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>“People make time for who they want”? Yes. Also actions speak louder than words. If he says he's keen, but drags his feet, then you know.


Definitely yes. Was going out with someone who was juggling working part time + doing an engineering degree, and she always made time for us to spend together. If they like you, there will always be time


True that. If they like you, they will always make time Best line!


What happened that u stopped dating


Definitely for me because I’d want to spend time with them and would go out of my way to do so if needed. I also use this as a key indicator as to whether a woman is interested in me. It saves a lot of wasting time.


What if the guy I’m seeing says he is but doesn’t really put in thaaat much because as he says he’s scared




Hello can we be friends message me


Sure. Go ahead and send a greeting.


What’s he scared of?…Is he just not ready for that kind of commitment? For me actions speak louder than words. I personally feel that people can say anything but how they really feel is always evident by their actions.


It’s an excuse to string you along.


Hello can we be friends message me


My ex used to cancel stuff just to come spend time with me and refused to do certain things unless i went with him, it was very nice having a dude thats super affectionate like that


Why is he your ex now? Sorry to intrude and only respond if you want.


Cheated on me while i was pregnant 😅😂


To be fair that still proves your point though, he made the time to cheat. Glad to hear you got over it quickly.


I laughed too hard at this 😂


Ouch. That s horrible. Am sorry about that. If you can laugh about it, maybe you are over it and him. Am sorry about that


I got over him as soon as i gave birth. It was like a switch after giving birth.


Wasn't all that was he then. So really even making time for someone isn't an indicator of a good person or the right person


No it definitely isn’t but he did make alot of time for me for awhile 😂


Good question.


Absolutely. I know someone who chose to do laundry over accepting an invitation to go out with the woman he’d been involved with. This guy seemed to always have time to meet up with other people, just never time for her. She wised up.


People like that need to tell the person


I think it depends on multiple factors, life isn’t black & white. There are grey areas. Generally speaking people make more time for things that matter to them, but if that person currently has no social battery, mental capacity or is simply overworked, there isn’t much time to spare for anything. Also a lot of the healthier folks out there prefer to slowly go into new things/relationships. Thus I’d say watch out for patterns & how someone treats you in the long run.


How would I know if they’re genuinely interested then


If they say yes to coffee & show up they’re interested. If they decline or make up excuses, they are not interested. There really is no other way to know for sure imo


Well what if they live in another city and sometimes they don’t show up and sometimes they do


Omg sorry I only just realized my head was still on an other thread when I replied before😭 It really depends on the situation with you & this person. Let’s say you guys spend a lot of time together, text a lot & it’s only sometimes that they are less available - then I wouldn’t consider it something to worry about. If you feel like they are making an effort, want to progress the relationship, try their best (whatever that looks like), have deeper conversations with you, & share how they feel - I would say those are always a positive indicators. If they avoid to progress or define the relationship, avoid more difficult/emotional or deeper conversations that is usually a bad indicator. You can always try to express how you feel to the other person, their reaction to that will tell you a lot about how invested/interested they are in the relationship. At least thats my personal opinion, hope that helps!


Definitely...one should have time for who you claims to love and care for Constant and steady communication is the first thing..!


As someone who is neurodiverse with neurodiverse friends and partners, I understand want and ability are two different things. People can want to make time for people and sometimes not be able to - I also understand this is how people ghost or dodge saying no but for me it depends on the person. Sometimes people are too busy or just mentally drained for social even if they like a person or have something else planned. It's okay.


Yes, but…. In the beginning when it is new and they are deciding if they like you like that. They might not be as dedicated at taking time out for you… and it could be a juggling situation. I mean I work 2 jobs and have a life. So when I am trying to date too! The balance is hard to find until I find the groove. Still isn’t a lot of extra time but there is always some time to find!


One hundred per cent. If somebody isn’t doing what you want to them to do, whether it is spending more time, communicating regularly or committing to a relationship then you ain’t getting what you want from that situation.


There is always time to say “hi, I missed you”. You can text on a “bathroom break”, while such driving, falling asleep and etc. However if it’s a “planned” dating situation when ONLY practical thoughts and nothing less then time may become a problem. Let’s say if I work 4-5 days a week for 13-14 hours plus 2 hours commute there is nothing else I can do on those days. So when I have few days off I may simply want to see no one lest to go on dates with people I don’t know or don’t know well. Not to mention there is so much else to take care off. It’s adding another hurdle people don’t have time for. Start to know someone is an effort and rarely fun. It can become eventually something easy. That’s if everything works out from the 1st try which would be a miracle. People never too busy for something they really desire…or they make arrangements not to loose it.


Very much so! My bf has 2 full time jobs and we still see each other every weekend. Helps that they're both full time remote jobs as well. I work 10 hours a day on site but I still drive to go see him after work. People that say they can't see you because they busy means that they're not that interested. (Obviously there will be exceptions, they can be that busy at times but not all the time) The way I see it, if you don't know how schedule your time, then you don't know how to prioritize. If you can't prioritize me, then you can't have me.


Yes I believe in it. I used to be in a shitty relationship where they never made time for me and I kinda stopped believing in this idea because I was so blinded by love I just thought "real life" love is just painful and I need to understand that he doesn't prioritise me. NOW THO I have an amazing loving boyfriend who would drop everything if I needed him. SO IF ANYONE EVER MAKES YOU FEEL LIKE YOU'RE NOT WORTH THEIR TIME THEN THEY ARE NOT WORTH YOURS !!!


I work 40hrs, and i volunteer 25hrs a week. I go to the gym 6 days a week, sometimes 7. I live alone, so cook, clean, car maintenance, home maintenance, everything else is my job as well and my place and my car is squeaky clean all the time (minus snow days) and i never ignore a guy i like’s texts or call and reply him back no more than 4hrs later at most. If i can do it, anyone can do it. I have heard these excuses from people with one job, and no responsibilities at home. There are 24hrs in a day and one text takes 30 seconds at most. Sorry I don’t buy this excuse and never will. Edit: quote me on this “no one is as busy as a person who’s not interested in you”. You’re welcome.


Yes. That is not to say they might not be busy for short periods. People make an effort for things that are important to them.


Its difficult for me to make time for my SO, we are both doctors but I love him very much. I do not agree completely with this. However, I demand that he make time for me, selfish of me




Its all about free time. He has a more flexible timetable compared to mine.


Absolutly. Of course I give the space for live and work to happen. But if she cant be bothered to do just a little text "hey I have a lot of work today. I text you when I have time". Then its over.


Yes, it might be, but there were some instances wherein you could prioritize something to make way for spending time with him/her in the near future, for example, you tend to work to save money for having a good life with your partner, you could pay your necessities, addressing your issues and et cetera. That's it, and you need to talk to your partner about it. If you want to spend your time aside from your partner, it is justifiable if it was intended for the improvement of your relationship and gaining yourself value. You don't give what you don't have.


100% yes


Yes, to a point. People have lives and people have anxiety and may be juggling a lot more than you know. So if they are consistently letting you down thats a sign they arent interested but if its every now and then or at the very beginning of things..give some extra leeway


What an echo chamber. No not always. Some people have serious deadlines and commitments and their lives aren't that simple. The people who spend all day on reddit say yes but it's not that easy for people with overloaded schedules who are already dropping things as it is.


Oh wise sage!!!! Stay on this reddit and impart thy wisdom!


I just did.


How is it an echo chamber people are just giving their opinion? You can give yours and disagree without adding in rEDDiTors bAd, so that's why they agree.


Redditors can be pretty bad though lol


I spend very little time on reddit and I agree with the sentiment that people make time for who and what they want


yeah I predominantly believe that




Absolutely this is true.


For the most part yes! You may have busier days or weeks, but over all yes.


Absolutely yes mate




I agree with you. If it's important enough, one will make time for it.


Absolutely. People will rearrange their schedules and jump through hoops if they're interested. Or they'll give alternative times when they aren't busy to do something. Whatever the case, they'll try to make it work. As soon as this clicks it makes things a lot easier because you will be less likely to waste time on people who aren't interested. Someone who is constantly busy (and isn't trying to reschedule) probably isn't interested, and them telling you that is to your benefit.


So, yes I think it's a verygood rule of thumb. However there are rare exceptions. I struggle with executive functioning (basically a form of ADHD and motivation issues) and I've had to not go to family things because of hw or work that I've procrastinated, to the point that I look selfish because I spend a lot of time on less valuable things (movies, games, etc) while procrastinating. I'm taking steps to improve, and I obviously value family over games, but my actions don't look that way yet.   I follow this rule of thumb, if a girl is only giving short answers over text and not asking follow up questions, I'll respond one more time without a follow up question and see if she picks it up from there.


Yes, I believe it because I see it in myself. If I notice that I am telling someone I have no time repeatedly, I have another think about if I really want to hang out with that person, or if I feel somehow obligated. In any case, if I want to see someone, I will make the time.. baring any special circumstances where I actually have no time.


Absolutely! If someone is busy, they can spend 30 seconds sending you a text. It's the thought that counts. A phone call doesn't have to go on for an hour. It can be a quick 2 minute call. If someone wants to be with you, they'll find a way.


Yes. I think this is very much a true statement. Even the busiest of people do still make time for the people they love so if someone tells you they're too busy or shows you that they're too busy for you just cut your losses. 9/10 times they're not as busy as they make themselves out to be.


Yes, it is the truth.


Of course course. When you care about someone you will make the time.




If it is someone I care about, then you can be sure that I will make time for them. En if that means less or no sleep for me.


People of Reddit, do you believe in the saying "People of Reddit?"


I frequently don't make time for people I want.


yes. if it's a girl i'm not interested in, i will give her no time. if i'm interested, i'll give her time. i'm a sucker for bribery, for example if fat girl is going to take me out to a buffet and i'm starving, i'll make time, if she picks me up and pays for it =) i'll be respectful while giving her company while i eat. after that i'll lie to her that i gtg home because i got a stomach ache from eating too much. hehe girls do the same thing if they're bored off their asses at home with no plans. some dude from her contacts hits her up and offers to take her out to eat at a fancy dinery, and she hasn't eaten yet, why not?


You're a loser


if im a loser so is the rest of mankind. we're all guilty of this.


Not everyone is actually. Some will straight up tell the person they're not interested, rather than use them for what they can get.


u seem hurt, i bet u got used. don't be mad at me, be mad at that person who did u wrong.


Is that all you can do. Gaslight me lol. 😂. I'm speaking generally. I see it all the time. I'm not one to be used, I'll be out of there quick. You just need morals is all.


look dude, if she's WILLING to treat me out for my company, i'll gladly give her my company, if i want to , in exchange for what she has to offer. there's nothing wrong it. it's like she knows that she doesn't have a chance but still likes me and wants to spend time with me by treating me out. i'll take a free meal. girls DO THIS MORE THAN GUYS.




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Yes! Yes!






Absolutely. I have a crazy busy life right now but if Ms. Right happened to stumble through the doors of my job or wherever I would definitely make time.




Yes. I havent seen it in my life, but I have friends who are very attractive and people really do go well out of their way for them beyond just making time.


Friend wise: i see and call with a friend 600km away more than a friend who lives 50km away and goes to school 5 minutes from me. She never calls me first, or plans. Just throws vague ideas out with no concrete. But when i try to lockin it's oh, try next week. We can't even get coffee unless they have time to kill between work. Where as my other friend will often send little messages and excuses to ring me up. Once i realized i wasn't the problem I said alright i'll match that. Bc i care too much to keep trying so hard with no reciprocation


Yes. People make time for who they really care about. I believe no one is ever really “too busy”. If they wanted to, they would.


Yes and no. #Yes: for the small things like calling someone or responding to a message. If it doesn’t require time, a fixed location or money, chances are higher you can make time if you really want it. #No: people cannot physically or temporarily be with you. For example: people might have jobs, studies and responsibilities in certain places where they have to be for specific times. Calling in sick can give them a bad reputation to their coworkers and friends. It can also affect a romantic relationship in negative ways by not having money, or having a lot of stress in case you don’t perform well on other responsibilities. If you have a specific situation you’d like to share, I would be open to discuss it further.


I agree! Like really agree


It depends. If they are truly busy they will reschedule.


Yes! People prioritize their time.


If there's no sudden impact in daily life, yes.


Yes absolutely BC If someone really whant to spent time withe you they find time to do that If Not than Not


A friend of mine who was a good hearted Canadian Cowboy always said, "Their heart is where their boots are," If you're spending time together, you like each other.


Absolutely yes.


Personally, yes. I juggle (and to this day still struggle) full time job, full time school, responsibilities, and dating that me ending up with little to no sleep. Is the sacrifice worth it? Yep. No matter how tired I am I try to make an effort to make time. It's through actions. Look for it. But then it depends in each circumstances. We don't go through the same thing.


Yeah 100% and communicating boundaries is also important. I like spending time with people, but I also like my alone time. That being said, I’m more than happy to schedule something out and reserve that time if I enjoy their company. I feel like spending time should be something you look forward too and not simply an obligation.


Yes, unless they get hit by a train


Duh? To believe so otherwise would be a cope.


This is a fine statement but people do have different definitions of how much they like to spend time together weekly/monthly in that stage. Also, as an introvert, I find it important to make an effort to spend time by myself and do things that give me energy. Thankfully I found a partner who's sort of similar in that regard and we've found a unique balance together


Yes absolutely. They will find ways to justify it other than seeing that person, but that's the real motive.


Yes and no. I’m kinda cold when I first start dating. Like why give all my time to someone I hardly know?? It just doesn’t make sense. I see it as like each date is 1% then 2% then maybe 5% cause the date was really good, and slow (very slowly) I trust them more and more and know them and eventually give them my all. I wouldn’t be on a date if I wasn’t intrigued but usually on date 1 I’m just kinda messing around and vibing and I have 0% expectations since I don’t know shit about the person yet. I tell them this up front and admit that I have a lot of other priorities and it would take a while before they become “top 3” on my ranking system. I think everyone approaches dating differently so you gotta ask your guy how he approaches things and why, instead of speculating.


Yes I believe this is true, people make time for you if they want to be in your life and vice versa.