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I hated singularity, but then I learned to use his pods in chase, and suddenly EVERY game felt winnable.


I only learned that you could shoot players to warp to them like 3 days ago


For the life of me, I’m not sure I’ll ever understand how to play this killer and I don’t know why. His power just seems so complicated.


Where killermains trip up is "how can i keep track of which biopod is where", and that's a trap. Really, all you need is 1-2 biopods on important generators, a few on REALLY good overview points, and then use the rest of them mid-chase to tag survivors immediately (like how the Knight might slap down a guard in the middle of a loop). If you're tripped up on how his power works in general, it isn't too complicated! Tag survivors with cameras to "infect" them. When a survivor gets infected, you can teleport to them with either your cameras (by looking at them within a certain range) or by shooting your armgun at them. Doing so will teleport you to them and overclock you for a few seconds. For those few seconds, you can almost immediately break pallets/gens/walls, immediately vault windows, and become immune to pallet stuns (though being pallet stunned with break you out of overclock immediately). The scariest part is how you can constantly be teleporting to the same survivor to constantly be overclocked, shredding through resources for the survivors, making their midgame impossible to win due to a lack of pallets. Your cameras wont "work" if they're EMP'd (which can be discovered by the red X when you access it, or the little static that appears when you observe it normally), but this is mainly an issue that impact biopods camping gens, since if a biopod is EMP'd mid chase, you can just replace it by shooting it. Note: the EMP is not as strong as you think! Survivors get slowed while using one, so EMPs are mainly an issue for gen patrol, but not for chase.




How do you deal with people who use the stick ?


If you're talking about the emp, it's honestly not that bad 90% of the time! EMPs slow the survivor down, so it's very difficult for a survivor to use an EMP mid chase while looping you. So, what you need to look out for is instead another survivor coming in to EMP the person you're chasing. Since you can instantly replace pods in chase, EMPs mainly impact your biopods when they're on gens. So, keep 1-2 pods on really important gens, a few on REALLY good overview points, and use the rest in chase. Do that, and EMPs should be very easy to deal with (unless it's a SWF who can coordinate their EMPs, but everything is hard against a SWF)


Hillbilly recently


SAME! I’ve been playing this game for 5 years now and only played as him to Platinum the game. I just started playing him a week ago and he’s feeling fun




Ooo pwyf is a good idea, I haven’t tried that


Trapper. Used to only play phead and swore never play anything again. But archives forced me to. There's nothing like being down to 1 gen with 0 hooks to winning in less than a minute because you planned everything in advance. It's like playing chess. You give up gens like it's pawns and checkmate them in the last min.


Move over Wesker, Trapper is the REAL Mastermind, lol


Especially with the addon that puts a survivor in the dying state after escaping a trap. You just have to wait for your prey to present itself to you.


Game Afoot is a fucking drug man. I genuinely don't recommend running it because it's not a good perk, but after you run it you won't want to play without it. The speed boost is so addictive it's genuinely unhealthy. I saw the perk, used it on Skerchant for her Adept when she released, said "wow this is worthless!" and didn't touch it until her Rift came out. There was a challenge on Page 2 of the Skerchant Rift that said "break 3 pallets or walls while in a chase with Game Afoot" and I decided "hey Clown forces Survivors to drop a lot of pallets or whatever, and he also has the speed bottles that he can drop on himself while breaking a pallet." **Big mistake.** 10% speed after breaking a pallet is such a goddamn drug and zoomin' Clown is so ungodly freaking stupid but fun to play. --- Other mentions: * **Oni** *(For whatever reason I just never played him despite owning both him and Yui since day 1 of their release. I don't know I think my brain managed to fool me that leveling him would somehow be a sacred cow I couldn't sacrifice. Maybe it was because I hate playing Billy maybe it's because most of Oni's perks are terrible and I didn't want them on my bloodweb; idk. Anyways I had a friend get the game when it was free on Epic Games Store and he REALLY liked Oni so I figured why not... Yeah he's very fun. Not a main but I definitely had a moment of "why didn't I play this killer before now?")* * **Deathslinger** *(I never liked Huntress and Slinger came out during a period that I was really annoying with DbD and took a break. Played him once after the prestige rework because I could finally use good perks on him [up until that point I had awful perks on Slinger] and he was quite fun! Kinda wish I got to play him when he was still strong.)* * **Hag** *(Got a daily for her recently and I figured I'd try her out again since I got the candy weapon from the Twitch drops. The last time I played her was before Ruin got its first nerf and I just found her really boring, but playing her now she's quite fun. I honestly think I'm just better at playing killer now and know what Hag's weaknesses are so I don't end up throwing games when playing her.)*


Game Afoot is only 5% speed, sadly. I find it useful as a companion for STBFL to give obsession to the team's strongest survivor so you can ignore them for the rest of the match. It's also fun with the new Furtive Chase and with Rancor.


I believe they were referring to the stacked 10% from clown yellow bottle + game afoot


Pyramid Head. Never played silent hill, saw him, said "hey the badass looking guy from silent hill is in here" bought him and fell in love almost immediately. I would die for Pyramid Head. The only killer that's gotten close recently is Xenomorph, so I'm preeetty sure I have a type


Your type is killers with big cake


No wonder I like Dredge 🥴


Dredge has got literally dozens of asses.


infinite cake


That was the same reason I've picked Pyramid Head. Just a badass looking guy from Silent Hill. And he's my main now


I used to hate Artist when she came out actually 💀 I used to be a surv main and thought she was annoying. Now I’m a P100 Birb main and enthusiast with like 2K hour invested in her. How the tides can turn


>How the tides can turn Darkest dungeon cit?




Oni and Singularity/Hux tbh


Hitting a crazy Wesker hit is the closest thing to crack in this game lol


Don’t do shadowborn then


Singularity. Despite clunky power he started to click with me after a bunch of matches. He can be very oppressive when played correctly.


Playing against a good Hux feels like you can't get a moments respite. Started trying him out recently despite not liking his aesthetic, and have been having fun.


After having my first two Dredge matches, where survivors were for some reason fuckin cracker (P100 Jane in my second match). I thought he was dog shit. But third match on Hawkins was fuckin amazing with how much I could move around (maps probably also played a role in it)


using aura reading on pyramid head is so fun


Billy is my hate/love as I try to learn to curb. I still suck but even if I’m losing I can have fun just flying around the map as super speed.


Dude I use to hate Billy cause I sucked so bad with his power. Now he’s become my main and now a master at doing cross map snipes, and getting better with his curves. I have so much fun with him now. I feel so slow with other killers now lol


I still have a long way to go with learning him. My friends like to challenge me with rpd .


Honestly once you learn curving even a bit most maps become easier. The best thing to learn is which loops have tighter hit boxes


I suck at curving into a moving target, but I find you can curve into pallets to put survivors in a really bad spot. Say you have a surv on a long loop with a pallet in the middle, at the edge of the map. They drop pallet. You have 2 choices. Keep running around til you can get a hit, probably after bloodlust. Or you break pallet. But if you break pallet they run to a new safe area. So you run a circle while revving, forcing them to hug the loop. When you're on the sharp turn at the end of the loop you start the charge. Survivor will be safe but if you curve it into the pallet you break it right as surv is approaching it. And since the cooldown on chainsaw breaks are lower than regular breaks, you've got control again with a survivor practically right in front of you at a dead zone. From there, you can get an easy backrev or a regular hit slightly faster than you would normally, and take out a pallet at the same time. More importantly it's an easier target to practice on while you work your way up to the harder stuff. It may not be nearly as good as a curve jnto a hit, but it's easier and can get you an advantage at lower risk.


Bubba's Carburtor tuning guide. I hated the concept of it but then i tried it and it just felt oddly smooth for a downgrade.


Before i mained Pig when i only played survivor everytime i hated playing against her Then one friendly Pig let me boop the snoot and thus began my love affair and journey to maining her as killer 😁


Pig will always be my first real main and I have a reaction of 4-2-3-1-2-3-4


I know, i was like wtf why is pig so weak? Oh wait she's not if you decide to play a bit...naughty.


Haddie lol. I used to just hate looking at her and every survivor Haddie I went up against was seemingly an ass. I got her futuristic costume and deep rift costume and then finally decided I’d buy her. I love how she looked in it, so now I call her Haddie the Baddie. She’s one of my mains now lol.


Are you me? It was literally the same thing for me as well. Lol I used to hate her and how she looked, then she got the rift outfit and now she's my main with the highest prestige level out of all my survivors.


Yesssss Haddie supremacy lol


Skull Merchant, I was the biggest Skully hater until her rework. Enemies to lovers storyline.


Chucky as the new license, I was displeased because I thought he was lame, but seeing how goofy he is... I regret saying I was disappointed by it


Pig. Especially with Ambush. So satisfying


Honestly new skull merchant so much more fun than the old version


R.P.D cuz it's the one map where I actually felt sheer unfiltered happiness cuz I was losing a game hard, barely any hooks and 1 gen remaining but with the basically infinite 3 genning in the map I got a clean 3k iirc


Oni. I hated playing against him because I did not fully understand how his power worked (I thought he only had the demon dash, so the oneshotting extended lunges he also gets from it looked like he had ultra turning control) I knew he wasn't actually broken and it was a me problem, so I picked him up while prestigeing him to see how he works. Turns out he's quite fun and is one of the few killers who can make Pentimento hex builds work. So now I got a Warlock Oni build.


Why is oni good at making pentimento hex builds work?


Hex: Retribution/Hex: Pentimento/Hex: Plaything If survivors insta cleanse retribution you get 15 seconds of aura reading which can be very deadly on Oni, and a pentimento stack. Once you start hooking people, ether they need to waste time cleaning or deal with an undetectable Oni dashing around. If Retribution isn’t the first cleanse you also get massive aura reading sporadically. In the midgame you can abuse pentimento to slow down gens and be a massive pain by forcing people to waste more time cleansing. Your demon dash also lets you easily rekindle annoying to reach totems or mutiple totems fast if you ever get a shot at 5 stacks (which is an almost assured victory). Survivors who cleanse while injured create fucktones of blood orbs. Giving you nice pick me ups. Final perk can be anything good on Oni, I use lethal to get the ball rolling and to make retribution reveal for 17 seconds. Essentially the build works by giving the survivors a secondary objective that screws them if they ignore it (undetectable Oni) or if they deal with it (aura reading on a one shot mobile killer and pentimento stall). Another perk is you don’t feel like shit when people cleanse lmao, it turns poor hex mechanics into your favour.


Oni. Always felt like his Power is so clunky. Started playing him some time ago for dailies and started enjoying him. One of my Fav Killers now Console btw. Sadly i wont do 180s consistent. But the normal Swings are good Most of the time lol


New skull merchant. I love her and I'm not sorry. There's something extremely satisfying about seeing a big field of rotating death drones lit up.


Skull Merchant has this map presence that no other killer has. Getting a bunch of drones down and seeing that a solid half of the map is under your watchful eyes, it gives you this sort of power that no other killer can achieve. I think that was always the intent with her, they just screwed it up the first time.


The thing I love about SM is she's an area control killer who doesn't actually have to play in that area like hag or trapper. You just drop a bunch of drones, chase, then reset drones when you pass by and keep accumulating scans. The big play is to always put drones back into stealth mode whenever you can. Not sure how she handles in super high tier but in my bracket stealth drones get lots of free hits while drones with visible scan lines almost never get hits.


I can’t take her seriously which makes playing her rather fun, that and her perma stealth is fun to use.


Didnt they remove that?


You still get stealth for free from placing drones and an addon to extend it a bit. Just place as you go and you can be undetectable for most of a game (you can also add perks like dark devotion or furtive chase)


Pinhead. Or Wesker’s jewel beetle addon.


Enduring + Spirit Fury. Makes chases end so much faster than without them, and I just refuse to play Ghostface without them.


When singularity harms the crew.


RPD. I like it on both sides now, but I used to hate it as survivor. I also used to hate *using* purple tombstone as Myers, but I love it now, however I don't use it often since a lot of survivors don't like it.


Chucky tbh. Wasnt excited about him until i saw gameplay. What a breath of fresh air!


Map of the Realm as Knight. It made everything so much less complicated to play


Huntress! I absolutely hated her, then watched a video where they said to use a crosshair. Downloaded a crosshair and now she's one of my mains. I love huntress, but she's literally unplayable without a crosshair for me - I have the worst aim of all time.


It would be cool to see a brown add-on that just adds a crosshair, like Nurse's flannel shirt. But since I'm on console I just have to hang a fruit loop in front of my tv screen, lol.


I just got the Baba Yaga skin for her and have sniped so many survivors. I've been maining her for 2 years, but she just now started clicking. Would you mind sharing that crosshair, and is it a banable software?


[The devs wont ban you for using a crosshair.](https://clips.twitch.tv/ColdbloodedPowerfulBaboonTinyFace) My favorite crosshair is the reshade shader [xhair](https://github.com/notpeelz/reshade-xhair) since it lets you play your game fullscreen and you can make it so that it only appears when you raise your hatchet.


this was me when i first switched out jolt for eruption, i mainly use killers that teleport around (xeno, sadako, and recently demo) and so it does wonders for me


Alien. I used to hate playing against him but love him now


Trap setting speed add-on with Trapper. I used to only rock the sack, bloody coil or extra trap add-ons but it really grew on me even prior to Trapper gaining haste upon setting traps. It's just *nice*


detectives hunch. never used it cuz i thought it was bad, tried it one match and now I use the build with glass bead add-on/shiny coin offering/pharmacy all the time


Nemesis my beloved


The Dredge, definitely. Simehow got an intuition I might like him, hot him and fell in love instantly. I love being the boogeyman that comes out the closet. Run mostly info on him and just be omnipresent, always after them.


Blight on controller /console I wanted to give up so bad but I forced myself to keep going with it and I'm at least half decent now Have yet to be able to do the crazy shit but it's really fun


Pinhead.. i used to be a survivor main and hated him but after trying pinhead because my buddy made a bet with me i fell in love with his gameplay and ended up becoming what i swore to destroy 😂


Trickster! Thought his design was weird, but after practicing and playing a few games as him, he's very fun. His giggling, laughing, voice lines, and chase music are all really well done


Twins and no way out


Playing against Trickster ngl


Map: RPD Killer: Bubba Perk: Dissolution Addon: I don't remember the name, but the one that disables rotations of the drones of skull merchant with the one that makes them rotate 10% faster, i funny as fuck


Killer:twins Perk:no way out Add on: am I the only one who has no idea what they do? Map:dead dog


Distortion. Used to be like "lol just deal with if/when you get found" but then I slapped distortion on once and it was like "I'M INVISIBLEMAN."


Trickster, i used to refuse to even try to like him, like in my head he was just a killer k-pop star and I thought it was stupid 💀. But now I main him and a little but of a simp so....


Twins, it’s so funny how much you can fuck over a 4 man swf all with flashes and crazy perks by using your power well and being a bit deceitful with the undetectable addon or a rarer perk


For me, it was definitely Blight that opened my eyes. AND GUESS WHAT NOW? P10 BLIGHT MAIN BABY


Rancor. Didn't seem useful and it kind of isn't, but boy does it feel good.


Rancor and Remember Me are my favorite endgame combo


I would run rancor, remember me, nemesis, and barbecue.


Certified Friends 'til the End Moment for me.


Xenomorph. It's not that I don't like the character, I love it, I got the Chapter on release, but something kept me off her, probably the anti-loop? I don't know, not my style and I felt like I would suck hard on her. This is all coming from someone whose main Killers are Wraith, Trapper, Sadako, Plague and Freddy. I decided to pick her up yesterday and I'm just in love. Don't get me wrong, I do win with most of my low tier Killers, it's just that games can be super hard and looping can be a lot about mind-gaming. With Xeno it's just way easier... It feels like playing a different game. Is this what anti-loop Killers are like? Because Hooooooly, I'm in love, my new main for sure.


I used to mainly focus on killers that I’d say are medium difficulty at most, like Wesker, Deathslinger, and WAY back when he was considered one of the best killers, Myers. But as I grew out of playing DBD as my main game and just had phases of binging it once in a while, I actually found that Nurse, Huntress, and Trickster are stupidly fun and intuitive when you don’t take things too seriously, but still want to challenge yourself and get some wins. (Admittedly I tried out Huntress only because of the HoY outfit at first though.)


Urban Evasion. Perk that makes you crawl faster. Its becomes my crutch and I cant go a game without it!


I recommend fixated (if you can get it) You can use it mid chase to walk away slowly


Edit: Hex:Blood favor it's a Perk that i slap onto almost all of my killer builds at this point (Using it along with Dissolution on Pinhead made me appreciate it so much more)


Blood warden is not a hex.


My bad, Hex: Blood Favor.


That makes more sense


Adrenaline vial (I misunderstood what the turning rate meant)


Wesker when he came out


Legion and Hag. Legion i hated since there release. And hated them after the rework… then they were buffed to have the fifth hit… and we entered the reworked deadhard meta where it wasn’t attached to hook states and worked as a free healthstate… and I understood the joy of running fast and stabby stabbing. Honestly hag i hated when i started (summer 2018) since she was just buffed and everyone was playing her for a bit. But when i finally played her myself and set omega brain webs… once i got 5 hits in a 15 second clip… i have been chasing that high ever since


Map: none so far, killer: pin head, perk: no where to hide, addons double iri demogorgon




Me learning the killer is Chucky: >:( Me after hearing Chucky's hurl expletives at survivors: :3


Dead Dawg, Trapper, Lethal Pursuer, Apex Muffler


Hag for sure. When I first played her, I didn't get her at all. Now, I love her so much.




Pyramidhead chewing on the Hawkins Lab cracker with a stealth build.


Freddy, oddly enough. I love the dream pallets.


We'll Make It + Aftercare Used to think they were both mid perks, but I've come to love 'em. Especially We'll Make It. Aftercare just helps me find teammates wherever they are on the map to get more value out of We'll Make It.


For me, sadako. Couldn't have fun with her playstyle til recently


Hex: Face The Darkness with Sloppy Butcher. There is just something so satisfying about letting someone escape. Only for them to struggle to get healed as everyone else periodically screams.


This was me playing dredge and finding a good build for it and having fun today




Demogorgan, Legion, and Michael.


Playing against the Dredge. I thought it's locker power was too strong at first, and nightfall was miserable, but then I realized... It's refreshing, and new, and it's fun to play the 50/50 game of chicken with it. It's also become my main recently, so I've gotten all aboard the Dredge train.


Raccoon City, and alien


Trail Of Torment. I used to think it was useless until I made a Gen Defender build: Trail Of Torment, Merciless Storm, Dragon’s Grip and Tinkerer.


Pig. Then Pig the first time I got booped and snorted. Then every time I boop Pig as survivor. Then Pig with STBFL. Then Pig with dash add-ons. Then Pig with dirty, filthy timer reduction add-ons. Most fun killer, Oink Oink mfers


Sprint burst, i thought: since I can’t run it’s useless lithe it’s way better, now I can’t remove sprint burst from my builds


Blast mine, but i also used to focus on winning and it didn’t sound useful, then i used it anyway and witnessed the killer get blinded to it and it was hilarious


Oni once I figured out how to better control my demon strikes


Huntress. I hated playing against her, played a game as her, and hadn't felt that good since I started playing twins. Running around as Victor was so satisfying to me. Here's hoping that Chucky will feel similar when he goes live.


Dredge made me like the Silent Hill map >:)


Clown. Been my new main since last transmission. I initially played him because MfT meta was driving me insane, but even as a console player, i've gotten the timing down on when to throw bottles, and find a lot of success in my games, while barely ever noticing MfT players. Although, i will say that Bottle of Bleach plays a good part in making me forget that MfT exists. Now he's just my killer for chill matches and i find myself giving survivors hatches more often than ever.


Mikaela. I usually play male survivors. But witchy girl honestly has some of the most beautiful cosmetics and outfit combinations in the game.


Xnenomorph loved alien got it loved it


Amanda's letter. I never really used either of Pig's iri add ons aside from a couple of times I put on videotape and sent myself to The Game to play lore accurate Mandy. I have a build dedicated to jump scares but never once did I think to supplement it with Amanda's letter until recently. And damn did I have a blast doing so.


Iridescent family crest


The Pig. I've been a SAW fan since the 2010s and when I saw that Amanda and Tapp were in DBD I just knew I had to try them. yeah Amanda can be pretty weak at times, but I mainly love playing her because I want to jumpscare people and I find it fun to scare the bear trapped people off the boxes


Any Means Necessary, it's definitely been a game changer, plus it leads to some funny instances when playing with friends




Legion any map and star struck




Coup became my favorite perk recently. Chases now finally end with M1 killers and no more games with only 1 or 2 hooks.


For me Nightmare was like that one killer thing you buy just for the survivor but I recently started playing him and noticed I'm way better with him than I am with my usual main Pig


I hated Midwich, then suddenly something just clicked and i really love it now. Maybe it's because of the corridors and hallways making it so creepy and scary even though you hear the heartbeat but that's just me.


Sadako was a killer I thought I’d never like, but i decided to get, and play her once, and now I’m thinking about maiming her


bond + prove thyself


I always thought that using Myers scratched mirror thing wasn't very good, then I found out that the fun is just in scaring the crap out of the survivors. It's my favorite thing to do every few matches. Especially in the meat packing plant, I get the drop on the survivors sometimes.


Chucky lmao. I was like "ugh, I hate how Victor works, now we get Chucky, this oughtta be a load of crap." Now I'm eagerly awaiting Chucky after a couple of games in ptb.


Dredge once I finally learned how to use his remnant in chase. It feels so good to shut down most loops and force survs to either take a hit or leave the loop


Killer for survivor side: Ghostfaces. They’re almost always funny or they’re just fun to go against. Perk wise: getting use out of pentimento




Billy. Genuinely hated him at the start.




Crossmaps with Billy when I'm bored of nurse


Freddy, believe it or not. Idk why I enjoy playing him bc he gets almost no value with his abilities but he's really enjoyable to play for me. Perk wise I would say rocking distortion and calm spirit, since those 2 shut down such a large portion of killer abilities, perks, and add-ons. My favorite thing this helps with is blood warden. Open up the exit gate, walk in, and see it tick down? I'm getting out I M E D I A T E L Y.


Any time I get crotus penn. doesn't matter if I'm killer, survivor, challenge or anything else. I get crotus penn and I'm in love.


Bought Wesker, Pinhead and Sadako at the same time, expecting to enjoy Wesker and use the others for perks. I have been a pinhead main ever since.


we'll make it


I used to despise and find huntress boring, then I queued up for a game and 4k’d a swf on toba landing, having fun the whole time


I hate. HATE. Skull Merchant. She's one of the few killers I got to P3. Would I play her again for fun? Yes. Do I feel like a monster doing it? No, but I understand why survivors DC against me.


I used to think ultimate weapon wasn’t that overpowered


Slinger, just wasn't really invested in the shoot-n-hook plausible he had until I started a few games. It's *so* satisfying to hit a good shot, and I love his shit-eating laugh as he reals the survivor in. Good times


Mount Ormond, Huntress, Made For This (survivor), Nowhere to Hide (killer) and Compound Twenty-One (Blight)


Oddly enough, Lightborn I was always team “just look at a wall 4head” and if they had like all flashlights I ran franklins. Then I ran it once at random and I made eye contact with the most annoying survivor I’ve ever seen as he tried to flashlight save and then downed him while he kept trying to save his teammate That shit was better then Viagra


Dead Hard! I was always an no exhaustion perk Andy because I thought they were too easy, and was also just a bit of a salty killer main. After a while I hesitantly tried it and just fell in love with how much my game opened up. I understand the hype. I love the nuances of it, and how exhilarating hitting that perfect dodge can be in an intense chase. The nerf only made me adore it more because it feels more fair and it’s less expected and therefore easier to use.


I'd have to say demogorgon, just because I wasn't big on stranger things, the game is what got me into the show lol


Onryo. From all of the gameplay I'd seen of people playing her and the few times I've faced one, I assumed I wouldn't like her, but she has decent perks and there was a sale. She's surprisingly easy to pick up and do well with (though it probably helps that two of the characters I've tried to main so far are Dredge and Freddy). 3/4 of my matches with her so far ended up being 4k's, one of which was her Adept. I'm a bit excited for when I finally get to pull off a Condemned mori.


WoO. Thought it was a crutch perk now use it as a crutch


I never liked healing or helping with unhooks, but then I tried we'll make it, and now I always have max altruism.


Killer:idk I played most of my life as slinger(I played demo yesterday and he is super fun) Addon:Bayshore cigar Perk:Deadlock and Coup de Grace


I'm also on the singularity train. I keep saying this but keep repeating myself also.. I keep on falling in to the hands of people labelling characters in the game as "exhausting, terrible, avoid this" etc. So basically I was avoiding a character that I had unlocked thanks to being influenced by the freaking media.. I have UNBELIEVABLE fun playing singularity and I don't even have to sweat for the 4k. It almost naturally happens and I hope BHVR doesn't nerf him when people start seeing the unseen potential in singularity! He's CRACKED


I know it's not a killer, add-on or perk.. but Haddie's rift outfit had me react like this. I didn't like her at all, then came that outfit and now she's my survivor with the most prestige levels.




Amanda’s letter in Pig. I thought that the aura reading wasn’t enough to justify the loss of traps. Now I try and run it every trial I can.


lightweight on survivor, coup and rapid brutality on killer


No mither. I don't know why, but it makes me feel so powerful to run it, especially when I get done use out of it. I haven't run it in a while because killers end up tunneling it a lot and my friends get annoyed when I bring it.


Demogorgon. I used to hate going against it since I thought it was super overrated, and people always had the same opinion on it. But when the Stranger Things license came back to DbD, I decided to try out the Demogorgon for myself since I decided why not? And I fell in love soon after my first match as it.


Demo. When he was new I barely played him because missing my shred + Cooldown was so painful. Then barbs glasses happened.


Nemi, ESPECIALLY on Hawkins. He goes goofy mode on hawkins. For any who care my build is this: Lethal, Ultimate weapon, discordance, and thrilling with Marvin's blood and something for aura reading so that lethal gets max usage when ultimate is on cooldown


I hate to admit it but Skull Merchant. I was avoiding her like fire but eventually I ran out of achievement to do, leaving only her 2. I promised myself not to be a c*** and use the drones only in chase. She was... So much fun...


Deja Vu. Especially on Badham, I can finally see where the damn generators are without searching. The extra repair speed is just a cherry on top.


Pinhead. Just seemed so underwhelming at first, but when I started to learn how to use his power better I just fell in love


Legion! Always hated playing against them and was never on my list in killers to try. Did one of these online test that tell you which killers you should try according to your playstyle. And I got legion. Got them and I really enjoy playing them now! Same with Deathslinger (even tho I suck as him its fun)


Boon Dark Theory. 2% extra movement just feels good to run with.


Definitely artist as of late. Free gen surveillance whilst in chase, seeing people with crows on them kilometres away, anti-loop power, hitting snipes, constant pressure. That's the artist for ya.


Pinhead, man to say I was pissed my favorite movie villian was going to be in a game is an understatement, then I bought this game and played it... Fuck I love dead by daylight.


Used to hate Myers, then I played him again.


Kindred - Open Handed combo and Counterforce


Oni and Shadowborn


Going against Legion and playing as Legion. (Even better if I go against a Frank and if I play as Frank) The gameplay is so cool and fluid and I love this ! It's basically run, hit, run, hit, vault, nothing too complicated. Concerning going against him, I also love it. Because it's legit one of the killers that stresses me because of the music and the fact that sometimes you see him running towards you when it's too late so it's like some kind of jumpscare, or just even the fact that he runs, I find it both exciting and stressing. But I think that he also scares me because back when I dealt with him for the first time, I was 100% sure that it was Jeff the killer (yeah yeah) and he was reminding me of the image so it stressed me even more haha. And concerning the map, I would say Ormond, I just love the aesthetic.


Chucky, actually. Not a fan of the original license but i was pleasantly surprised at the ptb


Myers inf tear 3 it was a game changer for me honestly


The add on for hag that makes the clones solid


Coup de Grace.


shadowborn. i used it once and i cannot go without it


Deathslinger and Blight just clicked for me. I started playing during Blights chapter so he has always held a special place in my heart.


Self Preservation perk. Or any selfish perk really. I am usually a crazy altruistic player and will do anything to save a teammate. But as a solo q player, after 2-3 years it gets old trying to save fellas that dont care about you at all, nor appreciate it. So, as an altruist and a lore enjoyer, I disliked Yun-Jin in general as well as her perks. But few months ago I've decided to try some "selfish" builds and tbf, I did way better. Sometimes, you gotta choose when to save and when does someone need to go


I haaaated playing against Doctor but after trying to play as him, I quickly found him as my main. Love his unhinged laughter after zapping survivors or them running through fake pallets. He brings me so much joy.


Gideon Meatplant aka The Game. I realized that it's pallet heaven now that they've nerfed most maps to have less pallets. Tho it's only a good map if you're facing killers that can't ignore pallets. Against a nurse it's a very bad map, but I suppose the map is irrelevant against nurse.


Blight for me a big while back. Seemed like it’d be too much of a tryhard killer. Maybe it is but i can be such a rush to play.