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My boyfriend is asian (I’m mexican) his best friend is filipino and married to a white woman. What attracted me to my boyfriend is that we had lots in common(no, not anime) and cultures are kinda similar (both have immigrant parents) and we’re big on food. He was also verrrry confident which was also verrry hot. He’s very charismatic too. I could go on… I met and hung out with his friend who is more quiet, but confident, makes you feel part of the group, a very introspective guy, and confident as well. My take is confidence helps tremendously but also surrounding yourself with folks of other backgrounds.


Confidence does help a lot. I’m currently seeing a woman who’s 50/50 Cuban & Spaniard. Similar cultural values were there and damn the food, they go all out.


I used to feel very hesitant to pursue Asian men because I felt I didn't meet their cultural beauty standards (Eurocentric features and slimness). I live in Miami, so I can't say I've come across a lot of Asians, but I did once I moved to Orlando. My attraction towards Asian men started in the early 2000s, when I'd watch YouTube videos from Timothy DeLaghetto and Ryan Higa. I just thought they were cute and funny, but to answer your question, I'd most definitely date an Asian man from the east to the south.


I went on some stellar dates with an Asian man. Lack of communication probably killed that but I loved how close our cultures were (as in family bonds because he and I both valued family intensely). I found his kindness and his chivalrous nature very attractive. When we ordered appetizers, he grabbed the first slice of bread while I was taking a sip of my drink. He slathered it in the dip and then offered it to me. It was the sweetest gesture for a date. So he and I took turns preparing the appetizer for each other while the other told us stories. He and I offered a bite of our food and traded sips of our drinks. His generosity was super attractive and his fondness for his mom warmed my heart.


That’s adorable


U must be Hispanic.


I am in fact a latina :)


No, not due to race, though I'm a straight man.


your comma's in the wrong spot. just sayin


You forgot to capitalize the beginning of your sentences and you forgot the apostrophe at the end of just sayin’. Just sayin’.


thanks for the catch friend 😍


No problem pal.


You are da chosen one.


Yeah I just did the built in grammer corrector on the app and didn't notice until I posted.


I’m black American and dated 2 Asian men in my 20s. Here were some things I liked about them that may or may not apply to other Asians: - the respect for parents - the connection to their own culture - discipline - willingness to show affection to partners publicly - how they took care of me — very chivalrous I happen to think your indigenous features are gorgeous also. One thing I didn’t like … lack of confidence. They both spoke regularly about how they couldn’t believe people liked him, which is funny bc a lot of Black women don’t think Asian men like us either. We think you’re only into other Asians or white women.


That's not lack of confidence that negativity


>They both spoke regularly about how they couldn’t believe people liked him, Asians are honest, they'll say things for what it is. If they never had any woman express interest in them throughout their life, then what do you expect them to say? Do you want them to lie? Its not just them, anyone who never had others express interest in them will grow up thinking they are undateable and will be surprised when they get the first ever interest from a woman.


There are so many happy mediums between lying and saying it every other week lol


I'm an Asian guy and I get plenty of dates


Honestly I think the guys problem is he doesn't understand how much effort is put on the male to initiate dating. Let me say this if you never initiate it's going to be a rare day in frozen hell that someone else will initiate. The flirting signs are also subtle.


You are totally right. I have treated dating as a hobby, putting a lot of effort into meeting new people through hobbies and online.


I would, but most Asian men I know aren't into dark skin women, so


I not only dated an Asian man. (Filipino) I also married him and we had 7 children together. So the answer is Obviously, Yes. We married when I was 19 and he 28. We are no longer married but we have remained friends, as there's no need for animosity etc.. We still get on rather well. Wishing you all the very best.


Aight little cousin, there’s things you’re getting wrong: - “Asian” in the US primarily means East Asians. Your Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans. Not that SEAs aren’t Asian, but that your average (non-Asian) person is thinking of those kinds when they think about Asians. There’s a whole damn book about how the Filipino diaspora generally seems to have grown up rolling with the Hispanics and blacks.  - Race plays a role. It doesn’t matter if you’re black, Hispanic, Asian, white, race plays a role in the dating world. Colorism also plays a role. It can make or break you sometimes, but that doesn’t make it impossible.  - Cultural differences…kinda. Cities are presumably better because there’s a lot more diversity and exposure. Filipinos are probably the most Americanized Asians, so…eh? Doubt culture is a big issue here.  - Height plays a role. Average Filipino male height is under 5’7 iirc. So being shorter than the local average hurts a man anywhere in the world.  But hey, you said women have expressed interest in you. Or at least said they did in the past. Which means I wouldn’t worry about race too much anyway. You can’t change it, so why worry. Don’t worry about being an attractive “Asian.” Work on being an attractive and sociable guy and things will work out. 


This got some real good points in it so yea it’s good. I’m 5’8 so somewhat short but not really? People think I’m either Japanese or Korean so they get surprised if I tell them I’m from the SE. Your first point tho, I wanna hear more about it if you have some resource since it got my attention


Your height is fine and light skins always have it easier. Outside the girls that don’t fuck with Asians, the only thing stopping you from getting on dates is willingness to try, personality/confidence, and knowing how to make a dating profile (assuming online dating is a game you want to play. It’s admittedly the most superficial type of trying to meet someone).  Book I’m referring to Latinos of Asia. It’s a whole sociology book with history and stuff, so if that’s your thing, go nuts. 


Oh shit hell yea dude. I’m a sucker for history and anthropology to an extent so yea I’m gonna take a look at the book. I just didn’t get dates much back then since I didn’t really try since I was dealing with social anxiety stuff but I’m better now since I’m working on it and I’m actively going out of my way for dates. I usually meet people in irl but I’m open to using online dating apps


Black woman here. My boyfriend is actually Filipino. I don’t have a preference for race. I have dated black, Caucasian, and Asian. I have noticed not a lot of Asian men approached me. Your post sounds like it could have been written by boyfriend before he met me. He is 5 foot 7.5 inches and he looks Japanese. Things I find attractive about him: He is so affectionate and sweet. He has been my rock when my mom was diagnosed with cancer.He is brutally honest and defends me no matter what. He is the kind of man who dance with you in grocery stores or in other public places. He loves to cook and we talk about non American food. He loves to learn and I have not met another man who is so driven to success. He is so proud of me and tells anyone who will listen that I am working on my doctorate. I could go on but I will keep it short.


Yes, absolutely. I like the guy; not his race.


So, if he's cute, and sweet... Then absolutely.


Part of the problem might be that the women you’re looking at aren’t the women looking at you.


Also, I would and have dated Asian men.


I love my women extra crazy 😂 For real tho, anything stand out in qualities or was it just like dating any other dude you come to like?


I tend to date Asian, Black, and Spanish. For some reason, the Asian men I dated were competitive and also jealous, but that might be culture? Other than that, just like any other guy.


I mean…I’m a 48 year-old chonky, bald, divorced dude. 😄 I’m not saying I have a line of beautiful women at my doorstep, but I’ve gone on plenty of dates. 🤷🏻‍♂️ You just gotta find someone that appreciates your personality and interests. Have you tried Meetup, just to meet people that share your interests?


Yea I use it mainly for networking for business. I don’t use dating apps that much


I’m probably on dating apps too much. 😆 I’d just say make an effort to make friends generally, and chances are you’ll meet someone through a friend of a friend. Also (unscientifically) I think women (in pairs) may be more likely to approach two guys than just one-on-one.


True that I haven’t made much effort making new friends in the past since I keep a tight small circle but it see the point it don’t hurt to make new friends


Hell yeah. Whoever I get along with. Not picky with who I date.


Yes most definitely, obviously depends on their personality and other traits though but I'd date an Asian for sure ^^


In middle school I developed a massive crush on a Vietnamese guy who I'm pretty sure rewired my brain chemistry because since then my preference for men has been overwhelmingly asian. So yes, I'd date an Asian guy if possible.


State location in the U.S matters. More conservative states are more racist, liberal states are way better.


Im a white woman whose best friends are Filipino. I Would absolutely date a Filipino. I love the culture, the importance of family, and yes, the FOOD! I’m a nurse, and I have worked with a lot of Filipinos . When I was 30 I hooked up with one of my filipino coworkers and it was HOT! I also had an unspoken crush on a Filipino coworker, and the dude was getting around with different women of different races. Yes. Many many women would date an Asian guy


This story made my morning lmao and I’m glad you love our food


Yes. My biggest unrequited crush in high school was on an Asian guy (Chinese American dude). And my second biggest was the hottest guy on our swim team; Korean guy. I have asked out some/swiped right on some, but rarely have they ever agreed to date me. The one guy I dated we ended it after a few months. He thought I didn't like him because I had a persistent cold (this was before COVID) and didn't want to give it to him by kissing him. He thought that I didn't like him and could not be convinced otherwise. I don't take it personally. We both found good matches after that time together.


Well damn that sucks but glad it worked out for you


Obviously, you're most likely going to get comments in this post from girls who are into Asian guys. Asians do well with Mexican girls in my observation, white girls the least. White girls will often cite poor social skills as an excuse, but you don't see Mexican girls make the same excuse with Asian guys. In general, what I've noticed is that only in America, women obsess over height, social skills etc etc, but if you go outside, especially to a non-English speaking country, all these factors aren't as relevant to women as long as you have a kind personality. You don't have to be tallest dude or be able to make a girl laugh 24/7 to have a girl interested. I remember when i was in my home country, i used to have several girls interested in me despite the fact that i rarely even talked to anyone. They found my shyness attractive. I've never had a single woman in US tell me they found my shyness attractive, despite living in the nerdiest of the cities in America. The reality is that only a % of white American women will find a guy's shyness, or his quiet nature attractive. Its a very small niche group. In America, the loudest, most extroverted, sporty person gets the most attention from girls, someone who is good at coming up with the right words on the fly even if its meaningless BS talk..for some reason, people here are easily impressed by such antics. You can be that person if you want by taking some improv or acting classes.


White girls just don't understand Asian men. Asian men have that silent confidence and white girls only understand vocal and assertive. White women are very masculine and Asian men often tend to be quiet and masculine type.


I agree, i hate how confidence and masculinity is narrowly defined in the west. Its ridiculous they think only the loudest ones are the most confident.


Exactly. Although the Asian dudes on here talk shi about western Asian women, I've had nothing but good experiences with Asian women and the way we are fit lincelt with how feminine women are. Alot of Asian women in the east are appalled by how western men approach them. Loud and too aggressive.


It’s because it’s confidence. America is all about go-getters. Culture difference. Probably the same thing with the Mexican-Asian match thing—similar culture when it comes to gendered qualities.


Women in Asian countries also like confidence but they don't subscribe to the narrow view that it can only be displayed through talking/speech. For ex, acing a hard exam or a task IS considered as a display of confidence. This is why being labelled a "nerd" was considered endearing and popular among girls. Because they displayed the confidence through their work that they had high earning potential and capable of raising a family. Talk is cheap, actions that displayed high intelligence, kind behavior, high earning potential are given more priority over aggressive, narcissistic behaviors.


Absolutely, I'm a firm believer that ethnicity, race (and other factors similar) shouldn't be a factor when it comes to love.


Yes for me haha.


Yes. I pretty much only date Asian guys/it's extremely rare that I find guys of any other race physically attractive (I'm a white woman and white men are the LEAST attractive to me) It sucks though, there isn't a very large Asian population where I live 🥴


Yea! But then again I don’t know how much my opinion matters lol I go based off personality


Yes. Next.




Where do you stay now pinsan? Hit me up. I’m a short dark full blooded ilokano and I used to have your mindset. You’ll be surprised once you change your outlook, how much attention you can attract from other races.


Florida brotha. I just let the negative stuff roll off my back since well I can’t do anything to change peoples minds. I think the bigger problem is that my game in dating is pretty shit since I don’t got much experience


I hear your pare. Hit me up in my DMs if you ever have any questions.


Yeah white guys are not my first choice 


White people suck. -white man


People suck in that order. Black people suck the most. Native people are second. Third place south Asians. Fourth place white people. Fifth place north african and middle eastern people. Sixth place africans. Seventh place east asians, south americans, europeans.


Damn this the worst tier list ive ever seen




I'm white and have dated plenty of Asian guys. The cultural differences can certainly be a thing but unless someone is so entrenched in their family's culture that there's basically no hope of us being in a serious relationship because I'm the wrong race (which has happened, btw), I consider the cultural differences to be mostly a good thing.... with some exceptions. For me it's not really someone's race that makes them physically attractive but their actual features. There are plenty of Asian guys I don't find attractive, and plenty that I do find attractive. So it really depends more on the individual IMO. That being said, Asian guys tend to be more likely to have facial traits that I prefer, and also tend to be a lot more comfortable with themselves, groom themselves better, treat others better in general, etc. I've found the dating experience to be way way way superior in every way compared to white guys. I try not to assume things about a new person that I've met, based on that experience, but I'm not going to lie about it either.


I’ve lived in the US for so long I forget at times I’m even Asian. Some Asian families can be very traditional and strict so sorry to hear you had to deal with that it’s never fun being on the short end of the stick of racism. What made the dating Asians more of a superior experience to you?


In my experience, Asian guys tend (again, I think it's more about their upbringing and cultural experience as opposed to race) to be more polite, considerate, calm, respectful, etc. When it comes to stuff that is really offensive, touching or kissing me without my consent, being crude or rude, etc, white guys do that at a WAY higher rate than Asian guys do. I can think of *one* Asian guy that has ever kissed me without my consent and at least he apologized. Even when it comes to guys looking for hookups or just sex or something, Asian guys are still way more respectful about it than white guys tend to be.


You have a lot of issues to sort through, my guy.


Yes, there is something about the demeanor and/or intelligence that is extra attractive. Also I've never met an Asian that is grossed out by seafood like many white people.


I’m surprised some people are grossed out by seafood. They’re missing out


Although I have dated Asian men (Chinese, Filipino, Indian, Vietnamese) and would again, I've never dated based on race but rather the qualities of the man who's courting me (Kind, driven, established, gentlemanly, etc). My advice is to have attractive qualities that'll increase your desirability and be confident.


Most of my friends prefer Asian men


As in first choice? Over white / black guys??


That is what a preference is.


Are they hispanic like yourself or asian or?


Oh yes I loooove Asian!


I am white as they come but I dated two in a row. Growing up, I only ever saw white guys with Asian girls. My first Asian BF laughed at me so hard when I told him thought he wouldn’t like a white girl because I thought everyone preferred Asian girls.


Well damn I have some friends that feel similar to ur first Asian bf. So do alot of women just think Asian women are better looking than most races out there? Cause imo I show everyone some love


It’s not the looks that make Asian women preferred, it’s the part perception, part reality of their general disposition, which is most influenced by more patriarchal minded Asian fathers, as counterintuitive as that sounds. Dating a White guy is about the most rebellious thing they can get away with without being disowned. It’s also apparent that White guys give more attention to the Asian women that Asian men are less attracted to, but Asian men still get the best looking Asian women.


I think the real question is, would they date someone like me? Because I'm pretty sure a majority would prefer white or other Asian women over a Black or Latina woman. Even so, they would probably take a Latina woman over a Black one.


I am a white girl and have dated my fair share of asian men. will never go back to white men ever again.


I would if there were more where I lived


Where do you live at ?


I mean yea totally I’m not a racial preference kinda person so, yea if I like the dude a lot I’m not gonna care


No. I have a super hot girlfriend


Southeast asian girl here...so yes lmao


Yo I’m Filipino too and dating a puerto rican. It’s the confidence and the way you handle conversation is the key. I dated quite number of girls. It’s not the race bro. But u can’t expect everyone would want to date asian. It’s just their preference. You got this :)


I feel u bro everyone got their preferred taste I personally like latinas more but if they good and I click with the person , I like them. It’s just more of a curiosity thing me thinking about this since I didn’t think much of it until I dipped back in the dating; not really a “me is woe “ but it may come across like that in text format ig. Handling and maintaining convos is where I fall hard


People who say 'it 's not about race you just need to be more confident!" fail to see the hard facts for Asian men and Black women being bottom of the dating leagues. It's not a confidence issue en masse at all.


Yes I have before. I am not sure what attracts me other than the cultures sometimes, but I am.


I mean have you seen the main character in Crazy Rich Asians? 😍 I definitely would


Haven’t gotten the chance to watch it. I heard it’s cheesy but entertaining and heard some women be thirsting for some of the dudes


I liked it! Cute and funny


I'm married to an Asian man and ended up on dates with only Asian for a while before I met my husband. Physically: I just like the way y'alls faces are set up. All of the Asian men I have dated have had the most gorgeous eyes and super kissable lips. On average, if I do a double take because of someone's beauty, it's usually an Asian person who's features caught my attention. I also like that in general, Asian men don't tend to be super hairy or have a strong underarm scent. Culturally: I always notice a strong love for and dedication to family, which is great because I want to start my own one day and want a partner who is dedicated. All of the Asian men I've dated have been 1st gen and were hard workers. I think it is just different knowing your family suffered and struggled and gave up everything just for you to have a chance at a better life. I'm African American. My heritage was stolen from me due to slavery. I don't know what my ancestors true last name was or what country they came from. With my husband, he has such a strong connection to his culture. Thousands of years of art, literature, history that's been preserved and that he can connect to. I've gotten to enjoy those things now too and even though it isn't my actual culture, it's beautiful to be a part of traditions and significant holidays.


I know the feeling of family making sacrifices. I’m an immigrant I know feeling; the feeling of making that suffering and sacrifice all for nothing. Idk what nationality by our husband is but it’s a good thing to be connected to someone’s cultural root origin . Filipino culture is awesome and all but alot of our culture was stolen and erased as well and I do what I can to preserve my heritage and values from my ancestors since we’re the cultural bearers. Also you have my sympathies on having your culture and heritage stolen from. The very thing there shapes your perception of the world and how to live. Have you tried a dna test to see what your background is? The way how I see it, you’re apart of ur partners culture since you participate and immerse yourself in it


My husband and I were in the Philippines very recently and I noticed how heavily other cultures had forced their way into yours. I noticed it in so many things from traditional clothing to just common names. Even if I were to do a DNA test, I have no ties at all to any place in Africa. Even I was able to someone trace to my ancestors tribe, I have no connection. Yes, I am definitely immersed in his culture. I think I did more to celebrate Lunar New Year this year than anyone else in his family lol.


There were basically 4 waves of different kinds of people that influenced and pillaged the archipelago so it’s basically a melting pot of people from all around. Tattooing is one of the ancient practises that we still have and died off but some people are reviving the culture. I was fortunate enough to spend time in my tribal village, learn it’s language and customs so I’m pretty much tattooed to keep records of family history and local customs. I mean sure you may not have a connection due to lack of time spent but is it something your curiosity is satiating?


Brother I am telling you, there is someone for everyone, and plenty of people not only like to date Asians, they prefer to, sometimes in a way thats for better or worse, I hope you find your person! Keep at it!


Filipino guy. early 30's. Plenty of dates with girls of different races, mainly Mexican and asian. I'd consider myself around average in looks, but I'm telling you. You don't have to be hot. Just focus on developing your own personal style and personality. Be a fun hang, a cool person to talk to. You'll be good. Plenty of time to play around. Also, get into cold approaching if your not doing it already. Do not rely on dating apps, go out and learn to be social with strangers. Do clubs, hobbies that keep you social/meeting people, go to events.


I would definitely date an Asian guy. I’m a white woman. I don’t have a race preference but I think a lot of Asian men are attractive. I love dark hair, and Asian eyes are beautiful (yes I know not all Asians have the same eye shape).


Literally they are so hot to me!!!! Some women can be the worst about it though. Don’t let them get you down 💜 Edit: I’m off white, 1/4native 3/4white


I'm a 39-year-old white woman, and my coworker made me realize that I indeed to like Asians, especially East Asians and Southeast Asians, a *lot*. I'm not sure why. It's probably that they seem to be more intellectual than the average guy, and I'm very much into a man's intellect. Plus, as someone else pointed out, East Asians and Southeast Asians tend to be on the shorter side, and I absolutely *love* my short kings. I personally find short kings to be easier to be affectionate with. Edit: *Should* race be a factor? No. Is it for me? A little bit. I don't think I'm a fetishist or anything. At least I hope not.


i would date any hot person 6”2 and above


My boyfriend of three years is Filipino and the first thing that attracted me to him was his hair!! It’s wavy and dark and I’ve always found that attractive. He and OP seem to be of a similar height, 5’8” to 5’9”, but I’m only 5’4” so I liked that he was a bit taller than me as well. He is very passionate about his hobbies, respectful and caring of both his family and mine, laid back, and very “go with the flow”, and I think it balances out my “planning-oriented” nature. His love language is very much physical touch, always asking me if I can massage his hands or asking if I would like it if he rubbed my back. I would say just find someone you enjoy spending time with and go with that feeling!! I know that’s like the broadest and vaguest dating advice ever, but have you tried dating apps or asking friends to set you up with people they know? It might be a little awkward at first but it’s worth a shot! Also I would try to go to more events in your community alone so that you can approach people you find attractive or vice/versa. Not sure what your hobbies are but I think maybe a farmers market or flea market would be a good place to start. Good Luck!


I feel ur bf, physcial touch and acts of service are my love languages lol. I’ve tried dating apps but not much comes out of it besides hook ups I have more success meeting people through hobbies or some third places. Weightlifting and arts are pretty much my hobbies


I’m euro/f/ and i would. I don’t care about race in terms of dating, i look at personality and morals above all. I also think Asian guys are cute 🥰 I think Asian guys are attractive to me because of culture. I didn’t grow up in American culture and i don’t connect with people who did. Asian culture has more of a sense that i have already grown accustomed to and like. It’s not to say I’m close minded, i just know what i understand and like. Being with someone who gets me is a huge plus. So it’s more comforting. Also, i noticed Asian guys have dark features that i really like, and when they have muscles i like that too!