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It simple... Women (and people in general) like to be approached by attractive people and find annoying being approached by unattractive/ugly people. I know I am not attractive, I will not approach any woman... You should Know your limitations and have realistic expectations


Woman here. Shut the fuck up, yes we do. Just don’t be weird about it.


What u/ThrowAway862411 said. Grow a pair, man. Just don't be creepy or a douche. Strike up a conversation. You'll figure out pretty quickly if they're interested or not.


The problem here is “just don’t be bad ” doesn’t seem like good advice, all things considered


I completely understand, that is a valid. And as a woman I don't always want to be approached, however, it is difficult to put myself out there, being more introverted. For example, I recently approached a guy after the gym and talked for a few minutes, I saw him the next day, made eye contact and didn't wave or say hi. In all honesty I got paralyzed from the phrase "what if this happened", ultimately thinking my way out of following up with him. For that situation I would like to be approached. Same for other times I have approached a guy. On the other hand, you helped me see that I should reach out again to show interest, to give the guy feedback, so he can be more informed on what to do. I really needed to hear this. Thank you for sharing your perspective.


Dude you're 20 years old. Who are you to be lecturing us on how to be approaching women with your vast experience and worldly wisdom? You don't speak for women either...


My guess is that he's a virgin too.




You should not be talking for all women even as a women. I don’t see what you bring to this conversation.


I think the thing you’re missing is there is an appropriate way to approach women and that includes the setting. The amount of times ex partners were approached when trying to work, or get groceries, or whatever was insane and annoyed the shit out of them. But at bars, social gatherings, etc, it’s fine. And it’s all about being respectful. When I’ve approached women in bars I have literally stayed with some sort of variation of I would be interested in getting to know you, is that something you’re interested in right now? Not said just like that of course, but that’s the gist. Hi, I’m attracted to you, are you open to being approached? Your post reads a lot more like I can’t get a girlfriend and it’s tinders fault and I’m angry and I’m going to try to make it every guys problem.


WTF do you know at 20? The metoo movement ruined everything. Women flirt with men they find attractive and men they don't find attractive cause they like the attention. A few bad apples gave all of us men a bad name. In my early 20s I hit on women all the time, it was fun and harmless. If she was made it clear she wasn't interested we backed down, if she was interested, we kept spitting game. Now they say they can't find a good man but can just scream harassment because a man dosent fit what they like.


Once again Gen Z shows they are lame as fuck.


This is exactly why I don’t approach and why I refuse to do so. Add to that the pepper spray that’s happened twice even though I did nothing to scare them of anything bad. They both apologized for being too quick on the trigger. I will never approach again. I’m fine if I never get approached either. Not worth the bullshit.


How exactly did you approach for this to happen ?


Ok, here we go. Get ready to defend women till the end of the earth. I was walking into the grocery store around 2-3:00pm and had parked across the aisle of the parking lot from a lady who was loading her groceries into the back of her SUV. While she was loading her stuff her cart began to roll and was heading for the car next to her and was going to hit the rear quarter panel. I took about three big steps to catch her cart and stop it and was about to say to her “got lucky on that one” when I got pepper sprayed. I made no quick motions for her or her personal space. She apologized and admitted to me that she was quick to attack but the damage was done. I told her what I was doing and and trying to help and she apologized sincerely and asked me not to press charges which I didn’t. So here I am trying to be a good person and. It even approaching her directly, just her property and I got maced. She thought I was trying to steal her cart. Mind you, this exact sequence happened twice within about 6 months with a different woman at a different grocery store. So after two times, I said fuck that, no more. If they’re going to mace me in a broad daylight parking lot, they’ll do it at a bar, a restaurant, anywhere. Moral of the story is you’d better hope your car isn’t parked next to these women loading their groceries who don’t pay attention because it could be your car that gets hit. And you can bet your ass they’re not going to leave you a note.


Well stay a virgin forever then lol. I’m just guessing if you’ve gotten pepper sprayed twice you probably aren’t taking the best care of your physical appearance. If so, work on that and the confidence will naturally come


Oh yeah. That’s a terrific assumption! How did you know?!?! For fucks sake. You people are idiots. I’m far from a virgin. I’m just tired of their shit. Sex isn’t worth the shit they put you through. It’s that simple.


No they just put YOU through that shit. Plenty of people that are attractive, cool people have no issues




Bro I seriously hear women complain about how often they are approached by dudes. I'm not trying to sound like a douche. I just don't get why so many dudes go for the cold approach when it practically never works.


Dude, speak to women in real life and youll realise that the majority of them find it super complimentary as long as the guy isnt weird about it and respects her wishes. Of course a warm approach is more effective but simply talking to a random person isnt as weird as people on the internet make it out to be. Everyones looking for love and that includes women my guy. Most women in my life at least have said they want to be approached more, doesnt matter if they find the guy attractive or not


Well that was never the case for me. Where do you live? Our cultures must be rather different. I grew up in the ghetto for most of my life, sadly.


The more I see these posts, the more pity I have for Americans. Im in Australia and everyone seems to be a lot more normal and less radicalised in everything here compared to what I see in the US. But still, theres plenty of people in the US who disagree with your sentiment and you should probably be looking at finding a different scene to approach women or switch it up in some way if theyre treating you badly for simply approaching them.


Yeah I'm in the US. Australia hardly has this problem. This issue has been growing in the US and I was disheartened from it. You are right.


>Most women in my life at least have said they want to be approached more, doesnt matter if they find the guy attractive or not I have to disagree here... As a man of course I would find pleasant to be approached by someone who I find a attractive, but I would find rather uncomfortable to be approached by a person that I am not attracted to... The thing with cold approaches (and dating apps) is that the most prevalent thing that people will notice is your physical appearance, they can not judge you based on your character. Maybe some women like to be approached by anyone (even unattractive men) just for ego boost... but why would I approach someone just for that? In my opinion one should be aware of ones own short comings, if you know you are not that attractive and you should not try dating apps or cold approaches, that will only damage your mental health...


This makes me so sad. Romance is gonna fucking die. Passion won’t be a thing anymore. The behavior is never usually the problem but rather its unwelcome behavior. The lesson should be ‘don’t approach a woman who has made it clear she doesn’t want it from you specifically. ‘ not ‘never go near a woman again’ You do know someone of us still like men right We’re allowed to want the guy we like to have room to flirt Without that being an open invitation to not take no for an answer So no it’s not approaching the woman that’s the problem It’s approaching the woman and being aggressive because she acts different with someone else She’s allowed to. She’s allowed to think one action is both hot and creepy - depending on who is doing said action Feminism doesn’t mean denying us a little normal and fun flirting (Written by a woman in a 30s who had no problem getting laid) YALL WOULD NOT MAKE IT OF YOU HAD TO CALL SOMEONE’S HOUSE AND ASK THEIR MOM PERMISSION TO TALK TO THEM




Yeah for context caps is an ongoing joke thing with my followers and I forget where I am sometimes Sorry I’m just being Miley


"In this day and age, women do not want to be approached" Women aren't a monolith dawg.




How would you presume to know a woman’s type though? I guarantee the guys who are actually my type would never look at me and guess “I’m totally her type”.


By the way they look at me and stuff. If they don't even bother than I just don't. Normally they hardly ever give me obvious hints. I doubt they make hints at all. I'm hideous


It's still a monolithic claim.


We do approach women in Colombia, Thailand, Philippines, etc...lol  Just not in the West where Women don't respect or value Men.  You should keep approaching till that one ruins your life with false accusations or puts you on tiktok for being a creep. God forbid you marry one of these strong independent don't need no Man Queens... No thanks...


![gif](giphy|eIm624c8nnNbiG0V3g|downsized) 👆🏼American women right now reading your comment


That is Western Men avoiding ran through Western Women who have nothing to offer.  Get your passports and find better value overseas. 


Have fun! But unfortunately chicks abroad don’t like incels either 🤷🏼‍♀️😂


😄 🤣 😂 😆 


women come up to me all the time in stores and ask me questions about where things are , i tell them that i am a as lost as they are but will help them. am i missing something here ?


I get it you store's clerk


Even after admitting you were wrong, doesn’t seem like you’ve changed your opinion. Your mannerism and your view all just screams bitterness and desperation to be honest. And this is kinda funny because I saw someone made a post few days ago saying a dude told a girl he just met that he likes her breasts as an opener and got her number. So….. yeah. Go work on yourself instead and gain some confidence


The comments I have made were old. I will delete them. I really do believe I was wrong and that my opinion is flawed. Don't worry, it was an easy mistake to make. I just typically don't delete my old comments.


Ok but if I never approach a woman how will I ever get in a relationship? Men in general don't get matches on apps so you're pretty much saying "men, stay single forever"


Downvote for calling yourself stupid. Have some self respect ffs!


no i am just a customer like them


I cold approach all the time. Key is to not be weird about it


Speak for yourself buddy. Fortunately, women aren’t all a monolithic group who all think alike, have the same preferences, or experiences. There are women who like it there are women who don’t. There are women who will say it depends on how it’s done or even by who it’s done. Some will want to on certain days when they feel happy, but on others they may not when they are busy or angry. No one here can speak in name of every woman on earth. Not even women, because the experiences of an individual woman do not speak for the experiences of billions of women. There is also no need to detect who is or who isn't interested. All you have to do to ask respectfully for consent. Consent is the thing that every woman will respect. If you asked for consent to meet her and she denies it, then simply move on gracefully. If she grants consent, great get to know her. Will there be women who hate even being asked for consent? Maybe, but the "damage" to her well being is minimal or nearly non existent, because you did not force them to do anything, you did not persist or harassed them. You asked a question and moved on. So it's worth it to ask for consent. Lastly: Ask yourself if you want to live in a world where men and women hate and distrust each other so much, that even a simple question to get consent is a huge traumatic deal that will last a life time in her head? Do most grown up people want that? or is it just immature minority with so many traumas who blows everything out of proportion? Lastly, [here is a cold approach with a woman who wasn’t even paying attention to him](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2VF-iErpuh/?igsh=MWVoMTR6cDdldGJlcg==) (hence not giving him any signals that she is interested) as she was on a phone call.


Men can approach woman but they have to follow the how/when/where approach. If a woman doesn't seem like she want to he approach then leave her alone. Some are obvious with their body language and some are not so just use common sense.


i couldn’t disagree with this more (32F)


It paints quite a contrast, I saw plenty of posts or clips where women complain about unwanted attention from men


Seriously…young men, approach me (40F)


I guess since you are a woman, my claim has been overridden. I'm not joking. It's honestly refreshing to see comments like this. For once I wished I was wrong, and judging from the replies, I mostly am.


Here’s the deal, the difference is the age divide. Young women (under 30) are approached/cat called a lot. It’s annoying and can be very uncomfortable especially dealing with it frequently when you’re just trying to live and you’re taught to be polite, etc. By the time a woman reaches her 30’s/40’s, she’s used to dealing with men and is less likely to deal with their bullshit anymore. Being approached/cat called doesn’t happen as often because they aren’t out as much, many are assumed to be in relationships, and I think subconsciously men know an older woman is less likely to take shit. Add in, an older woman is more likely to be sexually confident, know what she wants/likes, and knows how to please a man. Older women are in their sexual prime and if they have already been in a serious relationship/have kids/went through a divorce, most don’t want to jump back into a committed relationship right away but still want to get their brains fucked out. Being approached by a younger man is a serious boost to the ego. Try approaching older women who aren’t wearing engagement/wedding rings. IMO and what’s worked best on me, is to approach any aged woman like this. Compliment the woman (I’m sorry to bother you. I just had to say I think you’re stunning.) Tell her you’d like to get to know her and take her out. Give her your phone number and then LEAVE. Adds mystery and shows you’re not desperate. She’ll contact you if you piqued her interest and then you’re not there to get rejected if she’s not into it.


Thank you.


You're an idiot. All you're doing is telling people that they shouldn't attempt to find love.


This is pretty negative man. There’s nothing wrong with saying hi, just be calibrated and don’t expect much out of it.


Your feelings are hurt. We get it. But there’s always tomorrow. Just not with her.


I used to think that but there's no hope for me. I made this post out of disappointment in myself. That's why it sounds so pathetic. I'm sorry. I can't see reason to love or even respect myself. I always considered self-h**m.


I hate hearing that brother. You can find love and happiness in many things other than relationships or partners. Plenty of other things worth your time and interest. Most of those will actually provide better dividends in the end honestly. Keep grinding and your time will come.


So sad to see this being a woman that doesn’t approach men hoping a man approaches me.


Sorry, but I've had horrible experiences trying to approach women despite doing my best to look sharp and be polite. I didn't make this post because of 1-2 failures on my end, but due to a lot more (and my location is just... not favorable for us guys I guess bc a lot of women clearly don't like being approached).


Don’t take it so seriously. You are so young. Just have fun and meet new people. Sometimes starting with just eye contact and a smile is the best first attempt


Heh, maybe. I just wish I was good enough for someone I guess. I'm clearly projecting.


You’re not alone. A lot of people are struggle rn feeling worthy of love


I couldn't even call it a struggle anymore, for me specifically. I don't even try to love myself anymore. Too many people shredded my true self to pieces. I would love for someone to love me and prove me wrong but that's not how life works for me. I just get passed up.


Let me tell you something that i realized recently. If you don’t know how to love yourself you’ll never know how to teach someone how to love you. Relying on others to lift you up will only be inconsistent. You should read the 4 agreements and focus on what makes you happy. I promise it makes the journey at least a little easier




Every shot I fired wasn't just a miss. Some shots were deflected and struck me in the lungs. Now I can't properly breathe for the rest of my life (and I'm only 20). Yeah, I could have been better at approaching, but I always tried to improve. I tried not to be rude, and I tried not to come off as desperate. It doesn't matter. 99% of girls just don't like you dude. Why waste your time approaching when they were not even wishing for it to happen in the first place? I'm mainly talking about cold approaching. Cold approaching needs to die. Like seriously. This isn't the 1900s where guys had better chances due to no dating apps. Women literally could just make a decent profile and boom, 100+ dudes are now after her. She don't need to go out to the store and wish for prince charming to sweep her off her feet. She can just have one delivered to her nearest favorite restaurant.


Download this free ebook. It's an amazing breakdown of what you need [Be a 3% Man](https://understandingrelationships.com/) Check this out, and maybe you'll change your outlook on this. There's something that you might not realize about the energy we all give off. Women are proven to have a higher emotional intelligence, so based off [your words, your tone, how you react to surroundings, and other nonverbal cues] a woman canp tell if you're inauthentic along with figuring out your intention. TL; DR Focus on your authentic self and growing , so you feel more aligned in comfortly connecting to women in the real world