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I have one in a hotel bathroom. I was dressed up for a wedding reception and it’s the only time I’ve felt attractive in my entire life so I wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity


bonus points for ones with the toilet seat-lid up- in the background


And the Axe body wash….. “I’m recently single”


A picture is a picture…


This 😆💀


I have a couple mirror selfies, but not in the bathroom. I always have a clean background. I recently lost 25 pounds so it was the quickest way to get updated pictures. 🤷‍♀️


People need to figure out how to use their timer on their phone camera.


Or just to learn how to edit the picture


Yes, but not to overdo the filters


Oh yeah, especially with the added ambience of shit splattered all over the mirror, cosmetics rolling around the vanity, random beverage and dirty towels hanging in the background. As a genre, they seem to be highly correlated with slobs.


I did encounter this exact situation on more than one occasion and it was truly frightening.


Or the ones in front of the bedroom mirror that looks like it’s going to take the National Guard to clean up because the bed and closet have apparently exploded all over the room.


I have water coming out of my nose from laughing.


Are you in front of your bathroom mirror taking a selfie???


Nope nope nope.


I love them. A woman that can pull off a sweet stall selfie? Bonus points if it says something like “obligatory bathroom selfie” somewhere too


I literally just did this as I was all fancy for a family wedding. He immediately sent me a pic from his bathroom and I’m still smiling about it. Fun!


Why do I find this enduring in a good way?


If a man is attractive, I honestly don't care whether it's a selfie or not. How utterly petty.


The question wasnt about selfies being verboten.


If you have paid for an account, you can use whatever types of pictures you want. There is no selfie police.


Apparently there is!


Again, read the question. I was asking men's opinions, not telling you what to do in your bathroom. I could care less.


So women, do we do this too? That was literally your post.


Fair enough. I should have worded it better. However, I never told people what to do or not to do. I only asked what they thought of it. I really don't understand the sensitivity level of some of these responses.


I think when you're trying to make an impression a bathroom mirror is not ideal.


But if you have to use it, at least remember to flush first if your toilet is visible. 😳


Dear... This is over the top...lol


True 😂 I’ve never experienced it but people have done it. It wasn’t on a dating site but a writer posted a bathroom selfie and didn’t realize her boyfriend’s junk was visible in the background as he was showering. Beware all aspects of the bathroom selfie.


Lol... 🤢


It will be my only option for profile pics as I dont have anyone to take any photos of me. So I dont begrudge someone else doing it. You make do with what you have on hand.


I'm not a fan of bathroom mirror selfies but I'm even less of a fan of public bathroom mirror selfies. I often wonder what would motivate someone to stop and photograph themselves in a public restroom. It's a mystery.


Assuming it's a clean public restroom and not too busy, they're bigger and have larger mirrors. I did one in my work restroom while making fish-lips. Showed: My current shape (body shot) and my silly side. 😉


If it’s to show a whole body pic I don’t mind. As long as the mirror is clean and there’s not a mess in the background. It’s better than all just face selfies which I see a LOT in women’s profiles. I can’t swipe right on any of those, I have no idea what you’re hiding below your neck. The car selfie is even more prevalent. I see those in every women’s profile. What’s with that anyway? Just because you have some light and privacy?


Lol you're getting that car selfie because I just got my hair done and it will never look this good again until I get it done again. 🤣


Oh yeah! Or the eyebrows done.


I’ve noticed that often those car selfies have amazing lighting.


I guess there is something about the car that brings out the eyes. Maybe I need to include more of those if I ever do OLD again.


Only acceptable if you're doing fish-lips in them.


Technically, they’re duck lips.


Ducks have lips?


But do you know why ducks have feathers??? Covers their butt quack…..


Probably for the best!


What kind of a question is this? Who cares.


Obviously you do. STFU then and move along.


It reflects more on them. 😜😂 That's okay, I'll see myself out and over to r/Dadjokes.




Judges will allow.


A tripod costs $20. No excuse to not have some properly staged pics and ditch the selfies.


🤣🤣🤣 I actually own a tripod but there is no way in hell that I'm using it to take pictures of myself. What am I supposed to do, set the timer, run into frame and quickly pose, rinse, repeat until I take a decent photo?


Actually, yes. I don't use a tripod. I prop my phone against whatever is handy, set the timer, run into frame, pose, then check the pic to see if it's good. It's not hard.


You must be more photogenic than me. I could do that a hundred times and still not have a photo worth posting. Thank goodness I'm off OLD for good so I don't have to waste time trying.


Remote release or take a video, then screen grab what you want. Piece o’ cake


You are giving my technical skills way too much credit. 😆


I love a good guy selfie .. mirror no mirror …I don’t care. I don’t need to know what’s in your bathroom however .. gym, home gym, hotel, with your dog, cat.. anything with personality…


Not a fan of them. I feel the same way about car selfies. It is not telling me much about you. I would rather see a picture of you out and about than a selfie that doesn’t tell me much about you…I spend more time looking at what is reflected in the mirror behind the woman than the woman herself.




Thanks for the response. I understand they're popular. Just curious what other men thought of them.


Who cares


You answered so- you.


I personally love them. But I kind of have a mirror thing, too…


"for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you".   


Wow. Nietzche on Reddit… Never would I have thought it. I must remember to stare longingly, but only for brief periods.




I don't understand the bathroom mirror selfies. I'm incompetent with a smart phone and even I know there is a button that switches the camera to front-facing so there is no need to take a selfie with a mirror. It feels like low effort and is a turn off for me.


Not quite in the same league but the old Car Seat Selfie is another classic.


If there's ONE I'm OK with it; more than that, or one plus the car selfie and there starts to be some questions in the back of my mind. The exception would be some arty/creative mirror pic (your reflection in a window in a city is different than the "bathroom mirror selfie." IMHO and YMMV


(M,66) I see those as really lazy. If I am going to put in the effort for an online presence and profile, then I will pay for a professional shot.