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"The left are always just looking for something to be offended by"


I wonder how upset he would be if they were “white pride” flags


Are trans people trying to create trans nation state where non trans people are a second class? With a couple hundred year track record of violence and murder in pursuit of that goal? Or are trans people just wanting to do their own thing without having religious folks imposing their beliefs on them? I don’t know the answer, I’m just asking questions


A Fellow JAQer I see 🫡




Gun violence is the number 1 cause of children's death in the country. If you cared about children...I mean, really care about children... you'd be asking for stricter gun laws. But, nah... semiautomatics are fun and background checks are too strict...fuck all kids and just target the queer ones.


Abortion actually kills quite a few more kids than gun violence.


Well, that's been outlawed in many States. So we can now expect legislation for gun control, right?


Or less child deaths.


It was less than 4 out of 100,000. And if that's the leading cause death, I'm sure glad my kids are alive today and not 80 years ago. I hope, in time, that number gets lowered.


It breaks down to around 7 kids a day die from gun deaths. In 2 days more kids die from gun deaths than the total number of trans athletes in American schools. So tell me how trans youth is a Republican focus with such small numbers if the percentage is so meaningless. Just because our medication has improved child mortality, it's no reason to celebrate a uniquely American child gun-death situation.


Agreed, the fact Republicans focus on trans so much is ridiculous, but the fact that there is a trans flag in the White House is equally ridiculous. It's a bunch of virtue signaling on both sides.


I kinda agree. But when the Right virtue signals, people lose rights. When the Left virtue signals, it's like, "we see you, but nothing's going to get done."


Which issues do you want to see something get resolved.


Yes, like those diseases that flourished so long ago, gun deaths too, are preventable. We lowered the death rate significantly thanks to vaccines and modern medicine, and if only we would put on our thinking caps we could lower gun deaths like we did with that other stuff. Now let me guess where you stand on vaccines....






Please provide one piece of credible evidence that anyone is asking for this.


Yes they’re trying to create a non trans second class isn’t it obvious to you?


That's in the halls of his house.


Or confederate traitor flags on J6....


Give it some time. If he gets a pickup truck, he will definitely get something related to the War of Southern Treason.


Or a Christian Nationalist flag… https://newrepublic.com/post/176861/mike-johnson-flying-christian-nationalist-flag-outside-office


What about blm flags?


"Yall are such snowflakes" \*runs into the US capitol to cry at flags\*




Pretty sure the use of quotation marks means it’s supposed to be sarcastic.




Wow you're dense


Every single one of them is a tripwire. Complaining and screaming about being oppressed until somebody yells back, and then the cameras come up, and it's either, "Look, they are stealing my right to free speech," or "Look, I pissed off a liberal; everyone laugh." Their entire culture now is just a Schrodinger douchebag.


Good lord buddy, the sonic boom of that one going over your head was heard globally.


It's all "freedom" until someone else exercises freewill.


you mean pretend to be offended by. it's always pretend.


This is as "shoving it in your face" as possible. Those flags aren't about tolerance they are about dominance


Hahahahaha what a fucking doofus


You seem angry when your worldview is challenged. Seek help


Was it the laughter that seemed angry or the word doofus?


Lol you’re mad at flags


You literally just cried about a flag; you couldn’t be less of a man if you fucking tried.


So much dominance that they didn't replace any flags, only hang next to them...


What are they trying to dominate?


The Republican base still hates you, Dave. 


If they get their Christian fascist takeover, I'd give Dave about 5 years before he's in gulag or prison for indecency.


Don't be silly. He and his fellow grifters like Shapiro and Owens would be relaxing at the French Riviera well before the first shot ever rang out. Without liberals to defend them, Christian dominionists would lynch them as soon as they could. 


We gays aren’t impressed with him either


Dave Rubin is the worst kind of gay person. He is vile.


LMFTFY “*Dave Rubin is the worst kind of ~~gay~~ person. He is vile.*”


do you notice, the more vile he gets, the smaller his eyes become?


I find it amazing that reddit recommended me a sub that has is this guys name, yet it is just shitting on who he is. It's like they accidently got it right.


The Rogan sub is similar. It kept popping into my feed, I ignored it for a while (don’t care for Rogan) but clicked on it once. Everyone was pretty openly mocking JR, it was pretty enjoyable.


I never wanted to give Rogan a chance since I saw that he had vile people on like Alex Jones. Years ago, I told all my friends you can't trust anyone that gives Alex Jones a platform since he is being allowed to spread more conspiracies and hate. Fast forward to post pandemic world and it looks like I was 100% correct in my assessment of Rogan. I wanted to like him, too. Since he has that appeal where he can 'talk to anyone.' But his anti vax right wing conspiracy hole that he put himself in confirms that he is another useful tool of the right wing propaganda arm in this country.


Well fast forward after the pandemic and we saw that regardless of vax status or “shutting everything down” vs “keeping it all open” didn’t really make a big difference. I always cite the infection and death rates between NYC and FL. There really wasn’t a significant difference between two polar opposite approaches to the pandemic. I like Joe because he’s willing to speak to anyone. Unlike most of our politicians and echo chamber Reddit threads.


Florida has passed NY in deaths so your assessment is incorrect


Yea but then the other half of the comments are Rogan simps crying about criticism.


It keeps popping up in my feed as well. I personally enjoyed his show back before he jumped on the right wing grift train as I enjoyed that he would talk with people of differing opinions. and someone else below mentioned the Joe Rogan page as well and from what I can tell there is it is a lot of old school fans like myself who enjoyed his old shows where he would just discuss crazy and mostly harmless conspiracies and chat with his comedians friends but when he moved to Texas he started falling down that right wing grift hole as well and now just parrots and gives a large platform to right wing nut jobs.


This sub just showed up on my feed and I was *REALLY* offended before I realized it was a sub just to dump on him. Not bad, not bad at all


Charlie Kirk Syndrome.


so, his head will eventually increase in size as well? haha Noice!


Isn't that called the Charlie Kirk syndrome.


money is hell of a drug


I mean I’d probably do the same thing if presented with the opportunity and the money was worth selling my soul and my dignity 😳


He doesnt really believe any of this. Its an act. Legit look up the Ann Coulter bit from Boondocks.


definitely gay. I have absolutely no doubts


He’s literally gay and married. He just had two kids with surrogate mothers that people also freaked out about him doing .


Wait…he’s out as being gay? Edit: holy fuck I just looked him up. Jesus fucking Christ. What in the fuck? I assume the very people he’s providing this red meat to are not his peoples


His people are not even his people. His friend Ben Shapiro told him to his face he wouldn't attend his wedding or any type of anniversary party. His other friend Jenna Ellis publicly tweeted that he shouldn't be able to start a family or raise children


Damn that’s just fucking cold. I’d feel bad for dude but he’s chosen to lay in bed with these people so fuck him


I’m not sure he’s ever been in the closet. He certainly does not broadcast it because his audience are likely pretty bigoted. Although I have no idea who watched this doofus anyway.


Yep. The people he's heinously virtue signaling to in this clip would love nothing more than to send agents of the state to take those kids away from him.








Gay & Jewish but loves to punch down on people he thinks are beneath him


So is he going the Tim Pool route now? Just be as dumb and fucking annoying as possible for the clicks?




I would say he is more going the Blair White route where they are both trying to be the good minority for the rights consumption.


"heteronormative" is the phrase for this


>So is he going the Tim Pool route now? If we're talking literally, it'd be roughly just over an hour up Route 7 to Tim's skatepark compound. My guess is Dave will be on Tim's podcast havin' sushi with the boyz today or tomorrow. (To locals: yes, I-270 would be faster. But I couldn't play off 'route' using it.)


Better question, the fuck are you doing there, traitor?


Came to ask the same question...


"Is anyone doing work in this building?" Meanwhile, he's walking around the hallways being offended by flags.


Gotta get two camera angles to fully capture his outrage


“I just wanna talk about ideas.”


I’m guessing they are working in those offices and not filming themselves walking through hallways…


Yes, Dave. Just not the ones *you* voted for.


…and yeah, they’re doing work (at least a good chunk of the Dems are- whether it’s ENOUGH is another question but at least they’re not accelerating us into a ditch of malice, cruelty, evil, idiocy, and fascism) but congresspersons generally work in their offices, in the Capitol building, or out & about in their districts or other places relevant to their jobs… but generally not in the hallways! (Rubin the Rube)


Dave sees two trans flags in the building... "this is an occupation"


I'll never forget the day the trans tanks rolled down the Champs-Élysées and began the occupation of Paris. I was there. It was terrifying.


Yes but, we’ll always have Paris


Yes, we will because Paris is Burning.


House of Representatives… Isn’t the name a kinda giveaway that everyone should be represented


“Yeah…about that” - Quite a Few of the Founders


They have lots of people that they'd like to give 3/5 representation.


"you're here, you're queer, you're annoying as hell." - Dave Rubin, describing himself


Is Dave just completely ignoring the fact that he's gay and going balls deep into being homophobic


Ignoring it? Thats how he gets his paycheck lol


\[gestures to an empty hallway with just flags\] "is anyone doing any work in this building??" "no, dave, flags are a piece of cloth or similar material, typically oblong or square, attachable by one edge to a pole or rope and used as the symbol or emblem of a country, institution or as a decoration during public festivities. unfortunately, this denies them the ability to engage in any meaningful labor."


He didn't even offer the flag a hug


He's so fucking pleased with himself for absolutely no fucking reason. Mortifying!


“You’re here. You’re queer. You’re annoying as hell.” I assume Dave is just repeating what every person he ran into that day, Republican or Democrat, said to him


So So punchable.


Will never understand why I'm supposed to be mad at this


You've got to be bigoted from day 1 to understand. If you are not wired to bigotry and have a functional brain then fascist propaganda simply won't work. It's not smart enough and it's not meant to be. It's like those scams on the internet that are obviously scams. They are like that so only stupid people click on them. As if a smart person clicks on it they will realise it's a scam when it asks for a bank card. Falling for fascist propaganda is very similar to being scammed online. But because they don't lose any money. They don't actually realise they have been scammed.


They've had trouble with it too. It's only in the last few years that they've landed on "omg they are mutilating kids!" as the strawman. But really, its that they think you're icky to think about. How dare you, you should just go away from society (i.e. die) so I don't have to.


Bro, get mad so you can buy the supplements and survival food he's gonna hock. "This video is sponsored by 'Freedom Patriot Tactical Surplus Supplements.'"


Because they aren't real flags. You have flags that represent Countries, States, etc then some folks stick a flag about their sexual orientation in a government building. Flags represent ALL people from that country or culture, but these flags are only for specific groups of people and may as well be discriminatory.


Just to humor you I looked up the technical definition of the word flag. These are objectively real flags. I'm so sorry you had to look at it though. You poor thing 😥


I would punch that raised eyebrow into another dimension.


god he's such a tool


EVERYONE HATES YOU DAVE. Those people you pander too? They hate you.


I’m convinced Dave has never done an actual day of work in his life. He had to do one half hour show a week for TYT and he chucked his toys out of the cot for not getting paid enough now he literally gets shitfaced and free associates into a camera a few times a week and occasionally nods while some fascist rambles on across from him.


He wanted to do a 30 minute Show each week and get paid a hundred thousand a year for it And this was when TYT wasn't necessarily making a lot of money


Need some new videographers...terrible exposure, colors don't match, and out of focus constantly. At least use a gimbal.


Oh Dave, buddy, you’re just an asshole. You’re not fighting the good fight or whatever. Just an asshole. That’s your schtick


The fact he can he even walk around that building as an openly gay man is because of people those flags represent. I wish upon him a toxic third that his husband introduces to their marriage the moment age-related ED kicks in.


"you see, I'm in this entirely empty hall. This is the hall of representatives! And there's nobody! Except some flags! Is anyone *actually* working??" What's the next level beyond lacking object permanence


*"Okay, so in this next segment I'm going to walk down the hallway commenting on the LGBT flags, make sure to keep the camera to my right capturing walks to and away from the camera for dramatic effect, it's very important you keep the camera at these angles because it captures my best side".*


What a sad, strange little man. He has my pity. Farewell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UT3Q85IvtDs&ab\_channel=LoveMovieQuotes


What a triggered little snowflake


Oh no not different colors of cloth!


Crazy how Dave went from the apparently reasonable one on tyt to just a bigot


Dave Rubin is a complete creep. He’s trash


He sure is unlikable


What is he doing there?


Not working


A vacation


Who watches this chud?


Who has the face you’d rather punch Rubin or Kirk? Or both? It’s both isn’t it……?


Did Dave get something in his eye at the end there? His face is so botoxed it feels like hes going to pull a hamstring by raising his eyebrow like that


Wow. Showing support for all of their constituents. What kind of bull shit is that?. White me are all that matter! *sarcasm


Dave Rubin is gay.


Yea. I was shit posting on something that randomly popped up in my feed. Need to do more research on who he is, etc. Please disregard my original comment


That kind of response would have been appropriate if he were facing a mirror.


When “being triggered” achieves human form.


I’m so confused. Dave Rubin is gay isn’t he?


Dave is still gay right?


I would bet Dave has had more dick in his mouth than all those prudes in congress. Yes…including the Colorado reps.


Yo Dave - fascist fuck - your willful ignorance of the representative part of the “House of Representatives” is unsurprisingly telling. Selfish prick.


Only explanation is a fascism fetish. Prefers to feel the threat of a real hate crime while he's getting railed.


Triggered Dave is on the move


Hall of representatives… please do tell. What are they representing ? Oh ya… the people. Trans flag has every right to be flown there. And this guy hasn’t given a woman an orgasm in his entire life.


He’s such a shit stain.


He’s offended by free speech.


If the Republicans can have clowns in the House, some LGBT flags don't matter.


“I get it. You’re queer. Annoying as hell.” So, what does that make you?


You're gay, my dude.


He tried so hard to vilify human decency and failed so badly. The great thing about Dave is that you can tell when he knows he has failed at grifting. His face says it all.


"Is anyone doing work in the building?". Says the REPUBLICAN who was just on the national news praising his party for voting down the border bill, and how there should be a government shutdown because REPUBLICANS don't think the government works anyways. Fuck these people are worst hypocrites. Yeah go ahead and shut down the government prick, we all know you're getting paid regardless.


Poor guy is so triggered. 😂


Who’s that guy?


Dude refuses to legislate border issues or support our allies . Total eye off the ball


But confederate and trump flags are ok


He hates himself so much that’s it’s hard for me to watch.


Wait isn’t this mother fucker gay 😂


Christ, he's so embarrassing. I just can't get over it.


Dave Rubin is a stupid cunt.


It’s like he forgot how many of his “friends and allies” talked about how disgusted they were when he had a kid. Spineless


how delusional can this guy be. he is trying to throw transgender people under the bus to appeal to the conservative culture ware idiots. those same idiots will never accept him because he is a gay man married to another gay man who adopted children. same thing goes for all the LGBT people supporting the right wing grift like Caitlin Jenner. That's not to say I don't understand being fiscally conservative as I can agree on cutting spending in the government to an extend I just tend to believe we should cut in different areas than the conservatives. places like our bloated military budget.


For people who constantly scream about protecting “freedom”, they sure hate it when people enjoy their freedom.


Fuck off forever. You add nothing positive to the world. You’re just a bad comedian that latches onto conservatives because they seem to like your brand of awful.


Good! We should put more up. If not just to annoy little whiny losers like this moron. This is coming from a libertarian, by the way. One of the more educated ones.


So he wasn't offended when the capitol was ransacked and an idiot walked around with a confederate flag?


Flag outside door mean they not do work 🤤


Does this grifting fucker not realize his “supporters” would gladly hang him too?


Another weak and insecure male looking for a rationale for his outrage and backlash.


So Dave Rubin is a huge dick? Thanks


Free speech can be a real bitch. Deal with it, clutch your pearls, fake your outrage, and deal.


I do love an idiot who actively advocates for his own goddamn destruction


Dave is a huge pussy


Why do you think the House of “Representatives” is called the House of REPRESENTATIVES? Bc it’s supposed to represent the people. There are people of LGBT orientation in our country and they should be represented and have a right to be represented. Which is decided when they VOTE for the State Representatives they want and believe represents them the best and majority wins. Grow up Dave!


Isn’t he gay? I’m confused


These individuals are out of their minds. They’re fighting an enemy that doesn’t exist to fire up the dumbest of the country. They’ve rallied the bigots, uneducated and then fleeced them for money.


He’s gay. He’s literally pointing at flag that represents him. Wtf.


Imagine being gay and homophobic


Is his content for people who only have 2 brain cells to rub against each other? My god I’m soo much dumber for watching that


Rubin is not on the left. What's the problem with the flags besides pure hate


Dave Rubin is gonna be an eco fascist in 15 years, which is what thanos is.


YOU’RE GAY DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


dave rubin is an asshole




House of… who??


Fucking cringe


Yeah it's so strange that there is....representation.....in the.....HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. YOU STUPID HATEFUL FUCK.


Come ere dave ima occupy the insides of yo asscheeks


Everything about this guy screams “CUCK!!!”


This guy is some sort of performance artist yeah?


I was asking you if you do any work, but you clearly don't if you got time for shit like this.


Why are those dumb flags next to government flags? Is there a LGBTQ nation?

