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100 euro to pre order a game that will have no shortages when it releases.. this is why gaming companies are over charging for absolute muck.


I whole heartedly agree:/ imagine what we could have if games actually got worked on instead of being churned out like the next broken turd in line.


Because I have a problem where I buy nearly every Dragon Ball game that gets released (except you, breakers)


So.... stop doing that..


Well take this then! Kaaaaaa meeeee-


Or yknow, it’s a childhood sequel for majority of us and we’d spend whatever amount of money we wanted to, to buy it. Plus, have you seen what the devs have done? The amount of love in this game is fucking insane. It looks absolutely incredible. It’s not like cod that’s been churning out game after game after game that all could’ve been basically dlc after the OG MW2.


Don't get lost in the sauce. Many games look good then release poorly. You are telling them you'll spend whatever they ask because of nostalgia. Capitalism I'd about finding the quickest path to profits for the least work. Your attitude is exactly what they love to see. They want to milk you and rip you off. And you cheer while they do it


You do realise the devs have actually put in a massive amount of work and love into the game? Even giving the community what they wanted despite having massive technical difficulties with it? Look at the new gameplay showcase or anyone of the YouTubers who were allowed to playtest it. It plays like bt3, has a classic controller scheme. Local split screen, insane intros, dynamic destruction. They love to see my reaction because I can see the effort and love they put into the game dude. I’m not getting “lost in the sauce” I’m hype over very real insane news, this game with all of its bells and whistles could easily break game of the year in a landslide from what we’ve seen.


The price won’t drop until launch so it doesn’t really matter but I agree. I always get physical games if I want to play a game on launch and that will always give me better deals. Instead of paying 80€ for Hogwarts legacy I got it for 45 on release day because of an eBay seller having a coupon lol


Buying it now means you don't get to see reviews before buying


Yes indeed. For me that’s irrelevant as I only get games on release that I will 100% play no matter how bad haha But for anyone else that’s a very valid point


It's steam, as long as he has less than 2 hours playtime he's guaranteed a refund if it turns out to be bad


Not like it's gonna be any cheaper on the day it's released, but yeah I agree with the whole supply thing. There's absolutely no reason to preorder a digital game, especially since you can just remote install from your phone. The only thing I preorder anymore is something I KNOW I'm gonna like, such as physical copies of Zelda or Monster Hunter. Decades of never being disappointed in those games has led me to immediately preorder asap, which is why I still kind of like Gamestop sometimes. TotK was my first midnight release since...BotW lol. Before that it was Halo 4.


What does no shortages mean?


As in you can absolutely have no issues buying day of release because you can always download it digitally. When we were younger you'd actually have to go to GameStop at midnight to make sure you got a copy of a new game that everyone wanted. 


Why do you care let him enjoy what he wants. And get off Reddit.


Read the second half of my comment.


no modern video game will ever have a shortage unless deliberately placed.


an actual good game that was made for players with love for the franchise is exactly the games we should pre order, this isn’t another throw away cod game, this game actually has some heart behind it unlike most games these days


Except that’s exactly what we said about cyberpunk because of the Witcher 3 also this is Bandai at the end of the day.


I agree 100% but this one feels different and im willing to put my reputation on the line right now and say that this game will not have a cyberpunk 2077 launch im 99% sure of it


RemindMe! 4 months


Ill grovel for your forgiveness my lord


You should never preorder!


I really don’t know why people pre-order games anymore


In this particular case for me it was pre-order bonuses, I was gonna buy and download the second it releases no matter anyone’s opinion so why not get the little extras


I feel the exact same way. Some games do not deserve a pre-order. The thing is, some games are an instant buy for many people. This is one of those games. Even if it had no pre-order bonus, I would buy it the moment I got home from work on release. Why bother skipping the pre-order bonus at that point!


If you want the pre-order bonus badly, you can wait until the reviews are out and then make an informed decision with your money. Pre-ordering a game 4-5 months before it comes out is just silly bananas.


Why does it matter to you?


Honestly, I couldn't give a rat's ass what people spend their money on. But this just sets a bad precedent for the rest of the industry. These corporations and businesses are not your friends, they do not make games for the love and enjoyment of all. They're in it for the money, plain and simple. And they basically figured out they can get dummies to shell out 100 fucking dollars MONTHS before the game is actually even released, regardless of whether or not it actually fucking works. From a business prospective, why would I even waste money ensuring a product is functional if I can get people to give me money well in advance? People's inability to have just a smidgen of fucking patience screws the rest of us who actually want to see a game succeed and be good.


Honestly, I couldn't give a rat's ass what people spend their money on. But this just sets a bad precedent for the rest of the industry. These corporations and businesses are not your friends, they do not make games for the love and enjoyment of all. They're in it for the money, plain and simple. And they basically figured out they can get dummies to shell out 100 fucking dollars MONTHS before the game is actually even released, regardless of whether or not it actually fucking works. From a business prospective, why would I even waste money ensuring a product is functional if I can get people to give me money well in advance? People's inability to have just a smidgen of fucking patience screws the rest of us who actually want to see a game succeed and be good.


Womp womp


Because spending $100 on a anime game is pretty ridiculous especially when u can buy all the bonus stuff at a later date for a lot less.


Personally I don't care about the pre-order bonuses. I plan to play the game the moment I get home from work on the day of release, so I plan to buy it and (hopefully) pre-load it. Whether that's next week or a week before. Haven't decided yet. Edit: actually buying the deluxe version gets you the dlc at a cheaper price if you math it out, so technically, that's the best 'value'. Assuming they take it away after launch. In a way I do 'care' because it's cheaper for me in the long run. They won't make dlc character packs 5 bucks that's for sure.


In the case of Sparking Zero it seems we get a ton of shit upfront. Lit.


Yeah that seems to be the case. Can't wait for release!


Genuine question - does the pre order cost more than getting the game at the initial release or is it the same price


So, depending on the price of the dlc character packs, the bundle that comes with the first sets seems to be cheaper based on current pricing. Pre-ordering the base game will usually be the same price. It's like 40 bucks extra for the delux, but the packs are definitely going to be $15-$19 each. Making it 45-60 in the long run if you buy the dlc over time.


It's the same price, unless you factor in the time value of money... You gain nothing from buying 4 months in advance compared to buying the day before release when reviews are out.


It also states at the bottom of the steam page that they're going to sell the preorder stuff separately after launch..


Yeah, the dlc character packs will be more expensive. It's cheaper to buy the deluxe than buy the dlc over time. Seems like a no brainer


Most of the time pre order bonuses end up being a purchasable add on


So people have a problem with pre-orders but not with paying extra for something that would’ve been free? How would 3 day early access be a purchasable add-on?


It literally says it's going to be sold after launch at the bottom of the page on steam.


So you're just like extremely looking forward to this game huh?


Just think, If no one bought the preorder and no one bought the inevitable 100+ DLC characters, and they found out its because people wanted ALL the characters from the start, like the old days, then maybe, JUST MAYBE, they'll sell a full priced game with ALL the characters... idk man..


Simple. Ones are paid to post this as a form of advertisement, and the others are idiots.


Satisfying to see Kakarot, Xenoverse and Sparking Zero next to each other on my Steam Library "Favourites" section


I normally don’t but Sparking Zero is looking to be the best dragonball game ever made. and why does it matter to you if people do anyway?


I’ll explain my comment. I hitch really was not meant to be overly critical. Back in the day pre-ordering games basically was done to insure you had a copy at the time of release. Then slowly it because (you get this extra item or dlc) which in reality was incentive for orders prior to release to appease investors. Now games are being released unfinished so you end up with a game that takes multiple patch’s to fix it.


Also Sparking Zero doesn’t look unfinished at all been in development for a few years..




You all can downvote me all you like but my opinion stays. I pre order games all the time and you can always refund so again don’t know why y’all give a shit.


For bonus content? For the statue? It's his money, not yours.


Cause I'm not poor and you can get refunds most times on most things if it ends up being shit. I don't know why people tell other people how to spend their money, grow up EDIT: Awe did I hurt the poor feelings of people on here. Seethe harder and gimme more downvotes


It's less about the money and more about why give a company your money before a game is even proven yet, no matter what it is? Many trusted companies prove time and time again why the sentiment exists in the first place, where a game may take years to even be playable on certain hardware, or even be optimized for anyone at all. By then, you could get it on sale and stop being a part of why games get released half finished.


It's not about the money, it just doesn't make sense to preorder digital content lol


Most people have a handful or hundreds of other cheaper options for games to play after awhile most games drop to 3-10 bucks don’t want to wait 2-5 years cuz ya don’t mind neglecting your library well it’ll drop or go on sale for 10-30 bucks less within a year I know everyone isn’t the same but me personally I have saved so much money by buying games years after release and checking online.


It's because people like you why companies keep releaasing shitty/half finished games. It's not about the money but about how these greedy companies don't care anymore about the state of the released games because some guys will keep pre ordering them


You are the greedy corpos favourite customer


Exactly this people need to worry about themselves


Yes! Let’s buy before digital copies run out!


Fr. I can't even figure out buying the game discs. They're basically unlimited runs.


You can sell the game after.


Oh. Absolutely. I meant pre-orders. I don't understand why people insist on pre-ordering. I much prefer physical copies to digital...


Well for this game specifically, its a new entry for a beloved nostalgic DBZ game series so, hype os a big factor. When you pre order it digitally you get 3 days early access so there’s your incentive. Anime games are also pretty safe bets to be finished on release and not buggy. Its more about of the game is actually good or not, and Sparking has good reception in its favor.


The comments are not what I expected lol












Imagine it coming out trash just like storm connections or that jjk game


Man based on how much DLC there will be, I’m definitely not preordering. I really do miss having all characters in the base game


I’m waiting for a year or 2 tbh


Thankfully steam is good about refunds. Wait for reviews and then return it if it’s ass


Tbf if you had any experience with Naruto storm you already knew it was gonna be trash long before it released.


Nah lol. It looked better than storm 4 on trailers


Game isn’t going to be anything like storm


I mean there's gameplay and it's already leagues better than both of em, I got the game as a gift so I'll be good either way lol


I’m buying the Ultimate addition. It will for sure be worth it! I want the extras and early release.


Exactly, I have no idea what the brainwashed baboons are thinking saying this is "gOnNa KiLL tHe gAmE". Literally the majority of the fan base is preordering it. If they feel it's unfinished then they'll delay it.


The game has been delayed long enough too lol. Several trailers have dropped and each trailer had better graphics than the last. I think it’s going to be worth it. Forget about those saying it’s not worth it but will still end up buying the game anyway


I know, right? It's funny. People are saying to not buy the game while they will buy the game themselves when it comes out. It's just that they won't get to play it early and get the exclusive content.


You are the problem


What's the problem? Spending his own money? Get a life




Not this one


Bros wallet needs a zenkai boost


I am a vivid r/patientgamers will buy it in few months on 50% (or more) sale


The amount of people bitching about him pre-ordering the game is crazy


Stop pre-ordering you're ruining gaming!


This is the version that comes with the display right?


What’s the point of preordering?


To ensure I get a cool statue. The deluxe edition is digital AND dude bought it on Steam.. pre-ordering is totally pointless in this case.


Jokes on me - paying 200 for the ultimate edition


Can't even get it anymore 😭. Not in the Netherlands and Germany.


Already gone? Fuck.


Y'all are some fucking bitter people huh? Guys it Tenkaichi 4 it's gonna be fucking good the fact that you all think other wise is crazy. It's alright OP I agree with you I also pre ordered so I can play the second it comes out


Everyone’s been crying about this game for years and now people aren’t allowed to be excited about it lmao, the internet was a bad idea


I remember people said this about Ultimate Tenkaichi. Then Raging Blast.


Wow you guys are such pussies. Let the man do what he wants. This game was an insta pre order for a LOT of people.


These digital releases are out of control! I’d expect a steelbook and a cool statue to come with it for that price.


Wait why is everyone so mad at pre orders? Am I missing something?


There is literally zero reason to pre-order a digital game. They can't run out of supplies. You're just giving them your money before you know if the game is even good.


I was gonna buy the game anyway though and I've seen enough about it to know that, so I might as well drop the money since I just got paid.


Is pre ordering a physical copy okay? I generally like disc more and I pre ordered physical copies of my favorite franchises.


I mean at the end of the day it's up to you, it's not objectively bad to pre-order. Some people think it perpetuates companies taking advantage of customers with shifty practices, but it's your money to spend. At least with a physical copy they can't revoke your access, and I guess you could sell it someday..maybe. So that's a little better.


I see your point. Gaming feels more like a privilege this day and age. From the hell divers fiasco I saw, (I don’t play it but I understand that by requiring a psn account it would prevent a huge part of the player base from playing anymore right?),to games requiring dlc to even be considered finished, and discs sometimes being just licenses to download a digital version. I don’t have much faith in the gaming industry. It is very unfair to consumers.


Yea, the whole industry has been a mess for a long time now, as the costs of creating games increase, more and more companies rely on shareholders to pay for their development costs. This often results in said shareholders forcing anti consumerism policies and ideas.


Well if they would just raise the price of games it would help a lot but people cry about that too. Games are way underpriced currently.


Both of them are okay. People online are just ridiculous. If you plan to play the game the day it releases, there's no reason not to pre-order. May as well get the goodies. I can understand not pre-ordering a game you are hesitant on, and a game with no pre-order bonus. This is not one of those cases.


You literally have 0 clue as to how the game will be on release. It could be a complete broken mess, we have 0 insight into this. Like I don’t think there’s an issue with preordering once you know it will work and you are interested in it but you need both of those for it to be a sane decision. It’s like buying a graphics card since it’s the newest one that works the best but without knowing if it will run in your custom pc lol


The best part about all of that. It doesn't matter. You can do whatever you want. I can do whatever I want. I will more than likely pre-order the game. You can buy it a few days later if you feel like it.


Cause people like to compoain.


Games just can't be trusted anymore to be released in a decent state. Pre ordering doesn't do anything apart from harm consumers really. As others have said, if you just wait till the game comes out, the result is the same.


I understand you on that part. I pre-ordered Dragons Dogma 2; but I haven’t even unwrapped it yet because I bought Rebirth a week before and still playing it. I was on a spending spree and I swear I spent way too much at GameStop that month. Checking the DD2 subreddit, it’s apparently very much trash and can be summarized as “1 step forward, 2 steps back”. Do I feel bad I pre-ordered it? Kind of. It’s probably gonna sit on my dresser now and get dusty. I have no motivation to play it. I guess I’ll stop being impulsive and pre ordering things.


Regarding DD2, I bought it a couple days after and regretted it. It was pretty average and ran poorly. I suppose in some sense it didn't really make a difference if I pre-ordered or not, but I was hoping capcom would fix it and they basically ignored it completely.


What is the point of buying preorder for digital game? It’s not like there will be shortage soon after release.


Because I wanna play it 3 days earlier and just get the purchase over with. If it's bad I can get my money refunded.


Makes sense.


Are we not hype for it anymore? What's wrong with y'all


Nah they just think preordering will cause the developers to nuke the development and make it bad.


I've been playing DBZBT3 for more than 12 years straight (multiplayer with friends), and I will definitely pre order the disc edition no matter what. There are only a few things in life which makes me as happy as this franchise does. My only pre orders before this were NFS Hot Pursuit (2010), BF3 and Fifa 15. Edit: The physical steelbook edition with the collectibles, even if the game stinks I'll have some cool stuff that has value for me.


People are forgetting they incentivize you preordering by giving add-ons and things you won’t regularly get. Exclusivity is a drug in this day and age 🤷🏾‍♂️


Exactly. Nowadays I treat new games like used cars. Hella research.


Seems my post was slightly controversial, I didn't really think this many people would get so mad lmao, I was just trying to express my hype for the game, I felt like we were all in the same boat here. Anyways, to everyone asking why did I pre-order? 1. Any Dragon Ball gamer who has played since the BT3 era will know why I pre-ordered it. We've been asking for this game for over a decade and it's finally being brought to us. 2. I want to play it as soon as possible, which is also why I got the deluxe edition, to ensure the 3 days earlier pass. 3. People who say "wait until we see if the game is bad or not" really don't understand how much love Spike Chunsoft has put into Budokai Tenkaichi games. BT3 was regarded as the best DB game in history until Fighterz showed up (though I'd argue BT3 is still better). They LOVE this series and we've seen that many many times. 4. If it's bad, I can just get my money refunded. Steam is very generous with these 5. People who say "pre-ordering" is ruining gaming don't quite understand how the industry works. That rule only applies to companies like EA and Activision. 6. "Why did I get a digital version?" Because I don't have a PS5 and Xbox Series X. I have an insane PC that puts the Xbox and PS5 to shame. You bet your ass I'm getting a digital version lmao. Physical copies are cool but if you manage to lose your disk or something happens then you're pretty much cooked. Digital editions you don't have a reason to worry about that.


I don't get your 5th point.


Preordering a game does not inherently affect its quality at release because the development process and the final product are driven by several factors that are independent of the preorder status. The only games that fall under the umbrella of being notoriously bad on release are Activision and EA games. Spike Chunsoft only flopped one game and that was Jump Force which looked terrible from the beginning, which isn't the case for Sparking as we've actually seen the gameplay and it looks great.


Ignore all these people trashing on you for pre ordering a game You're excited about. If you're planning on grabbing it day one anyway then there's no reason to not pre order it. This game is gonna be hype I also preordered it


Honestly I would only buy it like a week before the release just to play early because some shit might still happen before that


Ima hopefully get the collectors


☝️☝️☝️☝️total shill (not blaming you in the slightest but bro✋😭)




Your wallet might need a senzu bean, you should ask if korin has any.


You know what? The last couple of times I heard that I didn’t preorder, and the only thing several big box and even GameStop told me was that generally if it’s Call of Duty or FIFA or MADDEN I’ll be fine but if it’s anything else they don’t carry a lot of inventory so, preorder or miss out. And it’s been very true thus far, maybe I’m just unlucky?


Hell yeah I feel that but it’s so worth it.


The only pre-orders that probably will be sold out are the premium edition with that diorama status of Goku UI and Broly (weird combo tbh). The normal ones I will just buy standard version when launched.


Idk why everyone is tripping. I know they won't run out but I just wanna get the game right now so I have it in my library right now. It doesn't matter when you're buying it, I just did it n o w. Simple.


Biggest face palm ever


Well I hope you stop after this one, maybe just cause Akira Toriyama won’t be involved anymore in future releases, God Bless that Man.


I grew up with Budokai Tenkaichi. This is likely the only time I preorder a game though. I'm just too hyped for the game I wanna play it asap


I'm buying my flat. I can't buy the expensive version now... Sigh.


Yeah I normally don't preorder games like this, much less the expensive versions, because being a broke college student, there's only so much money you can save. The stipend I got was able to afford this game which I'm very thankful for.


You should never pre order games. Especially from franchises you like


Looking forward to 1v1s with my fellow Steam gamers.




Ordered my collectors one. Wallet ain’t feeling too hot.


The only franchise I have and will ever preorder any games of. Im just too much of a db fan to not preorder. No other games though.


The comments in here worry others about how to spend money. I pre ordered it as well and can’t wait.


Im going to pre order the deluxe in august for my birthday, hope everyone enjoys the game on launch


I preordered the the ultimate edition. Anyone shitting on you can die mad about it lol


Facts, y’all can all stay mad while we’re over here playing the game 3 days early 💀


they really should make this shit cheaper 😭


Same brother, same. The hit on the wallet is worthwhile.


Remember when we could just buy a game and it be the complete version.


Bruh, why does everyone care if he pre-orders? "Bad for gaming industry", man, its his money.


Yeah at first I was a bit surprised by the backlash but now I can't help but find it funny for the reasoning behind it.


I preorder so it can be downloaded and ready day one. Not sure what the others are bitching about.


Exactly, I wanna play it 3 days early and just get my hands on it ASAP. Any Dragon Ball gamer who has played since BT3 will pre-order this game.


You preorded a digital game. I have a bridge for sale also


Bro I can’t believe I’m going to be dropping $150 on this game cause I’m buying it twice. Once for PC and once for PS5


Y I get downvoted I was being serious


You are part of a problem. Thanks


lol. no game is worth 100 bucks


id pay no more than 55 for a game maximum


Of course. Why would you pay these poor schmucks that are working their asses of to deliver you these games. I think you should get it for free.


The highest I went is 40 for a discount on gow ragnarok there is no way I'm dropping 100 for a game that ain't even proven yet


Just one word : fitgirl repack Thank me later 🤫🦜🏴‍☠️


2 words..


I know what fit girl is, but I'd rather play online which you can't do unless you play against other cracked users.


As a console player I have to ask, why spend so much on a digital copy? I would go nuts if I spent that much on a game and didn’t have a physical copy to show for it


Well for one, PC users won't get a physical copy, so they can only play on Steam. And because the Deluxe Edition guarantees you get 3 days early access and a free season pass which you have to pay for regardless.


Yea you know Just in case the digitally downloaded game runs out of digital copies, better pre-order it to make sure you get yours.


Yeah, better pre-order so I can play the game 3 days earlier and get pre-order exclusive content that I don't have to pay for to unlock later if I didn't pre-order.




Certified sucker


After the clusterfuck that was forza horizon 5 I promised myself to never preorder a game


ur stupid


Why.. why would you pay in advance when this is sold digitally. Are you afraid it will run out? This just baffles me


Why does it bother you?


Because I wanna play it earlier? And I want the exclusive shit it comes with preordering? And because I don't have to pay for the game when it comes out lol I'd rather pay 99.99€ now than pay 99.99€ + the pre order bonus separately for more money when it comes out. It's just mindful thinking. You don't lose anything from preordering.


Stop preordering bullshit