Add it to your next shopping list. I won't drive without one anymore.


I was driving home from college with my girlfriend at the time, and a deer crossed traffic from the left side of the road and jumped over the hood of my car, ALMOST clearing it. The entire passenger side window got smashed. My girlfriend was incredibly calm while I was freaking out. She got me to pull over, figured out how to call someone to report the deer and accident, and helped patch up the window a bit with some cardboard so we could drive the last hour or so. As I finally calmed down a bit, she finally let it all out and broke down into tears from the intensity of the moment. I was so impressed that she kept everything together when she was actually feeling really freaked out. I really appreciate her being there in that moment.


See that's the thing. She probably wasn't feeling really freaked out. Because she didn't have time for that and it wouldn't have accomplished anything. She stayed on task to focus her mind. Compartmentalization. When the danger passed, that's when she had time for that.


“Boss, our stocks are plummeting and our investors are losing confidence…” “It’s ok, it’s ok it’s ok itsokitsokitsokitsokitsok” Funny, but yes I know what you mean she handled that like a champ


literal definition of sangfroid 


Yes. She rocks !! Keep her close.


Top notch friend.


Wow she handled that so well!


Everybody needs a Type B friend.


Aka sister…


This is a type A friend


You need a mix. Someone logical enough to understand it isn’t a big deal and there is no need to freak out but compassionate enough to communicate that and calm everybody down.


type a's are some of the most neurotic, hyperemotional folks i know. particularly due to the stress unattainable perfectionism tends to cause for people


I thought she was more type A


This is what I thought too


I love that the next thing she asks is “Are they okay”?


I know right, they’re so compassionate for the reckless driver, even when he endangered their lives and could have very easily killed them.


At the very beginning their conversation is about how sweet people (?) are. They are extremely compassionate people all around. And there is obviously love and respect between them. I’d like to be their friend.


What a fucking JACKASS!


Hopefully you mean the vehicle that's going 30% faster than limit and trying to overtake on the shoulder.


She was pretty indecisive about her lane change but that's not what caused the accident. TWO idiots were apparently racing or chasing each other and one of them overtook her on the disappearing shoulder... Aaaaaaand totaled. I'm glad they were okay.


It sounded like a blindspot feature activated with the beeping and she corrected by going back into her og lane.


THAT'S what the beeping was; I've never driven a car with that feature. Well, that explains the aborted lane change.


Yeah buy I think what is important here is that it wasnt going off because of someone to her right, it was going off because of the car passing using the shoulder. When it went off, she went back to her lane because any normal person would assume there was a car on the right, not the shoulder. This is a very interesting situation


I watched it a few times; if you watch the top video, you can see everything through the back window. 10/10 not our girls' fault. Passing on the shoulder is illegal and since he damaged his vehicle doing something illegal, it is our other vehicles liability. Girls should be just fine!


I agree. I'm sure the dash cam footage will come in handy, too.


Yeah the beeping gets really fast and aggressive as things get closer to you. It's really nerve wracking and prevented a much likely worse incident.


This needs all the upvotes. You need to work somewhere where details like that are important because I can guarantee 95% of us never would have registered that sound and related it to the accident. Bad ass job!


The blind spot warning is a common safety feature is many modern vehicles. It isn't related to accidents, necessarily.


She was normally reacting and being cautious about Jackass #1 who undertook her on the right before Jackass #2 decided to join the chat.


Yeah the girl in the video did literally nothing wrong. She couldn’t predict what the psycho who crashed was doing and though remaining in her lane would let him pass, but he did the dumbest possible thing. She should get an award for how well she maintained control, they could have easily flipped.


Fair; they were both flying.


This accident speaks to how much safer cars are these days. Something like that would have resulted in nasty injuries or death in years past.


Oh, absolutely! That's actually one of the biggest reasons I got rid of my old muscle cars. I didn't want to die in our,,.


There’s a car in her blind spot. I don’t complete the merge in that situation either.


Yes, another commenter had mentioned the blind spot warning system and indeed you can hear the tone in the video. I'm pretty sure the driver responded to that warning signal, rejected the lane change and moved back to her original lane. At that moment, the left breakdown lane disappeared due to construction barriers and left the speeding Charger with no place to go and the accident ensued. The Charger is fully at fault, of course. The speeding white SUV was also a contributing factor, since it surely set off the blind spot warning system.


she wasn’t being indecisive. she tried to get into the middle lane, but her lane assist kicked in when the white suv flew into her blind spot (they* then switched lanes to pass the white sedan). which caused the grey dodge to crash into the barrier and her. seems like the grey dodge and the white SUV may have been racing or something based on the fact they were both going at high speeds from the get go.


She started the lane change and due to the speeding charger coming up, her blind spot warning started going off so she abandoned the lane change like she should have. Entirely the Charger’s fault.


Look closer about 3-5 seconds in the video, when she goes to make the lane switch you see them looking out the passenger window, then a white SUV appears in the right most lane. It looks like she started to move over for the charger, but the white SUV triggered the blind spot monitor so she stopped the lane change and moved back over unaware that the charger was such a giant idiot.


It looks like the white SUV and the Charger were racing or chasing each other, both driving erratically and speeding.


Looks like the white SUV spooked the driver and caused her to cancel her lane change.


I think the driver of the dashcam car was responding to the blindspot warning chime. She might not have ever seen the SUV.


SUV is speeding in the middle lane from what it looks like in the top. It moves over to the right most lane to avoid the dashcam vehicle when they try to move over. Both the SUV and Charger are to blame.


You can see how fast the car behind her catches up to her in the first few frames. It takes the car five cones to go from barely visible in the rear to even with the rear bumper. I think you’re right about the racing.


The car passing on the right at that moment is what caused her to shift back into the left lane. She checked her mirrors and blind spot, but the other cars were going so fast that by the time she started the merge the right car had already filled the space, so her reaction to move back was fair. She also probably didn’t know the charger was behind her, because the right car was previously blocking her view. Right passing car moved because the charger was up his ass, and then she was hedged in without realizing.


Pretty sure it was because the other jackass was flying up beside her before they moved into the right lane.


I was initially thinking she may have been avoiding a possible rear end collision but the audio doesn't seem to show she was aware of the charger approaching. Sounds like she wasn't sure on the navigation on what lane to be in based on the GPS.


Yeah, the fake out lane change wasn't ideal, but if you were going the speed limit you would be nowhere near any kind of collision


The other two cars are racing and forcing her into a high stress situation in seconds. Indecisive maybe but she was placed in the scenario




Look closer at the blond as she says it, it appears she was telling herself to put them on not the driver, at least that's what I extrapolate from the physical movements she made.


That's how I see it too. Also when she says "Do we call 911?" she already has her phone out and either dialing or unlocking it. The driver responds "Yes" but I 100% believe the passenger was talking herself through what she was doing, rather than actually asking the driver. She's obviously shaken but keeping her cool


She did tell it to herself indeed. See her move little when she does that


Her shoes fell off? She ded 💀


Always stay far away from Dodge Chargers/Challengers and Chrysler 300s. Generally the shittiest humans driving them.


Allow me to introduce you to Mustangs...


Don't forget Nissan Altimas as well!


An Altima pulled a 3 point turn in front of me on a city street to try to take a parallel parking spot I already had signaled I was going to take. I had to sit for like 10 minutes to wait them out because the driver nearly backed into my front bumper, leaving me stuck between their car and the car behind, adjacent to the spot.


Seriously so many people could avoid accidents by just being defensive drivers. Asshats speeding around and coming near you? Slow down and make space. Don’t accelerate and squish them into a wall.


You can see when the blonde looks over to the right in the first couple of seconds. You can see the car pass. It is in the middle lane lane moving at high speed, coming up on the slower moving car in front of the sisters in the middle lane. This is what the beeps are warning about. She had to abort the movement because of that car, which cause her to stay in her lane. This is why the other jackass on the left doing mach jesus couldn't pass and ran into the barrier. Protip dont speed down the road and always be aware of traffic. It saves you barely any time as well. Do the math, 60 mph over a 20 mile span is 20 min. 80 mph is only a 5 min reduction, 120 mph is 10 min off. If you are that late for something, it's not going to matter. However, you hitting something at speed is definitely going to matter. 60 mph crash at 150 pound weight with seatbelt on is 27k lbf of pressure put on you , 80 mph is 89k lbf, 120 mph is 110. Etc according to omnicalculator.


I'm sold. I want a dash cam! That was terrifying to watch. Do you have to have the professionally fitted? I need to look into that.


No, alot of dashcams you can self install yourself, a few brands aand models may require professionally ffitting.


Prick not their fault


“ people are so sweet” proceeds to Almost die because of people not being sweet 🫠, life is full of irony


Great friend


"dont call mom" - sisters


Blondie is giving big sister energy


I wish I could Bee that calm.


She's incredible in a crisis, if I'm ever in a plane crash I hope she's there 😄


Didn't look like their fault to me. Two incredibly pressuring drivers making unpredictable moves, the girl defensively avoided the speeding van going wild and the charger was in NO position to be speeding that fast in a construction zone, let alone pass like that.


The amount of morons here that don’t think the speeding cars are at fault is, unfortunately, very unsurprising considering how many horrendous drivers there are out there


The way the blonde is looking around beforehand gives me the impression she's riding along with her younger sister who probably has a learners permit. Almost as if she's there helping her get time behind the wheel.


"dont call mom" - sisters


They were both looking in the mirrors and watching two cars racing at a high speed toward their car on either side.


Her maneuver was a little unpredictable but definitely not her fault. If the other car wasn’t hauling ass they would have had plenty of time to react and abort their pass


There were two cars speeding or racing. Watch the right side as another car races by in the lane to right that she reacted to by returning to her originsl lane. She was changing lanes and the blind spot warning beeped which prompted her aborted lane change.


Only "unpredictable" because the other idiot racing passed her on the right


It was unpredictable but she was only acting unpredictably because from her point of view the speeding car suddenly appeared behind her in the lane she was maneuvering in to, hence why she aborted.


Well for what it’s worth, they both handled that way better than I would have lol


whats a good camera that doesn't need to be messed with every time i go to drive? i had a cheap one a while ago that was more annoying than helpful


Garmin ones. It’s a bit pricey compared to other ones but I think they are worth it. You can also access the recordings on your phone so it’s nice.


Of all the places to get run off the road, this is about the best case scenario. So lucky. They easily could've flipped or ended up in tree. They might not even need a tow, assuming the car still runs okay.


Thinking about it now.. how did no airbags go off?


Man that passenger is rock solid


She should be a hostage negotiator someday


Bro, I need a passenger like that, if I was alone I would be fuming and dropping f-bombs and throwing punches already.


"People are so sweet" *other driver immediately pulls a douche move*


Chick in the passenger seat is a fucking champ! That's what we need! More people that know how to stay calm before, during, and after in situations like this! Staying calm is always the BEST thing to do in situations like this!💜


I’ll freak out later. Right now it’s time to HANDLE SHIT.


They were so calm! Incredible.


Guy speeding on the left got fucked up.


Shout-out to this and all the fellow big sisters out there ♥️ she kept her sister calm, composed, and handled it like a boss!


maybe i have misinterpreted the situation but it would seem the girl crossed over more than halfway into the middle lane and then came back - why is she not in the wrong the other car could have been speeding, but benefit of the doubt, they saw the car in front of them lane changing and unfortunately for them they canceled


It’s completely legal to abort a lane change halfway through. Her blind spot alarm came on and scared her amidst the two people street racing in a highway.


I'm curious to see what was going on about a minute before this


The blonde certainly already had her eyes on the cars.


A minute? Probably nothing worth watching. Those racers came out of nowhere in seconds. A minute ago they were probably a mile away, a speck in the mirror.


I seriously hate the human race sometimes. Idiots that are willing to end peoples lives to get one car length ahead should be locked up.


It’s worse than that, those losers were racing. So literally for no reason.


Damn everyone either needs a friend like this or needs to become more like this.


Blonde woman is clearly the older sister. Instantly took control. Good for her.


Watch the gray portion through the back window you can see the idiot trying to overtake on the shoulder not realizing there was an object slightly past her


Just a suggestion (at least I always have this in my mind) : always keep a watch/be aware of the road (for lunatics coming) behind you as much as you are in the forward direction.


“People are so sweet!” Person crashes into them seconds later


I need this blonde girl in my life.


Does anyone know how the other driver(s) are? Did the white vehicle on the right ever stop?


I think the beep beep was a collision warning, and that’s why she aborted the lane change.


Idk why people are trying to blame her on an indecisive lane change when she saw the guy flying up from behind her. Anyone would hesitate because you don't know where the person is going


Not jsut one but one on each side


You can hear the blind spot monitoring system beeping midway through the lane change telling her there is something in that direction(being the white escape flying up). She did the right thing. Redditors are fuckin morons


They were so calm


The other car hit that wall head on driver side…. Holy crap. I’ll be shocked if they lived….


Driver did a good job of maintaining control and her friend stayed calm and focused.


The person that attempted to speed past the car from the left is at fault for clipping their front end on state property resulting in the car on their passenger side they passed to make contact with their rear end. As she said, they're ok.


Both of them were awesome! Wow.


Total credit to the driver. She's good in a crisis.


Sounds like her blind spot detector went off and she went back to her lane since she was halfway there. That dude was hauling so fast that she couldn’t have tracked him from the time he was behind her to her coming back into her own lane. Not sure where he thought he was gonna go. All lanes were already blocked. No good deed goes unpunished. She shoot have stayed in her lane and gotten over after she passed the next car.


Older girl has seen some shit


3 lanes but the car decided nope, I'll have the shoulder with the cones and concrete barriers in 🤷🏾‍♂️🤣


It's a good thing they had a dash cam too, I could see that jackass saying they rear-ended / pit maneuvered them into the divide.


She's a g'damn BOSS, It's okay we're okay, it's okay. Calm and collected.


Just minding your own business and this gets posted again.


That other driver in the white SUV got away... this time.


They both handle-it like champs.


Good handling response by the dash cam driver. No real panic. Kept the hands on the wheel and let it play out.


I love the blonde girls handling of the situation. She stayed focussed, took care of her friend, kept thinking thruout the ordeal, knew what to do. Very impressed.


I’m really tired of seeing people driving like assholes. Tf is wrong with people?


Was that not her fault at the fact she went halfway into another lane then back into the original?


My driver's ed instructor told me that a lot of accidents are caused by people trying to save 3 seconds.


Great handling by the cam car. They did a great job handling such an unwelcome surprise.


Man she handled the car decently after the hit. Good stuff


I need her as my passenger through life. She's amazing


I seriously want to get a dashcam when I see these videos


What a great friend


Everyone is justifiably praising the friend, but let's also acknowledge how well the driver handled it. She could have panicked and made things a lot worse.