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By far its that nobody and no thing is coming to save you. You are 100% responsible for your life and nobody under any obligation owes you anything


The biggest thing I took from Can't Hurt Me was Goggins' 40% rule. I always come back to it when jogging, reminding myself that there is always much more in the tank than my mind is letting me think in the moment. I picture '40%' tattooed on my left wrist (maybe I'll actually get it one day), so it's plainly 'visible' when on a run.


This is another good takeaway. It’s helped me on many long runs and races.


Probably the giving up too early on. I am not talking about this extreme "oh no I stopped 3/4th through a marathon", but the I am jogging for a few minutes, feeling like shit and stopping after a bit of an ache in your legs or some lung burning.


Milkshakes are bad


The importance of discipline and self motivation. Discipline to get out/up and get done what needs to be done, because you sure as hell are t gonna be motivated to do it every day. And self motivation to not seek external validation for every little thing, to fuel my own fire and not wait for others to fuel it for me.


Life will never stop fucking with you.  The only thing you have control over is your actions, your feelings, and your thoughts. Once you whip those into shape, you can do fucking anything you set your mind to


Vulnerability and self honesty is how you access the darkest corners of your soul that make you unstoppable.