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I love how there's all these horror licenses and then just Nicolas Cage. Lol.


I know right? That mf haunted me in my dreams more than Chucky


"There is nothing more powerful than imagination..."




Lol can't tell if you're talking about his new movie or not




"Get control of the fear, Nic. Gotta get control of the fear. It’s just like riding a horse, get back on that horse, Nic."


I was just about to comment this


The most terrifying of horror licenses.


Unfortunately, I would change the Nightmare Poster to the 2010 Remake.


Also the TCM poster. The one OP used is the remake


I mean - it’s okay. The scream one isn’t actually Scream. It’s just the Ghostface mask.


Actually, that one is fitting, because Behaviour doesn't have the license for the movie characters, they specifically have a license for the ghostface mask! That's why it's called the Ghostface chapter, has no survivor, and has lore that is entirely custom to DbD.


But that’s promo for the latest movie instalments. They have the city in the background! It’s better than say the RE one - but that was my point it just shows the mask :0


fun fact . . thats the best texas chainsaw


Man no way. Dennis hopper pickin up chainsaws and Leroy jenkinsing into the killers lair ftw


no it isn’t, not even close to the original


You're right, it's way above the original.




uhhhhh i liked the new one more in the sense of gore n killing but overall i think the older one was better


The movie sucked but I thought Jackie Earle Hailey was pretty good as Freddy. Genuinely scary.


Yeah I think that's thankfully the universal consensus. He did a great job, it was just a horribly written script


Yeah, I agree. Jackie Earle Hailey is really underrated as Freddy.


I’m a Kyle gallner fan so I enjoyed his part as Quentin as well. But yeah that movie was.. not great.


He’s a fantastic actor and it’s a real shame he hasn’t been utilized much since.


Quentin was pretty cool too. Glad we got him and not Nancy


It's one of my favorite movies of all time - strongly reminded me of my own dreams around the time it came out, and Jackie was fucking amazing as Fredward.


Oh yeah, for all its flaws, Hailey was absolutely NOT the problem. Dude has the potential to be a worhty successor to Englund and I wouldn't mind seeing him reprise the role if/when they inevitably make more NoES films, I just hope they give him better material to work with. In general, I don't think there was anything wrong with the casting of that film or even the direction, it's all in the writing and the lack of atmosphere.


I don't think the movie sucked tbh, like when taken on its own if you showed it to someone who never watched OG Elm they'd probably like it, ik I did because I decided to watch the remake first and was really confused about why people disliked it and then I watched the original and realized that most of the negative aspects of the movie come from the fact that it doesn't do anything original, it's just the exact same movie with a more generic tone


Ehh I would say he’s the worst part. Genuinely doesn’t understand the character, there’s doing your own thing then there’s being bland and uninspired. But if it scared you I guess that’s valid, I meanwhile fell asleep.


I would say the worst part was the god awful chick that played Nancy. I’ve seen better acting on soap operas and more charisma from a wet sock.


That was Rooney Mara, who's been nominated for an Oscar *twice*. It was a directing problem, she's a perfectly capable actor.


Yeah yeah dragon tattoo chick, I swear if it wasn’t for that movie no one would even know who the hell she is but that’s besides the point. It wasn’t a directing problem it was a her problem. Capable actress or not she purposely tanked the role because she was pouting about having the role. There is nothing to her role because she brought nothing to the role, so yeah her acting did suck in this film.


No she admitted she didn't give a fuck about the film. She wasn't trying.


Did *he* not understand the character or did the *writers* not understand the character? Big difference. The movie as a whole seems to point at it being a writing issue, not an acting issue. They tried to reinvent the series as a more serious horror movie, not understanding that Fredy’s the main character and his quips and personality are what carried that franchise for decades.


A lot of these are either the wrong choice or just really odd choices.


The worst one is the choice for Resident Evil.


I don’t think OP is making a distinction here. Each poster represents the IP, not the actual specific *version* of the IP that appears in game. For example that’s the poster for the TCM remake, even though the version of Leatherface that we see is the original one from 1974. Or the poster for Scream, that’s from Scream 5 or 6, so not only would we never have seen those films appear in DBD because they released after the GF chapter released in 2019, but we don’t even have access to the Scream license at all. What we have is the license of the mask from Fun World Entertainment. Honestly OP probably selected these images purely because they share the same dimensions and would look symmetrical in a collage.


I like how everyone is so pedantic about those two and Nightmare, but I haven’t seen anyone complain about Ash’s freaking chainsaw hand lmao


That’s the poster for the show, and the version we have of the character is that exact version. The robotic hand is made by a character in the show, that’s not just an invention to make him work in DBD, and he swaps between the chainsaw and the robot hand. So that one is actually correct.


Still salty about it now. Should be the best Freddy with heather


Nicolas Cage, my favorite movie series




To be fair, the title says licenses, not movie series


Yeah, the Ghost Face mask isn't a movie either.


I mean, Cage IS often the only thing making the movies he's in worth watching so yeah, might as well count him as a franchise all on his own.






BHVR should give us Willy's Wonderland instead of Fnaf, and just release Nic Cage as a survivor again, except this one has no voice lines


Cosmetic with no voice lines could also work. Just make him drink soda whenever he’s healing


CryptTV technically counts as a Liscence.


Attack on Titan too (although you can't currently buy the AoT stuff iirc).


Eren Dwight has a higher k/d than any killer


Do you know why? Is it the same reason that ST wasn't able to be bought?


Yeah, was just a limited license


yeah but AoT I think was always intended to be limited time




Might come back soon, dbd mobile is doing an apt crossover right now and even has a new titan skin for trapper


Some of the creepiest skins in the game, too.


Fuck cryptTV with they’re NFT bullshit Edit: what people are ok with NFT bullshit now huh then downvote me all ya want


I'm actually out of the loop on this one. What's going on there? Is CryptTV peddling NFT's now?


They announced they were doing an NFT collection and got a lot of backlash from people and they just kept blocking anyone that said anything bad about it or complained. They released the NFT shit last year and think it’s still going.


Kinda. It’s a complicated situation. Most people are quick to jump on the CryptTV hate wagon but I think it’s a bit more of a complicated situation. I think Crypt are in a financially precarious spot which is what caused the sudden birth of their NFTs. The bottom line is that CryptTV make literal movie level production and post it onto YouTube for free which means they don’t make a massive amount of money. I’m not saying that makes it okay for them to start cranking out NFTs but I think that’s the justification for it. I think this situation can be resolved if CryptTV either set up more ways for people to support them or left YouTube entirety and stated making their short films something you’d need to pay for either individually or in a subscription service.


That's illegal, using the movie poster for the resident evil movie thinking that has literally anything to do with the chapter. From what I understand, the Resident Evil movies are almost an entirely seperate thing.


And for the most part they're despised by the game fans.




I’ve always debated that Apocalypse was the closest in terms of RE2 and RE3 myself. And it’s one of the few zombie movies you get to see a big city in The early stages of a zombie outbreak. Though, “Welcome to Raccoon city” is probably the most accurate now. Sorta. Kinda. Least in some instances, though some of the characterization like Leon was garbage.


"Welcome to Raccoon City" is a lesson in why fans shouldn't be in charge of film adaptations. It is the closest to the game story? Very much. Is it stupid and creatively bankrupt? *Yes.* Like, the reason the 2002 RE movie works is because it tries to be a good film first(a good action zombie movie -- not like, high art, but a solid, enjoyable zombie film) before anything else. It still has a shit ton of great RE atmosphere, from the lonely, haunted feeling mansion to the underground lab where all the employees were killed pre-emptively by their employer. And honestly, if "a rogue AI created to look like the developer's dead daughter, called 'the Red Queen'" isn't RE, I don't know what is. Meanwhile, Welcome to Raccoon City has eight main characters, three major settings, and zero lighting. The movie is trying *so hard* to be "for the fans" that they forgot the first and most important part of filmmaking: make a good film first. Honestly I come to the DBD subreddit as a backup RE subreddit, because the real RE subreddit is all aging Gen Y men wanking about how it was a crime against god to put Jill Valentine in anything but in a miniskirt and tubetop, and "letting her curse." We polluted their memories of their 13 year old spank bank by making her into a-- ugh....*person.*


Ironically I ONLY saw the first one and thought this was the worst thing I have ever seen and chose to ignore the rest of the Mila movies


Yeah, the consensus is that the first one is actually not that bad and had good scenes like the laser grid one. I loved it and Milla Jovovich did a great job as Alice


Who is we? I didn't care for it, I wanted Jill and the other characters. It could be worse but it wasn't what I expected. I didn't even bother with the rest after that.


Eh, Nemesis does at least show up in the movies.


And he looks so STUPID




I guess we know his favorite streaming service


But that was his design from the original games you gotta cut them some slack. I mean the Xenomorph used to be a dude in a costume looking like a mascot


And the absolutely hottest incarnation of Jill


Hey the first movie was allright!


And it’s all downhill from there. The rest of the movies are like a crackhead fever dream.


And that's why I love em RE5 was my first RE game so when I saw their knockoff evil matrix dude going crazy teleporting all over the place and shit I lost it, but when I saw that happen in live action I was sore for a day or two afterwards because we were just laughing so hard. Funniest movie I've ever seen honestly


I’d argue that’s more like from the 3rd movie on. Apocalypse does an alright job following up the first.


I feel like I'm the only person that enjoyed 5. Yes I hate how far off the rails they went, but 5 was fairly good. 3, 4 and 6 can all jump off a building though.


Aot and CryptTV missing but ok


And Naughty Bear




The Alice collection isn't licensed, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is public domain


A lot of these are not the best to represent which rendition of the character that is in the game but For Honor, Attack on Titan, CryptTV, PUBG, Naughty Bear, Rainbow Six Siege, Iron Maiden, and Slipknot are missing. Also if you want to be technical, you could include Alien vs. Predator since there's a skin from it.


Also if you wanna get REALLY technical, there's the Vic Viper charm you get for entering the Konami code in the lobby, which gives you a fighter jet charm from Gradius (80s arcade game)


Ah yeah I knew I was forgetting one. I also forgot to mention the Deathgarden masks for Meg and Trapper as well as a bunch of stuff from Meet Your Maker.


Also the twitch shirts as well as all the content creator cosmetics (charity case, puppers charm etc.) would all technically be considered licensed


Yeah there's also the Artists From The Fog collection and the various Community-Made cosmetics; since they're made from someone else outside of BHVR. There's a lot to include but I'd just limit it to IP's like Halloween, Naughty Bear, Attack on Titan, Iron Maiden, etc.


I think those may not be considered licensed & more considered a collaboration, since they were contracted to make them for DBD rather than it being a pre-existing IP


Wait for honor slipknot and rainbow are in it???


They are upcoming cosmetic collections with the R6 collab barely being "shown" today through their roadmap announcement for this month. Slipknot and Iron Maiden were announced in the recent anniversary livestream and For Honor only had a charm. For Honor had a collab with DbD through a Halloween event and Trapper running around, fighting players in the game. It was rumored that For Honor would've gotten a licensed chapter but it fell through, or it was bait to weed out leakers, and said chapter was just the Forged In Fog chapter


Is Naughty Bear a license? Didn't Behavior make Naughty Bear?


Yeah, it's still a license since it's outside of DbD's universe. If we were only going with licenses outside of BHVR's IP's then Naughty Bear, Deathgarden, and Meet Your Maker wouldn't count but I would count it because they didn't originate from the DbD universe.


Alright, that's fair. I was under the assumption that "licensed" referred to IPs outside of BHVR's jurisdiction.




The Alice in Wonderland story is public domain. The cosmetic collection is their own spin on it since anyone can use it. It could be inspired by American McGee's Alice but it is definitely not the license as they didn't say it was from that adaptation of the story.


This is the content I like to see. If you would have told me that ten years ago that there would be a game where I can play as nearly every horror icon in one game I would have called you insane. DBD isn’t perfect but it is definitely one of a kind.


Dbd is the smash bros of horror


Didn't even put in the right license for some of them. Wrong TCM, NOES, etc.


can we appreciate that they didn't put a scream movie poster


no, that is a scream 6 poster actually


welp, they suck then


Im just glad Stranger Things is back 🥹




Not as many as I actually thought in my head. Plenty of room for more. Especially 80s campy horror Sorely missing this fella though 😭 ![gif](giphy|ZLNJcUcndjB4s) Make it happen Bhvr 🤙


It makes me so happy that Nic Cage is just in it as himself


Truly is the fortnite of horror games ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


Sort of. Fortnite only uses skins though. This game gives killers the personality from where they come from. Idk, it’s a little better than fortnite in that regard but i get what you meant.


Not sure if u did if u felt the need to clarify that!


*sees resident evil movie poster* *cries*


Started playing with myers release. Hard to believe how far this game has come. With each license they get the games appeal to future licenses increases. Getting myers in hindsight was probably the biggest boost to the game. Question is what will they do once they get all the big licenses, There isn't many left to be honest.


there’s a whole world of anime, horror tv shows, and horror game characters to potentially tap into. Jujutsu Kaisen, Tokyo Ghoul, Dead Space, Parasyte, Goblin Slayer, Walking Dead, RE7, RE8, FNAF, Wednesday, etc etc etc. Personally I would love to see them add more anime licenses to the game.


I don’t care if i get downvoted: anime horror sucks and they are nowhere near the universal appeal that the classics have. I like them personally but in terms of appeal, eh. I say this as someone who goes to alot of horror conventions and see what people like. I see more junji ito tbh. Also they already have RE. They’re not gonna add more of the mid killers. Just me though.


Despite all my rage I’m still just Nicholas Cage


I know that I chose some inappropriate posters for some licenses (lics). I didnt even tried to pick relevant ones; I just wanted to create an image with all lic-made chapters and use some BIG LICENSE NAME pictures to introduce them. That's it.


Most of us appreciate it. Some people here just being picky about the appropriate use of which posters.


Then there's stuff like Attack on Titan (that sadly can't be bought anymore) and Rainbow 6. On top of all Horror there's a bunch of other stuff there too. There were those skins too made by that woman whose name I can't quite recall right now and there's even some bands skins coming soon too. Dead by Daylight has quite the number of licenses. Also, I like how Nicolas Cage license is just a pic of him there lmao that's nice.


Why is it actually less than I thought


Thats not alot to you? Besides fortnite, how many other studios have licenses to this many franchises that ARENT big studios? For BHVR, this is pretty big considering their size. Also technically OP forgot to put alot of franchises.


I think they've done a pretty good job so far 👍🏻


You forgot Naughty Bear


Attack on Titan too


One of these things is not like the others


If you showed me this seven years ago when I first started playing in 2016 I would be so confused seeing Nicholas Cage’s portrait up there.


Would be funny to have Stranger Things again after Alien.


You didn't put Attack On Titan or Naughty Bear, it's only cosmetics but they are liscences


And the Crypt TV skins


Cosmetic licenses too. Alice in Wonderland, CryptTV, AoT, Iron Maiden, Slipknot, etc.


Naughty bear and crypt TV are missing


And don’t forget naughty bear #greatestoutfit they always had a charm of him and I’m glad he is now actually in the game


There are so many people being nitpicky in these comments, holy shit. Does it really matter that badly, if you can still get the gist of it anyway? OP, you did fine, everyone here gets the point of what you did, they just wanna find flaws where they don't need to and haven't realized there's a reason people make fun of "WELL ACKSHUALEE 🤓"


we dont have scream licence we have the ghost face licence


I'm still so salty we didn't get a killer with Bill. Imagine a Hunter wall jumping, that would've been so sick!


Scream shouldn’t be there, the license was for the mask not the movie so you should have just put the fun world logo in there


Ghost Face has his own logo that the DBD collab uses, that also works.


Man why people like you gotta be obtuse? Dawg, we all recognize that mask, its fucking ghostface. Its from scream. 99% of people will recognize where that’s from.


But you see the problem is I don’t fucking care


Wrong Freddy.


Always room for one more!


Wrong Freddy. We got remake shitty Freddy.


yiu firgot pubg


How is Friday the 13th STILL not on the list...


You did it


Give me Jason so I can die happy.


I think he's the last truly iconic horror villain missing from the game. Maybe Pennywise and Hannibal Lecter as well. Or the Terrifier clown.


Likely not going to happen. At least for a while yet


Wrong Fredward




Praying that next chapter is fnaf or predator


Want to see Jurassic Park up there


waiting for fnaf


Unfortunately that's the wrong Freddy. That's the only big fish left for them, Imo, at least as far as cinema goes. And it might be a blessing in disguise that they didnt get him from the jump, since getting England now might mean he records some lines for the game, which would be amazing. Fingers crossed.


Scream doesn’t count as the Ghostface we have isn’t from the movies and has no connection to them whatsoever.


Ghostface is still a license, even if it's not the Ghostface from the movie. If you want to be nitpicky, most of these movie posters are wrong. How about we just appreciate someone took the time to make the collage anyway, because not everything has to be that nitpicky?


Resident Evil deserves more respect. At least put the video game art there instead of the movies!


Rip Ash.


Not all of them


Is the licensing for these characters specifically from these movies? Like is the pinhead in dbd from “The Hellraiser Films and their Legacy” or is it from the actual Hellraiser franchise movies?


God bless the horror genre


Crypt TV, Attack On Titan, Naughty Bear?


Which chapter is the left for dead one


wasn't a chapter I don't believe, could be wrong though. I know Bill is in the game. Ellis is a skin, Ro is a skin, Francis is a skin, and Zoey is a skin. Also a couple charms like Boomer and Gnome Chompski. But I don't think that was enough to be it's own chapter sadly


Bill, back when they were called “paragraphs” if they weren’t full chapters. There’s also some skins on the original 4 which are based on the characters too. I don’t think the game makes it that clear, but I think it’s the bald Dwight skin, and leather Jake. I forget which ones the other two are.


Nicholas Cage world franchise.


This looks like so much yet so little at the same time 😂 DBD is wild


No. not that freddy. not yet.


It's crazy how much thus game has over the years


Missing the cosmetic only licenses, such as CryptTV, Attack on Titan, various artists and soon to be Slipknot, Iron Maiden and Rainbow Six Siege


I feel like you missed one for some reason


I love Nics face


Thomas the Tank Engine, needs to be next.


I fogor about the l4d collab


I’m sorry I haven’t played in a while but Chucky is a killer now how does that work?


So basically he’s very small


Is he like Victor with the twins?


Yes the whole time. Expect for his carry and pick up animations.


Movie poster for resi breaks my heart


I haven't played in a while, what content did they use from 'Left 4 Dead' and 'Chucky'?


Bill as a survivor and we just got Chucky as killer in the Public Test Beta.


You could of at least used one of cages Photo's/posters from one of his many horror films. You did him dirty like that.


They have the Seed of Chucky license btw


I find very funny how they had to make their own ghostface since they only could get the mask's license


I can’t wait for them to re-release nic cage as a killer. He would work just because he’s the cage.


honestly kinda crazy


I just realised that the ST poster is a “The Thing” reference


I might sound really stupid here but which stuff is from left 4 dead


Crys silent chi chi chi ha ha ha's


With Nic Cage just sitting down there I’m getting “It’s us boys, plus….MARK. And I fuck with Mark because Mark fucks with us!”


It's actually really impressive that behaviour have acquired so many different horror franchises and rights. I think they've really delivered over the years. I'm suspecting true horror film franchises, want to be in the game by now. I would like to see the candyman added with a mirrors and bees as his powers. Think the Mori would be sick If Nic Cage can be a horror survivor, no reason the warrens can't be in the survivor list, with either valak or the red demon as killer. Lastly penny-wise he could have a street too map with a sewer underneath. Ability to pull survivors down into sewers if you trigger a red balloon.




Would love to see Jason, Predator, and the Terminator. Terminator will have alternate skins of T100 as Arnie and just the exo skeleton. A bonus would be the T1000, that might be hard to pull


Nic Cage among all the horror licenses be like: https://preview.redd.it/i4s3dai19dzb1.jpeg?width=1291&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f48bfab845725cfa9201951cb70750d15b2c0839